
Lifestyle Balance Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Feeding, fasting, activity, and sleep are kind of interlinked and we have to balance both of these."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to prioritize exercise, balance, movement, and muscle quality."
"Save as much as you can but also live a little bit."
"I go for months where half of my day is snowboarding, the other half is gym and some work."
"The right food, nutrients, balance of hormones, light, air, water, love, meaning, connection, and purpose are what we need to thrive."
"By advocating for our right to be lazy, we can carve out space in our lives for play, relaxation and recovery."
"It's all about balance between feasting and fasting."
"Most of human disease today comes from the fact that we cannot find a natural balance between how much we eat and how much we expend."
"It is possible to live your life in a way where it doesn't take over your life."
"It's more important to be 70% all year... than 100% for one moment and the rest of the year 20% and destroyed."
"Stop being so hard on yourself because you're allowed to go out and have fun."
"Everything is good in moderation... it's all relative though."
"If you just get enough sleep, drink some coffee, and hang out with people, that really helps."
"We think that the answer is not some giant leap but rather a little bit of moderation."
"Let's normalize having a life while being a YouTuber."
"Nobody wants to be poor and broke because then, you know, you would ideally you'd like to have a bunch of free time and a bunch of money. Um, so you have to find a balance of like what do you really need to be happy."
"Set aside discretionary income to do the things you enjoy but also set aside things for a rainy day."
"Bodybuilding is not healthy... It's not balanced... Everything you need in life is about balance."
"Make sure you eat well, that you sleep well, that you drink enough water."
"We need to reach a sustainable situation where we have adequate control of this virus without shutting down our lives entirely."
"Make sure you're sleeping enough and you're eating right and you're drinking water and you're getting outside."
"Consistency has to be a part of it. It doesn't mean that you're being overly rigid or overly strict."
"It's not this either or it's not you you either are very strict and restrained with this intense willpower and you deny yourself everything or you let the floodgates open it doesn't have to be that extreme either or."
"Focus on being healthy. You don't need to put your life on hold for weight loss."
"I need a day to myself which I've never said, like I'm always go go go."
"I couldn't even fully work out for me, I would rather kill it in the gym and have a balanced healthy diet than do something like this."
"I have realized that sleep, social connection, stress, and like your mental health is so much, if not more a part of like health and fitness than how you train and what you eat."
"I'm so random... but sometimes I think it's... nice to be on a schedule."
"It's a matter of lifestyle balance, it means that yes you can have your chocolates, your whatever in moderation."
"So you can't have a little bit of excitement, a little bit of fun, while still having a ton of space and a ton of comfort."
"I think a realistic resolution that combines the yoga Bible study meditation and the unplugged time ten minutes a night no phone."
"Just because I'm cutting and dieting doesn't mean that I can't have a few drinks."
"I've been being a lot healthier... it's really really hard to find a balance."
"You cannot always make time to stop your life and get absorbed in a book."
"Making sure that you're standing up, moving around, changing location, having those life experiences, going out and having a hobby that's beyond art."
"If you forget the self-care, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul."
"If all work is wholesome and sweet then it will be very much boring."
"It's just not that great for me to live with all the other hours of the week when I'm not running."
"Sleep, diet, and exercise are really the big pillars."
"Video games should be played with a balance."
"The key is taking out the bad stuff, putting in the good stuff, and the body has its own innate healing system."
"Prioritize exercise and me time. Going for an hour's ride isn't a luxury, it might be a need."
"I eat healthy 85% of the time and indulge the other 15%. Balance is key."
"May the truth come out, may light shine on the darkness that's been dark for so long."
"He can have a piece of cake and eat it too. It's about balance."
"You're going to be in either one of those two you know situations either you're gonna you know wish you had some more army time or you're gonna be like this is a good balance of you know military and civilian lifestyle."
"Get enough sleep to avoid negative impacts on your health and weight loss."
"The whole point of this channel is not to give you a second job, but to make gold making as quick and efficient as possible so it's not a job, so you can get out there without the burden of being broke and just have fun in WoW however you see fit."
"Don't be a [ __ ] like you can find things that taste good."
"It's all about finding that healthy balance."
"Your diet is just as important if not more important than your workout routine."
"Simple does not mean restrictive and rigid when we talk about dieting."
"He's genetically blessed and he's getting away with all that stuff."
"Let's cook some food and also let's just make sure that we can still build."
"Seven hours is all the sleep that I need and it gives me plenty of time throughout the rest of the day to complete all the activities that I want to."
"Eat foods you enjoy... remember you have a certain amount of calories you can eat so enjoy life."
"It's all about having a balanced lifestyle, not a diet."
"Everything in life, bro, just do everything responsibly if you're gonna be eating these foods, man, make sure you're in the gym working out, make sure you're drinking water, put a lemon in it, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's amazing to see people using disc golf as an outlet...from whatever profession they have."
"If smite or any other video game becomes a chore for you... you should try taking a break from the game and trying out other things or other hobbies."
"I think she's definitely sort of achieved that more Carefree balance in her life."
"We keep up a front for everyone else. Why can't we do it for ourselves?"
"Fix your sleep, but if you don't exercise and you don't pay attention to what your diet is and you do not pay attention to your spiritual health, you will still not feel good."
"The real secret to a long and prosperous life is to find a happy medium between food and exercise."
"I know what addiction feels like, and I know what loving the feeling of taking care of my body feels like."
"I think too much gear is a thing if it starts having a negative impact on the rest of your life."
"A little bit of comedy, a little bit of fun."
"There's always time for getting a good night's rest, for prayer and meditation, for movement and a workout."
"It's okay to not be productive all the time and it's okay to scale things back."
"Video games should never, ever get to the point where they feel like a chore."
"You have to commit to your health forever and live a life of 90-10."
"If you spend more hours a week playing video games than you spend training your body or mind, you are doing something very wrong."
"You just gotta be in moderation, you know? Yeah, you gotta be able to recognize when you're just going too far."
"Conscious expansion can become so serious at times... lacking laughter, silliness, play, and humor."
"80 percent of the time we're super good, but 20 percent is about balance."
"Life is a compromise between having a simple life and having all the stuff."
"A balance of being with people and having some time to rest and recover."
"Life is what happens between coffee and wine, I love my coffee in the morning and I love drinking a glass of wine at night."
"Eating at restaurants is great, but I think it's important that you also try cooking for yourself."
"Muscles are great but being healthy is even more great."
"Honestly, I wish I was more addicted to games. I've been hitting the gym too much, you know what I mean?"
"It's important to balance decadent treats that make the heart go pitter-pat and nourishment that fuels my body."
"It's nice to have this time to be like okay I can go to the gym and I don't have to worry about my pregnant wife."
"Just remember that whenever you're taking good care of your body, you're eating fruits and vegetables, working out, drinking water, taking care of the stress levels that you have going on, making sure everything is balanced."
"I've always tried to keep one foot in and out of that world... and it's been a pretty good balance."
"And also how I balance being more eco-friendly where I can but also being on a budget."
"...it's the Best of Both Worlds right."
"I want to keep my social media addiction in check, keep my sleep good, diet, exercise, all that good stuff."
"You need to find that even medium."
"The way that this is sustainable is incorporating the things that you still love; it's not restricting yourself."
"Being on my phone all morning not getting a workout in drives me a little bit crazy."
"It's not just eating right or exercise, it's the way it all comes together."
"Diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxic removal, rest, emotional balance, scientifically backed supplements, and then a success mindset."
"We've also met several expats that do both; they split up their time between the mountains and the coasts so you can have the best of both worlds."
"Elevate training to the same level of importance as eating and sleeping and train in an integrated manner."
"Even with that budget, we still had a good time; it wasn't just saving and hiding in a small house or anything."
"The future of collecting, making content, that kind of retro life balance is just a really interesting chat."
"Moderation and balance is key so that you can stay healthy."