
Mortality Reduction Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Regular use of sauna or other forms of deliberate heat exposure can reduce mortality to cardiovascular events."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All cause mortality... slowing down aging... a 27% reduction in the rate of aging just by exercising."
"Going from zero activity to just 90 minutes a week is about a 15% reduction in all-cause mortality." - Dr. Peter Attia
"Men that used the sauna four to seven times a week actually had a 50% lower cardiovascular-related mortality than men that used the sauna one time a week."
"Going from no exercise to three hours a week approximately reduces your all-cause mortality by 50% at any moment in time."
"The number of people that die from natural disasters has declined over 90 percent over the last 100 years."
"Boiling water was the first step toward lowering mortality."
"More than 50% of cancer deaths are preventable with the knowledge we have right now."
"We need to flatten that down... that would ultimately have less deaths."
"We want to get rid of it, we want to have very few deaths as possible."
"Our single aim is to reduce death rates and the numbers of people who might die as a result of this."
"When more people wear masks, 34,000 fewer cumulative deaths by the first of June."
"Thank God we have a vaccine now that has radically reduced the death rate."
"By cutting red tape and unleashing America's medical genius, we've reduced the fatality rate 85% since April."
"Vaccines cutting transmissions by over 50% could get deaths to near zero around April."
"A 98 reduction in the climate disaster related death rate over the last century."
"Strength increases and all-cause mortality risk reduction: very important stuff."
"Convalescent plasma has proven to reduce mortality by 35 percent."
"The mortality rate has been reduced by 85% since April."
"We dream in drug development of something like a 35 mortality reduction. This is a major advance in the treatment of patients."
"The cluesive dressings BAM just with those two three man you were raising mortality rates by 80% brother 80% on a battlefield right."
"What we're set to achieve in a matter of days should reduce deaths by roughly 85 percent in the next six weeks."
"Correcting vitamin D deficiency could save thousands of lives."
"By reversing vitamin D deficiency, global death rates could be reduced significantly."
"Patients who increased their fiber intake had lower mortality rates."
"If you take the vaccine, you will have half the deaths."
"Success at these development goals would mean no unnecessary deaths."
"Sauna reduces neurological and cardiovascular mortality."
"Going from being in the bottom quarter to the third quartile has the equivalent of reducing your mortality by 50 in any given year."
"Look at the big picture: Death is reduced, cardiovascular disease incidence is reduced."
"Supplementing with vitamin E over age 71 reduced mortality by 24%."
"A handful of nuts reduces your risk of death by 14-15%."
"Consider if the patient's on an Ace inhibitor or an ARB, you can also add on an aldosterone antagonist because that's going to reduce the mortality associated with reduced ejection fraction."
"When that VPA duration increases to about 9 minutes a day, it's associated with a 50% reduction in cardiovascular-related mortality and a 40% reduction in cancer-related mortality."
"PPIs have been shown to be efficacious in studies looking in Asian populations which reduce all-cause mortality."
"In modern Cardiology, you do not see very many things that have an absolute reduction of 27% in mortality."
"It's mind-blowing what had to come together to make it so that you go from 10 million deaths a year to 5 million deaths a year."
"25 percent reduction in all-cause mortality with the higher blood levels of 25 Hydroxyvitamin D."
"The death rate at the hospital was 42 percent; two years later after her work, it had fallen to just 2 percent."
"Nuts and seeds in the diet dramatically reduce all-cause mortality."
"Medications to treat RA have a beneficial effect on the risk of mortality."
"Exposure to biologic agents such as anti-TNFs is associated with a lower risk of death."
"If you're modulating reduction in animal products and reduction in high glycemic processed foods and substituting more whole plant foods like nuts and seeds and beans, then we see the most dramatic reduction in all-cause mortality."
"Going from completely sedentary to three hours a week of exercise will reduce your risk of all-cause mortality by 50 percent."
"Raising the population serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D level from 54 to 105 nanomoles per liter could reduce the number of deaths considerably."
"There's a sweet spot of fruit consumption from about 200g to 400g of fruit per day for optimally reducing mortality risk."
"150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity results in a 50% reduction [in the relative risk of death]."
"And it is incredible just how many drivers would lose their lives in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and then it just dropped off in the 80s."
"Diuretics have the best reduction in mortality for essential hypertension."
"Running as little as one time per week for five to ten minutes can reduce your all-cause mortality risk by nearly 30 percent."
"Early detection with helical CT is here to stay. Decreased lung cancer and overall mortality."
"Studies indicate that the WHO formula for ORS may lower the mortality rate from diarrhea by as much as 93 percent."
"Going from nothing to three hours a week of exercise cuts your risk of all-cause mortality by 50% in any given year."
"Daily activity, whether that's through cardio or just getting a step count in per day, reduces all causes of mortality."
"Neutropenic fever... if we can take care of somebody who has low weight, low neutrophil count and a fever, and aggressively take care of them, we can take a disease that has a very high mortality rate and drop it down."
"The ARDS net strategy showed mortality reduction for ventilator management."
"A moderate reduction in red and processed meat consumption can reduce total mortality by 13%, heart disease mortality by 14%, cancer mortality by 11%, and type 2 diabetes risk by 24%."
"There's less risk of cancer recurrence and that actually for some people there is a lower risk of them actually dying from their cancer if they've taken part in structured and personalized exercise."
"We benefit by reducing the mortality rate by 32 percent."