
Mitochondria Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"White fat is not very metabolically active. It's more of a fuel reserve. Beige fat and brown fat are rich in mitochondria, and those mitochondria provide a sort of furnace or heating mechanism for your entire body and increase your metabolism and the burning of white fat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mitochondria are primary regulators of neurotransmitter production and release, including key neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin."
"You have to understand the science of mitochondria to understand all of the symptoms of mental illness."
"The origin of cellular energy in the cell...these little bean-shaped organelles are the mitochondria."
"Mitochondria play a direct and clear role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters."
"We definitely now know that melatonin, beyond a doubt, is actually being produced in the mitochondria."
"Thyroid hormones increase the size and number of mitochondria, often nicknamed the powerhouse of the cell."
"Our mitochondria play a key role in helping us burn fat for fuel, helping us think clearly, helping us move our muscles."
"Inside the cell is the little powerhouse of the cell called the mitochondria."
"See, when I say the word mitochondria, you can go, 'Oh, it's the powerhouse of the cell.' Now, boom, you and me both appear to understand how the mitochondria works."
"The energy in your body, I'm sure you know, comes from those mitochondria in every cell."
"A ketogenic diet acts as a moderate stressor on mitochondria."
"Methylene blue works at the molecular level in mitochondria, improving energy production."
"Moving stimulates the production of more mitochondria."
"How you feel actually drives changes in your mitochondria."
"Mitochondrial DNA testing uses the DNA contained in the cell's mitochondria."
"I don't fear losing. I don't fear losing, underachieving, yes, but not losing."
"Mitochondria: the common biological unit throughout nature."
"It's not about weight loss, it's about restoring your mitochondria."
"So when your mitochondria are not working, you are not turning chemical energy into motor energy properly."
"Mitochondria: once independent prokaryotic organisms."
"Cells are really robust in what they can do, but where does that energy production happen? It's in the mitochondria of cells."
"Cancer can almost be looked at like a symptom of the mitochondrial dysfunction."
"Stop thinking the mitochondria is just nerdy stuff that doesn't apply it in you because it's just born biochem no it applies to you."
"Anything you could do to improve the mitochondria, the better it's going to be for your health."
"Mitochondria... the PowerHouse of the cell but it's so much more than that."
"If we improve our mitochondria, we improve our health span."
"Mitochondria are especially important in restoring immune function back to baseline, to homeostatic conditions."
"You need to restore mitochondrial function for the restoration of homeostasis."
"Near infrared light penetrating through the skin going into the mitochondria can actually improve some of that oxidative stress outcomes."
"Mitochondria are in the crosshairs, all these chronic metabolic diseases are mitochondrial diseases."
"The mitochondria make ATP molecules that provide the energy for all of the cell's activities."
"If you're on a ketogenic diet for several months, then you'll end up having four times the number of mitochondria and they're four times as effective."
"The mitochondria is called the powerhouse of our cells."
"Exercise as a whole is going to be good for your heart, for your whole body, and for your mitochondria."
"Mitochondria are bacteria that have started living in our cells; so we provide them protection in our cells and they provide us energy."
"Melatonin has been known to be mitochondrial protective protein."
"It is the mitochondrial electron transport chain that is the engine of the cell."
"The engine of our cells is the electron transport chain that is sitting in the mitochondria."
"Our study calls for the development of mitochondria-targeted pharmaceutical drugs that can neutralize virus-induced reactive oxygen species production in these cellular organelles."
"Anything that disrupts mitochondria is going to end up causing disease."
"One of the most important things that it can do is it seems to repair actual damage to the cells so it can improve your mitochondrial function."
"Mitochondria are directly involved in the human stress response."
"If cells have enough healthy mitochondria, they actually will function properly."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of many cancers."
"Mitochondrial health and mast cell activation and the brain is a very, very important topic."
"Mitochondria play a central role in ATP production, which is then energy in the body."
"Absolutely and I think a lot of people have probably heard of the term mitochondria but they are like the spark plugs of ourselves."
"I feel closer to the Earth, my mitochondria can kick Dave's mitochondria's ass any day of the week."
"Mitochondria may be small, but they're mighty."
"I think the mitochondria are the problem and we just got to let them heal things up because they can do it if we get out of the way."
"...a deeper metabolic view of Parkinson's...as a disorder of widespread mitochondria dysfunction throughout the whole body."
"You know the mitochondria I was telling earlier so the little factories that make energy in our muscles we have a lot of mitochondria and they turn glucose into energy so that your muscles can contract."
"Your mitochondria become overwhelmed, and they kind of shut down—they just can't."
"Aging is only loosely associated with the decline in mitochondrial energetics. Obesity and physical inactivity are much more powerful drivers of the decrease in mitochondria function in aging humans."
"I'm eating 10 eggs a day to try to keep my to keep my mitochondria functioning at a high level."
"When oxygen enters the mitochondria enters this motor inside the mitochondria you get a 16-fold step up in energy."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction is the root of all mental illness."
"Mitochondrial problems really cause functional problems not structural problems for the overwhelming majority, so the body looks okay but it doesn't function properly."
"...the energy Factory of the body is called the mitochondria."
"An analogy helps me connect the mitochondria to a city's power plants, ensuring it has enough energy it needs to thrive and perform its functions."
"Everything starts with this mitochondria. What is the mitochondria? It's an energy Factory deep inside your cells that produces energy."
"Exercise hands down, that is the number one way to produce more mitochondria."
"Mitochondria are related to purple bacteria and archaea."
"Mitochondria are involved in the antiviral response, important for cells and their ability to fight off viruses."
"Mitochondrial disease produces multi-systemic disease."
"The treatment involves giving vitamins and cofactors to try and enhance whatever metabolism or mitochondrial function you may have left."
"Aging is associated with multiple dysregulated dysfunctional mitochondrial deficiencies, problems, and decline."
"The mitochondria just does ATP, but this says it starts to control cell biology and function, like the decision of life and death."
"So the chromosomal damage— the genetic damage and mutations are down road of the accident that's happening at the mitochondria."
"Ketones are messengers to tell mitochondria to protect themselves at all costs."
"You can literally have your cake and eat it too as long as you know the tricks of foods to uncouple your mitochondria."
"I never see anybody sick if it's got good mitochondria, and I never see anybody who's healthy and vibrant that doesn't have good mitochondria. It's just that's the way it taps out."
"We have more mitochondria as well as more protein within the mitochondria to use free fatty acids."
"Creatine may potentially allow for energy transfer from inside the mitochondria."
"Mitopure, which is something called Urolithin A, helps our mitochondria produce energy more efficiently."
"What it's doing is it's causing the mitochondria to start producing a lot of energy."
"Quality control of mitochondria is mandatory for a properly balanced metabolism and to produce energy. Damaged mitochondria can lead to an accumulation of damage associated molecular patterns and various health issues."
"Without mitochondria functioning right you're either dead or... all of the things that we think is just a process of getting old like our energy levels slowing down our thinking slowing down can all be traced back to your mitochondria and how well they function."
"We need to fix that mitochondria by taking away the environmental factors that are synergistically damaging it."
"The walking helps you recover, yes you. Yes, your energy returns not because you're not puffed out anymore. It's nothing to do with your huffing and puffing, it's to do with your mitochondria being able to release the energy in the muscles for you to keep going."
"Alpha lipoic acid plays a role in how your body generates energy in your mitochondria."
"So, it all starts to fit together a bit here. Now let's bring in that rusty car. That rusty car again, so we're making more mitochondria. Our next step was then to look at the mitochondrial proteins and analyze them for damage. Are there actually damaged proteins?"
"Mitochondria are exponentially better at producing ATP, and any physiologic process that causes mitochondrial dysfunction can cause widespread cellular energy deficits and fatigue, adversely affecting virtually all organs."
"Mitochondria are incredibly sensitive to environmental toxins."
"Exercise is important for producing more mitochondria and mitochondria that are healthy."
"Mitochondria are cellular power plants due to their role in generating energy."
"If your mitochondrial age aggressively, you age prematurely."
"Exercise improves our mitochondria and helps repair the damage."
"Why are they important? Mitochondria, like we already discussed from my esteemed colleague over here, the Powerhouse of the cell. Objectively, who wouldn't want more and better functioning of the most elemental fundamental component of energy production in the body?"
"What's probably the most common external environmental thing that impacts mitochondrial function the most?"
"The mitochondria go from energy plants into battleships."
"Cold is like one of the tools in our tool belt to talk to the mitochondria to say make more heat."
"In a world in which our mitochondria Under Siege I think it's a valuable often very inexpensive one that can we can use."
"When we continue to stack damage on top of damage, we are actually harming our mitochondria. These are our powerhouse cells."
"The more oxygen we can get consumed by those mitochondria, the better we can perform aerobically."
"Cancer being a metabolic disease, think about if you just Google vitamin D and mitochondria you're just going to see so many studies of how it's related."
"Near infrared light is absorbed by cytochrome C oxidase in mitochondria."
"All eukaryotes have mitochondria."
"Mitochondria produce ATP energy for cells, the fuel that cells use to get things done."
"Cellular respiration is a process performed by the mitochondria in order to create a molecule called ATP."
"The mitochondria... it's the powerhouse of the cell because it makes energy."
"Mitochondrial health underpins everything just at a quantum level of health."
"A major role for the mitochondria is production of ATP, which is sort of the unit of energy."
"Brown fat... it's brown because it has so much mitochondria."
"Mitochondria is where respiration takes place, releasing energy for the cell to function."
"The mitochondria have their own DNA, and you have your mother's mitochondria."
"The mitochondria... that's where aerobic respiration takes place, with all the proteins on the folded membranes inside."
"Mitochondria are known as the power plant of the cell."
"Chloroplasts and mitochondria are key for understanding how living things use energy."
"Mitochondria have their own DNA separate from the nucleus of the cell."
"Urethan A promotes mitophagy and mitogenesis, cleaning up damaged mitochondria and making new ones."
"Mitochondria are the energy power plants of your cell."
"Our bodies are powered by ancient bacteria called mitochondria."
"It's a mitochondrial metabolic disorder and once you understand that, the playing field changes completely."
"The mitochondria has a double membrane."
"Mitochondrial biogenesis is where the mitochondria replicate or increase in mass."
"There is a role to be played by mitochondria, often in the pre-clinical phase of Alzheimer's disease."
"Remember that this does occur in the mitochondria, the specialized organelle that we call the powerhouse."
"Without your mitochondria, you would be no larger than bacteria."
"We all have a choice. I challenge you to become modern-day hunter-gatherers and eat for your mitochondria."
"Imagine what eating for your mitochondria can do for you, your family, your country, your community, your world."
"We can actually preserve some of the mitochondria but we can also help the mitochondria become healthier."
"Mitochondria are our energy powerhouse where we create energy."
"Mitochondria... they're the ones that produce your energy."
"The more mitochondria you have that are in a healthy state, the more metabolically flexible you are."
"Mitochondria are the ones that produce energy for the cell."
"Your mitochondria... they're super freaking important."
"It's all about improving the health of the mitochondria."
"Mitochondrial biogenesis is something that seems to be enhanced in the presence of ketones."
"The mitochondria is our energy powerhouse and as we get older all roads come back to mitochondria for healthy aging."
"What is the powerhouse of the cell? The answer is very obviously mitochondria."
"Are there genes located in the nucleus but also in the mitochondria in mammals or in animals and in both the mitochondria and the chloroplasts in plants? This is what gives us evidence to the endosymbiont theory."
"Researchers have discovered that your mitochondria, which are energy factories within your cells, actually drive your body's aging."
"If the mitochondria are poisoned for some reason, not working well, you can understand why a patient might develop heart failure and rhabdomyolysis."
"Mitochondria are where aerobic respiration happens, providing energy for the cell."
"It's impossible to get cancer unless you have damage to the mitochondria."
"Exercise, especially high-intensity interval training, will also be beneficial to boost your mitochondria."
"Being exposed to the sun does increase your mitochondria."
"Mitochondria... produce a load of energy for various cells in our body."
"What exactly happens to mitochondria in microgravity and why these changes occur, none of this is currently known."
"Mitochondria is the powerhouse of all cells."
"The mitochondria long ago with single cells on planet Earth wanted to build up the energy for the cell at sunrise and at sunset."
"...if you're clearing away damaged mitochondria... it causes mitochondrial biogenesis."
"Activate the mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell."
"The more muscle mass you have, the more mitochondria you have."
"You gotta use your mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell."
"When I think about mitochondria, mitochondrial dysfunction, there has to be signaling of some kind."
"Aging is a mitochondrial disease."
"Mitochondria have their own DNA, and it's only passed down through the egg cell."
"In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate enters a mitochondrion in eukaryotic cells where the oxidation of glucose is completed."
"Mitochondria are the power factories within our cells that enable our bodies to take fats and convert them into ATP energy that our body requires to function."
"Muscle cells have unique adaptations to help them do their job, including a whole crapload of mitochondria."
"Mitochondria have their own ribosomes and DNA, reflecting their evolutionary history."
"Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from ancient prokaryotes millions of years ago."
"The mitochondria are the actual workers; they're the brain."
"It acts on the mitochondria which is everywhere; it affects virtually every function of your body."
"All human mitochondria appear to be derived from an ancestor whose closest relatives now are all out of the tip of the tree lived in Africa."
"Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell."
"Mitochondria... they actually are responsible for much more than just energy production."
"Mitochondria are critical for health. The more mitochondria you have, the lower your risk for developing many chronic diseases."
"Mitochondria have their own DNA... it is cytoplasmically inherited."
"The mitochondria is the site of aerobic cell respiration."
"Mitochondria... have their own DNA, their own ribosomes, and they can even make their own proteins."
"Sugar literally poisons your mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells."
"The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell."
"Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration."
"You're trying to increase the body temperature, asking those mitochondria to burn that energy to waste that heat in order to stress the mitochondria to burn it."
"Always associate mitochondria with ATP energy."
"Mitochondria within the cells are where the bulk of ATP is generated, the fuel for the cell to perform the bulk of its work."
"Mitochondria are the little organelles within our cells that are involved in creating energy."
"Mitochondria are the furnaces that build your energy."
"Assuming oxygen is available, it goes into the mitochondria and there it will first undergo the transition reaction and then the Kreb cycle and then the electron transport system."
"Mitochondria and chloroplasts... probably arose through some sort of endosymbiotic relationship."
"I'm running a pretty big research group that's focused on mitochondria and mitochondrial disorders and the long-term goal is to impact these patients."
"When you exercise... you can actually increase the number of mitochondria."
"The mitochondria being a key place where there's energy transformations."
"So the mitochondrion is doing all of these elaborate energy transformations from electrical potentials to proton potentials to phosphorylation potentials."
"What does it mean to age at the level of the mitochondria?"
"It's a very active area of research right now, in part fueled by the link between mitochondrial decline and aging."
"If you don't use your skeletal muscle, you lose lean muscle mass, you lose your mitochondria very quickly."
"Mitochondria play a critical role in our quality of life and longevity."
"With mitochondria playing such a pivotal role in our quality of life, finding ways to support them should be at the top of your list."
"PQQ is the only known nutrient that's known to facilitate the growth of new mitochondria in brain cells."
"Mitochondria are the mighty cells which produce energy-rich molecules."
"Mitochondria are basically the powerhouses of the cell."
"Inflammation is always caused by the power plants in our body called the mitochondria."
"Everything that happens in your brain, every neuron that fires, whether they grow or don't grow, comes down to something called a mitochondria."
"These are ancient bacteria that became part of our body and they decide whether your brain has power or doesn't have power."
"48% of people under age 40 and everyone over age 40 has a weakness in their brain that comes from their mitochondria."
"Natural sunlight exposure depletes deuterium, so your mitochondria are light sensing, you need to have more natural sunlight exposure."