
Smoking Cessation Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"If you can get through that first week, chances are quite a bit higher that you'll be able to maintain the cessation of smoking or vaping."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best advice I can give you is to quit smoking. And yes, that includes cannabis as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Don't smoke. Smoking can increase your risk of developing severe disease if you become infected with COVID-19."
"Using a specific form of hypnosis, people can achieve complete and total cessation of cigarette smoking through one single hypnosis session."
"The success rate with this particular hypnosis developed at Stanford School of Medicine by Dr. David Spiegel is 23% of people who do this hypnosis one time succeed in quitting smoking."
"The research on hypnotherapy and smoking is incontrovertible."
"If you smoke, please try to quit so that you can get 14 years pretty easily."
"Do not smoke. If you smoke, please try to give up because it's not pretty."
"If huge numbers of people are successfully switching over to e-cigarettes, this has the potential to really dramatically reduce death and disease associated with smoking."
"If you give people magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and they have a mystical experience, they have about an 85 percent chance of smoking cessation sure of one treatment."
"Bupropion was found to be effective in reducing nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms."
"After about a decade, the lungs of ex-smokers looked similar to those who had never smoked."
"Nobody is doing insula lesions to help people stop smoking, OK. But it just stopped the smoking, and their desire to smoke, just like that."
"Quit smoking, as it increases your chances of diabetes and insulin resistance dramatically."
"It's CBD to marijuana, yeah, that's totally what it is. This is methadone, this is getting you off the drug, okay smokers? This is the nicotine patch."
"I'm pleased to announce I have not smoked a cigarette in one month."
"Smoking costs a lot of money – quitting can save you thousands."
"Former smokers live longer and have lower rates of diseases."
"Your body starts recovering within days of quitting smoking."
"The message is always the sooner you stop smoking, the better."
"Smoking is dead, vaping is the future, and the future is now."
"You can't ignore the fact that what people are drawn to about vaping is that it gets smokers off smoking and over to vaping."
"I refused to smoke and I went [ __ ] crazy for two weeks."
"Stopping smoking was probably the best decision I ever made."
"You can stop smoking without any sort of supernatural innovation. No, not really. If you give people magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and they have a mystical experience, they have about an eighty-five percent chance of smoking cessation."
"Stop smoking. It's dumb, stop that. You've got to stop smoking okay, that saps your bone density you gotta stop that."
"Sides giving up smoking, it's the number one difference physically in aging successfully."
"One of the only things we've done right in America is that no one smokes anymore."
"Quitting cigarettes or Puffs is like being on an airplane, you know there's a reward at the end, you just haven't fully come to grips with it yet."
"Quitting smoking increases the chances of fighting against infections."
"It was cold turkey. I realized that I'd been smoking for ten years and that's bad."
"At the end of the day we're all here to fucking quit smoking and what we choose to spend on the devices to help us quit smoking is entirely up to the fuckin individual."
"I haven't smoked a single cigarette since New Year."
"Quit smoking and don't do any recreational drugs."
"Their number one mission is to help one million people quit smoking by 2025."
"Exercise is probably the best single thing that you can do, other than stopping smoking, to improve your health."
"Anyone that is smoking simply just needs to quit."
"Stopping cigarettes causes withdrawal effects which include anxiety and irritability. It's not that cigarettes are preventing a relapse."
"We are all fighting for the same thing, that is to live, that is to get off of smoking."
"Instead of quit or die smokers are being given a new Option."
"I have not smoked a cigarette in over four and a half months because of these zip picks."
"If you want to quit smoking, I highly recommend this."
"The FDA has approved the drug used for anti-depression to help people quit smoking cigarettes."
"CBD is used to affect the reward center so that people can be able to stop smoking."
"...people who quit smoking in their first year after treatment are more likely to be sober from their primary drug nine years later."
"I quit smoking though, so I don't know if that'll affect my shot."
"Incredibly positive preliminary data on using psilocybin as a treatment for smoking cessation."
"The benefits of not smoking cannot be understated."
"You gotta get the nicotine out of your lungs, that's my feeling."
"Every day you are smoke free, it is an achievement. Every day is an achievement, and the next day is an achievement, until the days add up and become part of who you are."
"The truth is you're going to be happy after quitting smoking because you're going to be free."
"I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey. It was rough for like 48 hours, but I just continued to pray with myself, continued to go. Still, I don't smoke."
"This is the most amazing quitting smoking thing that I've ever seen."
"Stop smoking, yeah, that's a good one. Probably one of the best things you can do in your life."
"Prevention, specifically smoking cessation, is paramount."
"The four stages of the CBQ method reprogram your brain and remove your desire to smoke, so you can quit easily and naturally."
"This page will show you how the CBQ can help you and how to get started for free."
"The tip is to quit smoking for you. Even if nobody's watching, even if nobody notices, even if nobody cares, do this for you."
"So when I hear one person say, 'Well, I just decided to stop smoking,' I think, 'Good for you.'"
"I was a heavy smoker, but ever since I stopped, my lips have gone back to their original color."
"It's a natural portable tool for allergy relief, relaxation, and a great nicotine replacement tool."
"Learn why you should believe that you can stop smoking or chewing tobacco even if you've tried and failed and tried and failed several times before. Yes you can be successful."
"Above all, you have got to stop smoking right away."
"Assuming people with a mental illness cannot quit smoking and don't deserve to be given an opportunity to quit smoking, that's stigmatizing."
"It's time to quit smoking naturally."
"I think you can hypnotize somebody to quit smoking, lose weight, but it takes sessions."
"Quitting smoking is the best thing you could do for your health."
"Hey guys, I'm trying to quit smoking. Pray for me, would you?"
"The quitting smoking and benefiting your heart is, once you quit, things get better very quickly."
"Be smart, don't start; kick the habit, put it out before it puts you out."
"Smoking cessation is the most effective and cost-effective intervention that can help manage COPD."
"If you stop thinking good thoughts about smoking and start thinking good thoughts about not smoking and yourself, you will succeed."
"Vaping is far less dangerous than cigarettes and actively encourages smokers to switch."
"I'm so happy that I went for hypnosis; I feel so relaxed, I don't need a cigarette."
"Not smoking is a permanent decision in my life."
"I rewarded myself; I quit smoking."
"Breaking habits can be as tough as a long ride, but switching to fume is easy, enjoyable, and even fun."
"It's a new year, things might be rough, but you don't need to smoke anymore, you got to worry about your health, okay."
"Stop smoking is the most effective prevention against bladder cancer."
"I became a gardener when I gave up smoking."
"Once you get COPD, you can't reverse the effects of it; that's it, you've got it now, but by stopping smoking, it can really, really help the patient."
"The biggest impact on reduction in cardiovascular disease deaths since the 70s, the single biggest factor was reduction smoking."
"Stopping smoking will improve your lung function within six weeks."
"Quitting smoking is the best thing I've ever done."
"Reducing to a minimum the number of cigarette smokers, reducing the risk of disease for those who smoke and are unable to quit, and reducing the exposure of non-smokers to the smoke of others."
"I'm proud of myself for not doing this; it's the longest I've ever gone without smoking."
"When you stop smoking, the benefits can take as little as 20 minutes to kick in."
"Your lung function will increase and your risk of heart attack begins to reduce."
"If you use treatments and get support, you're four times more likely to stop smoking and stay stopped."
"Quitting cigarette smoking alone leads to a 40 percent lower lung cancer specific mortality."
"Quit smoking and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke to reduce the risk of arterial damage."
"After 10 years, a person's chances of developing lung cancer and dying from it are about half compared to a smoker."
"Stop smoking; you'll live longer, I promise."
"I used to be a smoker, but I quit about six years ago."
"I quit smoking in Amarillo, Texas, during the pandemic because it snowed five inches for a week."
"I'm so dedicated to not smoking... August 21st is my one year anniversary of not smoking a cigarette."
"We already know that we can prevent most lung cancers by stopping smoking."