
Fertility Quotes

There are 774 quotes

"Fertility isn't just about people who want to conceive children; it's a proxy for vitality and longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Indeed, Dr. Crawford provides us with a master class on female hormones and fertility, one that I know that all women ought to benefit from, and that men would benefit from listening to as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fertility is this variable kind of reflecting longevity and like Health overall."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping the testes cool enough...is absolutely key. If sperm get too hot, they die."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for a number of different things, including fertility and pregnancy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The things that we can do to optimize our fertility are the exact same things that we should all be doing to optimize our vitality and our longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm really intrigued by the data on L-carnitine, both for women and men in terms of egg quality, sperm quality, fertility, and a bunch of other interesting effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anything that's good for your heart is going to be good for fertility."
"There needs to be sufficient leptin signaling to the brain in order to maintain ovulation because of the way that the brain communicates with the pituitary and the ovaries."
"If you reduce food intake, either in total calories or in duration too much, you will suffer a drop in sperm counts, fertility will drop."
"It is devastating and it's a double standard because medicine is set up to reinforce fertility in women."
"Their fertility was their life; they were married young and caught on a treadmill of pregnancy, birth, handing their babies over to be raised by wet nurses and tutors, and hopping back into bed to conceive again as soon as possible."
"It's about those things. It's about fertility, it's about prosperity, it's about love, it's about how things are going to get better."
"The only way possible of decreasing Negro population is by means of controlling fertility."
"There is absolutely no scientific evidence or truth behind the concern that COVID-19 vaccines somehow interfere with fertility either in men or in women."
"I want to go for grooming an heir because that actually increases fertility."
"Fertility is a very sensitive topic for a lot of people... it's also important to understand that we really have to be careful about where our curiosity slips into ableism."
"A person who's in optimal health is going to be fertile."
"It seems significant for the New York Times to acknowledge there is indeed 'a global fertility crisis that is underway'."
"Watch out, fertile Myrtle, so you may hear news about pregnancy."
"The environmental security hypothesis proposes that... who's going to be fertile during a famine? Well, a woman who is clearly advertising that she can obtain calories, survive a famine, and stay fertile."
"More and more women and people with uteruses in general have begun freezing their eggs to eventually partake in this vastly normalized procedure to have their own children on their own time."
"You're not defined by fertility. Do whatever it takes, but we're not defined by it."
"Your general health will contribute to your fertility. So if you are not healthy as a person, it can show in your fertility as well."
"I want to talk about the hard road we've been on for the past half a week since the egg retrieval on Wednesday."
"With my age right now, we want to kind of take advantage of the eggs I have."
"Lower quality carbohydrates in a high amount ended up increasing the risk of infertility by 78%."
"He's done his work, he's dedicated his life to the subject of fertility and sex and all the rest of it."
"The day before ovulation and the day of ovulation would be the prime time to have intercourse."
"Now is a lucky time, we see fertility and abundance coming through."
"It sucks to have complicated feelings about your desires for having children when you know that you can't do it biologically."
"The pandemic may have accelerated this trend as people are less likely to have babies in uncertain financial times."
"It's definitely fertile ground that you can deposit a seed in right now."
"The good news is is that everything looks fine... the bad news is that we still don't know why I haven't gotten pregnant yet."
"We're celebrating the pregnancy of the goddess."
"I'm joking about Marcus' arms. It ain't got nothing to do with him not having babies. His hair's on his sperm, gone. That's what."
"Expect fertility, whether literal or in cultivating friendships and committed relationships."
"I found myself thinking in my head, 'Imagine if I felt pregnant that quickly, it would just be incredible.' Second cycle, I did ovulate, baby Swift was conceived, all because of this little device."
"During my first cycle off of the pill, I didn't actually ovulate. I just had that slow, steady one, which was obviously just my body gearing up for ovulation. But I didn't actually ovulate. That was a little bit worrying."
"You just do not know if you're going to be in that first 50 or if it's gonna take you even longer than a year. You just don't know."
"Fertility takes 90 days for impact, so whatever he ejaculated now was produced 90 days ago on cycle."
"The fish is a sign of fertility, abundance, and blessings."
"This is rebirth, this is fertility, this is newness."
"We just wanted to say a prayer for anyone right now that is struggling trying to get pregnant."
"One of the best features of this four-acre island is that at least sixty percent of its surface is fertile land."
"Be careful, some of y'all are fertile, something is growing and flourishing in a positive way."
"The earth festival of Beltane is a time of union, creation, and fertility."
"You're going to have a lot of influence, fertility, and abundance."
"The idea behind super soil is to pack balanced fertility into the soil at the beginning of the cycle for water-only growing."
"Your fertility journey starts with understanding your body and taking the necessary steps."
"We have two channels, right? We have either fertility really healthy, happy, whole, or you'll break your engine if you try."
"Fertility rates have already dropped below replacement levels in 83 countries and the trend is likely to continue. This is huge."
"Beltane is the peak of spring, about fertility, union, creation, and celebration."
"It's about having working-class people have babies. Of course, people who are wealthy, they can make that choice very deliberately, but they're worried about having a shortage of essential workers and having cheap labor to exploit."
"You're about to come into a very creative time, a very fertile time."
"Women generally begin to see some gradual change in fertility around age 30."
"Fertility invites us to become more open, courageous, creative, and joyful than we were before. It activates the potential for something beautiful to grow from our consciousness into a new and grander expression of ourselves."
"Ovulation is when the person is most fertile, the highest chances of getting pregnant."
"Star is an energy of fertility, it's also an energy of change."
"English language today is arguably more fertile than it's been since Shakespeare's time."
"By the time you get over 35, they will call them geriatric... please go freeze your eggs."
"The land was often described as lush and fertile, filled with abundant resources."
"Your value and your worth is not based on your fertility and it's not based on your ability to reproduce."
"I'm always rooting for people who are able to get pregnant and have healthy babies."
"We have this innate biological desire to know not just about fertility but about our reproductive health."
"Father, I thank you that there will be no more barrenness in the lives of your people."
"I'm pretty sure that I'm about to ovulate."
"...men would primarily be okay with this: women are saying things like hey 40 is the new 30 I can party have a good time and freeze some eggs..."
"Everyone's journey with conception is so different."
"Candace is not going on an IVF journey to save her eggs, which I definitely think is smart."
"It's very shameful if you can't get pregnant."
"Your one job is to get pregnant, you can't even do that."
"Nothing is guaranteed in the IVF process"
"Wood chips end up being one of the best weed suppressants out there but also an incredible soil fertility Builder."
"The gut microbiome plays a big role in hormones and fertility."
"We really need to do proper testing for fertility, looking at all sorts of things from metabolic health to hormonal health to nutrient status to toxin levels."
"You could potentially father a child until the day you die."
"Polygamy, it's not about that. It's really about being fruitful and just multiplying the world, you know what I'm saying?"
"We're really excited to see if the eggs have grown, and let me just tell you, I think they have because I actually think that I'm probably a day away from ovulating right now because I can feel it."
"Very good time for those who are trying to conceive."
"Unlimited fertility. Pay attention to it."
"Add a compost layer to feed the soil microbiome."
"Hagstones were used for healing and fertility properties."
"They sense growth and fertility in this connection, wanting to explore it."
"We don't only prophesy, we also 'pregnify'. Barrenness is not our portion, it will never be."
"We're officially, very soon, going to be trying to figure out the process of freezing our eggs."
"Menopause and turn women off and give them that extra quarter of a century afterwards but then here's the next twist males are fertile until the day they die."
"It really is a time of forming bonds and improving fertility just as the fertility all-rounders in the world is being shown."
"Flowers are a really good representation for [fertility], so it's great to have them even on an altar or just within your home."
"You don't have like super sperm or something, do you?"
"Can I have kids? I don't know... it is 100% possible."
"This is a time of growth, fertility, creativity, blessings, help from above."
"Fertility would be kind of positive in society because we have like a fertility crisis."
"This is your season of fertility; take care of yourself to create with ease."
"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river."
"Realize that a lot of feelings are going to come up during this two-week wait when you're trying to conceive."
"...she was told that she wouldn't be able to conceive due to a medical condition she has but they finally got pregnant."
"It is not dry here, that's for sure. Man, look at these beans. Oh man, they're getting everything they need."
"If you are not in control of your fertility, you cannot be in control of your life."
"Can you get pregnant on your period? You can."
"Earth and Mountain signify fertilization and manifestation."
"Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" "Oh, darling, these are happy tears. Yay, pregnant after trying for ten years!"
"Issues around fertility, miscarriage, infertility, and IVF can be incredibly traumatic and isolating."
"He's got some super genetics. He can just make babies with anybody."
"We have got to get married, we've got to speak over our wombs, over our reproductive system."
"The frequency of fertility invites us to be more open, more courageous, more creative, and more joyful than we were before. It activates the potential for something beautiful to grow from our consciousness into a new and grander expression of ourselves."
"Consider fertility as the potential to grow something new and inspiring: an idea, a project, a new paradigm."
"A good proper diagnosis and to know when you really are fertile and make sure that you're having intercourse during your fertile days."
"Fertility, creativity, destiny, magical blessings."
"You know we have roughly a million frozen human embryos just in the United States alone over 2 million in the United Kingdom."
"If a rabbit gave birth to its litter every 30 days for a year, a female rabbit could produce 144 baby rabbits."
"If you want kids and you have a fertility issue there is nothing wrong with seeking medical help for that."
"God's greatest blessing, I mean he literally said one of the first things he said to Adam when he gave him Eve was now you guys go be fruitful and multiply. I mean that is one of the biggest blessings that God has for us is to be fruitful and multiply."
"It does come up. So I do often get women coming to me saying, 'I want a Pisces baby. I want a Leo baby. I want whatever.' And you go, depending on how much you've been struggling, again, 'What is the deal breaker? Do you want a baby? Let's be real.'"
"She is a symbol of fertility, creativity, and prosperity because those things are things that you have to birth."
"put your hand on your womb I'm going to speak life into your body I break the enemy's assignment I break the attack off the Next Generation I speak life into your womb I break barrenness"
"I've donated my eggs three times actually and it is a very painful and long process because your body is not used to all these injections and hormones but I feel compelled to do it."
"Your cervical mucus can go from being sticky to being creamy, and to becoming stretchy, and then like raw egg white, and then even just being wet."
"Your body is fatal you can easily conceive the days before your ovulation day so if you are trying for a baby boy you want to avoid having sex the days leading up to your ovulation day."
"...men have a natural desire to fertility because men are programmed to find the most ideal mate to create life and keep the species going."
"I want her to be able to bear children if she wants to."
"I'm a testimony that you can have fibroids, you can have a number of fibroid surgeries and still get pregnant."
"Birth rates are not declining evenly... Some cultures are more resistant to whatever it is about modernity that causes fertility to climb than others."
"Return with your miracle children, regardless of the medical report."
"I think we've determined why you've been having trouble conceiving."
"Most women who miscarry can get pregnant again and so there's a light at the end of the tunnel."
"...from what we're seeing Gen Z say about having kids, I don't think it's going to recover."
"I get so many questions about what is mini IVF, what is it good for, and how do I find someone who does it."
"If you select for fertility, your croup percentages are going up. The daughters they're keeping are more likely to rebreed as 2-year-olds."
"She's actually described to be a mother goddess with at least a thousand young one of the highest outer guys there is."
"Trying for baby number two when you have an infant can be hard and challenging."
"I'm not stressing, it's, you know, an age, but you know, what, there's so many women having babies, you know, 38, 39, 40 and I think and beyond that."
"If you have friends or family that is considering IVF or has practiced IVF, they deserve to know this information too."
"I guess I just hadn't really registered in my brain that since my cycle was shorter, my fertile window had shifted forward by a few days, which meant we could get pregnant earlier in the month in that cycle. And that's what happened."
"Congratulations to the pregnant woman in your life because getting pregnant is not always as easy as what people make it out to be."
"The universe kind of cleans that stuff up. That's why those birth rates are looking real janky, you dig?"
"I recovered and they said that I was able to have more babies when I was ready."
"You will be getting pregnant real quick, real soon."
"You have the Empress, and so I'm seeing that you will have kids. I think that you're able to have them."
"We froze his sperm because we wanted to raise a family together."
"It's in the middle of your cycle, you're seeing cervical mucus, hopefully you get a positive ovulation predictor kit."
"You can get pregnant in the comfort of your own home with a little bit of assistance."
"An at home kit is significantly less expensive than seeing a specialist and doing an intrauterine insemination."
"I'm very excited to go in. Very excited to get these follicles."
"I remember thinking if I can't have a child I just am not interested in being alive. It was Madness, and I did descend into madness."
"I remember thinking if I can't have a child, I don't want to live. I just am not interested in being alive. It was Madness, and I did descend into madness trying."
"If you have a history of disordered eating and you're feeling triggers in your fertility journey, I just really want you to seek help."
"There's a lot that can contribute to the low fertility rate, including lack of opportunities and financial pressure."
"The struggles of Alex and Nikolai to conceive a son would come to symbolize the tragic contradictions of their reign."
"When Stefan and I started to get together, we sort of found out we make babies quite easily."
"Your worth is not dependent upon your ability to have a kid."
"There may be foods that you eat or you avoid that improve your odds of getting pregnant."
"If there's something you can do that could improve your chance of pregnancy, decrease your time to conception, or improve your outcomes when you're doing fertility treatments, I want you to do that thing."
"That's so funny. Tons of couples need fertility help, not just same-sex couples."
"Men can capably father healthy children well into their 40s, 50s, or 60s."
"50s for women, their prime childbearing years decrease rapidly after the age of 30."
"As you get healthier from the inside out, your egg quality will improve and there's a higher chance of ovulation, fertility, and a healthy pregnancy."
"My mission is to educate all of you on all the things that you can do to improve your fertility."
"When the whole continent had been cleared of its noxious life, the cars descended, and emerging, the colonists found themselves in a terrain of unequaled fertility."
"IVF is extremely important for helping countless families experience the joy of Parenthood."
"The area was well known throughout the state and was referred to as a standard example of fertility, even giving rise to the saying, 'Riches as the Great Gulf Hammock.'"
"This is our little story on our infertility journey which turned to a fertility very fertile journey."
"Don't ever ask me to get pregnant again, but when we got back from Nigeria, after all the experiences we had there and all the great miracles we saw, she looked at me and said, 'Let's try one more time.'"
"Taking manageable steps for overall health is key. It can feel overwhelming, which may impair fertility."
"Whole grains and fiber-rich carbohydrates are associated with increased chance of fertility and improved pregnancy outcomes."
"Cleaning up or replacing ultra-processed foods with fruits and vegetables has huge ramifications for overall fertility."
"You deserve more research. You deserve more conversations. You deserve more openness and more funding to find out like how infertility can be avoided for people who would like to procreate on this strange burning planet."
"I just want to say watching the Lord answer that prayer, because I believe you guys were trying to have a baby for years, right?"
"Out of the 14 eggs, 12 of them were mature and all of them fertilized. Amazing. Can't do any better than that."
"We can take an egg and a sperm and merge those together using in vitro fertilization and we can grow that out, but we're starting with the perfect genetic material at the outset."
"There's definitely this very strong correlation between sufficient levels of vitamin D and higher levels of pregnancy and live birth rates."
"When it comes to having babies, there is a window. Work within your biological framework and you massively reduce your chances of having difficulty conceiving."
"Another reason why you feel very pregnant but you are actually not pregnant is your ovulation."
"Vitamin E. Vitamin E, it can help to improve the quality of your eggs and help the eggs to stay attached to your uterine wall, and that can also mean decrease the risk of miscarriage."
"The people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly."
"They feel like your connection is very fertile and could birth a child."
"The ring can wait, your eggs cannot."
"I was so thrilled to have met my life partner we were pursuing fertility."
"I'm still fertile. I can still have my family that I dreamed of. Many can't."
"Your cervical mucus looks like raw egg whites."
"If you have no fertility issues and you're just looking for something to increase your chances of conceiving a baby boy, then pay attention to everything I'm gonna say today."
"This becomes a game changer for people suffering from infertility, means you don't have to go out and look for a donor egg or sperm."
"Garth Greenhand brought the gift of fertility with him. Nor was it only the earth he made fecund, for the legends tell us that he could make barren women fruitful with a touch."
"They knew Megan could not have children."
"I just woke up Road up had section I started my day with GP I don't really carees on the pill cuz I want to have children secretly"
"Being vegan in the fertility time is actually a really you have a higher Advantage than people that are relying on a lot of meats and dairy for their diets."
"It tipped us from a medical paradigm where the aim of any intervention in the human body was to fix something which had gone wrong to fixing something which is going right, normal healthy fertility."
"Biochar is most beneficial in degraded soils with low fertility and organic matter, offering potential yield improvements in certain regions."
"I actually made the personal decision to freeze my eggs. I've dealt with fibroids before, I've had surgeries before, and I say, you know what? I'm just going to freeze my eggs just in case."
"Livestock are our primary source of fertility because you are introducing a food source to feed the chickens you are by default adding fertility to your place."
"The journey to grow your family is not always easy."
"Honestly after trying this time for baby number four, it has been such an emotional roller coaster I really really don't see us ever wanting to try again."
"The spirit of the Lord says he's going to give you a baby in Jesus mighty name. Receive from the same grace that's here."
"For strength and fertility, subscribe."
"Every womb called barren be open."
"She said I can still carry a baby. I have a perfectly healthy uterus. But it will be through an egg donor. It won't be an egg of mine."
"The sperm industry and the adoption industry, it's not easy."
"The quicker you can get pregnant after a laparoscopy, the better off you're going to be."
"If this is meant to happen, it can happen tomorrow. No, uh-uh, my fertility app says tonight is the night."
"It is a grieving process to even go to see an REI. It means admitting that you know what things aren't happening naturally and you have to mourn the loss of the fact that you know what you're not going to have a child the same way that your friends and family you know."