
Vitality Quotes

There are 7552 quotes

"Fertility isn't just about people who want to conceive children; it's a proxy for vitality and longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The things that we can do to optimize our fertility are the exact same things that we should all be doing to optimize our vitality and our longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have never seen or felt the world more alive, the people around me more alive, than when they are doing the thing that makes them feel great."
"Vitality... the state of being strong and active, energy."
Jess Carpenter
"All that's important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment vital and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused."
"The more muscle mass we have going into middle and older age, the better the vitality we have."
"I'm a huge advocate of cold exposure for the immune benefit. I just feel more alive."
"I want you to feel the vitality you know is inside you, just waiting to come out."
"It's possible to live every single day of your life feeling charged and feeling alive and eager."
"We are what we eat. If we are eating healthy and living food, then we will in turn reflect that same vibrance in life."
"When we eat food that has life, it will give us life."
"She is the most dynamic spark of life and most magical."
"Vitality is what people are looking for in life. What is vitality? It's a sense of aliveness."
"If you can get past the first 28 days... you're unstoppable because then you know what it's like to really have your vitality back."
"It's going to feel like the most bliss and the most freedom, and you're going to be able to run faster than ever."
"Even during your worst moments, there is vitality ripping through your veins, there is an electrical life force within you."
"I feel so alive, I feel so good, I feel so full of energy and so clear."
"The most important part of writing a character is that your character has the spark of life to them and that that translates onto the page."
"It's not just about living as many years as possible, but more about how to live as vibrantly and as energetically as possible for as long as possible."
"I feel alive and I wish to mix spices with more urgency than ever before in my long life."
"Vitality is the beaming force that gives energy and vigor to life."
"When you high-five yourself, you flip the switch and give yourself a little bit of that vitality that's coursing through you to help you move into your day."
"The engine of the car is your spirit to live life, your passion, your gusto, your strong desire to live life well."
"You want to live life with energy and passion."
"What we do today to bring a sense of aliveness and vitality and vibrancy and playfulness to our long-term relationships."
"I have seen the power of the subconscious lift people up out of crippled states, making them whole, vital, and strong once more."
"Protecting your DNA, helping you live longer and a more vital life, and giving you more energy while you're at it, that's directly connected to your DNA."
"Because of that, you're going to have so much more vitality, so much more abundance."
"You're not going to live forever, but you should be vigorous and strong in your 50s, your 60s, and beyond."
"Feels so good to be alive, baby. Can I get a Hello?"
"To be alive, this is what it means to feel alive to me, is to really have this listening and this awareness of, oh what's my rhythm like today? What's my natural cadence like today?"
"The fledgling sprout quivered and shook, heaving up from the earth, it seemed to stretch with joy."
"I feel alive again, but also like I need a nap."
"Exercise every day and you will feel amazing; your body will feel so much more youthful."
"Every fiber of my being screams, 'You're alive, you're living!'"
"Sometimes busy corridors are fine. It means vitality, business activity, people doing things, getting places."
"A strong economy is vital to maintaining a healthy environment."
"Sunflowers... are symbols of the vitality that sunlight brings."
"Go out into the light and warmth of the glorious sun, you pale and sickly ones, and share with the vegetation its life-giving, health-dealing power."
"Health is not just the absence of disease. It is the result of our body's own hard-wired defense systems."
"Pressure is a privilege. To feel that pressure is to feel alive."
"That energy... actually has positive benefits for people's health, for vitality... and it's just a phenomenal feat."
"London is alive. London is a testament to just how real alive is."
"You want to feel alive every day, not just alive; you want to feel radiantly alive."
"I've never felt more in tune and Alive as I do now eating Whole Foods, ancient Foods, heirloom Foods."
"Cassie is just full of life, she is so happy. Anyone that's been around her can just feel her energy is always just full of love and light."
"Vitality. One of the keys to legendary is longevity."
"My energy is through the roof for sure. I don't have to take a nap during the day."
"The Earth was literally alive with electrical vibrations."
"It's confident accomplished writing which is full of life."
"Living longer isn't enough; it's about living with energy and vitality."
"He is the life. He gives you excitement about what you're doing."
"I feel great. I really feel great. I feel like I'm 36 but I feel like 26."
"The heroic life seems to move of its own vitality."
"Joe Biden looked significantly more lively than he has any time during the campaign."
"Because he feels most alive when he is just about to die, and this is how he continuously chased that feeling."
"Because if you're not going, then you're dying."
"If you have the word without the spirit, you have truth without life."
"I think that was such a creative way to get the community so alive and thriving."
"It's not how old you are, it's the twinkle in your eye."
"Work smarter, not necessarily harder; find vitality and focus."
"The one thing that you can be certain about with Shirley MacLaine is that she started kicking up her heels."
"He's alive, he's moving a little, I think y'all see that, Barry."
"Pluto moving into Aquarius can really begin to up level your power vitality and force..."
"This is a powerful time to reinvigorate your stamina, your might, your passion, your adrenaline."
"May you always put your foot on the path that feels alive, free, electric, and nurturing."
"The reality is that 65 is the new 55 and 55 is the new 45."
"Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyes were not weak, nor his strength gone."
"What makes our world come to life is our community and our people in the studio."
"All sickness and disease mean is the loss of power, the lack of Vitality."
"It is a manifestation action, confidence, creativity, vitality, and can-do attitude."
"For Audrey to emerge at all was a blessing, to emerge with the vitality we see in her films was a miracle."
"I feel so alive when I'm out of my comfort zone. That's when I feel most alive."
"It's easier to get going, more energy, just feel better, just feel better."
"Naturally having more human growth hormone tends to mean you're younger, you're more vibrant, you're more energetic."
"It's like sunshine in a bottle again. That's athleticgreens.com!"
"Don't let this 77 fool you, I still got the juice."
"I take the time I need to rediscover my vitality."
"Randy brings a particular zest for life and humor even while facing death."
"It's possible to make a living so you end up being more alive, feeling more alive."
"The world is alive, it always feels that way."
"I want to feel strong, confident, full of life."
"He has to demonstrate that he is vigorous, that he is energetic, because the numerical age is a big number."
"You are charged, ready for action, feeling alive, feeling energized."
"Reinventing yourself and delving into anything that makes you feel alive."
"I have had more energy than I could think of."
"I've got hopes for some panda powers in my body and my bones."
"Health and healing are like a shield that protects our bodies, enabling us to live our lives to the fullest."
"Pete's the youngest 70-year-old guy I've ever seen in my life he's he's out in the north side of Hawaii it's incredible he it's like nothing like it it's unbelievable it's really who he is it's it's pretty special."
"A team rejuvenated, playing with purpose, identity, pace, and passion."
"I feel like you're discovering something that doesn't make you tired. It actually gives you energy. It actually makes you feel more awake and more alive."
"It's full of goodness, it's full of power, it's full of this sacred, like a flower power."
"That's fire, dude. I'm alive, I'm alive, I feel it, dude, I feel it."
"Let the molecules of your body fill up and oxygenate and celebrate another breath of life."
"You'll be amazed what happens, you feel so alive, you're in such a different state because you're accessing all these different emotions."
"Biden's entire campaign is 'I'm not Trump' and 'I'm also barely alive.'"
"Feeling alive in our body, flowing in our creative zone of genius."
"The freedom to choose allows us to feel alive. What a privilege!"
"Whenever you have life force and sexual energy, it maintains, sustains, expands, and evolves the human mind and body."
"As soon as you put fish into a tank it comes to life to me it's nothing but a sort of picture until it's got life in it."
"It's this life force that contains the memories and the passion of the person."
"It's when I'm my most alive, it's when I'm my most alert, it's when I'm the happiest."
"Health potions and power ups don't exist in real life but AG-1 feels as close as you can get."
"Life is an adventure. You are not truly alive unless you grow, flourish, and thrive."
"When you're on a horse you kind of get that level of aliveness for free."
"How in God's name are they going to stop them? You need some younger, vibrant, strong, healthy individuals... who can put you on your ass if they have to."
"You gotta love the Vitality crazy, it's part of the culture of crypto."
"This anti-war movement has some life in it yet."
"She is a delightful, vigorous, productive person."
"When I'm surrounded by nature I feel alive like nothing matters."
"Art is not something that ended a hundred years ago, but that is vital and alive today."
"Having good testosterone levels... is a surrogate of overall health and vitality."
"The biggest takeaway for me was that our Earth is super alive."
"I kind of realized that, as much as I can respect and appreciate it, I just don't have that strong of a connection with it."
"It feels so good to be alive, to see the light."
"I feel younger as I approach 50. Inside, I feel about 37 right now."
"The black personality then has a kind of vigor, a kind of vitality, and a kind of a sense of life of the something which is not come from here become some much deeper regions."
"Movement comes in; any type of movement is vital."
"God wants to empower the church because we do not have self-possessed vitality."
"The entire point of Christianity is to make you even more alive life even more exciting that it would be if you were a Christian."
"The most common cause of death with our early ancestors was childbirth or early life accidents. If we made it to our adolescence, we would live a life full of robustness into our 80s or 90s with vibrancy."
"Feels like it breathes, like there's some actual life to this album."
"How do we challenge ourselves to be truly full of life?"
"Some of you are just too tired and you're burnt out not because you're doing too much, some of you burnt out because you're not doing enough or you may be doing too little of the things that make you come alive."
"She did this not with sex appeal, but with life force."
"You can see straight away there, so much energy."
"Energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity."
"If you love, you are alive, and that is the only thing that matters."
"You've brought their energy, their vitality back after this, this heartbreak."
"I just went for a walk and I just burnt all these calories and you know you feel so fresh it's so light and so excited about life"
"An expression of life and vitality and hope and healing and rebirth."
"Die young as late as possible, it's not naive, it doesn't imagine that you're going to live forever and live forever that you will have endless endless endless youth."
"Physical power is the essence of being alive and everything we're doing in the world."
"Seeing her this weekend on tremendous form proved that she isn't going anywhere from public life any time soon."
"We are alive, ladies! We are freakin' alive, we are out here, we are thriving."
"If I got breath in my body, man I'm Gonna Keep On Moving."
"Raw living enzyme-rich foods enhance vitality and well-being."
"We Forever Young. 40 50 is my Prime, yes sir."
"You never feel more alive than the time that you spend in the beast lands."
"I just feel alive when I'm in trouble... I feel alive when I'm fighting."
"I feel like yoga will help all of those things. Anyway, I'm just feeling really good and energized."
"I declare that I am free from every pain, anxiety, and weakness. I release life into my body."
"It is literally your own incredible energy stored in your body."
"I'm feeling fantastic. I really have a lot of energy right now, probably the most energetic I have ever felt in my life."
"Keep that in mind, because I'm feeling that already, like an uptick in vitality, an uptick in energy, and like almost a difficulty in being able to utilize it."
"When you grow in grace, admitting your mistakes, reflecting, reforming, you can be as vibrant as in your youth if not more."
"You'll be really on top of things now with a real renewed vitality."
"NMN given to old mice made them run three kilometers and broke the treadmill."
"The world is potentially as volatile as the early Cold War in Europe in the 1940s and 1950s."
"Life is about being lively, like a city bustling with energy."
"Chuck Norris is in his 80s now and he has developed something that has made it so that he can work out longer he's got more energy he's sleeps better it's got great health."
"His spirit is alive and well out here in Los Angeles."
"A throbbing artery of the nation's economic lifeblood."
"Security of passion is that I am really alive for this, I have so much hope."
"I feel so refreshed and awake with all the energy in the world."
"We're a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas."
"I took it and it was incredible. I felt like Superman the next morning."
"I feel alive, I feel healthy, and I keep wanting to get better and better."
"The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality."
"The store is the community, the store is the lifeblood of the industry."
"Children are full of life and energy and absolutely amazing and they're vital and they're creative."
"This just screams spring to me, it breathes life into my body."
"Egg coffee: the unexpected elixir of vitality and wisdom."
"Garner maintains her natural and vibrant beauty, exuding youthfulness and vitality."
"Each day you should feel the exhilaration of being alive."
"If you're not being challenged in some way in your life, you're not alive."
"Janet Jackson is 45 years old today and still slaying."
"When we choose to connect to the light... we are drawn more and more life force."
"Stay as young and alive as you can for as long as you can."
"This is literally like the fountain of youth."
"I'm like a teenager now... I've got so much energy."
"They threw everything they had at us, but look around you, we're full of life."
"Your power and your vitality indicate whether you're healthy or sick."
"I'm 55, I feel fantastic. If you want to get from point zero to Mach 2, go get it."
"I've got more energy than I probably had 10 years ago."
"We want to learn how to live a vibrant, energetic life."
"The Lord wants to awaken the church beyond survival into truly living."
"I just want to give you the courage and interest to really take care of your own electrical body so you can be as alive and vital and as engaged and as electric as you can be, right?"
"Take a leap of faith, heightened vitality and a positive shift awaits."
"I feel so encouraged, I feel so alive in Christ."
"Vigor represents the ability to move with speed and force."
"I'm so energetic and I feel great, which means I can do anything."
"You can't have the heart and the spirit and the energy and the mind and the will to do anything without a healthy body."
"Every room needs a little bit of green to really make it feel alive."
"Tonight I will sleep deeply and peacefully and I'll wake up feeling rested rejuvenated and full of life and energy."
"At the end of that, I'd never felt more alive."
"The doctor said to me, 'You have the bloodwork of a young stag.'"
"Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited and reignites passion towards your life."
"Wow, I remembered this. I remember when I ran track. I remember having that bounce, that feel in my feet. I mean, I just feel more alive."
"To be alive is to be resilience, no matter what life throws your way."
"Fresh organic fruits and vegetables give you a boost of high life force energy which elevates your spiritual frequency."
"Keep your chi up my friends, your energy matters."
"Our own emotions and our own sense of vitality get kindled when we're actually with other people interacting."
"This image of vitality and life and energy... it's more about the life we live and the enjoyment we get and the overall health we have."
"She was so energetic and fun and she seemed to just be embracing life."
"They shall still bear fruit in old age, they shall be fresh and flourishing."
"I would like to call the power of the Holy Spirit to bless you and let your vitality be more tenacious. Unit health increased."
"You have tremendous energy coursing through your veins. It's highly recommended to be physically active this month."
"Water gives life; it always has this original vitality."
"Just remember the goal of today is to destroy, stay alive, stayin' alive!"