
Molecular Biology Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Our body has an internal timetable that's present in every cell in every organ that pre-programs many molecular aspects of the cells that leads to physiology and all that stuff."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The central dogma of molecular biology is that DNA goes to RNA, RNA goes to protein."
"The cell is run by molecular machines, real machines made of molecules and really sophisticated ones."
"The electronic and protonic structure of biologically interesting molecules...has to be treated by quantum chemistry."
"The problem with RNA is it looked for a long time like there was no way to get it without somebody standing there and controlling the reactions."
"DNA. We can now see that all life does look the same at the molecular level."
"The economics of biology: it's like 100 million times cheaper to make a complicated molecule than it is to make a transistor."
"I've optimized my biochemistry after studying a bit of molecular biology."
"Um, the nitty-gritty of it is the idea of setting up um gradients of protons uh um the molecules that are going to power um the Machinery of life um could potentially have been set up within these these physical structures."
"They literally look like a nucleotide and when he tries to add them into the growing DNA it inhibits further DNA formation."
"DNA had been solved on the basis of much sparser information and but it produced this beautiful double helical molecule."
"This was the first time that people had seen evolution working at a structural level at a molecular level."
"Amino acids chains are also called polypeptides."
"If I add acetyl groups to the histone proteins, it relaxes the DNA and histone proteins. Can gene transcription occur? Yes."
"Remember, five carbon has a phosphate, three carbon has an OH group. Difference between oxyribose and deoxyribose is the OH on the second carbon."
"Complementarity: Adenine loves to interact with thymine."
"Huntington's disease: increase in diacetylation inhibits transcription."
"The Horvath aging clock is the most accurate molecular measure of age."
"Life might not necessarily rely on atoms and molecules but could be intricately interwoven with the very fabric of the cosmos."
"Thought can convert to molecular reactions which can heal you."
"Amino acids were just the beginning of a much more complex puzzle."
"The most precious alloy in the universe is DNA."
"Incredibly small groups of atoms, much too small to display exact statistical laws, do play a dominating role in the very orderly and lawful events within a living organism."
"Directionality matters: from 3 prime to 5 prime, nucleic acids flow like genetic rivers."
"We all make this molecule of course that means we have genes to make this molecule that also means just like our face are different and our bodies are different similarly at microscopic level at protein level are proteins genes are also different."
"Resveratrol: the molecule that could impact our long-term health and longevity."
"Most people who work on aging believe there are a few fundamental, molecular and cellular processes that drive aging in multiple tissues."
"The implication of this is that only sequences that are more stable or better at replacing those interactions than the starting helix 2 will successfully displace helix 2 in order to bind at this position."
"You can think of polyubiquitin as a garbage tag, and once it's polyubiquitinated, it's sent to the proteasome, which Professor Imperiali showed you, and this is the structure that degrades proteins, okay?"
"What they did was to test that was to degrade all the mRNA, inactivate the RNAs, and then add back the mRNA to one gene. The mitotic cyclin-Cdk, and it's sufficient to restore the oscillation of the mitotic cycle, okay?"
"mRNA comes along to help by taking a copy of DNA's information and transporting it to the ribosome."
"These sequences carry very important little fragments of DNA which we call regulatory sequences and these are the sequences that actually control whether a gene gets turned on or not."
"Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms that control transcription can inform us about what happens when something goes wrong in diseases."
"Initiation of DNA replication involves two key events: first, unwind part of the DNA to make a single-stranded templates to assemble the replisome on, and secondly, you need to assemble two copies of the replisome."
"Most signal transduction pathways have a series of important amplification steps that allow for the rapid spread of an initial signal throughout an entire cell."
"There is an Arginine that pulls the trigger on the GTP hydrolysis reaction."
"RNA turnover: sculpting the transcriptome."
"...molecular biology came along...had a tremendous impact."
"RNA plays both roles as a genetic molecule and a functional molecule."
"Primase technically forms the RNA primer through DNA dependent RNA polymerase."
"Perhaps the molecular dice were loaded by some sort of law or life principle that favors the formation of the very molecular structures life needs."
"Given the large number of molecules involved in co-stimulation and co-inhibition, it's very likely that we're going to be seeing a lot of therapies targeting these pathways."
"Each gene, each bit of DNA in chromosomes in genomes has this code for the protein but also near it, it's got another bit of DNA that's called a promoter or an enhancer."
"Studying how a diatom is interacting with nitrogen, for example, it's an ideal way to do that because you're going to tap into all of this regulatory machinery by studying the transporters."
"Proteins come out of the ribosome as long, linear strings of amino acids and they fold up into these incredibly complicated shapes in order to do their jobs."
"Proteins themselves form protein complexes as an example."
"Single-cell RNA-seq offers a lot of new insights."
"Ultimately, we have to understand the molecular basis of disease, and I think a big part of that is understanding the mechanisms of gene regulation."
"So that gives you a stable structure so how do we make it unstable first those proteins are not covalently bonded together right if they were it would be too stable and it would never come apart."
"A detailed dissection of the molecular signaling switches that control immune cell activation and tumor checkpoint evasion is required if we hope to broaden the reach of immunotherapy treatments."
"The more you sequence, the more you'll capture, but it's limited by the number of RNA molecules and the complexity of your library."
"Bringing the kinase near the substrate is the first step in signal transduction."
"Nucleic acids consist of nucleotides: nitrogenous bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine/uracil), pentose sugars (ribose/deoxyribose), and phosphate groups. They carry genetic information."
"RNA, composed of bases (adenine, uracil, guanine, cytosine), sugar molecules, and phosphate molecules, carries genetic information, usually in a single-stranded form, but can fold into a double helix."
"PCR has been one of the most important developments in molecular biology."
"The field ran off into that more molecular biology analysis and therefore you find more and more mutations, more and more genetic defects."
"ATP actually involved other than the energy metabolism in a cell, which of course it is since it's a major building block of our DNA and RNA."
"Viruses and viral components are centerpieces of many of the tools that we use on a daily basis in molecular biology."
"The induced fit model is when the enzyme active site is induced, meaning it's caused to change shape around the substrate."
"If you have your protein molecules in the gas phase, rather than seeing it as a disadvantage, you should see it as an advantage."
"Negative-strand RNA viruses... They must have a polymerase in the particle."
"Reverse transcriptase has revolutionized molecular biology."
"Longer homology arms will increase the efficiency of homology directed repair."
"PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It's a scientific process similar to making a photocopy of DNA."
"Our genomes encode a variety of functional molecules, predominantly proteins and RNA species, that interact together to mediate biochemical processes and create biological structures."
"The central dogma of molecular biology: DNA makes RNA makes protein makes us."
"ATP synthase draws an ADP and a P together, allowing them to bond to make a molecule of ATP."
"Ribosomes make protein, converting nucleic acid information in DNA into amino acid information that proteins are made of."
"The central dogma of molecular biology: the flow of information from DNA to RNA to protein."
"The structure of DNA... stands for deoxyribonucleic acid."
"A DNA molecule is made up of two strands... forming this helix."
"Adenine will always pair with thymine, and guanine will always pair with cytosine."
"DNA polymerase can elongate at a pretty quick rate."
"Our DNA polymerase is able to proofread the newly made DNA."
"And so this basically proves that the ribosome is a ribozyme."
"Every RNA molecule will have a set of three barcodes giving me one in a million unique addresses for every RNA molecule."
"Welcome to the exciting world of molecular biology."
"This is the most definitive molecular method to identify genetic lesions and to know the sequence of DNA."
"The central dogma of life: DNA makes RNA makes protein."
"Positive-sense RNA can be directly translated into protein."
"How to identify which protein-protein interaction is the good one is based on the binding free energy between two proteins."
"Cas9 doesn't bind just any RNA; it has to bind an RNA that has this scaffold in it."
"When you see multiple bands for a protein, sometimes it means that that protein has a modification on it."
"We can locate with very high precision where the molecule has gone to the on state."
"I love talking about molecular biology and will most definitely respond."
"We have engineered cell-cell communication where sender cells make a small diffusible molecule which then goes to receiver cells."
"We engineered a feed forward motif where we have binding of the small molecule to this activator which activates two things simultaneously."
"Cardiolipin is a molecule that primarily exists in the inner mitochondrial membranes."
"The shape of DNA is known as a double helix."
"It's going to dock itself on the DNA and through a series of steps, it's going to travel along the DNA, reading it, if you will, and then it's going to copy down a strand of messenger RNA."
"We need to imagine that these instructions are in a language we can't understand, so we need to translate them."
"...all viruses have to make mRNA that can be recognized by cellular ribosomes."
"Adenine always pairs with Thymine, and Guanine always reacts with Cytosine."
"Fundamental molecular and cellular features and processes are conserved across organisms."
"RNA carries out genetic instruction for synthesizing proteins."
"Think of an aptamer as an RNA antibody."
"The hereditary molecule is called deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA."
"The ribosome is like a molecular protein factory."
"Proteins really carry out a lot of the molecular functions."
"You're only limited by your imagination as to what you can do with these aptamer RNAs."
"We work closely with researchers to develop new tools for improving molecular biology research."
"Tonight we'll be discussing molecular science."
"Water is a molecule which can easily diffuse through the extracellular and intracellular spaces."
"Restriction enzymes cut DNA molecules at specific DNA sequences called restriction sites."
"To see the fragments produced by cutting DNA molecules with restriction enzymes, researchers use gel electrophoresis."
"Sticky ends can bond with complimentary sticky ends of another fragment."
"DNA ligates can then close the sugar phosphate backbone of the DNA strands to create one smooth DNA strand again."
"The double helix or the DNA is side by side chains which we call strands, held together by hydrogen bonds."
"The unique sequence of amino acids determines the protein's 3D structure which will determine how it functions."
"A functional protein consists of one or more polypeptides precisely twisted, folded, and coiled into a unique shape."
"The double helix is every 10 nucleotides it does a turn, so it's this twisted ladder."
"Adenine will bind to thymine, and cytosine will hydrogen bond to guanine, but only those."
"We take the old strand, we split it in half, we build new strands to fill it out to make it complete."
"Semi-conservative replication... you have essentially one old strand and then the other part of it is going to be new."
"The future of developmental biology and the refined understanding of problems in development will depend heavily on our ability to combine visual quantitative techniques for analyzing distributions of molecules with the powerful techniques of molecular biology."
"RNA velocity is just a measure of the unspliced to spliced reads."
"We can infer time from it; right after transcription, RNA is unspliced, then eventually, after some amount of time, the RNA becomes spliced."
"Conversely, if you have a high amount of spliced reads and a low amount of unspliced reads, that means the gene is likely being turned off."
"What was important for the nuclear localization is actually the nuclear localization signal."
"The major breakthrough in our understanding came with the techniques of molecular biology."
"PCR can make millions, billions, trillions of copies of a template molecule."
"One of CRISPR's most important uses though will be one that doesn't get covered much by most sources as it isn't very sexy, but it is the cornerstone of how we understand organisms in the molecular era."
"As soon as the capsid is made and the RNA is put in it, along with a molecule of reverse transcriptase, these particles begin reverse transcribing."
"In DNA, A pairs with T, C pairs with G, what holds them together are hydrogen bonds."
"In transcription, we're going to go from the language of DNA to the language of RNA."
"Diffusion is the tendency for molecules to spread out evenly into an available space."
"Structure really informs function."
"DNA is such a reliable non-covalent structure where those base pairs are incredibly reliable."
"Molecular clocks help to track evolutionary time."
"An enzyme is shaped a certain way because it must match the substrate it's going to work upon."
"The primers mark the start and end of the piece of DNA we want to amplify."
"PCR is incredibly sensitive and only needs the tiniest width of DNA to work."
"DNA functions in the information storage and RNA functions as information retrieval."
"This principle is not only specific, it is universal also."
"This concept is called wobble hypothesis."
"The genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to proteins."
"DNA's structure is a double helix or a twisted ladder."
"That RNA can actually come back and influence the DNA and tell it what to do."
"Why do they look so much like something that should be making a protein but acts as an RNA?"
"Molecular clocks... it's a powerful tool that can give us a lot of information about natural history."
"With modern molecular tools, it is possible to take all this into account and design your attenuated vaccine so that the chance of reversion is just basically off the table."
"Small nuclear RNA is involved in post-transcriptional modification and maturation of ribosomal RNA."
"Proteins are molecules that do things in the cell; they're really amazing."
"This RNA has the same base composition as the phage DNA."
"We got a lot of insight into the dynamics of molecular motors, transcription, translation, and so forth."
"Molecular cloning is one of the most important techniques in molecular biology and biochemistry."
"Restriction cloning and PCR-based methods like SLIC are a couple of the main strategies we can use for this."
"You want to make sure that you have the C DNA, the complementary DNA, so it's corresponding to the mature messenger RNA."
"All life on earth depends on this tiny energetic molecule, adenosine triphosphate or ATP."
"DNA polymerase adds complementary nucleotides in a 5 to 3 direction."
"After one hour of PCR, I will get over 1 million copies out of one copy of DNA."
"Phosphates have a very special role in activating and deactivating molecules."
"A binds with T via two hydrogen bonds, C binds with G via three hydrogen bonds."
"DNA is usually double stranded, which gets to be double stranded via something called base pairing."
"Understanding the molecular mechanisms in pathogenesis is crucial for pathogens elimination."
"These molecular methods allow us to reconstruct geographic movements as well as phylogenies."
"This is going on even at the molecular level, so don't be upset if practical life is going like that."
"DNA is a linear polymer of nucleotides."
"So the consequence is to remove the Neo gene, remove the brake that prevents the tyrosine hydroxy gene from being expressed, and now you have a normal TH gene."
"The problem is virtually all molecular biological kits that are used these days, they are all contaminated."
"Knowing about symmetry and self-assembly allows us to make these kinds of vaccines."
"The enzyme that carries out transcription, that is the production of mRNA, is by definition RNA polymerase 2."
"Docking... you're predicting the preferred orientation of one molecule when bound in an active site to form a stable complex."
"If something or two organisms have a more similar DNA, mRNA or amino acid sequence, then the more closely related they are."
"RNA molecules are definitely a key part of the gene expression."
"The shape of DNA is a helix, which is basically a long spiral, and it has two strands that make up its structure, which is why we refer to it as a double helix."
"The central dogma of molecular biology starts with DNA, and if DNA is present, it has a template to create an RNA strand, and if RNA is present, it has the instructions to create a protein."
"DNA to RNA to protein is the central dogma of how information is transferred around our cells."
"The sequence of nucleotides in the DNA determines the sequence of nucleotides in the RNA that determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein."
"Each strand is nothing more than a chain of A's, T's, G's, and C's that is base paired to the other chain using those rules of G's always with C's and A's always with T's."
"DNA provides the code for an organism's growth and development by coding for protein synthesis."
"When you polymerize the nucleotides, you end up with nucleic acid."
"Molecular sequences change at a clock-like rate."
"Conventional PCR tells us what; real time PCR tells us how much."
"The RNA is circularized; it's very interesting."
"That's why molecular biology, one of the reasons why it's turned out to be such a powerful tool, because if you can think creatively you can find all different ways that one could take advantage of this fairly simple process of cutting and pasting."
"It's really been a powerful tool in molecular biology."
"Receptor catalyzed conformational alteration leads to the formation of a pore that allows the RNA to come out."
"Nucleotide excision repair recognizes and repairs bulky structural distortions of the DNA alpha helix."
"The design of drugs is happening increasingly as a result of the molecular knowledge of the structure of the proteins that they're targeting."
"We don't actually need every viewing direction, so a good example of this is this ATPase molecule."
"Bioinformatics is basically defined as the application of computer and computational sciences to the field of molecular biology."
"Structure equals function with proteins."
"Chaperonins make sure that proteins fold properly."
"When we have the structure of a DNA duplex or for that matter a RNA duplex, A always pairs with T. G pairs with C."
"There's nothing special or unique about the molecules found in living organisms; they are simply molecules that are governed by physical laws."
"Biochemistry is the science of the molecular basis of life."
"The shine-dalgarno sequence helps to align the messenger RNA with the ribosome."
"Every single iron atom in every single hemoglobin molecule came from the death of half a dozen stars."