
Holistic Approach Quotes

There are 673 quotes

"A holistic approach to health, considering the interconnectedness of different bodily systems, can lead to better health outcomes."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The intrinsic practice is about cultivating a collection of tools based on science, philosophy, and spirituality to enhance one's wellness and happiness, accessible to all, without any commercial barriers."
"I am happy that there'll be a more holistic approach to dementia care."
"The pharmaceutical industry has pushed a pharmaceutical approach to treatment, but this is not an either/or question. It's about starting with the fundamentals."
"Nutrition should be recognized as a holistic effect of countless nutrients, involving countless diseases, working through countless mechanisms."
"Real self-improvement, the holistic self-improvement message that comes from Adonis himself, focuses on improving all of the pillars of your life."
"We really try and put forth a holistic, patient-forward approach to everything and anything that we do in the field of health care."
"Systems thinking is having a global concern rather than a local tribal concern... it integrates the whole thing, global concern for the entire species."
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease."
"I have a formula for mental health: You do something for your mind, something for your body, and something for your soul every day."
"What we're seeking in parts of our lives, even if we don't in others, is a lesson in how we can have it all, if we address the places that aren't doing well."
"I believe that if we do not solve the spiritual problems, we will never solve the problems of the material world."
"What's the purpose of wellness, is it just to lose weight, or is the purpose of wellness... to make your life a little bit better instead of just your body?"
"Let's explore and celebrate this quality of discipline in a holistic, multi-dimensional way: discipline within our mind, discipline within our breathing, discipline within the alignment of our yoga postures, discipline within being consistent within our practice."
"It's like a hybrid between online coaching, online courses, and in-person things like yoga, meditation, life coaching, upliftment, and guiding people into feeling good and fulfillment in their life."
"Intersectionality is about taking a look at all of those things holistically and saying you are affected by all of these systems, all of these conditions, all of these terms."
"Reconnecting to nature as soon as you see a problem. Depression, headaches, anxiety, cancer — reconnecting to Nature."
"Eat well, nourish your body as well as your soul."
"The balanced scorecard offers a more holistic approach to strategy implementation and performance measurement."
"You have to get your body right, you have to get your mind right, you've got to get yourself right because yourself is the biggest tool that you have to create this vision that you're trying to create."
"We try to apply a more holistic approach to our employees here."
"To be practical is to practice a discipline or to be embedded in a discipline that is being actively practiced and that embeds you as a whole being including your body, including your values, and even including your private life in a set of performative acts."
"Instead, both official determinations of recessions and economists' assessment of economic activity are based on a holistic look at the data, including the labor market, consumer and business spending, industry production, incomes."
"You have to make preparations with your mind, soul, body, and spirit."
"We aren't in the business of false promises...we take an all-the-above approach to reduce as much pain and save as many lives as possible."
"Stewardship is not just about money...it's about time, talents, temple, testimony, and treasure."
"If all we're doing is addressing the housing status by building homes, which we need to do, but not paying attention to the person that we're supposed to be loving, we've missed the biggest part of the solution."
"Strength training is not just about the physical aspect, it's about developing mentally and spiritually as well."
"We got to stop compartmentalizing and start thinking on a macro level."
"I took everything I could that could help me save my life and didn't discriminate against any kind of medicine."
"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."
"I think the four pillars of living your best life are health, wealth, love, and happiness."
"Anxiety needs a much more general course of action. It requires you to treat different areas within your life with a holistic approach."
"Health isn't just your blood test results. Health is so much more than that."
"A holistic person cannot be perfect in every aspect. There's always flaws. I have flaws, we all have flaws."
"Master those deeper things and it'll unfold in every aspect of your life."
"Mind, body, spirit. We aren't just one; we are all of it."
"They have a much more holistic approach that I'm a really big fan of."
"Even if I've never seen a case of this particular disease before, I know what to do because I'm not treating the disease, I'm treating the body, I'm treating the system, I'm creating health."
"Steps to get rid of vitiligo: 'Stop exposure to toxins; educate yourself on vaccinations; optimize gut flora; organic plant-based diet.'"
"The human economy, wellness, relationships, and spirituality are all regulated by the law of rhythm."
"You can't blanket treatment this whole thing, look at the economy, look at the elder, you have to look at the crime and then allocate resources."
"Everything matters. Every thought, every action, every decision. It all integrates together to make up the whole you."
"Psychiatrists use the DSM as a guide, but they formulate patients more holistically."
"Skincare is about self-care, meditation, health—it's not just about aesthetics."
"We need to start healing our country, spiritually, mentally, emotionally."
"When you create an environment that's conducive to positive health, everything flourishes."
"I believe in integrative medicine. I think that we're moving in that direction. It's all connected."
"This is more than physical, this is spiritual."
"Focusing on health, not weight loss, is key."
"Health isn't just about our bodies, but also about our minds."
"Success in rehab comes from a holistic approach addressing triggers, emotional work, coping skills, and environment."
"Remember to be beautiful both inside and out."
"Achieving Optimal Health benefits comes from a comprehensive approach."
"The cabal provided a holistic view of the game."
"It's funny because the holistic human health requires holistic animal and ecosystem health."
"We are whole people, three-dimensional people."
"Nicole and I are running to help heal the symptoms of an ailing America, to heal our divisions, to heal our economy, to heal our mental health and our spiritual and our physical health."
"Connect worldly ambitions with spirituality."
"Faith is more than an intellectual exercise. It's something that you do with your whole life and your whole mind and soul and body."
"You need to be preparing mentally physically and spiritually but folks you just you got to be doing it or or you're just not going to be ready you're not going to make it if you if you don't start really pushing these things."
"We have the tools and the best drug is food."
"We are attempting to explain the universe as a whole, and by the universe, I mean everything."
"People need to make sense, to do sense-making, in ways that are less left brain, less linear, less masculine, and more holistic, more intuitive."
"The brain is embedded in a body, in an environment, in a family, in a community."
"You are the facilitator... you are affecting them physiologically, mentally, and emotionally."
"It's not about energy management at all, it's about life management."
"There's more to health than physical health, there's mental health."
"Engaging not only the patient, the provider, but also the community in that process."
"To help every child be their best, we need to cultivate their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being."
"Balance means taking care of your mind, body, and spirit and living life to the fullest. When you find your balance, you find your peace."
"Mindset without heart set will not give you sustainable results."
"Functional medicine... looks at your whole system not just one thing."
"Trust your heart to lead and allow your mind, body, and spirit to follow."
"Our skin health is a direct reflection of our internal organs too."
"Healthy body is possible when the mind is healthy."
"Being a good software engineer isn't just about being the best programmer or a great designer. A good software engineer holistically understands the process of creating software."
"You have to know how to market, you have to do everything together."
"Once you have the man, then you have the book, then you need to have the place."
"The mechanistic mechanical worldview is the worst possible worldview for living sustainably on the earth, a more holistic worldview of which morphic resonance in part seems to me not only true but essential for our survival."
"The more you help the whole human, that's not just a player, I think the better off you're going to be."
"I really like how companies are now kind of focusing on the inside as well as the outside."
"This is going to change your mind, body, and soul."
"We wanted to create a program that was fully well-rounded."
"Clean the inside of the cup and the outside will be clean."
"Yoga: different types, different benefits, one practice."
"It's more about creating a lifestyle that is incorporating mindfulness in all aspects."
"The challenge is not just a technical one or a political one, it's a spiritual one."
"Balance really is an art of life, balancing our occupational duties or our projects with our health, with our family and loved ones, and with our own spiritual progress."
"By fixing that... using food and various nutrients and herbs... these patients can get better."
"Focus on fewer things, not more. Focus on wealth, health, and environment."
"We're not made wrong; every symptom of the body is a portal, a doorway to access unseen energy."
"Everything is very simple... and they all come together to be this one amazingly epic experience of life."
"Know that there is just so much more to yoga than just doing movements and posts on the mat."
"In every aspect of healing, you must participate wholeheartedly."
"The health of the planet and our health is one health."
"We need a multi-pronged approach. There's a place for vaccines, early therapeutics, and targeted measures for the most vulnerable."
"Health is much more than just what you eat in isolation. It's much more of your lifestyle as a whole."
"It's all about the capacity to celebrate life... There needs to be celebration of life in everything we do."
"Fitness as something you purchase is removing us from a holistic relationship we could be having with it."
"I have realized that sleep, social connection, stress, and like your mental health is so much, if not more a part of like health and fitness than how you train and what you eat."
"Investing is only one piece of the total puzzle."
"We got to be about politics, not a damn culture, no, when you get your culture together, the politics, the education, the economics, the judicial, everything falls into place."
"Once you understand what your damn culture is, the politics, the education, the economics, the judicial, everything falls into place."
"We're not here to fix anything, we're here to move our attention to that part that is always whole and complete."
"Reigning in life covers all areas from personal life to profession."
"Align your head, your heart, and your hands."
"Every seeming situation that you face during the day, your purpose is to put the spirit out front and say lead me, guide me, show me this situation in a holistic way."
"Good mental, physical, and spiritual health - it's all connected."
"Commitment to yourself is key, whether in love, career, or personal growth."
"All schools educate the entire child's Soul, heart, intellect, and body."
"Food is medicine with regard to mental health."
"We're going to move the whole body in order to solve this problem."
"We treat the system, not the symptoms or diseases."
"The exterior styling...they thought about all those little elements that make it a complete package."
"Health is harmony, a delicate balance and adjustment between spirit, soul, mind, and body."
"It's more treating the root causes than it is just the symptoms."
"Clutter goes beyond physical space - there's mental clutter, emotional clutter, relationship clutter, and time clutter."
"Love is medicine, so food is medicine, love is also medicine."
"Take it seriously, it's not just about weight loss."
"But what I do worry about is the good people who see it and take it as true because unfortunately the world is full of thick people who see a short clip and take it as truth."
"Everything's connected, alright? So you can't just ignore these things."
"Your physical health is as important as your mental and emotional and spiritual health."
"It's an intellectual exercise, a challenge of mind, body, and spirit," emphasized the narrator.
"I want to do something that integrates all facets of who I am."
"Understanding health: a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being."
"The more you can learn about functional medicine, the more puzzle pieces you're going to be able to fit in and affect your patients' health."
"Healthy clear skin starts from within and it shows from the inside out."
"Finding ways to storytell that sound mind sound body."
"Ultimately, the best life has a little bit of everything at the same time."
"Everything is synthesized in the Sunday, a reminder that we first come into this space with everything we truly need."
"Food, exercise, stress, relationships, connection, love - all those things are things that we have control over."
"Combining all these things together into a complete package I think makes you a more well-rounded individual."
"The things you're willing to do are much crazier when you're meeting people you'll never see again."
"Imagine if we could reduce or even reverse asthma, anxiety, psoriasis, and much more... all by changing a single habit."
"Humans are not merely brains; we're encased within a very powerful body full of emotions and senses."
"Nature in an integral, holistic, systemic way pushes us to do better in many realms of justice."
"Make food your medicine, don't make medicine your food."
"Absolutely stress and sleep have such an impact on a thyroid health conversion health weight loss detoxification repair and maintenance."
"Medicine is about finding a cure, but also about finding relief and comfort."
"If I can fix metabolic health, most of the things that people come see me for will reverse."
"Your breath is so powerful in the healing aspect of your body, of your mind, and of your soul."
"You are in control of your breath, and your breath is so powerful in the healing aspect of your body, of your mind, and of your soul."
"Almost nobody saw that coming. We certainly didn’t. And we apologize for that. Again and again we told you Joe Biden would never be the Democratic nominee. We were wrong."
"Sleep, diet, and exercise are really the big pillars."
"The best way to look better is from the inside out."
"The Health Loop is really a collection of eight factors that give rise to your health."
"The remedy work on the primary problem not the symptom."
"It's not all about the glute growth, it's honestly more than that."
"The world card is about coming into balance... all elements are in play."
"Ecosystem health is not just about soil. It's the whole ecosystem."
"This singular pursuit will keep the human body at optimal health. No other reference point will. It will keep you cancer free with no autoimmune diseases, no gut problems, no reproductive problems, and incredible brain health."
"We need to take a holistic approach, we need to start thinking about integration and doing the psychological work it's going to take to heal some of the scars and fault lines within the collective unconscious."
"I think it’s much bigger than any one company or even industry in general. I think it has to be a big collaboration with many stakeholders from civil society, academia, government."
"Your business will be more successful when you are healthy, happy, and loving life."
"When everything is intact culturally, the politics, the economics, and everything else will fall into place."
"This method, Wim Hof method, is supportive both mentally and physically."
"It's like a one-stop shop for staying healthy."
"You can prevent, treat, or even reverse [chronic diseases] by activating your defense systems using food."
"You can't escape Harmony, it's all about complete balance."
"Medicine is to get you from NE 100 to Z, to remove something that is malfunctioning. Meditation is a process to go from Z to 100."
"Life can be yours, with love and work and good health."
"The long-term benefits of following the continuum concept are optimal well-being."
"Love will solve your divorce, your corporate liquidation, your bankruptcy, and your fears."
"Both the inner and the outer are necessary and complement one another and create the whole, the balanced path."
"Doing everything for the benefit of nature, the Earth, the animals, the trees, the plants, the snails, the slugs, everything."
"Healing is technical, it's not just whoo-hoo waving a magic wand and burning some sage, you know, and saying a couple of prayers and boom I'm healed, hell no."
"The secret to vibrant health lies in nature's remedies."
"You're not going to sacrifice one area for abundance in another. That's super karmic."
"Leadership is embodying the how, the why, the when. Mind, body, and spirit. Leading by example."
"Islam is a way of life that can give you peace of the Mind, the body, and the Soul."
"Let's take a whole holistic approach to your life and bridge the gap from where you are now and where you want to be."
"It's because we don't have to be either/or. We can address individuals in their sin and their brokenness, and also look at problems with systems."
"So now it's time to turn my attention towards this property in a more holistic way."
"Food should be about nourishment culturally, socially, personally, psychologically as well as physically."
"Blue Buffalo follows a holistic approach to pet nutrition."
"If cancer is cured on the Gerson Therapy, so is virtually everything else."
"Your entire life, your bank account, your love-life, your happiness, your success... it all comes from the subconscious mind."
"Repair, restore, restart, and renovate - harness the energy to fix other areas of your life."
"Manifestation is basically embodying things mind body and spirit."
"Resolving the cause allows the body to self-repair."
"Medicine, diet, exercise, the right environment."
"I'm about the whole person. I mean we are both spirit, soul, and body."
"Our children's protection, education, and healthcare are top priorities."
"We need to be competing on all levels, we need to have the best Youth System, the best training facilities, the best setup for the women's everything."
"Prioritize holistic solutions over quick fixes."
"Take what is useful and integrate it for holistic healing."
"In the future, your health journey should reflect everything that you are."
"Always remember the body when designing garments."
"My philosophical stance on depression is let's use all the tools, all the things."
"It's not just about the winning, it's everything that kind of goes into it."
"Yoga is the union itself. Yoga doesn't mean just these fancy poses all the time. Yes, it's great for the physiology side of things, but yoga is to be in that self-actualized union with self ultimately."
"Everything is everything when it comes to spirituality."
"There needs to be more of a shift toward a more holistic treatment of mental illness."
"Financial monitoring not only helped his finances but transformed other areas of his life."
"So when we look at toes we look at the health of the feet I'm looking at the health of the blood I'm looking at health of the calf."
"All ailments are connected to the pain or the payment that still needs to be made and balanced out."
"Just like the last one, let's look at the whole picture before we dig into the wiring diagram."
"The healing in anything takes place with a transfer of energy."
"It's a package deal, right? I mean it's holistic medicine right, you have to attend to the fuel that's going into the automobile as well as attend to tuning it up."