
Health Outcomes Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"A holistic approach to health, considering the interconnectedness of different bodily systems, can lead to better health outcomes."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Thinking about a positive future leads to activation of the so-called mesolimbic reward pathway and could reduce the size of tumors, could accelerate wound healing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's up to the patient to be honest with themselves about their experiences... That awareness seems like an incredibly powerful thing to own and to build and cultivate."
"A more successful pregnancy requires vitamin D."
"If you have adversity in the presence of safe and stable relationships, you end up with having fewer long-term health, mental health, social consequences."
"Antibodies are not the end-all-be-all of vaccinations. Their whole downstream effect, for instance, T cells, again help against some of the worst outcomes of COVID-19 like hospitalization."
"Previously infected... then they were also vaccinated, they didn't have cases before, they didn't have cases after."
"If taken as prescribed, ART can reduce the amount of HIV in the body, decreasing that viral load to a very low level which helps maintain those CD4 cells and prevents illness."
"Access to health care in this country is abysmal. We are failing people at enormous rates with regards to allowing them to achieve the health status that they want, particularly before pregnancy."
"My patients didn't end up in the hospital with fractures or falls and had stronger muscles, and mentally, they were better."
"What we quickly saw was that, okay, yes, people were losing weight but more importantly, their diabetes was going away."
"Health really does result from healthful living."
"We don't like to use the word 'cure' because it is such a loaded word, but it's about as good as you can get."
"It's not that they are getting infected more often, it's that when they do get infected, their underlying medical conditions... lead to a higher death rate."
"People that were naturally infected were having worse hospitalization outcomes upon reinfection rather than people that were vaccinated and had breakthrough infections."
"People who consume whole grains and legumes, they live longer with less heart disease and with less cancer."
"Only a handful of people on this planet have the determination to live this way, but it's amazing what happens when we do."
"If Americans ate the level of animal products the Gullah Geechee did, we'd probably have a fifth the rate of heart disease."
"That is the power of being able to treat it correctly."
"All the technological advancement and public policy decisions... have they contributed to promoting a longer and healthier life course or a longer and sicker life?"
"Among both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, Omicron infections were associated with substantially reduced risk of severe clinical endpoints."
"Most people are going to respond to this and do just fine."
"We've got not necessarily a happy ending—I mean, ideally there's no cancer—but testicular cancer is super treatable when caught."
"If you want large, fluffy, buoyant LDL particles, restricting carbs is definitely the most effective way to do that."
"You don't have to get down to below 25 BMI to see significant results."
"The bottom line is that when you lose weight in most cases you're going to be healthier."
"People who eat nuts are much more health conscious they have better health outcomes across the board than the rest of the study population."
"Comparing keto and vegan diets: one increases mortality, the other decreases it."
"Type 2 diabetes is chronic and progressive... It's gone."
"Half of his patients... came off all their drugs."
"Hope, whether it's based in faith or simply that hopefulness, greatly impacts outcomes."
"This is not a fluke, it's a large number of people reversing their type 2 diabetes."
"A lot of cases, very little death. And what that's doing is actually boosting the immune system."
"Obsessing over her life isn't going to make her less sick... whether or not she dies or recovers isn't for us to decide..."
"Cases dropping off means less people are going to get sick."
"If you're going to get thyroid cancer, you may as well be a 35-year-old woman because those people have the best prognosis."
"Plant-based nutrition in my mind is truly the gift that keeps on giving and it never ever ever stops giving you good results."
"You would expect significant losses in fat mass as well as lean body mass."
"A plant-based diet, I mean that is the healthiest patient that they have, so they've seen the results."
"Putting money into our hands would increase the size of our economy by 700 billion just because of better health outcomes and better education outcomes."
"There can't be any other definition: a good therapist makes their patients leave healthier."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"You're not finding the same complications side effects weight regain muscle loss stomach issues gastro."
"What's so funny with him being in the NICU watch five years from now you're not even gonna be able to tell the difference between how tiny he was compared to like the regular-sized babies."
"One of the biggest levers, in fact the single biggest predictor of your health outcomes in life, are the number of close connections that you have. It's more than quitting smoking. It's more than going to the gym. It's more than stopping drinking."
"Results of a well-formulated ketogenic diet in diabetes are nothing short of remarkable."
"Contrary to Common expectations, adults consuming a carnivore diet experience few adverse effects and instead it reported health benefits and high satisfaction."
"Every single bit of data... has come to the mass conclusion that transitioning massively helps trans people."
"Winning the game means more years in life, more life in years."
"Vegans have better health outcomes across the board."
"There's a tangible difference when I interact with plant-based doctors."
"Mediterranean eating pattern has consistently shown the best results."
"You can't spin a disease. It's either going to get worse or it's not going to get worse, and we're going to find out."
"The Delta variant comes in like a hurricane but leaves a lot of immunity in its wake."
"Sex is talked about openly and explored, leading to lower rates of abuse and teen pregnancy."
"They're doing leaps and bounds better than we are."
"After seven years of that, the results were the low-fat diet had no effect on meaningfully losing weight, no effect on preventing type-2 diabetes, no effect on preventing heart disease nor any kind of cancer, none."
"We're not just talking about dollars and cents here, we're talking about how long you live. That's a huge human loss to so many people around the world, and it runs with economic freedom."
"Drug decriminalization in Portugal achieved a dramatic drop in HIV infections and overdose fatalities."
"I drank pee out of it and I'm not even sick."
"Our terrain, the soil in which disease develops, and we're really talking about our microbiome, our immune system, etc. that soil is really critical to outcome." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"If he's eating carnivore from birth, that kid's going to grow up to be a superhero compared to his peers."
"OMAD would be the best way to go if you want faster results."
"So, cases are rising... however, deaths are decoupled because of vaccination..."
"The cardiovascular risk went down despite the LDLc going up a little."
"The group that lived longer, the group that had lower cancer mortality, lower all-cause mortality, lower rates of pneumonias, was the highest cholesterol group."
"Junk food doesn't cause this particular virus to get inside you, but if it gets inside you, it dramatically influences your outcome."
"The pure study published in the journal Lancet in 2017 revealed that 'higher carbohydrate intake, not meat and fat, was associated with an increased risk of total mortality.'"
"Trauma is a leading cause of bad health outcomes."
"The Omicron variant appears to be substantially less likely to cause long COVID than previous variants."
"Higher LDL levels are clearly associated with a reduced chance of dying."
"The choices that we make every single day... has the capacity to bring us true health and optimal wellness."
"Following a whole food plant-based diet does not mean you can't get sick but it does mean that you have a better chance of not getting sick."
"Just because a diet makes you lose weight, that doesn't mean anything."
"It still likely makes the cases less severe."
"The sooner you can get treatment, the better your outcome is going to be."
"Fermented foods and probiotics have been shown to have health benefits."
"Being an engaged and informed patient may lead to better outcomes."
"Our DNA is not our destiny. The choices that we make each and every day can determine whether or not we get atrial fibrillation."
"Improved patient and population health outcomes are probably the most obvious."
"The evidence is pretty strong for a number of endpoints, cardiovascular, colorectal cancer, maybe some other cancers."
"If for the young women who got pregnant... for those of them who had four or more aces they were twice as likely to lose that baby."
"Confounding is not just an issue where it creates a spurious Association but it can also bias some kind of quantity or effect size that we're seeking."
"If you're purely doing a comparison between health outcomes from those prescribed the treatment versus those who weren't prescribed the treatment, you might find that the people in your data set prescribed the treatment are actually doing worse."
"The simple act of eating together as a family helps to increase improve the health outcomes for the children and the adults as well."
"When you're born with a certain DNA sequence, you actually might be able to predict that if you encounter a certain exposure, you might see a certain health outcome."
"Positivity matters in how people do with the disease."
"Early detection is key for better outcomes."
"Having a sense of community and support has been well established in the scientific literature to improve health outcomes."
"The incidence is about 1 in 2,500 live births and it sometimes can result in elevated intracranial pressure and has been associated with decreased developmental outcomes."
"Functional ability and quality of life are critical outcomes in the geriatric population."
"These hundreds of thousands of people told people what they were eating, and decades later, we can see who got sick and who didn't."
"Clinical research should be useful, it should make a difference for health and disease outcomes."
"It looks like we're reproducing the Trim trial results, but of course, it's going to take years before we can really prove it."
"Knowledge has far better outcomes than the most powerful drugs known to mankind."
"Employee health certainly long-term improvements and employee health outcomes are priceless but also quantifiable."
"When they looked specifically at the participants that stuck the closest to the recommendations, the effect was stronger. 40% less cardiovascular events on the Mediterranean diet."
"The purpose of a cohort study is to study causes of disease, their health outcomes, and to look at different types of preventions and possibly treatments for diseases."
"Sixty-six percent of those people are not going to be living independently 24 months later."
"High potassium is associated with better outcomes: fewer strokes, fewer heart attacks, lower blood pressure."
"...the outcomes are so much better when somebody has an advocate in place and when loved ones can separate the disease process from the person just being difficult or challenging..."
"Exercise after diagnosis might be associated with improvements in cancer outcomes."
"Most sources usually suggest that being leaner than around 10% for males or around 18% for females is where most people may start to see negative health outcomes."
"Marriages are slightly less likely to end in divorce, and members are less likely to die from heart disease or cancer overall than their peers."
"The overwhelming evidence out there suggests that not sleeping enough, having untreated sleep apnea, having too much job-related stress makes you do worse at work, have worse health outcomes overall."
"Your chance of death is incredibly low, all wins here."
"When it comes to good health, there are many tracks that lead to the station."
"Obesity prevention not only results in better physical and mental health outcomes but has broader school, work, and societal benefits."
"T-cell immunity is strongly associated with patient outcomes."
"The observation has been several decades that Asian populations with stage four disease do have slightly better outcomes."
"Evidence suggests that early mobility will help with outcomes."
"By monitoring our patients we can reduce morbidity and mortality a lot of times."
"Social Determinants of Health are the conditions in which people live, work, learn, and play, and they affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes."
"People who question their doctor tend to have better long-term health outcomes."
"Whether or not someone heals should not be up for interpretation."
"The overall health outcomes in a population would be better if they can't just go out and eat anywhere and they actually had to select food and be conscious about what they eat."