
Utility Quotes

There are 11044 quotes

"Minimal intervention things... hopefully are going to be of use to people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Money is fuel. You can have a beautiful car, no fuel, [it] doesn't go."
"To unleash the talents and passions of many people and to harness them into a work that is actually useful."
"There are times where jump pack is so clutch."
"There's something just like freeing about having a tool that does exactly what it needs to do and nothing more."
"Grimoires have a lot of different useful utility functions and a couple of beefy spells."
"The beauty of Gallagher is that even though he does have that break niche where he's going to excel and help buff your characters...he doesn't have to be in that because healing is actually pretty decent overall."
"The wizard is unequivocally S-tier in utility."
"If we approach the things we buy strictly in regards to their utility, we find that most of it is totally unnecessary."
"We navigate as creatures, not by describing explicitly, but by using a navigation tool, an accurate map."
"Learning feels like owning a tool that might be useful at some point, even if it won't be used that day."
"Something is something because people describe it to be something, but we get utility from these definitions."
"It's hard to find a good 10 by 10 tarp that's versatile like a square tarp is."
"Science has been the demonstrably most consistently reliable method of accurately describing the universe in a way that is useful and productive."
"Skills have utility. They allow you to do things in the world. Whether your mom believes in you or not, if you get good enough, you will win."
"The world of algorithms is vast, but we can often split them into two distinct classes: those that are inherently useful and those that are just purely beautiful."
"All of this is possible because of our deep, deep commitment for over 16 years to build the world's most helpful map for people everywhere."
"Psychedelics can come in and be useful... for most people, they need a wake-up call."
"Adding the most OP food item in Minecraft... this vending machine is going to be pretty useful."
"Carpet of spikes is a lifesaver because it can hit lead balloons and it can hit camos."
"When restoring these radios, I repair them to use them, not just to put them on a shelf and look at them."
"Don't underestimate the utility of incremental improvement."
"I'll be a generator, turn me on when you need electricity."
"Our puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be some use to itself and to the world."
"Money is ultimately a tool. It's a tool to allow us to do the things that we want to do when we want to do them."
"There is nothing that you would ever purchase in the preparedness industry that is never going to have some utility to it."
"One person's utility might be the acquisition of the most valuable goods, while another's might be forming relationships at their church."
"All of this is improving The Human Condition. It's how you use it."
"We got here because people went into the unknown, they conquered what was out there, they took what was of utility from that, they brought it back and they shared it with the community."
"It's not about how much you can lift but where you can carry it."
"Every model is wrong; every theory is wrong. Some of them are useful."
"I'm looking forward to this being an enjoyable and also useful experience."
"You can't use it; it's been built with wood inside of it."
"In an emergency, a crayon will burn for 30 minutes."
"Knowledge stacks. Knowledge has utility, utility means you can do something other people can't do, and now you're able to monetize that utility."
"Bitcoin has intrinsic properties that might render utility and therefore value."
"Craigslist is ugly as hell but it's incredibly useful and it's incredibly effective."
"I'm interested in the truth for one reason and one reason only... it has so much utility."
"The beauty of the Civic is it's just kind of like a Swiss Army knife."
"The ultimate thing about it is that information matters, information is helpful."
"Business aviation is not just a luxury item but also an instrument for the implementation of tasks."
"Bitcoin is the egalitarian solution with more utility."
"Utopia's network is proof that the internet should exist as a utility."
"It was a very popular design –and over eighty thousand were made, many of which are still in service to this day."
"If we recognize our artifacts as tools, then we test them by their utility and costs, not by their novelty."
"This truck can power your house if you buy an optional system that's available with this truck."
"The internet, like fire, is a tool. Fire is great; it can keep you warm, it can cook your food. It can also burn you and it can burn down your house."
"Artificial intelligence... is one of the most useful things I've ever seen created."
"All models are wrong, but some are actually very useful."
"Tailoring takes all that cloth you receive whilst leveling and makes it into something useful."
"The reason that I think Bitcoin is not going to go away is because people are actually using it."
"Teach kids programming in school; it's useful for more than just getting a good job."
"A major purpose behind typography is utility. This means presenting the text in a way that is useful, clear, and legible to its reader."
"The importance of the spear...it's just such a useful tool...George Miller picked this, the spear, but yet elevated it and continued to have it evolve."
"Whether you're loading up a mountain bike, securing your family's Christmas tree, or clearing a foot of snow off from that last storm, the Moki Doorstep gives you the boost you need."
"This video is timeless, so it is good for any time you're finding it."
"Stormbreaker's design, having best of both worlds essentially a hammerhead and an axe head, gives options and utility."
"This will definitely come in handy when I'm working on a new project and I need like a whole bunch of stones smelted at once."
"The organization aisles are always some of my favorites here at Home Goods because you know you're gonna find something that you can use in your home that's gonna just instantly make it better."
"Some cliches are just too useful to give up."
"Do you believe it because it's true or do you believe it because it's useful? And if it weren't true, would you still believe it? I believe it because I think it's true."
"All those classes from sixth grade, it's finally coming in hand."
"It's less about what you have and more about how you use it."
"The Galaxy Watch Active 2 is so much more than a watch, it's a perfect companion that helps you manage your craziest days."
"The slice syntax, I find it--it's just useful in a lot of situations."
"Cryptocurrencies can ultimately be successful only if they're successful currencies."
"Hard pivot to a piece of tech that I've been using."
"Shamans are great for the crazy amount of buffs and utility that they provide."
"People actually finding something useful that I made and implementing them into their lives. It's just mind boggling."
"Knowledge is an incomparably valuable, multipurpose tool."
"Do you know what this is for? It's for cutting boxes."
"And I'm also going to throw in one kind of oddball recommendation that doesn't really fit in with the other three but might be useful for certain viewers, so let's get into it."
"Maslow's hierarchy of needs is perhaps the most useful tool you can have at your disposal."
"These aren't just fancy named things, these connect to something."
"Smart objects in particular are really, really useful."
"Duct tape island: The duct tape is a freaking miracle material."
"The finest weapon is no better than its user."
"Everyone should know, but I can't do a video without mentioning it because it is so ridiculously useful. And that is quick stacking."
"This map works. That's how I know it's true."
"For a vast majority of motorcyclists, that is completely impractical for 99% of street use."
"It had massive passenger room and all that cargo storage room."
"Nuclear remember is not just a fantastic fuel for generating electricity and emissions free but it's a really important fuel in deterring war."
"Yo, hold on a second, this coral gives us air, that's cool."
"Your electric vehicle could be an asset for the grid."
"Your rights, in some sense, are my responsibility and vice versa."
"People find more significance in their life in being of use, utility, and service to other people."
"Just go ahead and place it next to some kind of power source or connecting into your energy line."
"Math is just the tool. It does still apply like the screwdriver and the atom bomb. You can't blame the tool for how it's used."
"There is no defensible reason ever to send human beings into orbit or into space at all if you're speaking as a pure scientist."
"Some things aren't used but they're not useless."
"A functioning workshop is better than a battalion of soldiers."
"Everyone who's used the flashlight on the Garment devices over the last year and a half as like best feature ever."
"The internet, we're all on it literally right now. What is it? It's this utility nowadays that we all rather take for granted."
"Why build a REST API in the first place?... Connecting your Django project to any third-party service or client."
"This is useful in a lot of different places."
"It's a game changer if you know how to use it."
"Downstriking is an extremely useful skill to learn."
"The Sorrento's cargo space is configurable, offering up to 1700 liters when the second row is dropped."
"Grammar is important, but it's limited. It can be useful, but it's not the whole thing." - Stephen Krashen
"All knowledge itself is instrumental to our overall greatest outcome."
"Functions are very interesting, very cool. You can do lots of things with them."
"Congratulations teleporter rail, I could see this being subtly one of the most useful things in a giant SMP or giant Minecraft world."
"The information is still relevant. If the information was outdated, I wouldn't post them. But the information is relevant."
"Simplicity, I think is the answer. Some of the things that are the most useful in a fight or in combat or whatever usually the most simple."
"He wrote it in a really compact way that's easy to read. That's super helpful."
"There is utility of lung ultrasound in COVID-19."
"Built in and you just use it like any other SSH client, it even supports port forwarding and file transfers."
"So, that's what you can do with status, it's super cool, super effective."
"And since we're talking about things that maybe aren't as exciting but are super handy, we gotta talk about clamps."
"Science comes of course of course that's how you I mean like you'd rather become study material than to be useless."
"What would happen is, you know, obviously... there would be no reason for it to exist."
"Learn a new skill around something that will always be useful to you."
"This wrapper will just give you a string representation."
"The money can go up and down in value, or it may be stable, it maybe utility and function."
"Almost every single unit in the Space Marine codex is useful."
"The Files app is a bit of a Hidden Gem on the iPhone."
"Timery is an app that hooks into the service Toggl... it works as a great front end for Toggl."
"And you can see the nice thing about node wrangler."
"Inspect: Crypto research tool with multiple use cases."
"The sheer number of parts and ease of repair that the more regular Mack trucks and Caterpillars offered as convoy vehicles made them far more usable and suitable for long-distance overland expeditions."
"Take some that is completely junk and worthless and make it into something that you can really use."
"Regrowth is too mana to get any card out of your graveyard into your hands, this Holistic Wisdom turns all the cards into your hand into regrowth, kind of right?"
"Wall of force is an example of one of those great spells that does more than what it just says in the spell description."
"He learns about methodologies in case they may be useful."
"Trap supercharger weapon supercharger, okay that's going to save the world."
"That's a very useful feature if you get a lot of text messages."
"Overall, it's extremely useful to have compression techniques for all the types of data I discussed today."
"Gold and silver are not the complete picture, but they're an essential tool."
"Care packages have a place in the game that feel like they're appropriate."
"You don't want to build infrastructure just because it's fun to build infrastructure; you want to build it to address real needs."
"Disguises aren’t the skeleton key they once were, but they’re still incredibly useful and, moreover, incredibly fun to mess around with."
"This car comes with a three-pin socket, now you can get other cars with a three-pin socket and they'll be able to charge a laptop. However, this one has 250 volts and 16 amps."
"You can use it for tailgating, hunting, hauling, towing, moving day, off-roading, helping out a friend or family member, road trips."
"A spell list like no other: utility, support, and combat prowess combined."
"This is really just a very well done palette it has pretty much everything you need."
"Wikipedia does have real power, and its biggest power lies in using it for lateral reading and harvesting its citations."
"The different Drive modes really make a difference when driving too; all-purpose is great for daily driving, but sport adjusts everything to make this truck handle in ways that don't seem possible."
"These drive modes are awesome and not a gimmick by any means."
"Local Guides make maps more helpful, especially during times of crisis."
"Consoles are genuinely very useful and viable and valuable."
"They make excellent additions to your shop apron."
"Flight is probably the single most useful skill we unlock in the entire game."
"I think if people get used to you know scheduling being used like what is meant to be useful to let you know then I think they will get used to it."
"Paladins offer some amazing utility and are the best supporting class in the game."
"Hooks get a bad rap, they're seen as gimmicky and superficial, which they can be, but sometimes they're really helpful."
"I still think they are exactly what you should pick up."
"The iPad Pro is extremely versatile, great for everything."
"The utility that this thing provides as far as creative power on-the-go and providing utility in loads of different areas is beyond amazing."
"You can actually hide inside of it or you can use it as a dual purpose where you can trap enemies inside of it."
"Another great tool to have in the box if you have to do any kind of internal grooving for seals."
"Hatches will poop coal, super useful for power."
"Stealth mode is very useful for escaping the cops, making losing cops in this helicopter really easy."
"It's actually really useful to have some washi tape around because you can just put a little piece of washi tape over the incorrect information."
"Auto save feature... a really handy feature."
"People always underestimate the impact of a really good stick, you know."
"Being able to imagine the impossible is also practically useful."
"If you've got lots of people and stuff that you need to transport, you just might be looking at your ideal car."
"Play mats are not required but they are very, very useful."
"Bitcoin has a clear value proposition and delivers clear economic utility today."
"Thresh... has great catch power with his hook while his Lantern and ultimate allow him to peel well at the same time."
"Technology is not like other tools lying around the house."
"So now we can actually do what we first set out to do and use this data to determine what the most popular or homebrew packages are."
"The models are great because they give you they can help you formulate a plan if it plays out in a certain way."
"This is one of the most effective genius gadgets I've ever used."
"Helicopters aren't designed for style points. They're designed to fulfill a job."
"Salt isn't just used for cooking, it can get rid of tough smells."
"That little hole on the handle of a pot or a frying pan isn't just for hanging them on the wall."
"This little She Shack is going to serve me so well in all my upcoming DIY projects."
"What better way to recycle them than to give them to somebody who's going to use them every day?"
"Money is just a means of bridging the gaps between wants and needs."
"Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless."
"I love this knife... one of the best tricks for peeling garlic."
"It's very difficult to play to a click accurately and with ye'll, instead, what it ends up being is a very useful tool for post-production."
"Feedback whenever you're talking about a product that is being sold is almost always useful."
"A list is useless without you knowing why things are on it."
"Some tokens go up because they have real-world utility."
"Masks are a fantastic thing to add to your tool set."
"This spell will carry you through a lot of the levels if not all 50 levels on blue mage itself."
"The Rivian R1T and R1S promise high-end luxury yet adventurous utility."
"That's a great thing because we already use it."
"What keeps it useful even to those who don't think they're benefiting from it is it allows them to decide... which is not a scientific approach but it does help with curation."
"XRP's primary purpose is facilitating cross-border payments while other cryptos find their value in speculation."
"Bitcoin is not just money. It is a weapon. It is a tool."
"Invest in something that you believe in, that you see the roadmap, that you see utility."
"It's just a very reliable Workhorse of a note-taking app."
"It's basic, it's boring, it gets the job done."
"When you're giving people cryptocurrency, they're able to actually spend it or they're able to do whatever it is they want to do with it."
"A puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and the world."
"The Odyssey is probably the quintessential family minivan."
"This table does actually come with some cool stuff that will allow us to search for things with the search bar."
"Greens are my favorite, just because they're so utilitarian."
"Hope you enjoyed it and found it useful, and I'll see you in the next video."
"That undo button at the top is really handy."
"The Pinpoint weather app... potentially life-saving tool as well."
"There's lots of cool things you can use them for."
"In February 2021, Italian plumber Luciano Faggiano was called out to what he expected to be a standard job in Puglia, Italy. He'd been told there was a broken toilet in a restaurant and he was the right man to fix it."
"Sometimes people are nice to you as long as you're of use to them, then turn on you when you can't or won't any longer."
"Polar bears are pretty much useless. I mean, they're cool and all, but they're pretty much just a decoration."
"Coarse dirt, oh man, this one's gonna be quick. I mean, useless, very useless indeed."