
Interconnectedness Quotes

There are 3234 quotes

"A holistic approach to health, considering the interconnectedness of different bodily systems, can lead to better health outcomes."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we understand that the actual science of the unity of everything... then it also follows that illness and health are not individual attributes, they're actually manifestations of our relationships and our situation in the world."
"To the question of what is a meaningful human life, there's not just my own experience, but how do I relate to the whole of life?"
"Systems thinking is a way of looking at the world as a series of interconnected webs, systems within systems within systems, all interacting with each other in interesting and counterintuitive ways."
"A system is a set of interconnected things... a web built of things plus the connections that connect these things in a meaningful way."
"Everything we see around us is composed of relationships, and everything we describe scientifically is also relationship-based."
"Everything in our universe is infinitely interconnected."
"Buddha got enlightened under the tree because he saw the whole ecosystem...everything is one activity, entangled."
"The universal power is everywhere, in every person, place, and thing."
"Spirituality is recognizing that I am connected to the energy of all creation, that I am a part of it, and it is always a part of me." - Oprah Winfrey
"We are all deeply connected and this is a manifestation of that deep interconnectedness."
"I am part of this greater thing like we're all a part of these, made up of Stardust and all these different things."
"Our well-being depends on the well-being of the whole system and all the creatures in it."
"This is the way of matter, this is the way of life, we're all embedded in this microverse of interconnectivity."
"Our own freedom is fundamentally connected with the freedom of others because it enhances our personal freedom rather than inhibits it."
"The Buddha, 2,500 years ago, talked about the interconnected core rising of phenomena...nothing exists on its own."
"All of these things must be ultimately interconnected into a unity, and that's what non-duality tells us."
"When the water of illusion drains away, we see that we are all connected."
"Everything is interconnected; the Mystics were right, that in a sense, everything is one."
"This awareness is infinite and this awareness penetrates everything, whether it's a tree, a blade of grass, anything."
"The interconnectedness of geopolitical and global trade reminds us that what happens in one part of the world can have profound implications for economies thousands of miles away."
"We are not separate individuals but interconnected with each other."
"What you do affects your neighbor...we're all links in a chain, we're all together."
"We are all connected on the inner net; we are all one."
"All life breathes together; we are one living organism."
"Understanding how interconnected the whole humanity is, is crucial."
"We need each other, and we are connected for a reason."
"The right hemisphere sees the world as coherent, where nothing is completely separate from everything else."
"It's not just me, there's something more, there's love."
"If God has tied us together, then I believe it's fate."
"The world has changed fundamentally... we no longer live in 193 separate boats, we live on 193 separate cabins on the same boat."
"The key features of this so-called primary mystical experience...are this sense of unity, this sense of the interconnectedness of all people and all things."
"Things are interconnected, that things are fundamentally good, that love and truth can actually prevail."
"We're just reminding each other who we are and the fact that there is a home within all of us and we're all connected to that."
"It is so obvious to me that these issues of racial, gender, economic, and climate justice are very intertwined."
"We have a lot of problems with our society today being like in some ways more interconnected than it ever has been and in other ways like more isolated than it ever has been."
"You get to find commonalities where you're interconnected, just sharing humanity."
"I don't feel small, necessarily. I feel in awe and I feel I'm a part of it."
"Learn to think in terms of systems. Develop awareness for the ecological interconnectedness of things."
"Soul expansion. Your consciousness is expanding. You understand the connections of all things."
"We live in a universe that's purposeful, that our minds are part of something much greater than ourselves."
"We are all connected at the lowest level, an energetic level called the unified field."
"The world is more interconnected than ever before and it's becoming more connected every day. Building walls won't change that."
"I can't cause you pain, without causing me pain. Your pleasure is part of my pleasure."
"Anything that starts in one place affects the whole world. We cannot live in our nation-state boundaries. We can't."
"We are alive with one another in the light of this unlikely world that isn't ours for long."
"It's about growing and developing, and as soon as we do that, we find that so many things are interconnecting and we've all got a role to play."
"The world card represents absolute interconnectedness, how all things affect all things."
"Everything is connected; the existence of a distinct entity, the isolated self, is an illusion."
"To recognize interbeing is to be aware of our entangled existence, of not simply living in the world but rather of being at home in a shared world."
"If you follow the curiosity, it helps people understand a lot of topics in an interconnected rather than fragmented way."
"We are never alone. Interconnectedness can never be taken away from us."
"God is all the energy in the universe... You can never be separated from God."
"The interconnectedness of all things is not just a theme; it's a living, breathing part of how stories unfold."
"We are globally interconnected, we have realized that we can respond quickly to global challenges if and when we need to."
"One of the beauties of the evolutionary perspective is not only understanding our own place in the world but our really deep sharing with other animals."
"Decentralization means that each cell controls itself but is interconnected to the others without a central governing force."
"We are part of the earth... we are all connected for sure."
"We are in a phase of transition here on planet earth, moving from thinking that our lives are just this individual little island of personal experience to realizing that our lives are very connected with other lives."
"Truth, love, and attention are all allied together."
"We are all connected. There is no separateness from you and me and everyone and everything in this world."
"What we really come to learn is that there are very few basic physiological systems in the body that are all interconnected, that are all influenced by our lifestyle and by our environment and by our genes."
"It turns out that seems like everything that we're suffering from today is inflammation, even things like depression and autism and cancer and diabetes and heart disease and Alzheimer's."
"Life is a chain reaction because each life is connected to the next life."
"The interconnected world of the future will be the result of decisions we must make today."
"You're not just one single leaf in a forest; you are a drop in a vast and connected ocean."
"Our small M mind participates in the large capital M mind."
"This discovery propelled comparative studies to new heights and enriched our comprehension of the interconnectedness and shared human experiences that underlie ancient religious traditions."
"We are all connected to a collective consciousness."
"The first enlightenment is to realize fully that you are part everything in existence. The second enlightenment is to realize fully that everything is a part of you."
"Many experts argue what's called a one-health perspective where we recognize that the health of humans, animals, and our environment are all interconnected."
"One of the commonly reported effects of psilocybin use is a feeling of interconnectedness with all things and with all people."
"Your thoughts are not just these whimsical things that have no weight and carry no weight in the universe. Your thoughts are things; your thoughts are like the whole weight, and there's a big pool of energy in the universe that if you connect, everyone's actually connected to it."
"When you bring hope or joy to just one soul, because we're all connected, millions receive the vibration."
"My work is really about emphasizing that the micro and the macro are both equally important."
"No decision you make exists in isolation. No process that you affect exists in isolation."
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less... and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
"Because all things are impermanent, all things are interconnected."
"Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
"Racism, sexism, and homophobia inform each other."
"We are going to see just how connected we all are. We're going to see how energy over there impacts us over here."
"All things are connected like the blood which unites us all... People are escaping... to get away... That made a bad situation worse."
"It's as though our lives were the dream of a single dreamer in which all the dream characters are dreaming too, and so everything links to everything else."
"The interconnected and interdependent forces... are not in Conflict but are complementary."
"I see value in recognizing in a creator and that we all have origin in that creator and we all have a soul."
"Once you realize that we're part of this huge mechanism, we just need to take a more holistic view."
"The entire solar system is this massive, interconnected puzzle."
"Everything is connected and everything is a consequence."
"We all have fields of energy and we're all playing a part in this collective consciousness in the whole entire planet."
"It is not possible to reach net zero one country at a time; we need an interconnected energy system."
"We're all connected in some sort of way; it's just so profound."
"Through water, we are connected to everyone and everything that has ever lived or ever will live on Earth."
"Spinoza's universe is a description of a singular, timeless fact: everything is connected."
"We are all interconnected, we have a common destiny together. The values we should be promoting are kindness, cooperation, togetherness, unity, service, humility."
"You are deeply connected to others, so that's a dual purpose where you can be to service for others by loving yourself as much as you can possibly hold."
"Everything is interconnected, and all things are ultimately one."
"Every human being we're beginning to find out is like a cell in a larger community called humanity."
"The electromagnetic field of consciousness is what connects all of us to one another."
"The water, the bottle, and my body are all made from the same thing: it's energy."
"It's not necessarily about black and white, or even necessarily about your family, because we're all connected. This is all about all of us."
"We don't see the scope again of how issues of race connect to socioeconomic issues, to issues of poverty, to issues of spatial isolation, to a whole range of issues."
"We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny."
"If you are not your body on its own, if your body isn't just its organs, then the same forces of creation that created your body also created the Earth, the sun, the entire galaxy, the whole universe."
"We are each other's business, we are each other's harvest, we are each other's magnitude and bond."
"The future of the metaverse isn't a specific place or thing but rather the next level of interconnectedness."
"Every once in a while, it's worth it to step outside, journey into nature, and let the wilderness give you a humble reminder that we are all parts of a greater whole."
"A fully open third eye will allow you to experience the interconnectedness with everything around you in nature and will feel a deep connection with the Universe."
"The universe is not something abstract; it is in everything and everyone."
"In contemplating the interconnectedness of nature, the sages have discovered how we fit into and indeed belong to nature."
"It's all connected, Simba, in the great circle of life."
"My life is complete now; I understand I'm part of the fabric of all matter."
"We are all involved in this network of being."
"We're so connected and we've always been connected in all our joys and all our fun and the challenge of life."
"We're all related to all other life forms. That's a wonderful principle which is important in our age of trying to protect the biosphere."
"We are living a gifted life; we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us."
"You cannot understand how the world is controlled unless you see how the dots connect."
"We are all connected on this planet, literally each and every one of us are more connected than you could ever even imagine."
"A spiritual system regards us, the inhabitants of the earth, and the earth as one. We are merely custodians."
"You are as much part of the material as you are part of the mental, and you are as much part of the mental as you are the material."
"The value of reading these books is that once you start to read 20, 50, 100, 200 books, what starts to happen is that...a lot of stuff gets interconnected."
"When we understand the sacredness, the beauty, the eternal nature of our own spirit, then we can recognize it in creation and we can recognize it in others."
"The healthcare system is a chain. It breaks anywhere, it breaks everywhere."
"We are not just simply alive in the universe; the universe is alive within us."
"We are all tied inextricably in a single garment of destiny."
"In the tapestry of existence, every thread is essential; every pattern, every color, contributes to the beauty of the whole."
"They who experience the unity of life sees themselves in all beings and all beings in themselves."
"The whole world is one huge interconnected labyrinth, like a puzzle box sculpted by a genius craftsman."
"The body is connected; it's a system. You change one thing in one area, it affects something else in another area."
"There lies a hidden interwoven thread, a Cosmic Symphony that connects the vastness of space to the depths of our Consciousness."
"We are being called to shed the old paradigms, the worn-out notions of separation and competition, and embrace a new reality of interconnectedness and unity."
"The classic description of the universal hologram is to be found in a Hindu sutra which says, 'In the heaven of Indra, there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it.'"
"I believe that every person that exists is like part of me as well."
"No man is an island... we all cannot do it by ourselves."
"Everything is integrated... man did not weave the web of life, he's merely a strand of it."
"Everything's connected and we're part of that connection, and we need to start taking that seriously."
"Everything is connected, everything is related."
"Hawking believed that the interconnectedness of the modern world while providing a platform for unprecedented progress and convenience also presents us with a terrifying Paradox."
"Everyone is connected, everyone is always thinking of everyone else, and sometimes you think, 'I am so small in this world and no one would ever notice,' and if the truth is so completely different."
"You see humanity as a whole. You see us. You see a living, breathing, fragile orb filled with a variety of totally interdependent living creatures."
"The cross and resurrection go absolutely together."
"He lives in you. He lives in me. He watches over everything we see."
"We all contribute to a larger Consciousness."
"None of these issues are an island right, they're all interconnected."
"Everything is connected, and we're all part of it."
"It needs to be more than a bumper sticker it needs to be something that you live every day with every breath the awareness that we are all connected and that we are all one with source."
"I think there's magic in that. I think it's wondrous to think that in the greater cosmos billions and billions of light years with billions and trillions of stars and planets that we're all part of this interesting cosmic neighborhood."
"Basically everything in the universe is connected."
"Human beings are not separate. We're connected."
"Dark Souls was a truly seamless interconnected space."
"Oneness is my true nature. Realizing that you can have and be anything. We are all one, we are all connected."
"Synchronicities strongly imply that everything is connected even the most mundane aspects of Our Lives by some underlying complex architecture."
"Everything is an open system and therefore related to everything else."
"It's not just a random collection of properties of the universe, there are things that depend on each other."
"When the animals start dying, know that the humans are going to start dying next."
"Europe's destiny is linked to Africa's destiny."
"They're all connected as well like the politicians own the media and yeah like they they all own each other it's all the same thing all hand in hand."
"Nikola Tesla saw the interconnection and interdependence of all humanity."
"We're all connected to these geophysical and solar system energies."
"We're all connected to each other, all life on this planet."
"Tesla understood the universal truth... that we as living creatures are all inherently connected."
"Our consciousness is all interconnected. It's much bigger than humans."
"Whatever affects one directly, affects us all indirectly."
"The angelic realm is interwoven with ours; it's all one."
"Our journey through life and beyond is far more intricate and interconnected than we have ever imagined."
"Nearly land on... Doctor Strange." - A playful reference to another iconic Marvel character, showcasing the interconnectedness of the universe.
"Everything in the world is quantum and entangled."
"There's just something special in realizing that a world is more interconnected than you thought."
"We're all part of God, we're always connected."
"Recognizing the other person is me, recognizing that the light that I am seeing in that person is being reflected back at me."
"We're all interconnected: people, animals, our environment. When nature suffers, we suffer, and when nature flourishes, we all flourish."
"We are all connected to consciousness. We are all connected to one another."
"Encounters with Deadpool: It sometimes feels like everything in the Marvel Universe is connected through Wade Wilson."
"Humans are just one part of the puzzle, one piece of the puzzle."
"Every link in the chain is what makes it strong."
"It's not a series of interconnected plots but a large web of stories and characters all being drawn to a single conclusion."
"It's not a straight path, but a web of interconnected topics, layers and dependencies."
"We are each other's harvest, we are each other's business, we are each other's magnitude and bond."
"We need to stop thinking about these countries in isolation and start thinking of them holistically."
"Health is performance, you guys. Everything connects to everything."
"What happens in one part of the world affects us."
"Loving kindness is aligning with the truth of interconnectedness."
"Loving kindness derives its strength from the truth of interconnected lives."
"It really helps all the maps feel connected to one another in a small way."
"There is a force, energy, consciousness, divine thread I believe that connects all spiritually to all of us to something greater than ourselves."
"You love the formless, but you recognize the formless as yourself in the other."
"We reminded the world that we are not separate from nature, from water, or from each other."
"Agriculture is connected to all industries, and I mean that's so important. So any passion or interest you have can be directed to agriculture and in turn used to make a positive impact." - Kate Stephens
"It's not about showing how interconnected the Marvel universe is anymore."
"We are all part of the one living garment of God."
"Every character remembers what happens to those connected to him."
"Your greatest version trusts itself, listens to itself because it is your heart, it is your soul, it's a knowing, it's all connected."
"Understanding different levels is much more intertwined with each other."
"In hurting you all they've done is hurt themselves because like you have this joined energy with one another."
"He was really interconnected across all of the scenes, he was really integral to a lot of things."
"You will also see the interconnectedness of all things."
"The sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated, an open-ended consciousness will feel its connections with all other living beings."
"The landscape visibly changes as you travel and everything is interconnected in a way that feels like a living dynamic world, even in the ancient N64 games."
"Healing ourselves means healing the planet. Everything goes together."
"We need to learn how to see everything connects to everything."
"I think there's a balance to be struck. It really is an important time to realize that everything is connected."