
Holistic Health Quotes

There are 1278 quotes

"Understanding the network of hormones, nutrition, and mental health is crucial for overall well-being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've spent the last 12 years building a digital platform, a health platform that we've integrated into clinics and capture high-quality data covering all aspects of people's physical, psychological, and social functioning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The key is to figure out how much can you work each day consistently...while maintaining sleep, and mental health, and physical health, you're going to go a lot further."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your brain and body is a system. Everything is talking to everything else."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we can take in cold and heat, along with exercise and a bit of fasting, it all increases the hormetic stress in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having a healthy cardiovascular system is going to support your eyes, and your brain, and your vision."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every bite we take, every sip we drink, every breath we inhale doesn't just affect one part of us, it influences our entire system."
"The temperature of your hands is just the tip of the iceberg because the true benefits lie in the fact that once you work on this... it starts affecting all kinds of things."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"A more nuanced description of health span might be one that focuses on the cognitive, physical, and emotional pieces of quality of life."
"Nourishment: Choose to nourish your mind, body, and spirit."
"Everything that I tell the patients to do for their heart... this is going to keep your eyesight, this is going to keep you from gaining dementia, your renal disease, this is going to help you from hopefully also decrease your risk of cancer."
"A heart-healthy diet is a brain-healthy diet is a liver-healthy diet is a kidney-healthy diet."
"If you're talking about health and wellness, but you're only talking about the health and wellness of the individual without addressing the health and wellness of the larger society, then that's not a full-on health and wellness conversation."
"Body positivity doesn't mean that you no longer care about your body. It means that you care so much about your body that you're gonna do the things that are good for you, mind, body, and spirit."
"You can go through a physical, emotional, and mental healing."
"You cannot separate the brain from the body, nor can you separate the body from the mind."
"We just can't reduce inflammation with a drug, we can't reduce stress with a drug, we desperately need to learn how to use the whole range of the nervous system from the acute stress to the deep relaxation to heal and to promote these healthy resilient states."
"Self-care is more of an encompassing term that involves not only your body but your mind, your spirit, releasing tension, stress, and all those kinds of things."
"I am a naturopath, a Reiki Master, and a medium... I have made it my life's purpose to try to help others with truth and honesty."
"The Empowered Light Holistic Expo is different from any other Expo because this is about centering your energy, centering your chakras."
"We separate the mind from the body in Western medicine, and we separate the individual from the environment."
"This is a trend we're seeing in Sony's Marvel titles: Heroes and anti-heroes seeking holistic cures to medical conditions through mystical forces rooted in nature."
"It is time to focus on your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health."
"Health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being."
"Food is medicine, exercise is medicine, meditation is medicine, sleep is medicine."
"Focus on the types of food that you are eating, the amount of fresh air and sunlight that you are getting, because, oh my God, that is so important for your skin."
"Welcome to Power Yoga Discipline. This class is from our brand new series called Transform, now available on Inner Dimension TV. So if you like what you experience here, come check out the full program where myself and several other amazing instructors will guide you through 28 days of thematic power yoga, complemented with Yin Yoga. And at the end of those 28 days, you can expect a full holistic transformation of body, mind, heart, and soul."
"Take a look at your body, soul, and spirit... What are you doing on a daily basis to master, nourish, and maintain these?"
"I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body, and spirit."
"The brain and body are not separate. What we're doing to the body is having a significant impact on our brain."
"Health is much more than just eating the right foods and exercising... it's also friends, family, enjoying the moment."
"Taking care of children's social, emotional, and physical health has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic."
"A healthy body, mind, and spirit thrive with constant flow of balanced energy."
"If you can meditate, do yoga, exercise, adjust your diet, get a nice Ayurvedic diet going...then you don't need medication."
"The idea behind holistic tubes is that the majority of sicknesses or illnesses that people encounter come from a place of negative energy."
"The one thing that has mentally been best for me is to look at food and exercise and just taking care of my body generally... with water intake and everything else, like, looking at it like a lifestyle change."
"A combination of both diet and skincare is important. Diet won't really take care of things like exfoliation, repairing damage within your skin, sun protection."
"We've overly focused on one area... but it's not the only thing. There are other factors that are equally important."
"Consider how important it is to work mind, body, and soul."
"Food as medicine or food is information, I mean the macronutrients are information, the micronutrients for information but the phytonutrients are also information."
"What we really come to learn is that there are very few basic physiological systems in the body that are all interconnected, that are all influenced by our lifestyle and by our environment and by our genes."
"Enjoy a flourishing life mentally, physically, spiritually, artistically, and socially."
"Try fasting... There's a physical component, there's a mental component, and a spiritual component."
"Everybody has to learn about the quadrafit theory about physical health, mental health, spiritual health, and financial health before they leave school."
"Health is mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, and then physical health."
"Food is medicine. Anti-inflammatory exercise is medicine. Sleep is anti-inflammatory. Meditation's anti-inflammatory. Yoga is anti-inflammatory."
"When everything works in harmony, we also feel good as a by-product."
"You need your mind, body, and soul working together; you need as many friends as you can get."
"Mind and body are inseparable. Our emotions, our nervous system, our emotional system in our brains and our bodies, our nervous system, our hormonal apparatus, and our immune system are actually one system, all serving survival and growth and reproduction."
"The physical, the mental, which means also the emotional, and the social, and the spiritual, those four quadrants have to be in balance for us to be healthy."
"Do what you can to get in the best shape you can physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally. Become the best you can be."
"Focus on improving your health, your spiritual health, your mental health, and your physical health."
"Holistic simply means addressing the whole. You are a whole body, and you want your body to be whole."
"Not only does it help you lose weight and build muscle, not only does it help balance your hormones, increase your antioxidant systems, increase your stem cell production, increase your brain chemistry, focus, but it also can actually reverse aging."
"Welcome healing into your mind, body, and life."
"This was not food versus medicine. This was food and medicine."
"Yoga is good for you because it's a discipline that takes your whole in consideration. We're just not working our bodies but also our minds and our soul."
"Self-love is how we take care of ourselves physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally."
"You are going to start doing things that are in alignment with your physical body and your spiritual body."
"It takes time, like in order to get what you want, it's not only the craft, it's the mind, it's the body, it's the nourishment, what you're putting in your body, it's what you're putting in your mind."
"If you can get yourself to the gym every day, eat healthy every day, you're going to find that other things also tend to fall in place."
"The reality is this: you can eat the ideal diet, you could exercise, you could sleep, you could meditate, but if you are not at peace with the stress in your life, it is going to have negative consequences on your gut."
"A skincare routine is only part of your anti-aging equation. Beyond this, you need to address your diet, sleep hygiene, stress management, and regular exercise because a poor lifestyle can really accelerate your aging."
"You have to get in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
"In order to get a whole healthy body, we can't just do one thing and ignore everything else."
"Yoga practice has this beautiful ability to wake us up on all levels."
"You need regular exercise, nutrition, sufficient rest, and you need to have prayer or meditation."
"Health is not magic bullets; it's everything. It is the small things added up over time."
"The body is connected; it's a system. You change one thing in one area, it affects something else in another area."
"Health is not just the absence of disease. It is the result of our body's own hard-wired defense systems."
"Eating to beat disease is not just picking a particular disease and trying to figure out what the recipe is... it's really a journey that we have our whole lives."
"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food."
"Traditional Chinese medicine and also Ayurvedic approaches to skincare and health and body is also starting from the inside."
"I really believe in using food as your medicine whenever possible."
"If our guts aren't functioning, nothing else will – not our hormones, not our thyroid, not our immune system, not our brain."
"We actually did it. Wow. I didn't think we were gonna raise more than five thousand dollars."
"The right food, nutrients, balance of hormones, light, air, water, love, meaning, connection, and purpose are what we need to thrive."
"You have to pay yourself first in every sense of the word: financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually."
"If you want the mental health emotional health physical health that those people have you got to do the stuff they do."
"Weight is not the only indicator of good health and health is also about more than just physical health."
"Exercise not just physical, but intellectual activity is important... stop and rest."
"Until you look at the whole body in a holistic way you're gonna miss some of these things that are working together."
"Happy that she's lost weight, we love to see it, but the tea is that you gotta get this other stuff in your life together too."
"Sharpen the saw: invest in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being."
"We cleanse the body before we go into performance and then your performance will be always better."
"This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer who somehow found this job listing not intended for you... I am remaining as well."
"Make health a priority, mental health, emotional health, financial health."
"Every single morning within each of these domains, health, work, and relationships, you define one daily quest."
"When you are taking care of your skin, you're taking care of your body and your mind and soul."
"Rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit with a fresh and renewed approach to life."
"Functional medicine is about understanding the body as a system."
"Fasting is not just about weight loss; it's about understanding the profound impact on health."
"Imagine every cell in your body rejuvenated like that."
"Food is medicine, and quality matters. It's not just calories; it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"Take care of yourself by considering nutrition, staying active, and having quiet unwind time."
"When you create an environment that's conducive to positive health, everything flourishes."
"I believe in integrative medicine. I think that we're moving in that direction. It's all connected."
"We have to take care of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual... If we don't have the physical taken care of, it doesn't matter how spiritual we are."
"Sandalwood doesn't cause it to go up or down, it brings it back into balance."
"Our body is a chain. If you want that chain to work for you, we have to link it together."
"Focusing Less on isolated nutrients and focusing more on what the overall dietary pattern looks like is the way to go."
"Saturated fat is an important factor but it's not the only one, and in fact focusing more on the whole food and even the whole dietary pattern is generally a very good idea."
"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." - Mr. Hippocrates
"Working out is not all about losing weight, it's about physical but also like mental exercise."
"Our bodies yeah they want to heal we just have to give them the right tools"
"Functional medicine is the medicine of connectivity... it's the medicine that connects the dots."
"Healthy transcendence: 'An emergent phenomenon resulting from the harmonious integration of one's whole self.'"
"Utilizing its powers can be vital for the physical, mental, and spiritual health."
"Take care of your mental health and your spiritual health just as much as you do your physical looks."
"Once I combined therapy, exercise and meditation, my life did definitely turn around."
"Mental health is a universal condition... we all have mental health... it's whether or not you connect it to the rest of your health."
"Verily, there is an organ in the body, if that one organ is healthy and sound then the whole body will be sound, and if that one organ is unhealthy or diseased then the whole body will be diseased."
"If you had a pill that could reduce your body fat percentage and could increase your glucose control and your insulin sensitivity and could reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease... the reality is that exercise does all of those things."
"Optimal human health requires optimal animal and ecosystem health."
"Little things over a long period of time are going to help that whole person wellness."
"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food."
"Focus on mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health."
"We have to sort of expand our idea of food from just being fuel and energy to being information that regulates everything in our biology."
"Yes, what goes in our mouth, also goes in our mind and hearts."
"Your body has the ability to heal itself. That's how nature designed it."
"Healing ourselves means healing the planet. Everything goes together."
"You're not a floating head, you can ask your body and it will show you."
"Our tools are specifically to help strengthen the Mind-Body Connection and to help you shift in your entire being so you get a much deeper lasting transformation."
"Bodybuilding is not that hour in the gym; it's number 23 hours outside the gym as well."
"Food is medicine and quality matters, and then it's not just calories, it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"The body never forgets... you need to work around them and not neglect areas."
"You are mind body and spirit, a luminous being... you have been reborn."
"It's about freedom, your freedom and your health, wealth, safety, and security."
"Integrative medicine is trying to bring in a larger realm of medicine... paying attention to the emotional, psychological, the spiritual elements as well."
"There's more to health than physical health, there's mental health."
"Life is more than just about trying to focus and trying to be productive. It's all about health and relationships as well."
"Balance means taking care of your mind, body, and spirit and living life to the fullest. When you find your balance, you find your peace."
"Food as medicine or healing myself of hypertension, sleep apnea, and obesity."
"Now things are going to be more in alignment in all those departments that I just mentioned."
"You have a natural gift for healing, particularly in holistic health and physical well-being."
"Everything's connected - from your forehead to your overall well-being."
"We pay attention to the mind the emotional the spiritual aspect... that impacts how the body is working how the body is is able to heal."
"It's you being your best self physically emotionally spiritually."
"The only real medicine is farming, not pharmacy."
"We're looking not for disease we're looking for imbalances or dysfunction that we can correct that will help the body do what it's supposed to do."
"Vitamin D regulates inflammation selenium right interacted and there's a hammock biology where everything's connected and that's really what we doing."
"Your body pleasant, mind pleasant, emotions pleasant, and your energies pleasant is 100% your business."
"The terrain inside the body, the gut terrain, the skin microbiota biome, the health of the cells—everything matters."
"How do you stay out of the hospital? You eat real food, manage your stress, spend time in nature, have great relationships...and you exercise."
"It's about having a holistic picture of your health and all these different lifestyle behaviors that feed into building a body that processes food effectively."
"Taking better care of yourself right now is going to pay off in all areas of your life."
"Your body can reach a threshold with physical, chemical, and emotional stressors."
"Strength comes from many sources, staying strong brings confidence, conviction, and a balanced body, mind, and soul."
"My life has changed so much from just from knowing about holistic health and being surrounded by people who lived it."
"Honoring my body and then my mind, right? So my body is my vessel that carries all my thoughts emotions ideas my soul."
"Yoga is like opening chambers throughout the body."
"It's not just about curing cancer it's about the quality of life for the long run."
"Gamers in just four words: committing war crimes daily."
"We always encourage each other to get out there and to get into better physical health, going to the gym and eating right, but it's about time we started paying more attention to our mental health as well."
"Health psychology studies the role of psychology, behavior, social factors, and biology on overall health and illness."
"Functional medicine... looks at your whole system not just one thing."
"Any activity that keeps your mind healthy, keeps your body healthy, your vascular system healthy is going to be good for the brain."
"Exploring a new seed... detrimental to our physical, mental, emotional, and even dare I say spiritual well-being."
"You can at least maximize the effects of your other more natural focusing on love by using things like oils and sounds in the frequencies."
"Weight loss is a consequence of your body coming into balance, getting in alignment."
"Trust your heart to lead and allow your mind, body, and spirit to follow."
"Jesus Christ is the most famous black radical revolutionary in history and he was treated just like Dr King."
"It's like what a beautiful blessing to have being a place in your career where you feel seasoned, you're well accomplished, you're beyond competent."
"Our skin health is a direct reflection of our internal organs too."
"Exercise is not just for our body, it's for our skin too."
"We can only do so much from the outside. Our skin is directly linked to our gut health, our digestion, and our organ health."
"There's a huge difference between treatment and healing and most people settle for treatment when they can actually get healing."
"Food is medicine that can also fight cancer if used as part of a complete lifestyle transformation."
"Taking time within the busyness of our life to give every link of this bodily chain a powerful healing touch."
"The health of your spine is your health. Not having tenderness along your spinal column... the organs read the information that they're given by the brain."
"Restoring normal form and function, restoring the nerve supply to the heart helps your body regulate itself, can actually reverse degeneration, can correct arthritis and restore nerve supply to the lungs, diaphragm, shoulder, and nerves."
"True security comes from having a reserve of time, space, energy, personal power, and love."
"With TM, how it affects every area of our life creating an amazing domino effect."
"Health is beauty, and the better we treat the insides of our bodies, the better we are going to look outwardly."
"Ayurveda doesn't use the terminology of war. It's about creative solutions, not violent ones."
"Body and mind can start working together to promote a healthier, more satisfied quality of life."
"The welfare of the mind matches conditions in the parts of the body receiving its influence."
"Get balanced...eat better, get more rest...get your body prepared, but your spiritual body, because somebody wants show heart mind body spirit soul."
"Routinely use early mornings to strengthen your mind, your body, and your spirit."
"Whatever you do to this planet, you do to yourself. I call that the echo effect: energy, chemistry, hydration, and organisms."
"Balance is key... we need the strength... we need the health... we need the physicality."
"Getting back to our roots just really helps us a lot mentally, physically, and probably in every way possible."
"Meditation is just as important as working on your physical."
"Whether through yoga, whether through science, whether through spirituality, whether through Ayurveda, they all come to the same point of mantras and the power of mantras on the body."
"Being fit is being mentally fit and physically fit. There's no separation of our mind and our body. It's all one."
"When we optimize our operating system, harmonize the heart and the brain, and then we claim our healing, we claim our joy, we claim our life with the I am."
"Be the best version of yourself, getting your mind right, getting your body right, getting your money right."
"It's not just about eating the low-carb bar that has no sugar, it's about really building a comprehensive lifestyle."
"Wellness is expecting the ability to co-create with mother nature."
"My body is healthy, my mind is true, my soul is tranquil."
"You only get one body so you might as well treat it as best as you can inside and outside mentally and physically."
"Prepare yourself mentally, physically, above all spiritually."
"Your body is a MIRROR that perfectly reflects your mind and spirit."
"It's not just about weight loss, it's about cleansing spiritually and emotionally."
"Sebi was viewed as a huckster and a fraud to others, his family says his sole purpose was to bring self-love and wellness to the world."
"My body is the temple of my soul, it shall be clean. My body is the externalization of my thought, it shall be whole."
"Invest in yourself, ladies and gentlemen. It's not always about the financial aspect. It's about spiritual preparation, physical preparation, having structure in your life."
"All yoga is yoga for weight loss in a way because it's all about awareness and love and yo'self."
"Balance really is an art of life, balancing our occupational duties or our projects with our health, with our family and loved ones, and with our own spiritual progress."
"It activates your body's own healing mechanisms."