
Concentration Quotes

There are 1916 quotes

"Focus on particular visual points as a way to harness your attention and to remove distractors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's great for the mind because you're building your concentration."
"The Faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention over and over again is the very root of judgment, character, and will."
"Motivation is simply the ability to put something in the center of your mind and keep it there."
"No one ever teaches us these things: how do you learn how to concentrate? How do you focus your mind on one thing? What is the nature of procrastination?"
"To be successful, you have to have primarily the quality to focus, to concentrate."
"One of the best ways, without pharmacology and supplements, to improve your concentration."
"In order to have concentrated thinking, you have to have the ability to hear yourself."
"Mindfulness is just concentration training, achieving a calm mental state by focusing on the present moment instead of fixating on the past or worrying about the future."
"To be present is a skill; people are distracted."
"Achievement lies chiefly in this: belief in themselves and in their inherent power, in their faculty to concentrate on the work in hand when they are working, and in their ability to prevent leaks of power when they are not working."
"The ability to concentrate, concentrate, concentrate...is a quality of all success."
"Concentration is at the very core of all human endeavors and success so that you can truly enjoy every experience in your life and be present."
"Flow is an amazing philosophical concept of finding those activities where as you're doing it, the rest of the world just disappears."
"The last 150 pages of the book were so intense that I had no trouble staying focused."
"Every successful man, in whatever direction his success may lie, practices concentration."
"The perfection of concentration is power; the perfection of meditation is wisdom."
"As your dopamine levels increase, you're better able to concentrate, organize your thoughts better, and stay productive."
"For most people, they couldn't pay attention to the breath for a full minute, even if their lives depended on it."
"The amount of screens that we have in front of us all the time is destroying our ability to concentrate on something for more than like five seconds at a time."
"Excuse me, I am working here. Can you stop? I'm trying to work."
"The key to the mystery is concentration; a little practice will develop within every man the power to use the mental machine properly."
"Listen, you know those times when you're so into what you're doing, you can't think about anything else?"
"Imagine having that level of concentration when studying or lack of fear when in the heat of a fight."
"It is actually impossible to read something carefully and to listen to something carefully at the same time."
"Through concentration, a person is able to collect and hold his mental and physical energies at work. A concentrated mind pays attention to thoughts, words, acts, and plans."
"A state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand in the situation. It is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter."
"If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing."
"Pretending to be Batman helps kids stay more attentive to their tasks."
"Their brain feels good in terms of memory, concentration, motivation, all of those things. But they're not hypomanic anymore."
"Being in the zone means getting into a flow state... it's like a specific period of time where your brain just has no irrelevant thought."
"Flow was first described in the early 1970s... he defined flow as the positive altered mental state people experience when they're totally absorbed by an activity they enjoy."
"In Ethiopia, coffee berries have been ground up and boiled for thousands of years, where they were used to aid concentration during prayer."
"That ability to just change the game in a moment and concentrate, it's experience and its focus."
"There is something that happens in Washington DC when too many powerful people are all in one spot."
"Just try to count the next 10 breaths without getting distracted...your attention was being buffeted on all sides by discursive thought."
"When the magician is focused, it is powerful, it can do anything it puts its mind to. When the magician energy or card is not focused... it usually shows attention or intention placed in the wrong places."
"Loving it is focus, and focus is everything."
"Trying to focus, you thought that, especially something I didn't know."
"The more you learn to concentrate, the more you can stop being distracted."
"Maintain your focus amidst distractions to achieve amazing results."
"I find that playing a sport or doing something active that requires some concentration really helps me not be stressed."
"And all of a sudden those voices, those little niggling voices between action and cut go away and you're just like coasting in this other space with your actors."
"The true invocation of a magic square's power comes not only from solving it but perhaps mostly from the act itself, which requires the magician to apply intense concentration and carefully direct their focus on the magic square and its contents."
"It takes between 18 and 23 minutes on average to get into the zone... then once in that zone, you are two to three times more productive."
"It's about the deep concentration and application."
"Focus on it until you can focus on it no more, whether it be three minutes or thirty minutes."
"Achieving the right headspace is crucial for spell work."
"Recognize when your mind starts to wander, it's gonna vary depending on the book and the topic."
"Flow will come when you not only concentrate, but truly love what you're doing."
"The group who was not distracted not interrupted scored 10 IQ points higher than the group that was."
"Being interrupted ruins your ability to think."
"Every dollar that goes into the S&P 500, 30 cents of every dollar just goes into the 10 stocks."
"A tenth of the Salah, a quarter of the reward - what is the defining Factor? The presence of heart."
"Even the most powerful institutions and brilliant constitutions we can come up with aren't worth much if the power keeps flowing away from these institutions and concentrates elsewhere."
"We're focusing on what we need to focus, and we're going to get what we need to get."
"The fact that it stays on mind you, concentration is a hard thing to give up."
"You know you're going to get hit, but you don't look at the rush. You just look downfield and hang in there."
"Deep work is increasingly rare and valuable in today's society."
"Allow your body to sink all the way down now, you're concentrate the muscles, you sighs concentrating muscles."
"You mentally there. This is about... being switched on and focused."
"Conor McGregor wins the lightweight title. He dismantles Eddie Alvarez and still had the presence of mind."
"Artists need privacy and focus; don't let anyone undermine your creative process."
"You can feel this in the preparation, in the training today, in the approach to the match, in the concentration level."
"Murders in the US Are Very Concentrated, and They Are Becoming Even More So."
"In the Donbas, the Russians have massed all their troops, all their artillery, in a relatively small area."
"Rest assured that underneath this guy who's playing these incredibly blood simple parts, I do sit around in a practice room practicing insane modulation."
"The concentration when they train is paramount to success."
"You drop off for 10 seconds... you're out of a title race at this level."
"Listening is the product of willful concentration and focus of the heart."
"I was so focused on that line I literally forgot to wish this."
"Constitution is vital for Rangers, providing extra hit points and aiding concentration on spells."
"I can remember how hard it was to concentrate on my homework."
"I might listen to music now, but in my heyday, I did not listen to music."
"Death waits for the slightest lapse in concentration."
"Try at all times to keep your thoughts pure and on target."
"Focus is nothing more than the absence of distractions."
"I flexed the bow string a few times, limbering up, and take a deep breath. Alright, I did well, I made my shot."
"Focus is not something you have, it's something you do."
"Remote viewing: trying to think really hard, like hernia hard."
"If I concentrate hard enough, I can force my words back into order."
"Sherlock Holmes is a fantastic character, just so unique, I love that he's so hyper focused on his work."
"He's made a point to be like, how can you listen to Pink Floyd and not give it your full attention? And I definitely agree with that."
"Understand the distractors and focus on the essential information."
"I don't think you understand how hard I have to concentrate like my brain [ __ ] power is actually like four right now"
"Concentration and mental clarity are essential for success."
"Forward action trains focus and goal-directed behavior."
"If you're one of the few to train your ability to concentrate, you have a huge competitive advantage."
"I'm playing like intense esport mode today, I don't know what's going on but I'm kind of in my zone."
"Matt Turner today showed incredible concentration." - Unknown speaker
"Hyperfocus is the ability to spend a prolonged period of time on one activity."
"It's almost like if I took like 30 blueberries and compressed all the flavor into one."
"It takes real work to block out all that noise."
"We're talking about harnessing the powers of the firmament, all in one little isolated area."
"Had I been a bit more concentrated, that would have allowed me to catch on to what was going on on the risk side."
"The benefits of concentration are endless. When you're able to concentrate, you're able to focus all your energy into a single given point."
"Prioritize sleep for optimal concentration while studying."
"It's in my humble opinion that most people can't concentrate today, for two reasons. One is, we're never taught how to concentrate; and second is, we don't practice concentration."
"Focus on one thing and block everything else out."
"Active listening requires intentionality, energy, and focus."
"Focus, focus, just remember the first three."
"Focus on one thing to avoid analysis paralysis."
"He built the puzzle in the trough and then proceeded to arrange them on the board."
"You kind of almost hit this state of bliss, this state of awareness and like full body concentration."
"Enhanced abilities at focus right now can help you deal with the fine print of things."
"Avoid distractions and focus on the task at hand."
"Now what happens when you stop concentrating? Your surroundings are back."
"Our digital lifestyle has seriously affected our ability to concentrate."
"Your ability to block it out even though you're racing as fast as you can towards it, you can block it out and concentrate on the very here and now, that is amazing."
"The game is so much easier with fewer distractions."
"Silence is the best focus atmosphere when you need to ask yourself questions about an image."
"This stuff has been known to increase concentration and memory awareness."
"But even for Hamilton, driving at the absolute limit of grip demands a huge amount of energy and concentration."
"Clear your mind and focus on holding your pose."
"The center of being allowed the Jedi to focus so intensely it was said they could react almost instinctively to any attack."
"My focus be so into what's happening that I can just kind of tune him out, you know?"
"Focus is selective attention, make the necessary adjustments."
"Roma concentrates until he achieves the success he has been aiming for."
"Let's just keep on focusing, I play this game when I don't watch."
"Players are making sure to focus, very calm, very focused."
"By learning to concentrate on one thing at a time, we can actually get more done and achieve our goals more effectively."
"This is one of the most powerful features for anybody who finds it hard to concentrate."
"Makoto slowly channels magic into her wand."
"Honing magic is also a method of concentration, which is the simplest method of learning how to use magic."
"Concentration is the secret of all knowledge."
"Focus without relaxation leads to failure just as surely."
"Clear your mind, focus on one thing, and keep it in your head."
"Mindfulness enhances calmness; it also enhances concentration."
"Deep learning happens when you pay 100% attention."
"A single lapse in concentration can have serious consequences."
"When you're in the Flow State, all of your attention is on one single activity, so you're not thinking about your performance or outside thoughts, you're just in the zone."
"Stonehenge is at the center of an extraordinary concentration of Neolithic monuments found in southern Britain."
"Really try and focus along now, please, because it gets quite intricate."
"The ability for someone to grapple with a problem or an idea or a concept for like four, five, six hours is now like a unique skill set."
"To be focused, to be on one course, the one thing, if you will, to constantly think about that thing to start hoping by the permission of Allah to get to the finish line."
"People who study to classical music. People who study to lofi music. People who study to metal music."
"Moving paint around can be a meditation."
"Focus is the collection of awareness, the summary of intention into a specific spot that you want right now to make it grow faster or to develop faster."
"Focusing your mind on a task can help you accomplish that task."
"This is an incredible amount of focus that you have."
"It allows me to really concentrate on my job."
"You get to focus on a trick where there's nothing at all, nothing matters."
"Concentrate! Focus power. Remember balance."
"Focus on tuning out the noise and interruptions from the world around you; find peace and serenity."
"Concentration is the ability to focus on accomplishing that one thing without diversion or distraction."
"She's in her happy place right now, she's in the zone."
"The AM hours are precious and very interesting time to work because everyone is asleep."
"When you're in your Zone, you're in your Zone, dog."
"I had to do something that extreme to concentrate people's minds."
"I've been concentrating on this past year and it's really serving me well."
"Spiritual weapon is pretty unique among spells in that it can give us damage round after round for a whole minute but doesn't require concentration."
"Reducing distractions is necessary at this time, retreat, center, and revive."
"We have to be experts of tuning out the clutter, because only then can we hear what's actually going on."
"All tapasia is meant for focus or concentration of mind."
"You have to block out all the chaos, all the noise."
"He cannot handle storage magic unless he has the concentration, the patience, and the mental strength."
"Our physical surroundings can either support or hinder our ability to concentrate, make decisions, and manage stress"
"The ability to concentrate single-mindedly on your most important task, to do it well, and to finish it completely is the key to great success, achievement, respect, status, and happiness in life."
"When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously." - Norman Vincent Peale
"Flow is this state where you're fully absorbed in what you're doing."
"Disciplining yourself to concentrate on a job until it is finished gives you a feeling of confidence and mastery."
"By the law of concentration, whatever you dwell upon grows and increases in your life."
"Focus is the most important requirement for success."
"You have to be completely tuned in the entire time as a goalkeeper."
"The law of concentration says that whatever you dwell upon grows and increases in your life."
"Izuku decides to demonstrate his newfound power, focusing on his inner hero strength as he visualizes what unlocking the ability will be like with enough concentration."
"You can train yourself to bounce from one focus to another."
"Concentration is at the crux of all human success and endeavors, and if you can't concentrate, you can't manifest or create what you want to create in life."
"The powers of the ultimate nullifier can be explained quite simply: it has the power to get rid of anything literally if one concentrates hard enough they can simply make their enemy vanish."
"If I'm sitting down and I'm trying to write, I can't focus on two things. I have to focus on that one specific thing, my vision is laser-focused on that one thing and I become very intolerant to any kind of external stimuli."
"For me when I'm concentrating in class it's not only just to make sure I'm doing the movement properly it's so that I'm laying the foundation."
"The survey drivers at the circuit concluded that 92% of them believe that mental endurance and the ability to concentrate for 500 miles solid separates winners from losers at Indianapolis."
"Half of our retirement system assets in the country are levered to 10 stocks. Do we think that's great? I don't think that's great."
"Concentration produces wealth, diversification protects wealth."
"The goal here is to tap these balls and make sure none of them collide."
"I've got to focus so hard my brain starts crushing in on itself."
"One stroke per hole, that's all I'm focused on."
"Everything else turns off except for the one or two things in your brain that you need to fly."
"Exercise will help pump your blood all around your body but specifically get more blood to your brain and therefore help you to be more alert, help you to concentrate more which will allow you to study better."
"As soon as the fights start, I keep my mind clear, just the task at hand."
"The flavor is way more concentrated than I would have expected."
"Dangerous work that demands the utmost concentration."
"Try chewing gum. Research showed it can help you stay concentrated for longer on tasks that require your full attention."
"Rule number three: Focus, focus, focus. Remain like a laser."
"Chewing gum boosts concentration, alertness, and productivity."
"...the way that lasagna comes together in one bite that is everything concentrated into one thing, that's true."
"The best solution is meditation. It is working well for the chip leader here at the championship table."
"I like the philosophy of just focus on one thing."
"The people who get ahead are simply the people who can focus for more than 15 seconds."
"He managed to compartmentalize his mind, thinking entirely and solely about the subject at hand, completely ignoring everything else that was going on around him."
"33.3% of an S&P 500 Index Fund is represented by just 10 companies."
"The S&P 500 is highly concentrated, both in absolute terms and historically."
"This energy was the power of a great Guardian Chen completed his concentration and prepared to attack the power was nothing but God's power."
"So at Amon clinics if you came to the clinic we would actually do two scans one at rest one when you concentrate."
"Every time you come back to the breath, you are gaining power over your thoughts because you're making a decision to gently bring yourself back to the present moment."
"When you are super intensely focused on doing something and something pulls your attention away, it is so hard to get back that flow state."
"Willpower: the habit of concentrating one's thoughts upon the building of plans for the attainment of a definite purpose leads to persistence."
"It allows you to not get distracted but still just learn about what it is that you need to know about."
"Concentration is necessary in getting to where you want to go fast."
"You just have to focus one thing at a time."