
Light Exposure Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"One of the best ways you can support your mechanisms for good mood, mental health, learning, focus, metabolism, etc., is to take control of this light exposure behavior at night and not get much or any bright light exposure in the middle of the night."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Avoiding night light and seeking light during the day may be a simple and effective non-pharmacologic means for broadly improving mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, bipolar symptoms, PTSD, and self-harm, the more daytime light exposure ideally from sunlight, the probability or the severity of these symptoms is going to approximately linearly drop."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Viewing bright light within the first hour of waking has powerful effects on sleep and wakefulness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Light can actually change the genes that the cells of your bodies express. And that is true throughout the lifespan."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exposure to light, in particular UV blue light, can trigger increases in testosterone and estrogen and the desire to mate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you want to be alert, get bright light in your eyes, ideally from sunlight. When you want to be sleepy or asleep, avoid bright light in your eyes."
"The fundamental step that everybody should be taking every day for many aspects of their health, mental, physical, digestive, immune, all of that, is to get two to ten minutes of bright light first thing in the morning."
"During the day you want sunlight, sunlight, sunlight...and then in the evening just dim it down, red lights, and you'll feel so much better."
"Exposure to low level red light at sunset is advisable because it helps with your circadian rhythm."
"Light exposure is key to regulating your sleep patterns."
"The backdrop, where I would say the kind of landscape of your chemicals and your hormones, is powerfully controlled by not just the brightness of light but the timing of light and your exposure to light."
"By having light exposure during the day...light is the best antidepressant. It's plentiful and free. You just have to step outside."
"Light is one of the best ways to alter our circadian rhythm."
"The most important cue for our circadian rhythm is light exposure."
"Bright light exposure in the morning and avoiding blue light at night are key to regulating circadian rhythm."
"If you have an illuminated clock, put some tape over the front of it. The only thing that matters, I guess, is the alarm, not how long you've got before the alarm goes off."
"Light is a nutrient; it can either drain you or energize you."
"Dark areas got hit with a lot of light so most of the grains become activated and developed, whereas light areas had few grains get hit so only a few show up here and there."
"Now that you have these guys in your propagation station, what you want to do is actually place them in an area that gets a lot of bright indirect light."
"Light impacts neurocognitive function, circadian rhythms, and hormones throughout your body."
"The diurnal rhythm of exposure to light and darkness is very important."
"We can reset it using light outside and darkness as well."
"Indeed, light is the element. You shouldn't Sun gaze more than five minutes."
"Daytime bright light improves your nighttime melatonin and indirectly might improve your sleep."
"Light any time of the day is very important because it's always just syncing your circadian rhythm."
"Stay motivated and one of the best ways to stay motivated is to make sure you're getting that exposure to light."
"I think there's a really strong case that actually light and our light exposure is another core pillar of health that maybe we have not been thinking enough about."
"Exposing yourself to bright light in the morning shifts your circadian regulation cues earlier in the day."
"Longer photo periods result in more biomass, faster growth."
"If you do only have a lower light or kind of medium to low light spots this plant, it'll do okay but it probably won't do as well as it would do if you were to up its light."
"Light is so crucial for them to really thrive, be healthy, and look their best."
"You don't have to shove this plant up against a south-facing window. This could be just happy close to a north-facing window."
"They can thrive under any type of light, from low light to indirect bright light."
"Getting good morning light helps keep depression issues down."
"Daytime light is... such an important point."
"Bright light in the morning, get out in the afternoon that's fine but wear shades, and then lots of darkness at night."
"Light is foundational to our body, and fertility is one of the huge ones."
"Each increase in the stop of light doubles the relative quantity of light."
"Increasing light exposure has been shown to increase serotonin levels."
"Light is associated with lower blood pressure, lower instances of cancer and heart disease, and basically all chronic diseases."
"...if you're exposed to bright morning light, it pulls your circadian rhythms earlier."
"You can mitigate the impact of your artificial light exposure in the evenings by getting more daylight in the day."
"Could our exposure to light potentially be more important than the food that we eat?"
"By blocking light exposure, you're almost allowing your body to return to its natural rhythm."
"Early light exposure... helps actual sleep quality if you get out in the morning."
"Knowing exactly how much light your plant is getting is important. You may think that you are giving your plant enough light when in fact it may need more."
"This will tell the brain there's no blue light in my environment, so your body starts to reduce cortisol, increase melatonin, and your circadian rhythm will be correctly functioning."
"The biggest factor that influences our circadian clock is light."
"With light, a bright light will reduce our melatonin and it'll affect our sleep."
"Light is something called a zeitgeber, which means 'time giver' in German."
"Light is just as important as food and getting the right types of light at the right times of day is going to be just absolutely essential for maintaining a healthy body."
"Anytime that solar panel comes in contact with even moderate light, it recharges."
"They bloom best when you give them the maximum light within its tolerance."
"Serotonin in low light is converted to melatonin."
"Getting light in the morning is so important... we need the natural light to reset our brain."
"Wake up, if you want to be alert, get as much bright light in your eyes as you can."
"We can expose this material to light for 30 days; during this 30-day exposure to light under nitrogen, we saw no decomposition."
"The light is what really dictates whether or not the fruit buds will form along these branches."
"They love bright and direct light, they love warmth, and they love airflow."
"So one of the common pitfalls for sleep trouble is blue light and white light right before bed which commonly wakes us up and messes with our melatonin, our sleep hormone."
"Minimize the light about an hour before you go to bed."
"The light trick is amazingly effective like it really does help you wake up quite naturally."
"Melatonin is based on darkness, but you're getting hit with full daylight, so melatonin level is going to drop."
"The kind of light that you're exposed to really affects things like your melatonin which affects your sleep cycle."