
Success Rate Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"The Eighty-Five Percent Rule for optimal learning... really points to the idea of making things pretty hard, but not so hard that you're failing every attempt or even half of the attempts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The regret rate for these treatments is about one percent. A success rate of 99% is actually quite astounding for a medical treatment."
"My success rate of getting through things is actually 100% right now."
"If you hold an index fund for any 20-year period, 100% win rate across any American index."
"There is no such thing as a 100 percent success strategy in forex."
"What I am about to show you will most likely increase the win rate of your trading strategy."
"Three out of five of the products that I tested were successful."
"Capitalism works; the amount of people that fail in capitalism is under a percentage point."
"Incubator programs actually do help, with a survival rate of 87%."
"If you can get it right 53% of the time, you're going to be successful."
"Those who seek counseling tend to do a little better with outcomes."
"You are achieving success at a constant rate, and your growth is explosive."
"The success rate is higher with a present father."
"Arranged marriages have a far higher success rate than any non-arranged marriage."
"Our hit rate was really high actually. We were, I'd say, probably 75-80 percent of people that we shot with ended up in the movie."
"Bastoy can boast the lowest reoffending rate in Europe."
"This mystery is now half solved, fifty percent. We solved it."
"For every Twilight knockoff that was a success, there were 10 that did OK and 30 that flopped."
"The strategy works 99.9% of the time as long as you follow this one rule."
"Are you going to be a part of the 91% that fail year after year after year, or are you going to join me in making 2024 your year?"
"That makes it our first successful trade out of 32."
"Systemic enzyme therapy - 79% of those women carried out their pregnancies to term and had healthy babies. That's amazing."
"Patients tested positive for COVID-19 are taking a combination of ivermectin and doxycycline with a 100% success rate on average."
"There's an 80% success rate with kicking postpartum depression once you seek treatment."
"Play the ones with a higher win rate because those are the Decks that I've had the most success with."
"I am convinced now that I could have a 100 success rate every paper I write. I can get in. I can pick a topic, write whatever I want, and I can get it in."
"The majority of what they do is failure...but you only need to succeed a few times to actually have it pay off."
"One of the big things about this firearm is the red dot."
"Survival rate today has been absolutely phenomenal. Why, I shouldn't speak too soon."
"Nonviolent movements succeed twice as often as violent uprisings."
"95% of diets fail so there's a one in 20 chance that the diet you're on right now is going to work."
"Maximize your hook to land ratio on the flutter spoon."
"After 5 years, Amish businesses have an astounding 95% success rate."
"The success rate on real estate is crazy high 85.3% on rental properties."
"At Cedars, we pride ourselves over a thousand robotic mitral repairs, well over a 99.9 repair rate."
"It might sound silly but it has had 100 hit rates so far."
"The success rate for fusions for spinal stenosis is excellent, around 85%."
"Only approximately 5% of all artists and acts signed to major labels recoup their deal and actually make any money."
"A good scalper can win a high percentage of the time, 80 or 90 percent of the trades."
"There's only ever been one out of 316 companies we funded there's only ever been one that was actually killed by a competitor."
"You don't want to hit 100 of your goals. You want to hit maybe like 70 of your goals."
"If you invent a really good new language now, a large number of people will be able to use it in 10 years if you succeed. The success rate for new languages, especially for general-purpose programming languages, is very close to zero."
"...only one in ten of the potential medicines actually make it all the way to be a licensed product."
"I rode nearly 18,000 races, so I won one in four."
"Pulmonary vein isolation should give you 80 percent chance of being arrhythmia free for at least five years."
"The success rate is about 70 percent with a single procedure for paroxysmal and in about 10 or 20 percent of patients, we have to do a second ablation procedure, which raises the success rate to about 85 percent."
"Agriculture businesses tend to have high success rates because we've all got to eat."
"Vending machine businesses boast an incredible 90% success rate."
"Laundry mats have a 95% success rate."
"Storage facilities have an incredible success rate of 92%."
"Entrepreneurship is not guaranteed at all... it's about 1% of companies that actually turn out to be successful."
"...75 to 80% of patients correctly selected can be seizure-free after temporal lobectomy."
"A fat red bar has like an 82-83% follow-through rate. Do you know how wealthy you can become in the markets with something that has an 82% success rate? It's like being right almost nine times out of every 10."
"We always say that we would much rather select a player that gets himself into 100 battles and he only wins 80% of them."
"I've not lost anywhere near as many fish when fishing with this rig."
"Success rate for shock wave therapy is around 60 to 70 percent, but it's not guaranteed."
"The prosecutor's winning rate in cases in which he is a party was 99.4 percent."
"Are we batting 500 or are we batting a thousand?"
"You cannot talk to five people and expect to close all five of them. Sales is a numbers game."
"I think it's going to work in up to 85 or more percent of patients."
"Studies have found that over 80% of patients have a successful treatment with tenness retraining therapy and that's consistent with the patients that I've seen."
"98 percent of root canals are fine. You're going to be fine."
"98% of people who go for surgery succeed."
"Companies with strong pre-sales abilities achieve a 40 to 50 percent win rate in new business and 80 to 90 percent in renewal business."
"I have an almost 100% success record with people when it comes from the hip."
"With your help, our first 20 programs have had a clear up rate of roughly one in six."
"We had a really, really good hatch, probably about a ninety percent hatch rate."
"Instant match: over 80% of employers get quality candidates."
"If you get a hit three out of every ten times, you go to the Hall of Fame."
"For me, that real-time autofocus tracking gives you a huge success rate in capturing your memories."
"Our testing showed this option strategy combined with the IQ signal has greater than an eighty percent win rate."
"All you need is that plus side of 50/50, right? Get to 55, get to 60, and you're golden."
"When I close customers this way, when the guys that I trained close customers this way, they closed seven out of ten."
"Everything about Macro for me is about success rates, about hit rates."
"Chemotherapy and radiation in combination achieve a good cure rate of about 70% of patients that have Hodgkin's disease."
"If we eliminate tackle failure and angler failure from the equation, you're gonna catch ninety percent more fish."
"eHarmony is proud to share that they are responsible for over 438 marriages every single day in the U.S."
"There are 28 sold, 33 listed; that is almost a 100 percent sell-through rate."
"Yet the guy has perhaps the biggest win rate of anyone."
"He has now won 72 percent of his supercross starts. That's phenomenal."
"We're probably successful 85 to 90 percent of the time with our first method."
"99 times out of 100, I say you'll make it work."
"The percentage that goes on is very small, and it takes a lot of hard work and effort to get there."
"We do deep dives on these programs; they have an 83 percent success rate, which is nominal."
"It is where the majority of traders lose money but it is one of the most profitable and reliable trades possible with a success rate of almost 100% if traded correctly."
"The most effective hunter in the world is the dragonfly; their success rate is insanely high."
"When all of these things line up, the setups that you find here are going to have a way higher hit rate, a much higher probability of working out."
"The reason we run strategies like this is because the probability of success is generally much higher than picking a direction."
"We've had a 99% success rate at Sculpt by Science."
"By applying a few additional filters, you are then able to build strategies with high average gains per trade and high success rates."
"Only one to twenty percent of Traders make money and 80 to 99 of them fail."
"In the context of trans affirming care, successful treatment in 99% of cases is treated as dangerous, whereas in all other areas of healthcare, a 99% success rate would be treated as an absolute miracle."
"On Hinge, there's about a 90% chance that when you make a match, you will go on a first date and be happy about it."
"You want somebody with a high pass rate."
"We have gotten through every single one of our worst days; we have a 100% success rate on that."
"If you bat .300, you're going to the Hall of Fame. That's out of 10 bets; you need to hit it three times."
"Successful 99 percent of the time."
"If you do enough homework, the hit rate is pretty high."
"Eight out of ten times we see dramatic improvements."
"The success rate of treatment for those in depression is actually 80 to 90 percent."
"In one case series, they reported a success rate greater than 90 percent."
"We are in the business of failure here, the best players in the world have a success rate of 1 in 3."
"A baseball player is in the Hall of Fame if he fails seven out of ten times."
"Currently this year we have an 86 percent save rate."
"A-10 mission success rate: that's more than 95 percent."
"The A-10's mission success rate is more than 95 percent."
"80% of the time we can actually achieve seizure freedom."
"Seizure freedom is achieved in up to eighty percent of the patients."
"If you book one in fifty auditions when you're starting out, that's pretty good."
"We want to increase our winning trades as a percentage of total trades."
"The new implementation fail rate is only 2%, because the software today is so much better."
"You don't necessarily have to have that high risk worth ratio if you compensate it with quite a huge win rate."
"That 98% success rate is very accurate, assuming that you know what you're getting into."
"Your chances of a successful repair will increase from something really low to almost 99 percent."
"Only 1% of companies that get created get venture capital, and only out of those, only 1% makes it to unicorn status."
"The probability that at least one man hits the target would be 0.88."
"We've had a great success rate in helping persons in crisis to get the care, the medical care that they need."
"99% of our calls are resolved just through negotiation."
"It won 72 times and lost 28 times, which gives it a 72% win rate. Very good, and then the max consecutive wins was nine, and the max consecutive losses only two."
"Dental implants are about 96 to 98% successful in normal healthy patients."
"98% conviction rate - they normally win every single time."
"A good investor will be right 50 to 60% of the time. That's a great investor."
"If you're winning nine out of ten, we're going to understand that you're not going to knock it out of the park every time."
"We have data that shows the students that are doing these assessments are 10 to 20 percent more likely to actually pass the course."
"Of alcoholics who came to AA and really tried, 50% got sober at once and remained that way."
"We were taking some pretty big positions and just scalping all day with like a success rate of like 96%."
"Your job is to find what that trigger is that is right half of the time."
"A high percentage of abducted children are located because of Amber Alerts."
"I think 16 percent, only 16 percent of leopard hunts in the Kruger are successful."
"If in the control group the proportion succeeding was 20%, in the treatment group the proportion succeeding would be 33%."
"For every 3,000 ideas, only one goes on to be deemed a success."
"The percent pass goes from 40 to 99 or something like that and then we're confident that this is actually working relatively well."