
Attention Focus Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"When people have to focus their attention on one location, like a goal line, they are much more effective in reaching those goals and they achieve them with the perception, that they expended less effort."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focus on particular visual points as a way to harness your attention and to remove distractors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The stronger the emotion you feel from that breakthrough, the more you're going to pay attention to the image in your mind, and now you're beginning to brand new circuitry in the brain."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from the inner event, the more you're gonna pay attention to the picture in your mind."
"The value isn't in how many hours you work, but where you focus your attention, awareness, and consciousness."
"We're built so that if something negative and horrible comes up, all of our attention is drawn to it."
"Listen to your dreams, they reveal what needs attention."
"Wherever your attention goes, your energy flows... reality is created based on your attention."
"The crux of what I'm trying to bring attention to."
"I dare you to just fix your attention on loving God with all of your heart with all of your soul and all of your mind and watch everything else take care of itself."
"In life, you don't experience life, we experience what we pay attention to."
"Nothing concentrates the attention more than an animal that can kill you and hundreds of us are killed every year by crocodiles and alligators."
"Some of you may be moving on. I feel as though you could be getting attention from other people because you're very much in this empress energy."
"Don't let something that's not actually great Dominate and monopolize your attention away from things in your life that are actually great."
"Learning what to forget, what to remember, and what to pay attention to."
"Put your miracle grow, which is your attention, on something that's working."
"I think those super attacks are going to be a super key thing to pay attention to here."
"It's not about features, it's about directing your eye."
"Emotions prioritize what we pay attention to and motivate our behaviors."
"Instead of people paying attention to a negative algorithm, they should pay attention to a positive one."
"Wherever your attention goes, that is where Prosperity flows."
"Presence is giving things your full attention without judgment or criticism."
"Bias understandably has a very negative connotation but I am simply applying bias to where your attention is, not what your beliefs are."
"Every millisecond that we don't bring our attention there... we're actually going backwards."
"This underlying issue of what we pay attention to, what matters to us, is to me a crucially important part of being more rational, of understanding the world better."
"Eyes on the road, man, let's go eyes on the road."
"Your attention, your attention is not on that video."
"They've gotten so much attention from the moment they were born."
"I was actually engaged in it. I was paying attention. It was fun."
"You'll start to see attention create your reality right before your very eyes."
"I will fully admit that was all pilot error, I lost track of the Glide slope giving the localizer far too much attention."
"Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel."
"Understand that where your attention goes reality flows."
"Where attention goes, neural firing flows, and neural connection grows."
"Keep your eyes on this buddy and then look, you know this is where you want to see what it does here."
"Just see if you can keep your attention on the current breath."
"Mindfulness is... a form of attention."
"That to which you give your attention grows stronger in your life."
"If you have a really good system for setting things up where you can focus your attention effectively, then it's going to help that thing grow."
"Low moods can make our attention worse, but improving our attention can help us with depression and anxiety."
"The only question that matters is where is your attention and focus now."
"I invite you to enter the present moment with your attention instead of being absorbed in your thinking."
"If you watch the basketball, you see the basketball; if you stop watching the basketball, well then you see the gorilla."
"When we're really focused on something, we can miss obvious things right in front of our faces."
"Tonight, dear viewers, you have just two things to do: remember everything and forget nothing."