
Goal Achievement Quotes

There are 1969 quotes

"When people have to focus their attention on one location, like a goal line, they are much more effective in reaching those goals and they achieve them with the perception, that they expended less effort."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focusing our visual attention on one particular point is incredibly effective for all types of goal pursuit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The AI system finds itself in some kind of environment that it's trying to achieve a goal in, and that environment could be real world or virtual."
Demis Hassabis
"You are absolutely figuring it out before the end of the year, and then putting your energy exactly where you want it to go."
"Your dreams are important, but your plan is what will allow you to achieve your goals and live out your dreams."
"The quickest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to get started now."
"Achieving huge goals and stretching to reach your potential requires you to do those challenging, stressful things, and to stick with them even when it gets boring."
"One of the other big things that derails people is trying to be too perfectionistic and trying to do too much."
"You're but one habit, one killer routine away from having the exact life that you want."
"The main thing that you are lacking is focus. Because when you are a person who has a lot of focus and can focus in on a singular thing, then it's very easy to actually get the know-how...to accomplish your goals."
"This is how I'm achieving my goals, this is how I'm getting closer to my dream, is by doing all of these little things as inconsequential as they may seem in the moment."
"The quality of relationships that you're going to make will actually help you towards those other goals even faster."
"We don't rise to the level of our goals, but we fall to the level of our systems."
"If you want to have something, it's going to take a little delayed gratification and investment on your part."
"Take action. Just do it. Do anything small or big that will get you one step closer to your goals."
"In higher states of vibration, your goals, dreams, and desires materialize in the most harmonious way with everyone involved."
"Just keep your head up, keep pounding, keep dreaming because the damnest thing is I've almost reached all my dreams. I got a few more that I'm really, really searching for, but I don't stop till I get it."
"Arise, awaken, stop not till the goal is reached."
"The best way to own your life and future is to understand and embrace the system, no matter its flaws, and work within it to achieve your goals."
"Shifting your identity is the most fantastic success act for goal achievement in every area of your life."
"Your end goal is worth it, and you will get there with little steps at a time."
"The stronger the why, the easier the how becomes."
"We've got to make sure we're at it from now to the end."
"I am able to Achieve Financial Freedom through multiple streams of income."
"How sad would it be if you were on track, set on a guaranteed track to get some big, important, significant accomplishment in your life, and then you quit just inches ahead of the final goal?"
"I realised that the dichotomy between achieving my greatest dreams and enjoying my life in this moment, was actually a false one."
"Accountability is the answer if you really want to be motivated to achieve your goals."
"If you make the decision to be committed, then you will be able to achieve whatever goals you want to achieve, no matter what."
"The people that set the most aggressive goals are the ones that end up achieving their goals."
"If you can develop certain specific habits, what I call the 'rich habits', around each individual goal... then you'll knock off one by one each of your dreams or each of your wishes."
"Raising your mental state is like going on an airplane and taking an aerial view, seeing the easiest pathways to your goal."
"Achieving a goal only changes your life for the moment."
"A good nonprofit should put itself out of business."
"The sacrifices you make today, you know, get you closer to the Super Bowl."
"Imagining oneself into the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the means by which a new state is entered."
"Implementing the right processes and making those the goals will actually make you reach the other goals."
"We’re not chasing dreams, we’re catching them."
"Imagination is the way to the state desired; it is the truth of the state desired and the life of that state desired."
"Creating something beautiful that you're proud of working towards."
"Increase your efforts if you want to achieve your goals."
"Consistent action is the cure-all. Whatever problem you have, whatever issue you're facing, whatever big life you want to create for yourself, the way to get there is not some giant leap but through the daily, consistent, grinding action that will help you accomplish your goals."
"One step at a time, lots of little steps make big dreams come true."
"I'm so proud of myself for putting my mind to something and getting it done."
"At the end of the day, there is absolutely nothing wrong in taking longer to get to your end goal."
"Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached."
"You have to find something that's going to motivate you to go out and achieve those goals versus excuses that you give yourself as why you can't do it."
"Self-discipline is about managing one's self... Discipline is about achieving that long-term goal."
"Accomplishing anything is never just walking up and reaching a goal; it's about getting back up over and over again."
"Research shows that this ability to seize the moment makes you 3 times more likely to achieve your goals."
"Manifesting makes you present and feeling empowered about what you want and your ability to go get it."
"The most important part: I then take an action that's inspired by the manifesting."
"If you master self-discipline, any feasible dream becomes an objective that is separated from you only by time."
"If you find the right goal, nothing can stand between you and making it happen."
"The only thing that it takes for you to get to your goal is just moving in the direction of your goal with the effort, consistently."
"The power of the subconscious mind is immense and can be harnessed to help you achieve your goals."
"Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals."
"Right, so within this world of self-help gurus, there's this idea that if you think positively, then that'll help you achieve your goals and help all your problems melt away."
"It's a way of dealing with a constantly changing environment, both responding to that environment to achieve your goals and also attempting where possible to change the environment to your benefit."
"Achieving your goals isn't as hard as it seems to be; sometimes, we just get in our own way."
"Performance necessity...is a moment in which you are serving people or you're trying to achieve your goal or your dream in which now it is not a preference, it's a must."
"Consistency over intensity. That is essential to getting to that long-term goal."
"My role as a facilitator is to be able to give tools and techniques to be able to help people reach the goals that they want to reach."
"Whatever happens out there, get yourself to the finish line; you'll be happy you did."
"Building a bridge from one island to the other... focus on one bridge."
"If you directionally move in this way over a long enough period of time, you will get there as long as you don't stop."
"Passion is more than just enthusiasm or excitement; it's a deep burning desire to achieve their goals."
"Going the extra mile can make the difference between achieving a goal and falling short."
"It's less about the goal itself and more about the process in which you take to get there."
"I think that achieving a goal is less about the goal itself and more about the process in which you take to get there."
"The five-second rule is simple. If you have the instincts to act on a goal, you must physically move within five seconds, or your brain will kill the idea."
"Now, this exercise usually takes years to acquire but if you start right now with the correct progressions, you'll be able to cut that time in half."
"If you want to manifest all of your dreams and desires before the end of this year, then you came to the right place."
"The most important thing is not what's at the top of the mountain that's important, it's the lessons along the journey."
"Daily consistent action leads toward the results you want."
"The more I'm in a good mood and the more I'm thinking good thoughts, the easier it is to kind of do the work that is required to get my goal."
"Sometimes achieving the actual goal earns you almost nothing, but the journey itself teaches you everything you need to know."
"Don't think about this goal down the line that you're trying to get to. Do this thing brilliantly."
"Discipline is not punishment; discipline is what helps you achieve your goals."
"Failing is what ultimately propels people to achieve their goals."
"However amazingly, even though the goal is the same...the roads and the paths that they use to try to arrive at this goal are very, very diverse."
"Every repetition you get, you just that much closer to your goals."
"We reached a quarter already, but we can surpass it."
"Stay tuned because I will help you to pass and achieve that goal."
"Marketing is the generous act of helping other people achieve their goals."
"This is the core concept if you understand this and understand how to implement it in your life, you're going to get to your goal weight."
"It might take time. It might take more work than you thought it was gonna be required to get this thing done, but you can just go make it."
"Focus on what you want, align your emotions, take action. It will be yours."
"It's possible for you to achieve any of your goals, just like I was able to finally pass the hardest test of my life when I figured out how to test myself."
"Persistence in pursuit of your goals is key."
"Work hard in silence and work towards those goals, and the universe will actually bring them towards you."
"Success is not some mysterious thing; it is simply a relentless game of execution."
"When there's something that you need to do, don't let anything stop you, no matter what the obstacles are. You work your way through it to get to where it is you need to go to."
"You're almost there, you're so close to the finish line."
"Everything we want to accomplish in our lives will always be done to the understanding and use of appropriate laws."
"Every time I kind of write out goals that I have for myself, I tend to accomplish most of them."
"No matter what happens, you will not quit because quitting is not an option because you have a why."
"Any goal that you want to achieve that's worthwhile in your life requires all-in effort."
"Momentum is how you're going to achieve your goals fast... being in a good place mentally is how you're going to achieve your goals."
"It's not all doom and gloom, but in a cup final, you've got to get that goal, you've got to win."
"If you could only tell your mind what you want using relevant, up to the minute words, you'll get exactly what you want."
"Do not confuse flurries of activity with accomplishment. Activity and accomplishment both start with an 'A' but they are unrelated."
"Don't allow distractions to keep you from what you're trying to get accomplished."
"The more you concentrate on your goal, the shorter the span of incubation, the sooner you'll reach the goal."
"The hallmark starts to become improvement. Seeing yourself move towards a desired goal is the essence of the positive emotion that nourishes us."
"It's only failure when you call it quits, but if you keep trying, you're eventually going to get there if you just keep taking steps towards something."
"Focus on becoming the best version of myself and developing myself into the type of person that can achieve the goals I have."
"We can't win this war without working hard together."
"Enjoy the process. If you're writing a 60-page business plan, enjoy page four. You're going to get to page 60 eventually, just enjoy page four."
"Real quickly here, but it can be real hard to work one job while simultaneously building another, and one of the best ways to help you achieve your goals is through journaling."
"Every goal that I have kept between my ears and not wavered once from comes true."
"I have what it takes to become a Berkeley Marathons finisher. I can do it, and I will do it."
"How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time. It's the only way."
"Visualize your goals vividly as the brain can't tell the difference between what's imagined and what's real."
"If you follow the steps, then you'll succeed. If you skip steps, you'll fail. It's as simple as that."
"It's not about how you start, but how you finish."
"I'm not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life. I'm here to teach you success strategies that will work to help you achieve your outcomes, to help you achieve your goals."
"Your biggest mistake would be quitting before the finish line. You're almost there."
"For this FIFA, I just want to score a goal outside the box, make it look fancy."
"It's not scary if everyone stops at a green light. If we stopped at a green light, we'd never reach our goal."
"I feel like scripting has been a huge tool that I've used to manifest/accomplish a ton of huge goals."
"If you're willing to decide what you want, believe it's possible, consciously envision the future, feel the feelings of what it would feel like if you'd achieved this goal, you can have anything."
"I finally learned the value of sacrifice...if you want something in life, it's going to take sacrifice."
"The journey might be tough, but the destination is worth every struggle."
"Your mind is designed to help you get what you want."
"I've gone back to school, working towards getting my master's, pursuing my dreams."
"Work harder than you've ever done to reach your goals."
"It's my ability to get up and keep going that allows me to eventually obtain my goals."
"Victory for me wasn't winning; it was just finishing."
"Every day you show up and you're gonna lay one brick. And one day, you might not actually get that far, but if day in, day out, you consistently lay one brick, you are gonna reach that goal."
"I am determined. I'm determined to make this happen."
"When you get to where you want to go in life, you finally get there, you finally reach that point and you're there and you're happy as hell, realize this, you're not there yet."
"If you want something, give everything you have."
"Every goal we set, we accomplished. It looks great, it drives great, it runs great."
"Keep moving forward because every day that you do something, you're moving towards that goal and you're becoming a little bit more of that person that you want to be someday."
"It's the feeling I get when I cross something off my list that reminds me I'm going in the right direction and each day I'm getting a little closer to the kind of man I want to be."
"You will only ever get in your life what you absolutely must have. Your absolute obsession becomes your possession."
"I guess this is a lesson if you work hard enough, try hard enough, and be patient about it, you'll eventually get what you want."
"Faith is when we believe we can get somewhere. We can get somewhere together."
"At some point, we're going to all win. We're going to do it sooner than people think."
"Let's not have any more heart attacks. Let's bring it home."
"It was getting pretty close there at the end but I nearly completed everything I set out to do."
"I feel like a lot of us have been... trying to achieve goals... you've probably been trying to achieve it... those days are over."
"Embrace the climb, not just the selfie at the top."
"Dreams come true if you have a dream you can make it happen."
"Let's get out there and prove ourselves once again."
"That discipline will yield results... each one of you gonna have a different timeline is when you're gonna get it."
"Alright, we're in. Great! Now let's do this."
"You're not gonna just start from zero and get to the top of the mountain overnight."
"If you do just one thing every day to get you to that goal, you will build a routine. And then you will just add something new to that routine."
"Value comes from the journey and not necessarily from accomplishing the goal."
"We're moving together and like I said, we're gonna finish together."
"You keep on, and if it takes 50 calls a day, then that's what you do. You don't give up."
"Get out there and train, and exactly like you said, reverse engineer it."
"Failure is not an option. You gotta refuse to concede to any other outcome than the one believed for, the one God promised you."
"That's what it's about, we're putting the full package together."
"Good habits are foundational to achieving your goals."
"Is it worth it? Make it worth it. Make it worth it, worth it, worth it."
"I'm sure a lot of other people achieve financial freedom and their goals."
"Relentlessness to accomplish the impossible makes it possible."
"You assume that everything's working to your advantage towards this jump."
"Take the baby steps required to get there first."
"Do something every day that moves you one step forward towards your major goal."
"Just as long as it gets done, it's all that matters."
"Victory is yours, as you reap the rewards of your hard work and passion."
"Making even a little bit of progress on our goals fuels us."
"Taking action on what it is that you want in a dedicated way."
"Always focus on who you need to become in order to reach your goals, not on what tactic or trick to use."
"You guys are gonna know what you want in July, and you're gonna go out and get what you want."
"I make these simple products to try to lure people to just like make a really delicious salad and at the same time I'm trying to like sneak these like incredibly medicinal plants back into people's lives."
"If you want something, you need to believe in yourself."
"Good things are possible when working on goals together."
"It's a reminder every day that your mind is designed to help you get what you want."
"Nothing truly worth having in this life is easy and you know that but this is as easy as it gets."
"Don't give up, you're much closer to an outcome than you imagine."
"We're going to get this thing done, one way or the other."
"Discipline is simply the ability to make yourself do things in the moment that you don't necessarily want to do so that you can achieve something in the future that you really do want."
"The main reason why people can't get from zero to ten is because they're way too distracted."
"Look at that, $67,000, we did seventeen thousand more than the goal."
"95 percent of everything I put on that vision board came true."
"At the end of the day, you're gonna get what you want."
"If you're aiming to achieve a goal, man, don't be afraid of the work. It will pay off for you."
"You've got everything you need to accomplish any goal."
"No matter how many losses you have... you have to keep getting up and striking again to achieve your goals."
"At this point, I don't care how you win, just get the one seed."
"I've achieved my objective. How many people set out with a clear vision and actually manage to get there?"
"The best goal in the world will not work if you don't work."
"Slowly is the fastest way to accomplish something."
"You are very close to achieving your goal. Don't give up now."
"Even though it was messy it still did achieve the goal that the people who elected them probably wanted to achieve."
"You need to spend as less as possible energy and to achieve as much as possible effect."
"Investing into yourself to get the outcomes you want."
"I hate it when you're that close to getting the result you want and then it doesn't happen. It's bloody frustrating."
"The mantra is, 'If you want it, you can do it.'"
"He showed himself to be an aggressive competitor with the ability to focus like a laser beam on achieving his goals."
"Positivity like they've been hitting their goals with Zen consistently since then, so I have no doubt in my mind."
"You really stand a better chance at meeting those."
"If I could figure out a way to make it happen I would."
"With a little bit of tender love and care, you can eventually get where you want to be with it."
"Press on forward, you will reach your goals one day."
"Cultivating to the point where it has to come to fruition eventually."