
Learning Efficiency Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The Eighty-Five Percent Rule for optimal learning... really points to the idea of making things pretty hard, but not so hard that you're failing every attempt or even half of the attempts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"These short periods of rest, these 10-second rest periods, the hippocampus and the cortex are active in ways such that you get a 20 times repeat of the practice. It's a temporal compression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If there's one skill to master in the 21st century, it's our ability to learn faster."
"The tighter the feedback cycle, the faster you learn."
"Don't cram. Five minutes a day every day is better than doing five-hour cram sessions and burning yourself out."
"If the only thing you do after reading something is just test yourself once, that is better than reading the same thing four times or writing a summary of it."
"Find small pockets of time throughout the day for language learning activities."
"Active recall is the quickest, most efficient, and effective way to study written material, at least for factual and problem-solving tests."
"You can learn more talking to someone for half an hour than you would sitting and reading articles written by him for four hours."
"You can either give 45 minutes now and really learn these things, or you can spend years floundering and making mistakes with Google that are gonna kill your website."
"Hands-on interactive learning is almost always vastly better than trying to learn things by rote memorization of dull facts or assertions."
"I learned more in 15 to 20 minutes watching your videos than I learn in like five hours of doing research online."
"Hope has notoriously hard to measure, but soldiers who carry with them the hope of a unified Mojave..."
"What I really like about it is that courses are often in very short digestible chunks."
"Your brain is going to enjoy, and happy brains just learn better."
"Active practice is better than passive practice."
"Active recall it's effective I find it efficient so it really is a good study technique."
"Always tell my students to practice as I teach. That's the best way of you learning any new programming language or technology."
"Practice tests and spreading out your learning are scientifically proven to boost your performance."
"If you're not enjoying what you're doing, you're not gonna absorb as much material and information."
"A course is going to take you step by step what is the correct path to learning a skill it's much quicker it's much more reliable."
"You learn more when you know you only have an hour a day."
"Interactive learning helps you learn six times more efficiently."
"Maximize your learning by mastering the drug endings."
"Learning how to learn is actually so important and it literally supercharges all of the rest of your time that you spend studying."
"By breaking down each lesson into smaller bite-sized experiences that quiz information repeatedly yet practically, it's so much easier to learn, process, and remember."
"Learning how to learn because if you could learn how to learn quickly you could apply that towards anything in personal development or anything in your life so before we learn anything we want to learn how to learn right."
"Information combined with emotions become unforgettable."
"You make your studying more effective so you could be twice as much in half the time."
"The purpose of learning how your mind works is to help you learn more efficiently, decreasing the time it takes to get you to that skill level."
"Learning has to be fun... If you have fun while you're studying something, the percentage of you actually remembering those things will be exponentially higher."
"It all starts with vocabulary. If you know your vocabulary, all the rest of learning will become much easier."
"Notes aren't useful unless you use some sort of method to commit them to memory."
"Diagrams and flow charts are real game changers in understanding complex topics."
"If it learns a good way to process one input, that is applied to every input in the sequence."
"Focus your efforts on learning how to assimilate deep knowledge quickly and you can use that super power to teach yourself anything you need."
"Each 'wazn' entails fixed past, present, and verbal noun forms for a verb."
"I progressed much more quickly with her than I did while studying on my own."
"We're learning way faster this way if you do a design in 20 minutes rather than taking three days or four days."
"It really helped jump start the process. It ended up saving me thousands of dollars because I was able to learn things that maybe would take much longer if you try to do it on your own."
"You learn very well. You learn fast and you executed that [ __ ] man."
"Your improvement is much slower if you're only learning it from one perspective."
"It's like finding shortcuts in your educational terrain."
"Spending 30 minutes and learning how to do something right the first time is way better than spending hundreds and hundreds of hours and probably never learning how to do something properly."
"This is really great for training purposes and for overcoming the vanishing gradient problem."
"Flow makes learning more fun and much faster."
"That's why we call it a micro course or micro lessons."
"New artificial intelligence technology will customize learning plans much faster."
"If a student could avoid ever repeating the same mistake twice, they would skyrocket to the top of their field." - Josh Waitzkin
"But what if it only took you two minutes to master a new skill?"
"Learn through conversations and start speaking in minutes."
"Task-based language teaching brings together the idea of communication and learning."
"Building a learner that can learn lots of things and learn faster from its experience."
"You can watch the same video one or two times, then switch to another video to learn more efficiently."
"It's much better to take a time uh and it's not like hours and hours of learning it's just like 15 20 30 minutes a day of like listening or watching or reading or writing something and over the course of the month you get fluent in that information."
"Just start working on a Kaggle competition because without joking K is like the most efficient way to build up knowledge just because you're working on the hands-on project there."
"If we want to be effective in our study period or our ability to retain information or learn something new, this pyramid here is something that we should all study and live by."
"Cognitive load optimization... talks about the brain power that is required to learn something."
"Knowing how to rest and recover is a foundational principle for all effective learning."
"The faster you can read something, the easier it's going to be to learn and memorize too."
"Learning even some basic music theory will give you a vocabulary to be able to learn much more much faster and much more effectively."
"If you're happy, relaxed, in an alpha brain state, curious, you're going to learn really quickly."
"Humans are very good at a kind of one-shot learning."
"Reading sheet music is really valuable because you can learn faster with it."
"Don't focus in concentrated all in one day; spread it out."
"Information retention is way, way, way higher than it would be with text."
"You don't need nearly as much repetition of what you're learning if what you're learning makes sense to you and is organized logically."
"We want you to learn once and use twice."
"If you take down notes and go back and reapply the notes, your potential rate goes way, way up."
"It really helps with long-term retention because it does this thing called spaced repetition."
"We learn more over time, so if we're studying and we feel rested and we're enjoying the process, we're actually learning more."
"Learning about all of them independently might not actually be that effective, so we are quite excited about investigating whether we can use a similar approach used to learn values in large state spaces."
"By pausing as this video goes along, you'll be able to get through this much more efficiently and go at your own pace."
"Space repetition comes in... it would be really annoying to track the optimal time to recall a word for the most efficient learning."
"This allows us to continually grow and to learn new music faster and with less effort."
"This is going to help you learn to become a fluent speaker much faster because you're only focusing on really the most conversational speech and the things that people use most often."
"We want to be specifying things at a higher, more architectural level so our systems have the right kind of primitives to be able to learn well."