
Behavior Modification Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"One of the best ways you can support your mechanisms for good mood, mental health, learning, focus, metabolism, etc., is to take control of this light exposure behavior at night and not get much or any bright light exposure in the middle of the night."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Operant conditioning is a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behavior."
"Understanding the height of those peaks in dopamine and the rate to reach those peaks...you're really in a terrific position to understand how to leverage the dopamine system for the pursuit of healthy goals and behaviors."
"You need to add something or subtract something that makes it harder, not easier, to engage in or resist a behavior."
"Toxic people can change. The key to change is recognizing your toxic behaviors, identifying what they're communicating, and then dealing with that issue."
"Instead of rewarding yourself with food, amplify the brain's natural reward process with self-care actions."
"You can't control someone but you can absolutely cultivate behavior."
"The goal is to bring about optimal behavior without compromising a dog's quality of life or having unintended consequences."
"Grace is not an excuse for bad behavior, rather a solution for bad behavior."
"Like a computer programmer, I'd go into their subconscious and find the unhelpful programs that were causing these behaviors and change them as easy as flipping a switch."
"Pavlok, the first wearable that doesn't just track what you do, but actually changes what you do."
"This is not behavior modification; this is spiritual transformation."
"If we can interrupt the thought before it becomes the deed, then harm... can be if not undone, at least interrupted and diminished."
"Therapists may help modify self-destructive behaviors, but there's no cure for personality disorders."
"We often get into the habit of doing something like sit lie down leave it look at me or something like that your dog starts to get in the habit and assume that you're gonna want everything in that order always so this helps us mix it up."
"The purpose of sanctions is to change behavior."
"You can't train a man all you can do is show them how to treat you."
"It's never too late to change things. It's never too late to learn new behaviors."
"People who make implementation intentions follow through on their intentions because the cue for the behavior is in the environment, not you."
"Is evil caused by the environment or the personalities within it?"
"Change our thoughts, change our minds, change our patterns."
"The logic behind this is to pair up an undesirable activity with a desirable activity."
"Acting and behaving as the person that you aspire to be."
"The only way to keep yourself from being greedy is to not give yourself the option to be greedy."
"That was as good as we have seen her do in a long long time." - Tim Daggett
"Unlocking new behavior modules: the power of progress."
"Enforcement matters. You change people's behavior, you deter criminal offending."
"Behavioral psychology stresses upon the fact that all behaviors are acquired through learning and practicing."
"We tell people that's haram, that's haram. If you educated people to the Deen, they would know it's haram and they would leave the haram."
"Positive reinforcement is wildly more successful than punishment at encouraging long-term behavior changes."
"You're not going to change the way your brain functions but you can learn to redirect some of those bad habits."
"If we deny Russia this flow of currency, then they'll be able to stop their aggressive behavior."
"Change your reaction, any little change creates a cascade effect."
"It takes the rudeness of a person and removes it."
"If you want to create a habit, far better to reward the behavior with an uncertain and variable reward rather than a fixed reward."
"You can no longer react in your old mannerisms because the community has had it."
"Conquer cravings by decoupling stimulus and association."
"Respond differently to repeating experiences to create a different outcome."
"Replace any negative habit with a positive one."
"You can learn to be more intentional in your behavior."
"The military is like this giant Skinner box of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement."
"So when you feel triggered notice how you respond and choose a different response okay."
"Act as if you're happy, then you'll feel happy."
"Training sessions like this are how we teach them that listening to me is the way for her to get those things that she wants."
"Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors for better or worse."
"We believe that the Gracie Academy learning experience can bring down aggressive tendencies."
"Find someone you really like, then don't be a [jerk]."
"It eliminates the need to like white-knuckle willpower your way through every decision."
"Every time you feel the urge to do it, try to resist it and just remember how impactful habits are."
"Some amount of shame is good. We shamed people out of smoking and into wearing seatbelts."
"If you want to make a behavior happen more often, make it easy."
"Shame is good when it costs women to stop doing things that are wrong harmful and sinful and to do what's right instead it's what's best for them don't stop speaking truth for fear of shaming women."
"Pink prisons can calm down even the most hot-headed criminals. The color, known as 'cool down pink,' is based on psychological research."
"For some people just by putting them on a low carbohydrate diet and getting them to control themselves for a few weeks, you find that the desire goes away."
"You have the power to alter your behavior, hidden feelings and resentments are likely to come out because they're meant to be healed."
"It's not a big blitzing defense but Robert Salah, he will bring it at times and when he brings it they're usually pretty effective."
"In level 1 cults, there's self-imposed behavior modification based on the ideology."
"If you just modify the results of a dog's behavior with certain consequences or rewards."
"As you start to really understand okay if I do this, I'm actually going to feel good."
"You're not dealing with them anymore, it's with us. So you gotta behave yourself."
"When it comes to diet, all these have in common is that you're changing your behavior."
"If you're not actually a dangerous man and you do care about being a decent human being then there are a few small changes you can make your behavior to make women feel safe."
"Punishment is less effective than reward for trying to get a human being to do something."
"Extinction is removing reinforcement from a previously reinforced behavior."
"Personality is difficult to change... behaviors can change."
"You punish somebody to change the course of behavior in the future."
"If you truly want to become an alpha male, then you just have to act like it."
"One thing I will say though is I did have to try and unlearn a bit of the expected gamification behavior."
"Real change starts with recognizing behavior in the moment."
"We're rehabilitating Shadow, changing her mindset, attitude, and teaching her how to be well-balanced."
"Sometimes you need abstinence to regain control. Stop for a short time to break the cycle."
"You're shutting down unhealthy behavior to manifest something new."
"Stop treating her like a human, treat her like a dog."
"I just want him to stop being [ __ ] first and foremost and then we see what's happening."
"Behavior change starts with becoming aware of a problem."
"The secret to stopping your dog's less than desirable behaviors is to teach them what you want them to do in the first place."
"The magic happens when you catch yourself going back into the old program."
"Consequences decrease unwanted behaviors, reinforcers increase wanted behaviors."
"Positive punishment refers to reducing undesirable behavior by adding something undesirable, so adding extra chores."
"Public humiliation and shame is the only thing that will make them stop."
"I'm first gonna warm him up and get the behavior that I want which is him running to me so I'm just gonna back up and as he comes towards me I'm going to feed."
"I would say, finally, clinically, there's been no research on this part, but for clinically, with some of my children with severe aggression self-injury, I've used functional communication training."
"Reinforcement, whether positive or negative, is designed to cause an increase in the targeted behavior."
"If we want to cause a particular behavior to decrease, we would use punishment in either of its formats or extinction."
"The craft method teaches you sort of how to reinforce positive behavior, how to actually set a goal each week, and say okay this week I just want the person to have dinner with the family three times."
"Positive reinforcement is providing a reward to reinforce the desired behavior."
"Negative reinforcement is when something unwanted gets removed if the desired behavior is achieved."
"So another approach that you can take is actually grading your safety behaviors, so grading dropping your safety behaviors over time, starting with something that feels a bit easier to drop and then working your way up over time."
"This is primarily a problem-solving model and rewarding and punishing doesn't solve the problems that cause the behaviors that we are rewarding and punishing for."
"I'm going to explain to you at home and the owner exactly how to get rid of these problem behaviors as quickly as humanly possible while using the most humane methods out there."
"You have to do all of these things. Desensitization, socialization, pushing the boundaries, counter conditioning. You also just have to be patient."
"Pushing the boundaries. You gotta push them sometimes. And then counter conditioning, treating generally being treating from people."
"Successive approximation: teaching them to figure out what to do."
"Guilt and shame serve to help us modify our behavior and ideally we learn from experience and we grow and we become wiser."
"Reward non-drinking behavior. Drinking behavior that's pulling you away from alcohol, and you need to correct any behavior that's pulling you towards alcohol."
"The more that you develop the ability to identify the traits of your own sociosexual rank, the easier it is to modify your own behavior and optimize your own behavior."
"It's a matter of training them in this and then it becomes a habit."
"We can learn them, we can relearn them, we can conditioned them."
"Targeted training efforts. Research has proven that positive reinforcement for doing the right thing while ignoring bad or incorrect behaviors is also the best method of training fearful dogs."
"Classical conditioning training. This training method can also be used deliberately to train certain behaviors and responses in dogs and to counter condition dogs by associating something that makes a dog scared with something positive."
"When you train a behavior, I don't care if it's a sit, I don't care if it's something like high level search and rescue, I don't care if it's an agility behavior, whatever that behavior is you are never just training the behavior."
"Finding literal seconds of nice loose leash walking to reinforce is likely to transform how she walks on leash moving forward."
"The joy of having a dog that walks to heel is when I give owners something. It's often a behavior that we'll address quite quickly."
"You're reconditioning your mind to think, feel, and behave in a different way than it's used to doing."
"If we can introduce a history where those rich reinforcers and frequent reinforcers and less delayed reinforcers come for appropriate behavior, then we start to see a switch in allocation of responding."
"If you change your thoughts, you will change your emotions and behaviors."
"We can change kids' behavior by changing what happens around the behavior."
"He changes the way you walk, he changes the way you talk, and he changes the way you behave."
"There are three ways to break a bad habit: you can eliminate it entirely, curtail the behavior to the desired degree, or replace it."
"How you can modify your behavior, how to recognize and cope with stress, and how to really assess risks properly are essential skills."
"I understand how he was, and how he behaved now, and what that means for me is that I can recognize that behavior in me and I don't replicate it with my kids."
"If you're ever reducing a behavior, you're like, 'Huh, what am I replacing this with?' and you can't answer that, you need to find out."
"The behavior often discontinues when it does not produce the desired effect."
"The fourth stage is the action stage, during this the individual is actively trying to change their behavior for the better."
"If we can implement certain things, then we can at least stop the younger animals from learning the bad habits."
"The inappropriate behavior will decrease, the desired behavior will increase."
"Training is when you're actively working with your dog and proactively working on changing their future behavior."
"Reinforcement means encouraging a behavior to be repeated, and punishment means preventing a behavior from being repeated."
"I'm changing; I'm not talking like I used to talk, I'm not acting like I used to act."
"If you want a particular type of behavior, incentivize it; if you want to discourage a certain type of behavior, disincentivize it. Sticks versus carrots, that's it."
"The situational power to change behavior to conform to socially defined roles is significant."
"The smart model is trying to do a marketing campaign to get people to change behavior."
"Positive reinforcement increases the frequency of behavior associated with that consequence."
"If your blood sugar is better controlled, behaviors are changed."
"So we want to give the person a new way to get attention or to get access to tangibles."
"Develops your dog's hidden intelligence to eliminate bad behavior and create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams."
"Operant conditioning is about consequence and choice."
"Learn to replace behaviors that you don't find acceptable in your household with other behaviors."
"We keep learning from our past experiences, keep looking into the future, and based on what we anticipate will happen in the future, we behave a certain way to get the result we desire."
"Once you've read and grasped the basic behavioral concepts, Noom stops being that useful."
"Operant conditioning is going to focus on how we make voluntary behavioral changes as a result of environmental consequences."
"We spend a lot of time in our training at SEAL Fit and Unbe Mind is helping people expose those patterns and those behaviors and then to eradicate them."
"Suppression actually opens the door for other behaviors that we can actually reinforce now."
"Punishment decreases behavior, reinforcement increases behavior."
"If they're not doing exactly what you want, you need to lure them into doing exactly what you want."
"Non-contingent reinforcement is getting attention non-contingently to try to manipulate the motivation."
"If you believe that you have learnt to fear spiders, maybe you can unlearn it."
"Priming someone with the elderly stereotype won't get someone to get up and start walking, but you can nudge the walking to be a little bit faster or slower with priming."
"By training yourself to notice them, you then are altering the program."