
Light Pollution Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's remarkable the positive effects of getting that bit of sunlight early in the day, maybe even also around sunset, and avoiding bright lights, and especially overhead bright lights, between about 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, said in a tweet that his company would look at how they can decrease the brightness of these Starlink satellites."
"Light pollution is getting about 10 percent worse every year."
"The night sky is part of the common patriarchal common heritage of humanity, states should restrict the number of satellites above a certain brightness."
"Light pollution harms billions of birds and nocturnal animals."
"What's great about star trails is that you can even do them from heavily light polluted areas as your camera will pick up way more stars and you can see with your naked eye."
"Another border that people comments on as really, really, really existing does everyone know what this one is? Korea. Yeah, so at nighttime, light pollution is not happening in North Korea."
"Light pollution is one of the major causes of insect declines."
"But you shouldn't let light pollution stop you from stargazing altogether."
"These fish are not used to seeing unnatural light."
"The best thing to do is to go to a location with as less light pollution as possible."
"We are really lucky that we have virtually no light pollution."
"A large percentage of people have never seen the Milky Way with their naked eye before, and that's because of light pollution."
"Even if you're shooting from a light-polluted backyard, there is a fairly inexpensive and easy solution."
"Look, there's literally like no light pollution."
"The light pollution filter is integrated within the telescope and automatically set depending on the target."
"Light pollution robs us of some amazing views."
"The new moon is perfect because there's none of that light pollution."
"It's endless when you look up in the sky without light pollution, it's endless, those things that we see up in the sky."
"There was little to no light pollution, and I always relished the opportunity to enjoy the sky at times like those."
"The artificially made human light has dimmed the great light of the sky, and this is a huge loss."
"There is light pollution that is in the inner solar system... so if you wanted the best possible telescope view, you would want to set your telescope outside of the inner solar system."
"The filters are designed to block out street lamps and other sources of light pollution while allowing light from nebula and galaxies to come through."
"This dark sky is exactly what our ancestors have seen for millennia, and in just 100 years we have completely hidden it."
"The Summer Triangle stands out even in skies with a decent amount of light pollution."
"It's called light pollution, but it is crazy like if you guys go from like a city to like going out in the country. Oh yeah, the stars are just a whole nother world."
"Turn your outside lights off at nighttime. There is no need to illuminate the wilderness around you at night when you're sleeping."
"The city lights have grown so much that now they're too bright at night for those that can't see the stars like it used to."
"Wouldn't it be really wonderful...if we were able to turn out the lights so that we would be able to have our night skies again?"
"You can just drive 20 or 30 minutes outside of a town and be in a dark enough sky to see the Milky Way and get much better results."
"Just look for Orion's belt, three stars in a line; even in the most light polluted area, you'll be able to see those three stars."
"I remember finally being in areas where there isn't a ton of light pollution and being able to see the Milky Way."
"Dark skies are always the best way to go. Light pollution filters or right after that, software is what I'm going to be using to hopefully get rid of a lot of this light pollution."
"All these bright lights are drowning out the stars."
"This to me this is a pretty decent image for coming out of such a light polluted sky."
"The Northern Lights in Florida, you got to get away from the light pollution."
"You don't need to worry about light pollution... you can get star trails anywhere in the world."
"Blocking the local light pollution when you're observing really helps you to see more."
"You can take narrowband photos even in a downtown light polluted area or during the full moon."
"If you're in a very dark area that there's not a lot of light pollution, you might be able to see the Northern Lights."
"To see the universe without light pollution is like a dream of mine."
"The sky out here is different compared to what it looks like in an area with more light pollution."
"It's sick. I wish we could just all turn off the lights for one day."
"It was awesome to see the stars with no light pollution."
"Light pollution is basically any light that is being wasted and is not used to illuminate with a purpose."
"Artificial light at night interferes with our hormones; it prevents the production of the key hormone melatonin."