
Positive Transformation Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"You can intentionally put yourself in classically unpleasant circumstances... and transform a classically negative experience into something that's almost intrinsically positive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is the route where Edelgard can be her best self, with the help of Bileth by her side."
"I took anger, I took depression, I took all these negatives, and I turned them into something positive."
"Sometimes, you have to take that negativity from people and turn it into something positive."
"You have to be able to take every kind of negative experience or emotion in life and find a way to transmute it into something healthy and positive."
"Channel it into a worthy cause, into justice, into leading some kind of movement. That's a brilliant way to take your dark energy and metamorphize it into something really positive."
"Gabby's family does not want that light to dim. They want to make some good from this awful tragedy."
"It's such a good experience and it feels like a relief that I've done something good out of something that started off really quite negative."
"Turning weaknesses into strengths is a good thing."
"We're going to take this negative and turn it into a giant positive."
"Destruction can be a very, very positive force... It's a positive transformation."
"He took a criticism and turned it into a compliment. That's wild, very well done."
"Panic disorder was a blessing in disguise as it helped them learn to live life in a new and more effective and fulfilling way."
"Pressure makes diamonds and sometimes that shit can be good. And it's good."
"When life gives you manure, use it as fertilizer to create growth, to bring something better."
"It's kind of shifted him to becoming a positive being."
"You'll have a new frequency about you, to where your mind, everything around you, is elevated."
"Fear turns that fear into power and hope and confidence."
"Transform something negative into something positive."
"My experiences did not make me bitter, they made me better."
"You are going to release this negative energy and it's also going to do something so beautiful to yourself."
"If you knew me before I had a child and you see me today, you can definitely see I changed for the better."
"She knows how to manifest something good out of a negative experience."
"Change is good. Change has been really, really good."
"You are the flipping GOAT, seriously blessed and highly favored."
"I just, I really appreciate that we were able to turn something kind of crazy into something amazing."
"That's what my channel is about pushing to a positive outcome and coming from a negative environment."
"Reclaiming the L symbol is no longer a loser, now it's lover."
"Allow change to change you, and I mean it in a positive way."
"Change it's so scary it's so unknown but like when you boil it down and like when it actually happens you're just like growing and becoming a better version of yourself so I think yeah it's hard but it's definitely like worth it."
"His greatest gift was to take a sad song and make it better."
"Month of March is going to be about positive changes for you."
"Roy decides to use this curse in a positive way."
"I went from being shy to happy, like a tree growing in the sunshine."
"It's time to leap into a different beginning, because that's where the change comes in."
"Embrace the difficulties of life and turn them into juicy mangoes."
"Ronaldo almost embraces the criticism and says come to me and hugs it and and you know turns that criticism into positivity."
"It's the small things that add up and turn into big things that correct things overnight."
"We want to make good out of this horrific thing."
"It's just about acknowledging these things about yourself so that you can begin to create positive change."
"You take what the enemy meant for evil, and you turn it to good."
"It's all light and it's all love... trust the journey."
"Let your spirit come in and sever that spirit of hate, sever that spirit of unforgiveness, sever that spirit of bitterness, sever that spirit of anger from their lives."
"God gives us the grace to renew the world, he makes good out of evils."
"You're both going to come to terms with the fact that your life is going to start changing really, really beautifully."
"Leaving this cycle behind, you're entering a new one full of abundance and blessings."
"Yes, I feel like there will be a positive change coming into your life."
"When you own your power, you allow yourself to draw a line under a situation and bring positive change."
"When life gives you lemons, you do... you turn it around in your favor."
"I'm so pleased I'm so so pleased what an impressive feat to turn around a game in such a 180 through like one major update."
"You have combated the dark underworld of hatred with love and light."
"Lots of butterflies may be a symbol for you... great changes that bring a lot of positive energy are headed in your direction."
"Your life is never ever going to be the same again... in the best possible way."
"That was incredibly amazing, that was an honest 180."
"A positive change coming for a long time, it's not a sudden change."
"Despite how it starts off, Nagatoro is genuinely wholesome."
"You've now turned something negative into a positive."
"There's something in your life that is about to change and that is about to change for the better."
"The anger and the sadness and the grief and all was so overwhelming, but I knew I could use it in a positive way to make a difference."
"You can transform any pain, conflict, or struggle into a positive experience."
"Turn poison into positivity. Laugh about it. You'll be looking back at this and thinking, 'Do you know what? It was actually a gift.'"
"We must aspire to transform our comparing inclination into something positive, productive, and pro-social."
"You wake up sometimes and think, fuck everything, fuck this shit, what’s the point? But you channel that into anger, and you turn your anger into positivity."
"You are ascending; it is all happening for you and your highest good."
"Are you kidding? Getting out of that swirling eddy of despair? Best thing that ever happened to me."
"He then told the system to check his status and he was shocked to see that the powerful negative effects he had been receiving until now had all turned into positives."
"The Malcom family turned a tragic situation into a positive by educating other children about stranger danger."
"Again, you can't leave exponents negative. Instead, you place them either in the denominator or numerator and with a positive exponent instead."
"In the months since his attack, his wife has seen in Charles Walters a more relaxed human being. Less frustrated by inactivity. More inclined to smile."
"After about 30 minutes, their energy comes up, their smile comes up, their demeanor changes, they're happier."
"Switching on the light, making you glow, making you luminous, making you radiant."
"That bad is ultimately going to turn into the energy that lets you go towards the good."
"It's just brilliant; it's changed my whole life."
"I have been impressed time and time again by family members that have missing loved ones and how they refocus their pain into positive energy for others."
"I take frustration and turn it into creativity."
"I always think it's amazing when anybody can take something that's happened to them and turn it into something positive to help other people."
"His coming to this country was all for good, and that his old beliefs were supplanted in his heart by the better faith."
"Negative energy is energy, and I believe that energy can be harnessed for good."
"They turned lemons into lemonade."
"This revelation lifted my mood greatly, and the negative energy that I felt in the air immediately turned to a euphoric daze."
"Translate that energy and the lessons that you learn from that hurt of failure into something which will result in future success."
"I can take your trouble and turn it into triumph; I can take your defeat and make it delight."
"My life's opened up to more positive now."
"To see her take something that was such a rock bottom moment and just turn it into a positive."
"Even the most negative emotions can lead your life to a better place if you accept it."
"I'm proud of the person now, I'm proud that I took that energy... and channeled it into something positive."
"Us making lemonade out of the pile of [__] that was delivered to us through that experience has been to really channel as much energy as we can towards raising awareness for mental health."
"What you think is a bad thing, over time, you'll find that that big negative can be turned into a huge positive."
"Everything that was negative in my life, I made it into a positive, and I used that to fuel my workouts."
"Repair, rebuild, recover, recast."
"Katie is an incredibly intelligent and brave person to put this out and to use her own creativity and her art to transform these negative life experiences into something positive."
"What is going to follow after this moment in time is going to change your life forever in the best possible way."
"Positive change, let go of negative people, situations, negative thinking."
"We go through the grow through; we take those lessons and create blessings out of everything we go through."
"Hello friends, hope you are having a fantastic day. Today, I want to welcome you to a journey that will transform the way you approach technical interviews."
"That positive spirit will fuel you to get from where you are in the darkness of your negativity to the light of brand new possibilities."
"You're turning a disruptive energy into something really positive."