
Experiential Learning Quotes

There are 799 quotes

"You can intentionally put yourself in classically unpleasant circumstances... and transform a classically negative experience into something that's almost intrinsically positive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you're in Minerva, let's say you're in the Berlin team, you actually have the opportunity to travel there and see like the Renaissance art."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
"Learn through doing...The real learning starts with the project."
"And then the last step is really what we talk about as reflecting on what this experience is for you. It’s not just enough to have the experience but how you then incorporate back into your thought processes, your beliefs, your experiences in the world."
"If I'd had the option to go into my career at Xbox without having to go to uni and with learning on the job instead, I would have done it every single time."
"Some people read Lord of the Flies. We played it."
"You don't truly know anything until you've done it yourself."
"Because we're doing it actively in front of an audience, there's an extra dimension."
"Advaita Vedanta isn’t based on revelation alone. It’s built on a rock-solid foundation that has three sturdy pillars: shruti - scripture, yukti - reasoning, rational inquiry and logical analysis, and finally, anubhava - experience."
"Wisdom is not something which you learn just by listening to a talk; it's what you get by doing the work of investigating, contemplating, looking very deeply into the nature of yourself, of relationships, and into life."
"Learn by doing. That's the best way to get started."
"You can't teach this. You have to live it. You have to experience it."
"You need to get on the bicycle and ride it. That's the only way you're going to learn."
"Virtual and mixed reality are increasing situational experience, giving students an opportunity to practice in a low-risk alternative."
"To me, the hands-on approach to education is critical."
"I think that there are some truths that you cannot simply discover; you have to live them, you have to make the experiment."
"Seeing something in real life and seeing it on the computer is not the same thing, and that's why we need museums to continue to exist."
"The very best way for human beings to learn is to do. The very best way is to actually do stuff because then your muscles are doing it and your neurology is doing it."
"The value of actual hands-on experience is the mistakes you make... diagnosing and working through those mistakes is where you'll really begin to take charge and accomplish great things."
"Learning a language is like swimming; you can't learn it just by listening. You have to dive in, make mistakes, and figure it out as you go."
"The best way to learn how to ride a bike is just ride the damn bike."
"Just watching me do it can be just entertainment. You want to learn, you want to grow, you want to be better. Therefore, try it out and play with it."
"People learn and grow by doing, and sometimes that means making mistakes."
"Hot Springs National Park is an amazing place to go to actually get this hands-on different national park experience."
"The best education that you give yourself is experiential, and I learned a lot of what I know now through doing."
"The outdoors is the best classroom in the world."
"Reject theoretical abstraction; embrace tangible experience for change."
"Give the Latin Mass a fair chance. Go every Sunday for three months before deciding. It takes time to fully appreciate it."
"Of all the astronomical phenomena you can witness, the total solar eclipse has to be the most visceral--the most in-your-face reminder that our reality consists of giant balls of rock spinning around stars."
"Remember, learning by doing is probably the best way of learning."
"Immersion is one of those things you have to experience."
"Prepare yourself for an adventure beyond the screen."
"When we talk about memory what we're really talking about is how your immediate experiences relate to previous and future experiences."
"Words have a meaning that is invested in them by experience."
"Just try it, because after you've done it the first time, you'll be more confident the second time."
"It's the science, but it's also the experience."
"If you remember -- let me absorb that for a moment. There's no education in the second kick of a mule."
"Experience then enriches the philosophical circuits in your brain."
"We're lucky because we live in the most extraordinary world, it's a real world of real evidence."
"The tragedy of Elizabeth Holmes is a combination of unrealistic ambition and unrelenting ego."
"I learn more typically from when I mess something up or make a mistake than when I do something correctly every single time."
"Everything that happens to us happens for us and nothing thing to us."
"In learning, there are no mistakes, there are iterations."
"Intellect is far more than that. It's about learning on your own, being curious, going out in the world, experiencing things, having a job, dealing with people right, and how you react to the world around you."
"You learn a hundred times more by doing the thing than you do by planning to do the thing."
"The learning process of most indigenous peoples is observation and experience."
"Building authentic relationships with your customers. It's a little bit hard to explain unless you actually see it in action."
"They’d learn a lot more exploring history than just reading from a modern textbook."
"Movies, online videos, they do not convey the true experience."
"Emerging from the water with the information that you've gathered."
"I feel like the girlies at one point in our lives, like we have to try this, you know what I mean?"
"People should keep an open mind...we are not going to move forward in time if we don't keep experiencing new things."
"This game made me realize that I have to try something before I knock it."
"There's no book that you can write. You have to learn from doing it over and over again."
"You really don't understand until you have it."
"The only way to grow as people is to experience new things that don't just change your reflexes or your brain, but your ideas and beliefs."
"Experience will carry you through the day, it's all about what you have done, what problems you have fixed."
"Direct experience matters most; it's about recognizing what remains when you have no thoughts."
"Focus on experiences and opportunities, not just the end vision."
"You learn more when you do it, you learn more when you make mistakes."
"The best way to learn programming is by doing."
"Learning by doing is the best way to gain experience."
"Strive for experience, not just material goals."
"You can only take yourself as far as the experiences and the lessons that you've learned right so what you know today is far more than what you've known before."
"All I know is that it could be an interesting experience to return to see how things have changed."
"I may have some sick lecturers... we were playing with maggots."
"Your experience in fighting and going to other places could be very enlightening."
"Learning by doing through play and simulation... represents the fundamental difference between learning by proxy through books and tested memorization than learning by doing through play."
"Traveling communicates the scale and scope of the world."
"Humans learn most efficiently by building stuff and experiencing it for themselves."
"Life's deepest truths come from experiencing reality, not solving problems."
"To really learn something you have to do it."
"The purpose of stories is for us to experience things we may never experience in our lifetime."
"That's the main thing you'll learn, you go in there in the building, yeah, that's exactly, that's how you got in the building, anything you'll learn from going to a major is, damn, I already had it."
"Trust your life to teach you what you need to know. Your life is the classroom and the teacher both."
"The right way to learn how to camp is to go out and camp and screw up."
"I've been with homeless, I've been with drug addicts, and I've been with politicians and royalty."
"The education part is you can only learn by doing, right?"
"Let me experience God in you, not a textbook."
"If you really want to get to know a place, its people, its culture, something foreign to you, the best way to do that is to experience it and judge it for yourself."
"I'm a firm believer that you should like try try everything once."
"I just wanna see how it goes, I want to see how it feels, I'm gonna try it, I don't know."
"The greatest lessons of life do not come from library, internet, or googling; they come by observing fellow human beings."
"You gotta lead by example, so imagine right leaving your comfort zone where you're from to a whole new continent whole new country right not knowing anybody making your way up and at the same time learn as you go that's hard to do man."
"He left us far too soon, but he also left us a treasure trove of entertaining and thought-provoking stories that we'll be able to enjoy for generations."
"You can't learn to make moral judgments like that from reading about it in a book, yeah, exactly."
"NEP 2020 emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and personalized teaching methods."
"Come to Africa, come to Ghana, you will love it. Don't believe what others say about Africa, come experience it for yourself."
"There's something to be said for the University of life."
"There are two ways of learning: the traditional way and the real-life way."
"I've learned more in these last few minutes than I think I've learned from the three years I've been here."
"The only way it could be a failure is not to have failed."
"My intention with psychedelics was not just to do one or two trips and just have some fun."
"There is no perfect career... What you want to do is choose careers that give you the most amount of experience where you can learn, where you can grow, where you can get knowledge that will make you be a better person."
"Nothing is gonna teach you what works for you except for actually doing it."
"No regrets in your life. That's a lie. Everything got me here. Everything."
"Knowledge can be three levels: theoretical, knowledge of eyesight, and experiential."
"People ain't the best but that nature and [__] that's about it man, you go see anything like probably within like four hours."
"This is history we are living through history."
"Learning is not enough; empathy requires experience."
"And it took me living the experience of creating change as I believe it does for each of us it is the wisdom of making the choice of experience that I believe is our greatest teacher."
"It's a learning experience... one that you can learn to benefit from."
"We can sit in libraries all day and read history but it's quite another thing to taste history."
"Exposure builds resilience and mindset which makes you better prepared."
"Every time I ever see you, I just want to know who it works out for. Give me one example of something that we know that it happened."
"You don't need to experience something to have a moral stance on it, that's just silly."
"Not just conceptualized philosophy, actually feeling it."
"Every experience that I've had running a pre-written module with my group of four or five friends has taught me more and more about the game."
"Outer Wilds sets itself apart in major ways."
"My mom really wanted us to not be in a classroom all day she wanted us to be outside and playing learning through play as well as learning obviously we did study inside but we lived on a few acres we had horses and."
"The only thing that can prepare you for it is doing it."
"Experience is the key to connecting to whatever you want to call it: source, god, altered states of consciousness. Whatever you want to call it, experience is the key."
"The best education, literally the best education, better than Harvard, better than YouTube, better than this, even better than producer ground, sorry guys, the best education is experience."
"Learning is something one experiences with one's whole body, not just through words or books."
"This is a course that really sticks with you because it's experiential."
"Comparing yourself to someone else... is pointless. Instead, just listen and learn and determine how you can benefit from others' experiences to ultimately improve your own financial path."
"You learn more from this than you do from any textbook or any master's degree because this is like the horse's mouth."
"Everything that happens in your life is a lesson."
"The quality of your life is not determined by what you do."
"It's impossible to be an expert on something that you haven't done."
"The only way you're going to learn is by immersing yourself in the market conditions."
"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
"Our lives or our souls are the sum of our experiences, the love that is given and received, the lessons that we learn, and also the impact that we make on the world around us."
"No relationship is a failure if you've grown and gained something from it."
"I encourage people if they have any curiosity about them to just check it out for themselves."
"Unless they actually try it for themselves, they're never gonna know."
"Most of the important lessons that I've learned in my life have come from doing and mentors."
"I just want to take everybody on a field trip and record it."
"Constantly keep learning, constantly keep experiencing new things."
"Our emotional feedback is not logical, it's experiential."
"We stopped giving our kids gifts about six or seven years ago, and they don't ask for anything. That's good because y'all just go on trips, right? Just go on the trip, create memories."
"Being ultra means pushing beyond the limits, going extreme, and learning new things from it."
"I know of no clearer definition of the means by which we realize our desires than to experience in imagination what we would experience in the flesh."
"Absolutely it's worth experiencing for yourself."
"There are some things that I wish I didn't have to learn through experience, but I've learned a lot of things through experience, and you know, I wouldn't trade those lessons for anything."
"Once you get out on the road... you need to be able to apply those things that you've learned."
"Experience only matters if you learn from it."
"Combat experience only matters if you learn from it."
"Life experience is the best teacher for sure."
"When it comes to living in this world, Islam benefits from all experiences."
"You just have to take that leap of faith towards the things that you want to experience in life."
"Travel can be one of the best sources of education... until you truly go to those places you experience the culture."
"We're all here to experience... learning how to create and live the most fulfilling life."
"To be truly religious, what you need to do is to experience all the different religions."
"One of the most thrilling experiences of the whole adventure is to be on the locomotive as you're going across the country."
"Experiential learning is a big part of organizational behavior."
"The best way to learn anything is by doing it yourself."
"The best way to learn is to experience things for yourself."
"Much of who we are is a result of the experiences that we've had in environments, different circumstances, different relationships."
"You don't study entrepreneurship, you do entrepreneurship."
"It's imperative for the evolution of our species because the only way you will ever know what you are is to truly experience it."
"Gradually once you grow, you start to understand life in a different way."
"I think it'd be cool just to see, even if I could fail miserably, just to try to host something."
"There's no better way to see it or hear it is to see it through a video and hear hear it for yourself."
"Life tends to give us the grade before it teaches us the lesson."
"Leaders are able to assimilate experience in order to reframe the world around themselves on their own terms..."
"Don't just lean on personal experiences but pray, seek, and knock."
"The key is to feel it. You can't just intellectually do this, you have to feel the emotion of it."
"It's always the experience that will teach you better than just reading about it."
"I've had all kinds of new experiences today, it's even been a little fun."
"The value of developing a feel for the airplane."
"Wisdom is knowledge multiplied by experience."
"I guarantee you by the time we're done, you're gonna be holding snakes."
"It's all based on things I've lived through, people I've met. It's not just information in books."
"There's nothing better than being at the place going to the terrain and then playing a game."
"The real teacher is life, and I'm just reminding you to listen to the teacher, listen to life."
"The experience that you're having is actually the real yoga teacher."
"The best kind of learning is learning by doing."
"It's not the money but it's what you learn, who you become in the process."
"Learning by doing is often the best way to do this."
"Just need to do it progressively nice and smooth step by step you know being in the difficult give you different things in our pockets and then you know use it as experiences back background and improve from it so yeah that's going to be targeted."
"You can't be told about the matrix, you gotta see it."
"My expertise mostly comes from trial and error."
"There's nothing better than experience, believe me."
"Just remember, experience is everything in fishing."
"Crystallize your vision and focus on what it is that you've gained from this experience."
"It's one thing to see it online but I gotta see it in person."
"I think all the lessons that you can possibly learn as an entrepreneur, someone could tell you a hundred times over, but until you do it yourself, you're never going to learn the lesson."
"Life is the best teacher there is. If you can't reflect on what's going on and put that back, I don't think you're a very good teacher."
"Experience is what happens when things don't go according to plan."
"This experience today will help me move forward as a more open person."
"Experience has always been the best teacher."
"Yeah, it's so much better if you experience it rather than being spoiled."
"I think if it wasn't for the first hand exposure that people can have with animals in general, people wouldn't care about them in captivity or the wild."
"Life isn't learned in a textbook, it's learned from experience."
"Leave the activity out, allow your child the opportunity to experiment with, to explore the materials."
"An experience turns into bad decisions, and bad decisions turn into experience."
"Look upon your life as a continuous process of education of learning from all your experiences."
"This is the hardest challenge I've ever done."
"Intuition in quantum field theory is developed through experiences."
"You'll innovate better and you'll understand better because it's not understanding alone, it's experiencing."
"Story is so powerful for us because at a neurological level, it's happening to us as well."
"Boot camps are really a great way to get hands-on experience."
"You learn something by experiencing it, you internalize it in a way that you just can't sitting in a classroom with a book."
"Creating models to give young people experiences."
"The divine comedy is not so much a puzzle to be unraveled but a mystery to be experienced."
"Learning from other people's experience is the key to success."
"Nothing is better than learning from experience... it's like I've experienced this, I'm not speaking because I learned about it on the internet."
"You gotta leap first and the knowledge comes from the iterative process."