
Enjoyment Quotes

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"Fitness can be a truly enjoyable process even when you are exerting yourself, especially hard."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Art is where we can do these crazy things and have fun."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I found a way to make editing videos really enjoyable...finding a way to add variety to it, finding a way to kind of level up my skills each time and make sure that each video had something that was slightly different than the previous one."
"Making sure that we are enjoying the journey along the way."
"Fruits are always going to be a treat that you can feel good about eating."
"The highest level of consciousness is when you're getting really enjoyment out of what you're doing but you are also connected to the world."
"If you're going to invest in something, right, if you're going to invest in your hobby, you got to have fun doing it."
"The gift... it's actually one of my most powerful life lessons is, we have to eat. So, let's make it a good one."
"Appreciate, be grateful, look from the outside in, and say, 'Hey, this is good, just enjoy it.'"
"As you re-sensitize your brain to dopamine, you're gonna start enjoying things that you weren't enjoying before."
"While working towards the things that matter to us, we are managing to enjoy ourselves and kind of enjoying every day on its own merit rather than purely seeing it as a means to an end."
"Productivity is using our time in a way that's intentional, effective, and enjoyable."
"Whenever you set a goal, just add a few words to the end of that goal which is 'while enjoying every step along the way.'"
"Enjoyment deferred, pleasure deferred, is like a big theme of most of the world's major faith traditions and philosophical traditions."
"The best exercise is the one you like doing."
"This video didn't go to plan at all, the odds were stacked against us from the start, but we gave it our best shot and we had fun."
"What you need is more focus, and in order to have more focus in your life, you need to be able to enjoy and derive enjoyment from just the simple things."
"Whatever you enjoy, I'm pretty sure there's something you could enjoy more because there's so much diversity out there."
"Your actions don't have to be motivated by ambition; they can be motivated by excitement, curiosity, and just an appreciation for doing what you're doing."
"Doesn't matter what you choose, you just do it with passion, with love and enjoy what you're doing."
"Enjoy what you're doing. Like don't trust, don't run to get something. Like just enjoy."
"It's really important that people remain fascinated about food and enjoy it because it's an incredibly powerful bonding human experience."
"Enjoy yourself, have a little bit of fun. Give yourself a little break."
"Don't take life so seriously. Don't try to control every little thing that's happening around you. Let go of that. Enjoy yourself."
"Roller coasters are fun because they're unpredictable. Enjoy all the ups and downs."
"Falling in love with the process is essential for success."
"Have fun. Follow your heart, have fun with it."
"Enjoy life more and start seeing the goodness in life."
"Once you stop living life to fix an insecurity, that is when you start to live life for fun and excitement."
"There'll be nothing more enjoyable that you do in your whole life than spend time with your little kids because they really want to like you more than anything else."
"I have been thinking for a while about how much fun we have been having. This fun, I never want this to end."
"Can y'all please just let the kid be a kid and enjoy college basketball? The work and results will ultimately do the talking."
"Once you get to the point where these things feel fun, you're not gonna quit because that's such a beautiful experience."
"Let's be real, it's not just for you, it's also for us because we get to play."
"Holy, that's right, yeah, just volume of fire, just extra hits. Loving it, absolutely."
"Human beings enjoy the exercise of their realized capacities."
"No overnight challenge is complete without some snacks."
"It's actually kind of nice here, overnight challenge on the pond."
"Including movement in your day that's enjoyable and sustainable can have both physical and mental benefits."
"Everything takes one and a half times more... but as you said about your cycle, when you slow things down, sometimes you enjoy them more and you make better things."
"Make every moment an exciting, fun experience."
"It's always the books that take a little bit more effort that I end up absolutely loving."
"I drink straight from the well, ice cooled, mineral-rich water from the well. It's awesome."
"Summer is just a beautiful season. The sun is shining, the trees are green, and you can stay out with your homies all night."
"It's kind of nice being back at the lunch table, freestyling with the homies."
"You have to enjoy every sandwich, you have to enjoy every day what you're doing."
"When good things happen, you should allow yourself to marinade in them as much as possible."
"It feels wonderful on. It's gorgeous. There's nothing not to love."
"I love creating imagery. I don't know what it is, but I enjoy the process."
"The first thing to understand if you want to have fun with people: you have to have fun yourself."
"You can't have it all... you can have a lot, and you can have a great time doing it, but you can't have it all, all of the time."
"Celebrate your success, enjoy your achievements."
"I want to have a good time with another human being. It's not like, 'Are we going to be perfect for each other?'"
"How do you let another human being have fun?"
"You're showing people that you can still have fun, be who you are, and also accomplish your goals."
"I had a blast making this video; it was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed it."
"Just play through the campaign and enjoy it and do all the quests and just have fun."
"Something will stick one day, and if not, we have fun doing it."
"Just have fun. If you enjoy it, have a good time, I can promise you, you'll bowl better."
"The whole point is just to dance it all the way out."
"My favorite form of self-care is, obviously, food. Like food is my self-care city. It's the capital of self-care country."
"Little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
"Every season has different challenges, and if you can anticipate the challenge, you can make that season a lot more enjoyable."
"The journey is more important than the destination. We do need a destination, but really, am I enjoying myself day to day, and am I kind of living the dream, as it were, day to day, and not so much worrying about the goal at the end of it?"
"Productivity equals useful output divided by time multiplied by the fun factor."
"If you can make your work feel good, then your productivity takes care of itself."
"Enjoying the journey is the ultimate productivity hack because when we're having fun doing the stuff that we need to do or that we want to do, then productivity just magically takes care of itself."
"I have really, really enjoyed my time with Last Epoch these past few weeks."
"It's called winning, it's called enjoying it. If you can't enjoy winning and you can't have a laugh, then what's the bloody point?"
"Football, this is what it's all about. You don't know how long you've got, enjoy these moments."
"Treasure this day and have a lot of fun. Drink a lot of cake. No, eat a lot of cake."
"I was kind of skeptical about this game at first, but I'm kind of like, you know, that nod of approval with the bottom lip hanging out where you're like, 'Okay, okay, yeah, I like this.'"
"I always try my very best to enjoy the journey."
"If we're finding ourselves not enjoying stuff, we just need to change our mindset from 'I have to' to 'I get to.'"
"To me, productivity is am I having fun along the way because the more fun I have, the more productive I naturally am."
"None of it feels like suffering. None of it feels like a grind. None of it feels like work."
"If you can learn to enjoy the journey, if you can learn to have fun, journey before destination, then productivity takes care of itself."
"I wanna live a nice balanced life where I'm having fun, working on things that I enjoy, doing things that contribute a bit to the world."
"Productivity, to be honest, isn't really about getting more things done, it's mostly about learning joy the journey."
"This life, it goes by fast, and sometimes you just got to kick back and enjoy the ride."
"Enjoy the hell out of it. Do things you've always wanted to do. Stop holding back the joy, be an expression of it."
"What more do you want? This is delightful. This is what we were waiting all day for."
"This entire experience was nothing short of fantastic."
"It's February the 29th, what a rare occasion. Let's celebrate with something nice."
"It's so incredibly clever. I really, really enjoy it."
"It's easier to just let yourself out of your shell and just talk, get lost in the moment, have fun."
"Enjoy the present moment and enjoy that journey, that process of getting there."
"Start to romanticize your life... start to enjoy yourself... start to love yourself."
"Life is supposed to be about having fun... following what feels good."
"This is 9.9 out of ten. This is my favorite one so far."
"Wow, if you don't like that 10 out of 10, you got no taste, my friend."
"I know people say that I have not worked a day in my life because everything I’ve done, I’ve done because I wanted to do it."
"I might have been the only atheist in the room... but I had a very good time."
"What's the point of being here if you're not having fun?"
"Life is the best show ever if you're willing to watch."
"In short, I love the aesthetics of this world."
"I'm having fun because I love to help young entrepreneurs."
"You need to preserve what we have here and enjoy."
"This game is absolute genius and a joy to experience."
"Fighting all of the bosses in a row ended up being one of the most enjoyable parts of the game for me."
"The happiest phase in life is between 60 and 80."
"What Nintendo have created here is not only the new benchmark for open-world games; it's straight-up really fun to play as well."
"Wealth is not just financial, wealth is also how much enjoyment you get second to second."
"A concentrated mind leads to kind of follow through, leads to relaxation, and leads to enjoyment."
"It's fun. That's what makes it so exciting to constantly do new things."
"It's got to be something that you actually really enjoy."
"Good streamers find the balance between enjoying what they do and entertaining the audience as they do it."
"You're never wasting time when you're doing something you love."
"The pursuit of three things—enjoyment, satisfaction, and meaning—are the macronutrients of happiness."
"If you can rewire your brain to enjoy doing it, then that's even better."
"If you bought this game and you had a good time, that's great. I want people to enjoy the games they buy."
"This is a decent section of the game; I'd even call it fun."
"That I think the world would be a happier place if more people thought WTF - Wow, that's fun."
"There's something real special about cooking together or heck even on your own, knowing that care has gone into what you're consuming."
"Safe is over. You need to dance like you're never gonna dance again."
"We swarmed and we feasted upon the watermelon."
"It is up to you and you alone to start creating the moments for yourself when you are doing what you like doing most."
"It was really fun. It got me itching to wanting to learn more things."
"Have fun with this, go crazy, enjoy, as always, always have a good one, take care."
"Have a fulfilling life yourself, make sure you smell the roses."
"It's so fun. I literally can't believe how fun it is."
"She seems like she's just really enjoying it, and she's comfortable, and she's with her family, and she's racing."
"Sport is fun, and I think it brings a sense of enjoying the moment to life for everybody, whether you're watching it or playing it."
"Enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, suck it off and go and do something else."
"Don't overthink it, just enjoy yourself. Just enjoy the moment."
"Independence Day thrills, excites, inspires, might even make you think, but mostly just wants to make you stand up and cheer, or at least smile. Damn it, it's a movie, not a funeral."
"Enjoying the process every little step is the biggest secret to fast improvement."
"I deserve to enjoy myself; I deserve to give myself love and I deserve to receive love."
"Look, I could have added things to make it easier, but I think making it harder is probably going to be more enjoyable to watch and potentially to play."
"Enjoy life. What's the use of being a billionaire if you don't treat yourself and your family once in a while?"
"She proceeds to take the cutest bite of pudding, leaving everyone present completely enamored with her."
"Oh no, I'm so fussy, but at least we're having fun."
"Enjoy your life, enjoy your platforms, live your best life."
"It's good to get back to things that you really enjoy doing."
"It's time to let loose, let yourself enjoy the experience of Life."
"Pizza, pasta, linguini - let's just bring me to the food."
"We're here for a good time, not a long time."
"At the end of the day, I just genuinely enjoy seeing good content."
"I just love football. These are the sort of games that I love football for."
"The art has to be made before you can enjoy it."
"Here's the thing about Wellness week: it's not just about eating 100% healthy, it's about enjoying your food."
"The actual act of playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is some of the most fun Pokémon has ever been."
"Call me a yellow brick and follow me to heaven... that is absolutely blooming delicious."
"I would love that, there you go. I like that, man. Still have that set, like that child in you."
"Just enjoy things. Just stop looking for politics in everything."
"You have to find what you like because if you don't like it, you're not going to do it every day."
"It just seemed like I'm having fun and I am. I'm not going to lie."
"I got to have fun with what I'm doing because if I'm not enjoying myself, I check out."
"I think this might have been the best day on a train ever, and we still have two and a half more days left."
"Keep learning and keep having fun. Learning is the best part of life."
"We've never made coffee like this while camping; this might be the best coffee camping day of my life."
"There's nothing like a weekend of horseback riding."
"Enjoy yourself and thank God for bringing the right people into your life."
"I think it will be the favorite part of our journey."
"Oh my God, this is so good. We should have like a party too, like eat food like this."
"The Queen loves jumping in London puddles. Everybody loves jumping in London puddles."
"I think the water slide is his favorite part of the house... Well, let's go, it was my idea so uh I think I made this house a lot better."
"Make time for those things that are important to you. Your priorities should include you and the things you enjoy too."
"Enjoy the moment and find more time for fun and playfulness."
"She cheerfully tells him she enjoyed the date."
"I thoroughly enjoyed it because my granddaughter was dancing through the entire thing."
"Act upon any scenario in the best, most enlightening, light-hearted, exciting, optimistic, and fun way that you can."
"You don't need to shut everything down to have a good time; sometimes, it's about finding joy in the chaos."
"It's like one of the better Sonic games I've played."
"I love the freedom of making a video; it's so fun."
"It's fun if, even if you're a great singer, it's fun to have fun with it."
"It will lead you to a new mode of self-expression, a new way of enjoying life, a new way of having fun, a new wave of confidence."
"The point of Dark Souls is to be depressing and emo, but it doesn't mean they can't enjoy a very beautiful world."
"Enjoy the atmosphere of eating the brisket and the meat. It's the camaraderie, the friendship, the love of the people that makes you really enjoy it."
"This is the most fun I've ever had playing Pokémon, which is ultimately the goal of any playthrough: to have fun."
"If you're making the most of life, you're enjoying your life, have a career that you love, getting out in the outdoors, that will lead to a longer life."
"So that's basically it for this painting. This was super fun; I didn't realize that I would actually really enjoy painting with this style."
"When life is at its best, every aspect of your life is fun and enjoyable and gives you energy."
"Did I mention I love cannons? Because I just really love cannons in this game."
"I wasn't thinking about things like watch time or retention or consumer insights, it was very much just a case of, 'Oh, this is fun.'"
"They all love each other, and that's just fun to watch."
"You can serenade the cooking process and dance with each other. You know, friends, it's all about enjoying the moment."
"Getting lost and finding your way again is a pleasure like no other."
"Drawing sure is a lot of fun, having something physical as an end result is great."
"It seems everything went as planned. Glad to see you're enjoying yourself."
"It's not how many things you do; it's how much you enjoy doing the things that you're doing."
"You shouldn't receive judgment simply for enjoying something."
"When you enjoy your life more, I think you do a huge amount for your own longevity."
"Focus on the things that you truly enjoy, and when you're doing them, you're like, 'Yo, this feels good.'"
"You have to love it, man. You have to. It's too much of a grind."
"Focus on the things that you truly enjoy...and then over time...you don't have to make it about 'I got to make money.'"
"Cherish that excitement if you can, don’t hold the wait against the people making it, and hope that some version of you will find joy in it whenever it comes out."
"We can live great lives...and I've actually grown to love food a lot more for that reason."
"All I ask for is an open mind, and other than that, I hope that your day, month, lifetime is nothing short of a non-stop pleasure and a sheer sensation."
"This was a good chapter, man; this was a really, really good chapter."
"We're going to uplift you. People say to me, 'You always seem to be having a good time,' and you know what? You're right."
"Fantastic time to really, if you want to start some kind of exercise routine, you're going to love it."
"Gather around, I like to say that it was fun playing Monopoly with everyone."
"So much drama, so much destruction, so much of so many good things."
"Life is too short, man. Go buy a new knife and enjoy your life."
"In the end, it is all a mind game, so treat the mind games seriously but also have fun."
"I have been thinking for a while how much fun we have been having."
"Make time for rest, don't forget to rest and then enjoy it."
"It'll be a good time because I'm spending it with you."
"Instead of trying to leave right away after fireworks, go hit one more attraction before the end of the day to end on a wonderful magic note."