
Fitness Journey Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"Fitness can be a truly enjoyable process even when you are exerting yourself, especially hard."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Christmas Day 1981, I was given a gift certificate to the local gym... I literally went running down the street with this piece of paper to the gym."
"Going from nothing just to lift weights was absolutely incredible to me."
"If you see the changes over time, like for me zero months lifting to 6 months lifting, I was considerably bigger."
"Feel amazing, man. It's been two months of him working out."
"Once I started looking good... then I started to get into building muscle."
"You have to start where you're at, and your reality is maybe you only do 95 pounds, but at least you're there."
"I went into a gym when I was 16 years old and it sounds so dumb but it's true, I did one like bicep dumbbell curl, my brain just went, 'Yeah, we'll do this for a while,' and that was it."
"I'm officially starting Couch to 5K because it's summer and I'm a terrible runner, but I really want to get into it."
"Start off with very basic movements and then progressed... nice slow and steady wins the race."
"Everybody is starting somewhere, don't feel self-conscious about the weight that you're using."
"Getting into fitness really changed everything."
"Don't expect results overnight. It's a long-term lifestyle. Just enjoy every step of the way."
"Until next time may all your gains be loyal."
"Your fitness journey is about progress, not perfection."
"You don't get in amazing shape in a short amount of time, but you get in amazing shape day after day after day."
"I started lifting weights at 11, training seriously at 13, stepped onstage at 15."
"Fitness is a journey and we all start somewhere... sometimes our muscles are strong enough to move on but our joints are not."
"Fitness journey wasn't extravagant but very significant to me... came a long way mentally, physically."
"It's a journey, it's something that I don't just do for 30 days."
"My worth is not my body, true. Like when you're on a fitness journey, it's so easy to fall into an eating disorder."
"Hope you enjoyed this video, wish you tremendous success in this traps journey."
"Fitness is not something where you work hard for two, three days or two months even, get results, and then you're set for life."
"As long as you're making progress from week to week just keep going."
"It's nuts, the guy went from you know very overweight and out of shape to yoked out of his goddamn mind."
"Fitness doesn't just transform the body, every day on this journey I learned something about myself."
"Once you've been through a fitness thing or a weight-loss thing, there is something about it that just enlightens your mind."
"Not every session's gonna be a good session and sometimes you're gonna struggle more than other days."
"I ain't the best in shape but I'm here, you know?"
"Just know like I've had several consult some people are like I'm like 40 and I'm barely growing at all well what do I do and I'm like do you want to do this to and they're like I don't think so and I'm like you feel free to quit."
"Just because you don't look like an IFBB pro after training for a couple years doesn't mean you're a hard gainer."
"Take your time, do things right, come in slowly, get your gains."
"I do like the changes that I've seen with my body since I've started working out."
"Fitness has been a big part of my life for quite a while now."
"Getting fit again was the hardest thing I've ever done."
"You have to find what works best for you. That's the beauty of it."
"Fitness is something that is so crucial to everybody's level of journey."
"My fitness journey is yes, I've grown my glutes, I've changed my body, but I've also changed my mental aspect."
"Getting that physique of your dreams comes with a price - you have to be selfish."
"Camille Nanjiani turned heads in late 2019 after revealing his muscular physique."
"30 days later... Did he lose his gains? Well, on day one my brother weighed in at 81.9 kilograms. 90 days later you weighed in at 71.9 kilograms."
"Thank you so much for joining me today incredible job for pushing through this first practice of the exclusive series I send you all my love and we'll see you in our next class."
"Fitness goals should be about feeling good and enjoying the journey."
"This is just one day out of one scenario in my life, but today you're gonna see what it's like for me to get back into training after a couple days of no training."
"It's about just having fun and getting in some movement."
"So let me know if you wanna see more videos like this... and just go on this journey together."
"Exercise as a way to nourish ourselves and set awesome fitness goals that have nothing to do with weight loss or size or numbers."
"Attitude right now about my body and fitness right now sucks. It is not in a good place."
"I'm gonna start running again. I'm gonna start training for another marathon."
"Guys, he made a YouTube video. It's called 'I got a six-pack in six weeks.'"
"The first day I started lifting was the day I became forever small."
"I've been working out consistently since I was 14 years old - 33 years of parkour, two-hour workout."
"I really think exercise is part of my life now. You know, I thank you to Phillip and Eric for encouraging me."
"You're not gonna just suddenly look like Dwayne Johnson overnight if you have that goal. It's going to be like okay you can do five push-ups, that's great."
"I know it could be very hard to start your fitness journey, but trust me, make a plan."
"Fitbit Charge 4: Elevate your fitness journey with Fitbit Premium."
"She had all was dealt with severe asthma but the more she stuck to it the easier that it became for her to work out for the first time."
"Time to get shredded... day one folks... determined to turn my dreams into a reality."
"I feel motivated, I genuinely feel motivated, I need to start like my fitness journey."
"Focus your fitness journey on being healthy... if you just focus daily on just being healthy... the results are going to happen."
"Thank you so much for following along so far the past 17 weeks of prep."
"One thing led to another and then I was doing home workouts and then I joined the gym when I was about 15 because my mates were training and it was the best thing I ever did absolutely loved it from day one."
"Huge shout out to Andrew too because he's been on this like getting fit and trying to lose weight and everything and he's like posting he's losing weight and going to the hell yeah everything on Twitter."
"Anybody in here who has achieved a decent amount of fitness knows that probably the hardest part is getting started."
"Guess who's going to get abs, guess who's going to get veins."
"The individual workouts feel much less overwhelming."
"This is part of your fitness journey, dude it sucks."
"Don't lose too much too quickly...this is a marathon, not Usain Bolt sprinting." - Coach Craig
"Building a physique is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Muscle soreness is the precursor to you eventually getting faster."
"I have gone from being confused and not having a clue about exercise and nutrition to making it my job to help other women be able to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle."
"You slowly develop, the massive Beauty about sculpting and training, it's you get to take things one step at a time."
"This week was a turning point, I'm determined that I'm going to put extra time in to exercising."
"My little pooper, are you proud of me for doing an 18-minute workout?"
"I cancelled my gym membership to save money, and it worked out to be one of the best training years of my life."
"I am on this workout journey, honey."
"He hired a personal trainer and spent the next half a year weightlifting and binging on pizza and ice cream."
"I just wanted to say I have been on this like fitness weight loss journey and I have officially lost 13 pounds. I'm so excited."
"One of the biggest things that has helped me with my fitness and health journey is realizing it doesn't have to be perfect."
"It was the challenge groups and the coach that helped me the most, not this big amount of workouts, not this great nutrition plan, not the shakeology although those all helped me."
"I feel like I'm a changed man in the last nine weeks of working out."
"I want you to imagine planting a tree. You might be watering it, giving it some sunlight, giving it some food. But what happens? It doesn't grow overnight. It takes weeks, months, years until that tree is blossoming and bearing fruit. The same applies in your fitness journey."
"If you find what works for you, that is amazing. That is what fitness is all about."
"Nobody is going to speak to you more than you speak to yourself in your own head, so make sure to be kind to yourself in your fitness journey."
"I remembered how I felt when I first started my workout journey. I wasn't able to do 45 minutes, 90 minutes right off the bat perfectly. It took me so long to work up to that."
"I want you to feel 100 supported in your fitness journey."
"It is probably going to be more helpful to focus on your own journey for long-term adherence to lifting."
"It's made me really enjoy running and working out in a way that I never had before because whenever I was younger I absolutely hated it, it was death."
"Once you start that fitness journey, child, this whole mind is just going to change."
"Your actionable step is to set a fitness goal and then make a plan to achieve it."
"Until I had my fitness journey I didn't know who I was, I didn't know what my full potential was."
"Flash Forward to last night and Hank sends us a picture of uh just a sweaty face staring deep into our soul his sweaty face and it says f45 day one check mark and we're all like huh."
"A lot of people get into hard dieting because they're just trying to conserve muscle. That's actually not true. You could still be putting in the finishing touches on an apparatus that was established months ago in the gaining phase."
"...if you want to just screenshot that that is exactly what I did when I first started my fitness journey."
"How old were you when you first started working out um seriously about 18. and you're what 55 now I [screw] around since uh maybe 13 to 18. okay"
"Please be patient with yourself and be patient with your body. A lot of the time people feel that when they get into the gym, you're going to quickly make a change, you're gonna quickly get the gains, you're going to quickly lose the fat, it doesn't work that way."
"It's been a long time coming, she has inspired me to finally start my fitness journey for real for real this time."
"The best thing about a fitness journey taking a really long period of time is how much you learn through it."
"Changing my mindset from short term to long term was one of the things that kept me going throughout my fitness journey."
"This is the first time that I've ever started a fitness journey not focusing on how I look."
"You're finally losing weight, you're getting in shape, and you're putting on clothes with holes in them."
"This workout is meant to transfer into every workout that we do upper body lower body having a strong back is so beneficial for everything that you want to accomplish in your fitness journey."
"No better time to level up your fitness habit."
"I mean the whole reason I got into the gym was because back in late 2020 I was pretty sad."
"Exercising and being on a fitness journey teaches us so much about life and about ourselves. You evolve a lot as you go through it."
"I made it a point when I started this fitness journey to ensure that I was getting seven to nine hours of solid sleep every single night."
"At the end of six months, you will have done both."
"Guys, I wanted to work out so bad."
"So, my results for my first inbody scan..."
"My muscles are not only popping out but guys I am getting stronger."
"I'm excited you guys are along your fitness journey how to incorporate different things into your routine it's a key that excitement going just to fall in love with the process."
"If you're currently off of a workout routine, when you start working out again, it's gonna suck."
"I'm working out, you know? I'm in this new journey."
"Being comfortable in your own skin, you might know what I mean. I was far more comfortable when I was three stone heavier at the height of lockdown than I was in the gym losing all that weight."
"I really love hearing what you think and what you enjoyed and what it's doing for you. And particularly I've had a lot of people tell me lately they've really started to feel the strength in their bodies since they've been doing these with me now for six months to a year."
"If you're just looking at that one metric, 'I'm not losing weight,' you're going to get frustrated. You're going to get discouraged."
"...I think I'll probably do it once a year forever. Those are all of the things that I've kind of taken away from 75 Hard..."
"I've been working out for almost 15 years, and I never bought a single program until I listened to you guys for just a couple of months."
"I'm starting with a new trainer today and I thought it would be a little bit more interesting to Vlog that separately."
"Make a fitness journey fit around the schedule you currently have with only slight adjustments."
"...the mental game's gonna be tough bro for you if you know you can, you know you can do more and but we're telling you like just just do that and trust the process."
"You talk about a beginner just starting, right? It's totally different than like, I could put 20 pounds of muscle on a month right now."
"This is for your body, getting one step closer to the health and the body that you want."
"You know that's something I always say, it's your workout."
"Fitness isn't a hockey stick, you start going and then it shoots up, it's like this, some days you feel great, some days you're strong, other days you're not."
"The class is the difference between trying to get in shape by yourself or reading a book on Fitness versus actually going for a walk."
"I've had it with strangers trying to make conversation at the gym I'm a bigger guy have been since I was born literally came out at 12 pounds anyway for the last year or so I've been on a bit of a #fitness journey."
"Thank you so much for joining me for this split strong 35 legs and chest workout, I hope you feel strong after this and I hope you feel motivated."
"It's not just about getting to the end of the interval; it's about how much stronger you're going to be on the other side of it."
"You showed up for this workout, that is all that matters."
"If you showed up, you are successful, so be where you are today."
"You finally got there to the end, you did an incredible job today."
"Once you get over the initial hump, it smooths out, and exercise gets so much easier to do and to want to do."
"Don't be ashamed if your workout's too easy for you, get your form spot on, control the weight, sort of time under tension, and you are good to go with a light weight and less chance to get injured that way as well."
"It's like a couch to Triathlon program where you'll develop the foundation from which you can build up as an athlete to who you really want to be."
"It's part of your fitness journey; you're always going to be learning, always changing, and hopefully just constantly evolving."
"Everyone's on their journey, and there's so much positivity from other people when you go into a gym."
"I've probably lost 20-25 pounds, so luckily I'm down to fighting weight."
"Fitness is not linear; it's peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys."
"It's about learning your body and moving and enjoying the process."
"Going to a place where the people there know you and care about you... your best odds are not in those mega gyms."
"I never lost that hunger, that excitement when I'm driving to the gym about what can I do today, can I be better."
"Fitness and health in general is a lifelong commitment."
"It's not just the most muscular pose; I think he's just better overall."
"Thank you to those of you who are being really kind and supportive on my fitness journey; it honestly really means a lot."
"I've never felt stronger, leaner, more excited to work out and do fitness stuff."
"It doesn't matter where your body fat is now, it matters the progression we make going forward."
"Get lean and then slowly it's going to take years but you could definitely develop and transform your physique."
"People saw my transformation video... I know that it is possible."
"I lost 45 pounds, I'm feeling athletic again, I put on muscle in six months, it's crazy."
"I still love doing this and I'm looking forward to our next session."
"Somebody's seeing you going through a body transformation, getting fit."
"I'm going to be a lot more shredded than I am now."
"Everyone has different struggles and a different starting point, but each and every one of us can become at least a little bit healthier and more fit than we are today."
"Until next time, we will see you at your next workout."
"I've been loving the gym, I've been seeing a little bit of progress."
"So if you're a beginner, I hope you favorite this workout because this is a good one to come back to."
"Next year he'll run one mile with me, today so will Oo, and then next year he'll run two miles, and when he's three he'll run three miles. So eventually when he's 26, we'll run a marathon together, and I'll be 50, almost 60. That's my commitment to my kids."
"You've got this, I know it is getting challenging, I feel it with you, I am burning with you."
"I'm really excited to share with you over these 12 videos my workouts will progress from beginner level all the way through to advanced."
"Thank you for showing up today, you did it, that was your cardio sweat workout, great job everybody."
"Day three of phase two dumbbell only program, it felt good."
"Be patient with your results, be patient with your body, and love your body throughout your journey."
"Be patient and be kind to yourself with your fitness journey."
"Fitness is a journey, you get bigger, you get stronger, and then now you're trying to get more lean and more aesthetic while keeping the strength."
"It's like a cycle: the internet bullies me, I get into shape, then I get comfortable, and the internet bullies me again."
"As cheesy as it sounds, the Peloton has been life-changing for me."
"Consistency over years and years and years is the hard part, not the intensity of the workout."
"If you've done a pretty good job of training and eating relatively consistent for years, it actually gets a lot easier."
"I started increasing my bench frequency, and my strength went through the roof."
"If you're new to walking, I can't even begin to describe how amazing it is that you are here today."
"I love when I see people that are clearly new to the gym... I just think about my first times at the gym."
"Your timing is impeccable, Asics. I've just started my New York City marathon training."
"After New Year's, I took my resolution to regain a healthy shape."
"A fitness journey is a long journey. It took me a few years to get to where I wanted to be, to feel good about myself."
"I've run several marathons in Hocas, they're great shoes and you're going to become a runner after this."
"I always say with workouts that I want you to be where you are today."
"Fitness is our life journey, it is not a place that we're trying to get to."
"Remember, be where you are today, where you are in your fitness journey, and also where you are today."
"I am going to try as much as I can to share my journey back into fitness."
"I love going to the gym, but I hated everything to do with the gym at that point in time."
"Have a wonderful day, and we will see you next workout. Bye!"
"Have yourself a great rest of your day, and we'll see you next workout. Bye!"
"This is the end of the very first chapter of my new journey to fitness and health."
"If you feel like everything else is going right in your fitness journey... but there's just something not quite right, it could just be that you're missing out on some sleep."
"Finding our gym flow in Mexico, absolutely a high for me."
"I've been at the gym for the last three months, I've lost 16 kilos."
"I'm going to share the changes in my training approach with the overall goal being to get eventually as strong as humanly possible."
"I saw results the first month, but I was seeing real results in two and a half months."
"There's no such thing as a Finish Line in lifting."
"Being on a health and fitness journey does not have to be boring."
"Once that's done, you can then follow the proper methods to reach your dream because now you know what you actually want from the gym."
"We are attempting to prove to the public that yes, it is possible to keep progressing even after 10 years of training."
"Me starting a fitness journey was intentional; me starting a fitness company was unintentional."
"I've been on a cycling journey for the last five, six months, and I absolutely love Zwift racing."
"I love you guys so freaking much, thank you guys for all the support throughout my gym journey and just in general."
"I've always been pretty fit and I have in the past gone to trainers and stuff like that so I do know that I like the way that feels."
"Beautiful work; we're moving right along."
"I am so glad I started with eighty day obsession because it makes you feel so successful."
"I have not worn a small in so long, comfortably in a small today. It's the progress for me."