
Self-understanding Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"None of this can really be solved in a single practice... only through a deep understanding of the self as it really is... could we actually arrive at some answers about what's actually right for each and every one of us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The asking of better questions about oneself is really what leads to the understanding."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The beauty of it all is the complexity is within us, but it's not out of our reach to understand ourselves better and help ourselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have to learn to separate the two because there comes a time where if you don't understand what you are, you can never have self-love."
"A soul is a spark of, a ray of, a facet of God."
"Spirituality is the discipline of understanding yourself."
"You gotta figure out your own personal equation, and once you figure out that equation, you now become a mathematical genius about yourself."
"Changing the way they approach the world, actually, at its core, it's about understanding themselves better."
"Just understand yourself, and life becomes so much more manageable."
"Identity and imagination are crucial for understanding oneself and others."
"I try to help people understand themselves and their minds and sort of help people."
"I find that exploring just about anything and understanding yourself deeper and better and having a greater experience of yourself is almost always an overwhelmingly positive experience."
"Whether you like it or not, you've got parts of yourself that are going to fight you, and if you want to beat them, you can't. You have to understand them and integrate them."
"If you really want to understand yourself in the nature of reality...meditation [is] sort of a crutch that gets you...to a pretty important milestone which people love and find invigorating."
"Any time you're able to stop in a moment where you would have once berated yourself and blamed yourself as a morally flawed human being for the problem that you're having and you're instead able to choose self-understanding, self-compassion, and proper contextualization of the problem, every single one of those moments gets you one step closer to that eventual place where you are secure and resourced."
"Understanding myself more, and there's a wonderful online community here, makes me feel pretty special and happy."
"It's always good to understand yourself a little bit more."
"When you share a family with queer people, your understanding of love becomes more expansive, as does your understanding of yourself."
"The biggest part of a relationship is understanding yourself."
"Therapy is an investment that will help you, better understand yourself and therefore better help the rest of your relationships."
"I'm quite confident that in a thousand years or maybe a hundred years, we will have a different understanding of who we are in the universe."
"Knowledge is power, and it's so therapeutic to me when I feel like I better understand myself and what I've been through."
"I'm very grateful because I feel like I've finally been able to forgive myself and understand why I reacted the way I did."
"The reason we tell stories is to actually understand ourselves better and that insight is a transformation for us."
"If you wish to know me, drop all of your fear and pursue total self-understanding. You are God, and God can only know itself through itself."
"There's only one right way to achieve enlightenment, which is truly just understanding you, the light inside of you."
"Identity shapes actions. When you know who you are, you'll know what to do."
"Philosophy doesn't get me through when I'm sick or when I'm depressed... but poetry can really open a new avenue of self-understanding."
"The healthier you get, the more nuanced you have to become, the more thoughtful you have to become, the more you have to understand yourself."
"I was trying to understand who I am, why I'm like this, and how I was able to control myself for so many years."
"Soul is that inner aspect of our being where we're able to really understand who we are."
"Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself. It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions. It can also help you build a life that you want."
"You are your own best friend. No one's going to understand you like you understand yourself."
"Understanding yourself is crucial because if you do, you'll never betray yourself."
"Your identity is made up of several parts of yourself, there are many facets to people."
"I can honestly say that I've never felt more understood than when I read the description for the social line in the book 'The Complete Enneagram.' It put towards what I felt on a very personal level."
"I'm really happy because I'm not lazy... I have a genuine reason as to why I felt that way."
"Whatever you're struggling with today, until you finally understand what's driving you, you'll continue to wrestle with that until you die."
"Survival shapes who you are, that's the key to understanding yourself."
"Once you gain that strong foundational identity and sense of self I feel like you navigate life much more easily."
"You are going to align to people who get you, who are more in tune with who you are."
"The only person that needs to understand you is you, and the more you heal, the less you need other people to understand you because you understand you."
"Self-love is so important for understanding who you are as a person."
"Understanding this distinction: what you do is not who you are."
"Building AI helps us understand the mysteries of our own minds."
"The only way you're going to feel that hunger is by understanding what it is that you're really hungry for and then nourishing yourself with that daily."
"You're going to understand yourself better and the purpose of why you're here..."
"As you get these as you get this knowledge of what was going on in your childhood use this to understand, to forgive and to really heal yourself and to love yourself."
"Any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe."
"The deeper you understand yourself, the deeper you're going to be able to understand women."
"Make Joy and self-understanding the fundamental purpose of existence."
"This phenomenon of enormous complexity, meaning, and value for understanding of ourselves."
"You cannot be defined by one definition. It's all the many things that make you who you are that relate to you and resonate with you, and that is who you are."
"If there's a way we can bring technology to bear on that problem of really understanding who we are as humans I think we should try that."
"Understanding why is why therapy is so freaking powerful." - Rachel Hollis
"Developing inner security and personal understanding."
"I realized that I was bipolar and so when I go to gonna go to know more information it actually helps me it doesn't scare me once I know it."
"The only thing that can create a higher Society is when everybody understands Christ within themselves."
"Not only is this new moon solar eclipse bringing a significant transformation within each of us as individuals, but also to understand more of who we are and what we desire."
"The soulmate you're looking for at 20 isn't the same one you'll want at 40. We change, and it's better to spend time understanding ourselves."
"When you understand your brain a bit more, you are able to understand your experience and actually have more choices."
"Gotta get feedback whether it's negative or positive you're still gonna walk out with like that's a better understanding of who you are."
"Find what's healing for you, understand yourself better."
"That's one of the most valuable things you can do in your life if you want to understand life and reality and yourself at a deep level..."
"Choose practices that promote deeper self-love and understanding."
"My hope is that you will just trust your process and believe that a brighter day will come where you feel like you truly understand your body and your habits better."
"Identity is a key aspect, and if you don't understand your history, how then do you define yourself?"
"It's about deciding what you want out of life and understanding and accepting that you can't have it all."
"You ain't in the dark about this [ __ ] no more, you ain't confused about it no more."
"Establishing your own baseline to understand yourself better is crucial."
"I don't have life figured out in any way shape or form I just have a better relationship with my mind."
"Growing up from a young age knowing that you have this disorder... it helps you understand yourself better."
"Your feelings are your intuition revealed through your emotions."
"History is about understanding who we are today and where we can go in the future."
"All understanding really does come from within."
"I'm feeling good. Maybe I do understand this weekly, or maybe I'm just at home in the chaos."
"There's definitely distance here, but any kind of distance or space won't destroy their love for you."
"I think people can benefit from therapy because it can help you understand more about yourself."
"The more discipline you have, the more freedom you will end up with."
"You gotta be true to yourself, you gotta be honest enough with yourself to know your gut, to know your soul."
"Persons with a strong ego can objectively comprehend both the world and themselves."
"My confidence for sure... understanding who I am as a person."
"Since first seeing my therapist earlier this year, I have been able to understand myself so much more."
"Nobody understands you like you understand yourself."
"It is important to maintain your purpose and understand why you are here."
"Making peace with persistent thoughts about someone involves a mindful and reflective process that can lead to significant emotional growth and understanding."
"Focus on self-acceptance, self-love, and understanding."
"I'm not a body that contains a soul, I'm actually a soul that inhabits a body."
"Understanding why you are the way you are, that helps you then understand why you make the decisions you make."
"Keep going because there will come a time when you're finally through it and you finally have a better understanding of who you are."
"Now the peace of mind that I now have, I can hardly understand."
"The more understanding and compassion you have for yourself, the more you will have for others."
"The answer to this question would help us to understand who we are, what we are, and give us more insight into why we're here."
"When I make an unwavering effort to understand myself, I'm able to effortlessly communicate with others on a deeper level."
"If everyone understands themselves and understands each other, then they'll have more respect for the personal sovereignty of themselves and others."
"Your body is one of the most potent tools that you have for understanding what it is that you want or don't want."
"We need myths. We need to understand ourselves in a way that, as creatures, we have a hard time doing."
"The better you understand yourself, the better you will be at surfing rather than drowning in your emotions."
"Greatness or Mastery is pursued in the process of self-knowledge and self-understanding in a fearless and courageous way."
"This authenticity is vital for personal growth and self-understanding."
"Just by studying the teaching alone, it is impossible to know what I in myself am. Through the teaching, we may understand our human nature, but the teaching is not we ourselves. It is some explanation of ourselves."
"Anecdotally, people have told us they've thanked us for being in the study. They feel like they understand themselves more."
"In the pursuit of understanding oneself, the teachings of stoicism offer timeless wisdom and practical guidance."
"May your journey into self-understanding be a source of inspiration and empowerment."
"Congruence is to understand yourself."
"How you teach resilience is you teach faith in the person's capacity to heal and to understand themselves."
"The first half of Moore's Swamp Thing run is intensely focused on the creature gaining a greater understanding of his true self."
"I trust myself more now. I understand myself more. I feel stronger, liberated. I have more capacity for compassion, more capacity to love myself."
"Dedicating your life to understanding yourself can be its own form of protest."
"Be patient with yourself and fully understand the pattern."
"Freedom doesn't come from doing whatever you want, but from understanding yourself and your actions."
"Understanding Who You Are has to do with understanding what you are and your relationship to the world."
"Self-understanding becomes a part of everyday life like tying shoelaces."
"Authenticity is the true understanding of ourselves."
"In a relationship of real Freedom, the individual tends to move toward not only deeper self-understanding but toward more social behavior."
"Even with your training and your past experience... the symptoms were so scary that you immediately said, 'Obviously there's something horribly physically wrong with me.'"
"I am curious about my true nature. I seek to understand myself."
"I guess like it's just now I'm like all all of these like feelings inside of me I haven't thought about but um I guess I just feel like people didn't really understand me and I always kind of felt like I needed to prove myself."
"...if we don't understand them, if we don't understand the microbes that live with us, we don't understand ourselves."
"The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow."
"If you want to know if you want to understand who you really are look at Jesus."
"The best form of influence is coming from a loving understanding of yourself."
"We are creatures who, if we are to understand ourselves adequately, must do so, at least in part, in terms of our self-understandings."
"It made me start looking within and then started getting therapy started trying to understand my mind a little bit better."
"True self-understanding is only achieved when we can silence the constant noise of words in our minds."
"If someone never got it and all they did is finish my book and know that what's going on in them is biological, I did my job."
"Art-making for me is in a way to understand myself and the other and myself and the world around me."
"Success cannot be money and stuff. It's why so many people are unhappy. Success needs to be understanding yourself and finding that place of peace."
"No one is ever truly going to understand you as well as you. Be there for yourself like you would for your own child."
"The greatest blessing of knowing what you want in life is that you know who and what you don't want in life. And that is such a blessing."
"Therapy is great because it's helping you to understand what it is that you're dealing with."
"Therapy is ultimately about understanding your own behavior and also that of people around you."
"Therapy has benefited me in so many ways and has helped me understand my mind so much better."
"Studying psychology after an autism diagnosis helps us understand ourselves better."
"Every adult people who get known about their diagnosis really feel the same as me, like a deep deep relief, deep understanding of themselves."
"So, what are some ways we can begin to understand ourselves?"
"Personal Mastery at such an early age... Master their time energy and their entire existence through understanding themselves."
"Some people will not get you but what matters is you get you."
"Wisdom is not just an accumulation of knowledge, but an understanding of oneself."
"Understanding my body and how it is structured naturally has definitely helped me restructure and revamp my workout regimen."
"We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us."
"That life without a pursuit of understanding yourself and understanding the world around you is a form of death."
"Dealing with anything like this can make you a lot more compassionate once you start understanding yourself."
"In order to connect deeply with someone else, the first and most important step is you first have to understand and connect with yourself."
"Human beings have always been interested in understanding themselves in relation to the whole Cosmos."
"To understand them is to better understand ourselves."
"I think it's important to really understand yourself and understand where your limits are with things."
"Teaching AI to become creative helps us understand ourselves."
"In order to better understand ourselves as humans, you need to understand where we have been."
"By shedding vivid new light on our past, they offer us new ways to understand ourselves, each other, and the world around us in the here and now."
"We can't understand where we are and where we're going... unless we understand where we've come from."
"You are the only person that's going to 100% understand you and get you 100%, so you have to appreciate yourself."
"If you want to live the richest life, try to understand yourself and those around you."
"The first vision solidifies as a basis of our self-understanding, we start to see it represented in art to express ourselves as a people."
"It's important to stay open to that process because that's how we enable growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the people around us."
"This journey will be very significant and will be you greater understanding who you are."
"It's so important that we gain an understanding of ourselves, that's why we have process groups sometimes known as personal development groups."
"Self-compassion is not necessarily self-esteem; it is more so understanding oneself and emotion."
"It's insane how valuable it is to not only understand yourself but to be able to express that."
"I think it's important to understand yourself, know what your role is in life in this world."
"Therapy can be such a beautiful way to understand yourself better and process all the daily little things."
"The authentic person understands himself in terms of those very closest events and befallings which he encounters."
"It helps us understand ourselves better, reconnect with our soul's intentions, and understand what sort of themes, lessons, energies we're likely to deal with in various sectors of our life."
"The more completely man understands himself and appreciates the personality values of his fellows, the more he will crave to know the original personality."
"With a solid understanding of who you are, you can be as awesome as you can be."
"It's through communication once we understand these things about ourselves that we can truly reach a state of healthy interdependence."
"You will never be able to integrate with another group of people if you truly don't understand who you are and your people."
"I understand that my true purpose is to give and receive love."
"It's really important for me to step back and to begin to understand what I stand for and who I am."
"As you let go of things that no longer serve you, you understand what is right for you."
"...this Chiron in Aries is supporting taking your power back, taking your energy back, and understanding what it means to be an individual on your own terms."
"People can only become free of suffering through their own understanding, and no one else can understand your understanding for you."
"I'm able to understand myself a lot better."
"People are busy trying to understand God and believe in themselves... You got it backwards; you're supposed to believe in God and understand yourself."
"To truly understand and heal the suffering of others, first I must understand and heal the sufferings of my own."
"Do things that benefit you in your time, understand what you're made of."
"The Enneagram is a wisdom tradition. It's a stockpile of wise insights into how human beings work."
"We need to better understand ourselves, we really need to understand why we want to measure."
"For millenniums, men and women have sought to understand the universe and their place in it, as well as to better understand themselves."
"Human life really proceeds in such a way that people will only in the second half of life be able to understand what they went through in their thinking and in their inner life altogether in the first half of life."
"The reward of eager inquiry, alert discernment, and deep investigation into truth is self-understanding."
"Intelligence is not just to navigate the world; it's also to understand your place in it."
"I just want to be happy, and if people don't understand that, then they just really want to be messy."
"The better you learn how to understand the people, places, and things outside of you, the better you're understanding yourself."
"I think it's only in the last decade that I've really understood how much I am a balance and a mix."
"This accomplishment... is the closest I have ever come to feeling like I understand the reason why I was given the gifts that I was given."
"The whole reason we talk about personality types... is because once you understand your personality on a fundamental level, now you can custom tailor a personal growth journey for yourself."
"Happiness begins with understanding identity and purpose."
"Understanding what makes you happy is success."
"This is Freud at his best, understanding these dynamics of self-sabotage."
"An authentic life would be one that is guided by this felt understanding of our deepest being."
"You should really be trying to understand what you want in a partner."
"When you really understand yourself... everything else just starts coming together."
"You'll understand yourself better and be kind to yourself."
"Every talk can be a step towards understanding yourself more."
"It's simple, but not easy. And the process of understanding yourself can take a long time, so be patient and don't give up."
"You need to understand why you do what you do and stare at that question until you get it right."
"It's a real opportunity to both understand people and thereby understand myself."
"If we want to understand ourselves and our place in the universe, we have to look at the universe and see it."
"Religion seeks to give meaning to our understanding of whom we are."