
Contentment Quotes

There are 44582 quotes

"It's possible to be miserable in the presence of all those things... and it's also possible to have very little, and almost nothing, and to be quite happy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is the molecule of peace. It is the molecule of contentness. It is the molecule of having enough, at least for the time being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"He eventually arrived at being truly wealthy with all the components of mental health and peace, contentment, delight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is the molecule of bliss and contentment for what you already have."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empowerment and the humility, and then that gets enacted as agency and gratitude, and we have more of the goodness of peace and contentment and delight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you're chasing something... you're saying you don't have it. But when you become comfortable with where you are, things start to attract to you."
"Don't rush it, but try to take the right steps toward what you truly want to do and be happy with what you're currently doing."
"I'm so busy being content and full of joy with life, and watching life in my children's eyes, like starting it all over again and learning about my own, and navigating my way through it, to be thinking about the end of it. I just want to enjoy it."
"Happiness is that calm and peacefulness you feel when you're okay with life as it is."
"Gratitude as a pathway to contentment... shifts our focus from what we lack to the abundance we already possess."
"Imagine feeling so much wholeness that it's impossible to want."
"If the kids are happy, then I'm happy, and that's what matters."
"When you're chasing something or you're saying you don't have it, you're like needing something. But when you become comfortable with where you are, things start to attract to you."
"The antidote is to be grateful and content in what you currently do have."
"I am content. I know I can make 150 a year, but the amount of work that it's gonna take... I'm cool at 75."
"If we feel content, we are living in our present."
"You'll be more content in life because you're fulfilled by learning how to enjoy activities, as opposed to seeking validation."
"Poverty is not being poor; poverty is wanting more."
"Not that I was ever in need, for I've learned how to be content with whatever I have."
"I know how to live with almost nothing and with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little."
"There's something better than happiness, and it's you being content with where you are."
"I've learned to be content regardless of what's going on."
"The wanting leads to more wanting, and then we feel never satisfied."
"If somebody is secure in themselves, I think if they can actually be truly happy for somebody if they have achieved a level of, you know, fill in the blank, that they may feel is better than their state but they can still be happy for that person, that is somebody who is truly content and secure in themselves."
"In other words, there’s no need to go chasin’ waterfalls…and more remote areas can stick to the rivers and the lakes that they’re used to."
"The natural state of mind when we're not worried...is one of contentment and peace."
"I love being me now... I don't want to be hanging off the chandeliers anymore."
"You learn to tame the jealousy; sometimes you're like, okay, my life's pretty good."
"There's water and there's love. What else do you need?"
"This is not you don't need to be rich to...feel great."
"Meditation can also help you cultivate inner peace and lasting contentment."
"It's okay for others to have more than you, as long as you have more than enough."
"Gratitude for what you have replaces the misery of not having more."
"The joy of missing out is the joy of going like, dude, I don't care about all that; I'm running my own race."
"Fully appreciate where you're at and all that you do have; you made it. That's the making it."
"I have everything I need. I might not have everything I want. Nobody does."
"When you know you are enough, you don't need more."
"I'm happy with all the choices I've made in my life."
"True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient."
"That's why God says in the Quran, those who believe and whose hearts are content with the remembrance of God, indeed, when you remember God, the hearts will find ease and contentment."
"Contentment is a state of being in which you're always happy because you're content with what you have."
"The blessings of the Lord make rich and add no sorrow."
"Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife."
"Happiness comes by... but that happiness is not like happiness from drinking coffee... The happiness that comes from meditation is some kind of life joy, contentment, which is coming within, no need to rely on the external circumstances."
"Pivot back to doing things out of love and getting back to peace, contentment, and especially delight."
"We're not invited towards contentment; that would stop the economy in its tracks. We're not invited to relax and say, 'This moment's enough.'"
"Be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
"Yoga, peace, happiness, and contentment comes from the cessation of fluctuations of the mind."
"Islam provides a sense of contentment and purpose that is deeply fulfilling, unlike the fleeting pleasures of materialism."
"I've been happier making content now than I ever have in the past."
"You need to want what you have, not to have what you want."
"Gratitude has the power to turn what we have into enough."
"It's very peaceful in here. Never expected us to be doing this right now, but I am into it."
"Comparison is the thief of joy, especially when it comes to that."
"He is so optimistic; he concludes that it seems he won't have any problems in this life."
"As long as you're happy, as long as you're content, as long as you know your truth... that's all that matters."
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall lack nothing."
"You need to be content with where you are right now and know that all these things that you want are going to happen, it just takes time."
"You don't need a lot of friends... if you have one or two really close friends, you're doing okay."
"Stop comparing. The source of all discontent is comparison."
"Contentment is enjoying what I have right now rather than waiting for something else to happen in order for me to be happy."
"If you're just happy doing what it is that you're doing, that's the win."
"I couldn't feel more blessed with what I have, and I want to thank you guys for it."
"Expedient forward progress is very effective but has nothing to do with peace, contentment, or doing good."
"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble." - Proverbs 15:16.
"Learn how to be happy when you have nothing."
"I'm just happy to be here, as simple as that."
"Be comfortable and content with your vulnerabilities, insecurities, and weaknesses."
"You can be dissatisfied and want more and still be blissful."
"You are at the perfect stage of your life. You're at the perfect time."
"When I'm really okay and my self-esteem is really good, I don't need a new car. I don't have to be the guy."
"If you know who you are in Christ and you are content in that, you know that he redeemed you, that he bought you back, that he came down to the earth, died for your sins...you know that he has made you beautifully and wonderfully made."
"I'm happy with what I do and the life that I live."
"Don't compare where you are to other people; you're exactly where you need to be."
"I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I'm in."
"Express gratitude for all that you do have and if there's things that you think you need or that you think you want and you don't have it, consider yourself blessed."
"Genuine happiness is a feeling of peace and calm and contentment."
"In the next life, Allah will take this desire from inside me away and even when it's taken away, it will not lead to dissatisfaction or depression or boredom."
"I was basking in ultimate contentment during a moment where I should have been fearing for my very existence."
"Satisfied beyond all my wants, if I was to ever come close to enlightenment, it was definitely in this moment."
"I just sat on a bench with a can of Coke and thought, thank God."
"We're living good, we're living good out here."
"We're basically beggars sitting on a box filled with gold and instead of looking inside, we're constantly looking outside."
"Comparison is robbing you of the life God is intending for you."
"Contentment is not a chase; it's not a magical download. Contentment is a practice."
"Your greatest weapon in the fight for contentment is worship."
"No person, place, or thing can give you happiness. They may give you a cause for happiness and a feeling of contentment, but the joy of living comes from within."
"Learn to be content with what you have, and what you have is the eternal God and His Son, Jesus Christ."
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
"The greatest philosopher and the most scholarly of our Cambridge men are ranked at the lowest level when compared with this educated apostle, for surely, this is the highest degree in humanities to which a person can possibly attain: to have learned that whatever the circumstances, to be content."
"Contentment in all circumstances of life is not the natural tendency of man."
"Contentment is one of the flowers of heaven, and if we want to have it, it must be cultivated."
"A man's contentment is in his mind, not in the amount of his possessions."
"Contentment means to be happy with what you have, who you are, and where you are."
"It doesn't mean the absence of desire, but that you're satisfied with your present."
"Contentment is never in the next season if we can't cultivate it in the present one."
"My one desire is for peace of mind. I found it comforting to believe that the divine operation in me could expand to full expression and produce more and more contentment, in fact, a peace of mind and a degree of contentment greater than I'd ever known."
"Contentment is not a disposition you are born with but a decision that you make."
"The greatest skill in life is not accumulation but contentment."
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation."
"What happens when you have God, you have enough. So why do we keep trying to go get some more when we already got all we need?"
"The satisfaction of desires does not lead to happiness. It can lead to temporary enjoyment... but it doesn't lead to contentment."
"Be content where you are, enjoy this moment right now, for you will never get it back."
"This is the card of contentment, happiness, fulfillment—you have everything that you could ever need, that you could ever want."
"Contentment is not in suspecting that everything ain't greener on that side but rather in trusting God."
"The Grass Is Always Greener where you water it. It's not greener anywhere else."
"My entire adult life is online, which is weird, but also, I don't think I would trade it for anything."
"I have everything I've ever wanted. I don't need anything else. All that's left for me to do is have a positive impact on the world."
"Contentment in the present moment is where happiness and fulfillment are found."
"I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."
"Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have."
"I've never been more excited to bring something to you than this, and I've never felt more calm and content and have just poured every ounce of myself into this."
"The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich and adds no sorrow with it."
"Here and now is where you will find true contentment."
"If you're relatively happy with the status quo and content with your neighbours, then you can live in peace, cooperating, trading, and prospering together."
"It is a good life we lead, brother. The best. May it never change. And may it never change us."
"Once I had an interview with a private jet owner, and he said, 'My jet is so small... I feel so small.' You have to ask yourself, 'When is enough? How much is enough?'"
"I watched the last day of Fest quietly in my home today, and now I'll go to sleep peacefully knowing we really found a place where dreams come true."
"Having purpose in life is what allows you to be content being alone."
"Train yourself to be happy all by yourself, just sitting doing nothing."
"We have very little to really complain about; we should be grateful."
"Be grateful for what you've achieved. Some of you are so stuck on what you don't have yet, you're not thankful for what you do have."
"God calls it contentment...the liberating power of being content with where you live."
"Be content with the husband or wife God has given us...instead of longing for a better marriage partner."
"Don't long for anything you don't have that someone else has because that's idolatry."
"It's such a good place to be when you feel like you have enough."
"There's nothing better than having nothing to do."
"I wouldn't want my life to be any other way."
"What a great day, you know, I'm pretty happy."
"Not everybody actually wants to rule the world. Some people kind of want to just live."
"Happiness is not having everything you want, but being satisfied with what you have."
"It's small but also it's cozy, and it's all I need."
"Be content with the husband or wife God has given you."
"Money is an attitude. If you feel like you're so happy and so content with what you have, you are already wealthy."
"Being satisfied is about appreciating what you have."
"What do you do when people are rooting for you so much, and you're surrounded by so much love, but you just don't want to do anything - you don't really have any ambition, you just kind of want to exist."
"Enjoy what you have in order to have more to enjoy."
"Where you are now is where you used to want to be, and if it was ideal back then, then it's ideal now."
"Can you have a different experience in life where you truly are okay with what's happening and you allow yourself to be content and you allow the love to come in?"
"I'm just so grateful to be in the position that I'm in, and I'm not doing this to get to another place. If this is all that it is, it's been a pretty [__] good ride, and I'm stoked to be able to wake up every day and come in and talk to amazing people."
"You may not have everything that you want, but there are always things to be grateful for."
"Sometimes the grass looks greener on the other side, you know."
"If you can't be fulfilled with nothing, you'll never be fulfilled with everything."
"Joy does not depend on our progress compared to others; it depends on our ability to be grateful in all circumstances."
"I feel like I would be okay with eating flautas and tacos for the rest of my life."
"You have to come to a resolution that you're good with what God gave you."
"If they took away everything from me, and I had to be a janitor or a server, I would be equally as happy."
"It's like I don't even want to leave. I could live here the rest of my life."
"Feeling a sense of contentment, a sense of ease after completing this first part of your journey."
"To remain in every way, live a normal life, get a normal job, have normal kids. Never to be anyone fortunate or unfortunate, content in normality."
"That there's an axis of suffering and contentment that is actually independent of happiness and sadness."
"The axis of success and the axis of contentment are linked because early on in life, as we climb that mountain, we think that these two things are linked."
"Understanding that, you understand that where I am is where I want to be."
"Abandoning wants. Most of what we have in our lives we don't need."
"Being content really feeling content with what you have."
"Once I got everything out of the way, I started to feel rich. For the first time in my life, I felt rich."
"What if you could absolutely love yourself exactly as you are, without needing to change a single thing?"
"What's for you is for you and at the end of the day I think it's enough to go around that everybody can be successful."
"There's one thing on Earth no one can touch: It's the sleep of a satisfied man."
"If what you're doing is working for you and you feel great, don't look for problems where there isn't any."
"This appears to be a house that just randomly generates coins, and I'm not going to ask any questions or complain one little bit."
"The grass ain't always greener on the other side, it's green where you water it."
"It's probably the happiest I've been in a long time."
"You could choose to be content and choose to be happy right now."
"Contentment is something that you have to find."
"Once someone feels like they have enough, that's when they start to look outward and see what they can do for their community."
"Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time; it's about loving what you have."
"I'm actually as much as I still struggle with myself, pretty happy with who I am."
"You couldn't really ask for more, full of stability and abundance."
"Minimalism breeds satisfaction in what you've got."
"It's beautiful, that state of mind of not having concerns and cares, of feeling that deep sense of contentment. That's the best state of mind to be in."
"Having high standards leads to peace and contentment with your choices."
"However, when was the last time they paused to appreciate what they already possess?"
"I finally have it. It is such a good day today."
"If you can't be happy with what you've got, you'll never be happy."
"Remember, the grass is always greener. Don't get too caught up in those thoughts."
"I'm joyous with the way things are going right now."
"Keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have, for He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
"They're very content and see the richness in their own life."
"At the end of the day, if you go to bed at night and think you've done the very best you could possibly do, then you should go to bed happy and peaceful."
"The goal is to search for contentment, not happiness, because happiness... it's too elusive."
"We just really love this home; we really love this space."
"Happiness is not about getting all you want; it's about enjoying all you have."
"Ignorance is bliss. If you don't know any better, you don't know what you're missing."
"I'm never content with everything; there's no end to this game."
"Good vibes only. So happy to be here on the channel with you."
"You can stop competing to be loved and just start enjoying it."
"When you have a grateful heart, you leave no room for complaining."
"I don't want anybody else's life. I don't want a different wife, and I don't want my wife any different than she is today."
"Keep what you got, just enjoy it. Oh, who knows when this storm will pass, but just wait."
"The blessings of the Lord make a person rich, and he adds no sorrow to it."
"Nothing will stay everything's going to continue changing, but if you're a person that is content, then you will be like the king of the world."
"Comparison...is just a huge waste of our time because we spend so much time feeling bad about our home, our things, our husband, our clothing, our wardrobe, our kids that we're not seeing what we have, the blessings that we have right in front of us."
"It's always great when the one you have is the one you like."
"I'm at total peace; there's nothing you could say... I'm already at peace."
"The one thing we need in the world is fulfilled, happy, content people, and that's what makes for the best society."
"It's not the golden egg I care about; it's the goose. This is not a golden egg; it's a brown egg, but you know, it's just an egg."
"This is our house. We've actually made a pretty good life for ourselves."
"Find your long-lost loved one. Okay, this house isn't too bad. We've done okay for ourselves, guys."
"Finally, thank God someone has one crazy thing happen and they're like, 'That's enough, I'm good.'"