
Independence Quotes

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"Your happiness is no longer predicated on the next good thing happening."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A big part of this for me is putting on for other Independent Artists and showing other Independent Artists like hey, you don't have to be beholden to these record labels."
"If you want to be independent, you have to learn to budget your money better."
"You can't take care of yourself if you're relying on others to take care of you."
"Making money work for you is the first step towards financial independence."
"Sometimes you have to give yourself what you wish you could get from somebody else."
"I'm always good. I always try to reach out and help people to think for themselves."
"It shows her that you've got your own life; you're not making her the center of your attention right away."
"With technology too, you're also fighting the programming. How do you stay detached enough that you can still think for yourself?"
"It's the first thing I've ever had that's just been totally mine. There's a fear of doing things on your own, but I've truly loved it."
"No one's going to love you more than you love yourself. No one's going to take care of you more than you can take care of yourself."
"The goal of people in therapy should be eventually to not be in therapy anymore."
"Personal growth is tricky, so the term growth implies millions of tiny thankless steps, which sucks. And the term personal implies that nobody can take them for you, which also sucks."
"My definition of feminism would be Gloria Steinem's definition: 'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.'"
"The fastest way to get rid of this negative social influence is to go it alone for some time."
"The robin trusts her wings, not the branch she sits on."
"When you start to love yourself, you don't need that from someone else."
"I like my independence, but I don't like to be alone."
"If you raise them right till 18, from there, they're going to make some decisions, some of them you can agree with, some of them you're not going to agree with."
"Self-reliance is defined as, 'the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family.'"
"It's better to be by yourself than it is with people who are dragging you back and who are like negative influences."
"I would rather die. I will live on my feet, I'll die on my feet rather than live on my knees."
"Sometimes in life, you can't fix everything on your own."
"I think every entrepreneur, Founder's goal should be to create a brand that could exist without you."
"Cherish your solitude; be alone. Get comfortable being alone."
"Learning how to find that grounded loving space within myself, not attached to anyone else's opinions or ideas, has been my journey."
"She's just living her best life, don't worry about it."
"You don't need other people's approval or permission to be happy."
"Prioritize yourself, period. Married or not, dating or not, single or whatever, prioritize yourself and your happiness."
"There's no amount of money or fame that can buy my opinion or make me go against my principles."
"Internal happiness, finding that base level of happiness outside of any external things."
"True power comes from self-esteem, the core of your being. It has the following characteristics: When you have true power, you are independent of the good and bad opinions of the world."
"I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings."
"You're responsible for your own happiness, and you do not own people."
"I want my kids to like me. No one gives a [__]. You want your kids to like you when they're 25, they want to come back, can see you, and they're independent leaders."
"It's hard to be a teenager trying to form an identity and gain independence in a shutdown."
"You can't base your healing around the potential of someone actually admitting that they did anything wrong to you."
"You're really transforming into a solid, strong person who is not easily swayed or manipulated by others anymore."
"Kobe Bryant triumphing and winning a title without Shaq, proving he can win without him, is one of my favorite moments in NBA history."
"No single human being is responsible for fixing another human being."
"When your worth is not tied to anyone else's opinion and it's all your own, you own every day."
"The good enough parent makes just enough mistakes that the child has to figure some of this stuff out on their own."
"A good man will look for a woman who has a life; a bad man will look for a woman who doesn't."
"Eliminating the weight of opinions is essential."
"It's no one else's job to take care of you but you."
"It is time for you guys to really start to harness your own individuality and step into your purest most individuality freedom independence."
"I used to really care about what other people thought of me... it took me a long time to figure out that you have to know when to just be selfish and take care of yourself."
"Don't stay in a relationship because you can't live without your partner, stay in the relationship because you want your partner."
"The two of you would also really value your alone time."
"What we're seeking from others, they cannot provide because it is an inside job."
"I like the fact that we can get stuff done and we can handle our business and we can tell our narratives, put things in our words, and handle things on our level without bowing and scraping to anybody."
"You feel freedom, you feel this incredible sense of you've survived, you've gotten to the other side, and now people can't hurt you because they've tried, they've failed, and now you have the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to do what you want, the freedom to chart your own path."
"Norway's strategy has set them up to be capable of selling and exporting virtually all of the oil and gas that they produce while simultaneously being completely energy independent."
"Trapped in a world of manners and expectations, the princess seeks adventure and longs to prove her independence."
"You're independent, you're naturally beautiful."
"Happiness is for everyone. It doesn't depend on the right husband, the right spouse, the right house, the right anything."
"You don't owe anybody an explanation ever for what you are, who you are, how you think, anything."
"To really love another person, but not care what they think of you... that's the first part. So when you do that, you find more freedom."
"Freedom from dependence is a battle worth fighting for, requiring immense work and sacrifice."
"I want you to entertain the idea that people can see value in you without you giving anything to them."
"Empowerment means being able to do what you want."
"We question the narrative, the mainstream's manufactured plight, seeking truth in the shadows, where independent voices take flight."
"If you can sustain yourself and you can survive on your own and no one knows who you are, that's success."
"When you're okay being independent or single, that's when love comes in."
"I guess I realize it doesn't matter what other people think of you; it just matters what you think of yourself."
"I love to see a woman that's about her business, doing her own thing. That's a turn-on for me."
"Be who you are. Don't care what other people's opinions are."
"What other people think of you is none of your business because it really doesn't matter."
"I don't think anybody needs anybody, but I think it's good to have companionship and have help."
"Not caring about what other people think is a superpower."
"Don't be a follower, be a student. Take advice, but not orders. Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion."
"This is healing codependency, regaining independence, regaining trust in yourself and feeling connection with your inner light, inner wisdom."
"Validation doesn't need to come from your friends; it should come from you too."
"The fight for a free, independent, and prosperous Ukraine, that very much goes on."
"Your soulmate is going to be very emotionally mature, never going to take advantage of your kindness or your people-pleasing."
"This person, your soulmate, is actually going to encourage you to shine on your own and be independent."
"As soon as you stop dimming your light for others and have a sure sense of self, that's when you're going to attract this person like a magnet."
"I've waited my entire life for a chance to be free. In this world, there's nothing tying me down."
"Don't put all of your self-worth into the opinions of others."
"Don't rely on his reassurance for your self-esteem. People with high self-esteem know that they are lovable and loved."
"If you don't have your own plan, then you're the tool of someone else's plan."
"She was very proud of being able to support herself and her child on her own."
"Learning to validate yourself will maximize your independence and allow you to grow your self-love."
"Singleness is not as strange as culture makes it out to be."
"You don't need another person necessarily to fulfill your purpose on this earth."
"Put yourself on a pedestal and affirm your worthiness regardless of external opinions."
"I was not rescued by a prince; I was the administrator of my own rescue."
"You complete me? No, you don't. I'm completely complete. Superimposition of two complete spheres."
"Fine, leave. I'll take the money and go to the Maldives."
"I never appreciated a meal so much until I stopped living with my mama."
"This is going to call you towards leaving old stuff behind and create a desire in you to just go on your own path and create this new path."
"The best thing that I ever did was not listen to other people's opinions about my life."
"You don't want to be craving other people's approval."
"I did it for myself. I need to learn how to love myself more instead of trying to build a relationship with somebody and I'm not loving myself. I'm loving you more than I'm loving me; that's not right."
"You don't depend on anyone or any external factor to give you love, to give you approval."
"When you are independent, when you thrive on the sweat of your own brows... then honor, dignity, self-respect, integrity... that's the coin of the realm."
"Having a strong upper body is important for people at any age, but most important for people over the age of 65 because if you've got a weak upper body, you're really sacrificing your independence."
"To achieve individual freedom, we could be no one's slave and no one's disciple."
"So, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, in the anglosphere we remember all those who died in great sorrow. However, in Poland, it is something in which there is a celebration of the sacrifice that was faced to give Poland its independence back."
"If you know your own worth and you spend time with yourself, you're going to be so confident and you won't be relying on validation from anyone."
"I've become a lot more self-reliant and I know that I can count on myself now."
"Live wild and free, choose your freedom, claim your independence, and be the pilot of your own life."
"There's a desire to live according to one's chosen values rather than the values of society or family."
"It meant so much not that the Reebok was wrong or the check was wrong but the freedom and confidence and belief in yourself to do that."
"I don't beg. I am being me because that's who I am."
"Always follow and trust your own intuition above anyone else's."
"David had a unique independence for someone his age."
"We just love the freedom and the independence of homeschool."
"Under conditions where either the teacher or the mentor is not there...we actually can serve as our own teacher."
"On the very day of the armistice, Poland was reestablished as an independent nation after 123 years of being ruled by the German, Austrian, and Russian empires."
"Trust yourself and not be swayed by anybody else."
"You owe nothing to anyone. I'm so proud of you, my friend."
"Find that fulfillment within yourself and not within a relationship."
"Focus on creating that full fulfillment on your own."
"I've spent my whole life caring for my mom and caring for other people, and I just want to work on myself and be around people who don't need work from me."
"It's morally superior to be an atheist, to say I would rather live without that ghastly master/slave mentality."
"I don't care what other kids say, I'm gonna hang out with Albert."
"You don’t need their approval to do what you want to do."
"Would you rather create a life for yourself that you're like, 'I love this life. I love the life I created.' Or would you rather be like, 'Hmm, does so-and-so over there like my life that I made for myself? Do they finally approve of me?'"
"You don't actually need externals to be happy. Society brainwashes us into thinking we need the externals to be happy, but actually you don't."
"Don't let a partner hold you back from life experiences or jobs or careers or travel."
"If you really want to grow stronger, do it quietly and by yourself. Why do you want to stress other people out?"
"Independence heals. There is luxury that comes with it."
"While we do need to be as independent and self-sufficient as possible, we don't have very much time left, and so it's really about building community locally."
"You have no idea how limitless your life becomes, visa vie goals, when you don't give a shit what people think, say, or whisper about you."
"Confidence is not 'They will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'"
"Financial freedom: doing what you want, when you want, the way you want to do it."
"You'll be self-dependent, achieving a lot, and presenting yourself as a very resourceful person."
"Self-esteem comes from the self. The problem is that this person does not have self-esteem; they have esteem. They have external esteem."
"When the world cannot leave any imprint on your self-evaluation or estimation, you are then truly free."
"Just because something feels familiar, it feels like we should stick with it. You don't gotta stick with nothing. Stick with yourself. That is the best way to go about life."
"The power of walking away and never looking back really is amazing."
"You're not waiting for someone else to love you anymore; you're slowly learning how to love yourself."
"Self-efficacy is basically your ability to think for yourself and to direct your own life."
"I did learn to make sure that I never lose so much of who I am that I have to validate it through another person."
"I've gotten to the point in my life where I'm just like f it, I'm just gonna talk about what I want to talk about, and if you don't like it, that is your problem, not mine."
"It was a moment that I realized that I needed to stop listening to everybody else... and truly believed in what I could do."
"Single people that are like, you know what, I just enjoy being by myself."
"If you believe that you have the ability to make independent choices, that you can actually supersede your own biological drives and the environment around you to any extent, this means that you believe in something that can't actually be proved by science but that you are living every single day."
"Creating a dependence cycle or teaching someone how to fish... What's the real sort of care?"
"You're letting go of the need to constantly get validation from other people. You're starting to realize that I don't want to people please anymore."
"This took 6 years to complete with no outside funding."
"You can't shelter and helicopter parent your kid forever."
"It is not their job to make your life perfect; that is your job."
"I don't want anything in my beauty routine to hold me back. I don't want to feel like I can't leave the house because I don't have my face beat. I should be able to be free."
"Once you become your own lover, your own partner, your own best friend, your own parent, now that's liberation."
"Sometimes you have to let other people's dreams for your life die for yours to live."
"This is your year to follow your own inspirations rather than think what others think."
"Always when making any decision, especially financial, important to follow your own judgment."
"When people leave us the hell alone, we start thriving."
"Black Wall Street got popping the way it did because we were left alone and started thriving."
"You're very independent, very strong, people are very attracted to that."
"You're very independent. People admire that about you."
"You do things on your own, and people love that about you."
"I don't care what he thinks my the purpose of my life should be; my life is mine."
"People are naturally drawn to you because you stand alone because of that independence that you have."
"This garden is my effort to re-establish our food security, our food independence."
"Why play an MMORPG solo? Because you want to, at that exact moment."
"Rule number 22: Stop waiting for permission."
"Rule number 47: Stop caring what others think."
"You want to find someone that is just as happy as you; you can be independently."
"To be able to really have that realization and to feel that in all those aspects, you have to be doing work on your ability to love yourself independently of all those things."
"I think it's everybody's responsibility to be the best person each of us can be and be as self-reliant as we possibly can so we're not a burden on everyone else around us."
"Self-reliance is a must. Assistance is a bonus."
"Self-reliance is possibly the greatest value in my life."
"The best thing that we can do for them is give them the skills they need to manage risk on their own."
"I think our kids are more capable than we realize or that we give them credit for. They're more capable of handling physical freedom and handling tough, intellectual, and emotional subjects."
"It's a research memoir, so it's partly my stories and experiences. And it's partly I talked to a lot of experts and looked at studies as well. And I would say it's part manifesto because I'm trying to make an argument that we should give our kids more independence."
"Mom and Dad... wait, they're not here. What is this? There's a sign... 'Gone for a quick trip, back in a few days. Be good. - Mom and Dad.'"
"I think everybody needs to take responsibility for themselves."
"We are ready, and we don't care what anybody thinks anymore. We're upleveling our confidence."
"I always knew that I wanted to create my own thing. I didn't want to go be a part of your thing."
"I'm cocky about self-sufficiency, owning my masters, producing, mixing, everything."
"I wish the wife would have been like, 'I'm not [__] leaving our house with our child. Like, we can go in separate rooms and you can take your space or you can leave.'"
"You don't get discipline from your parents, from your grandparents, from your older brothers and sisters. You don't get discipline from an external source. You have to get it from you. That's what self-discipline is. You get it from yourself, you get it from you."
"As long as you're blaming other people, as long as you're counting on other people to give you discipline, as long as you do that, you will not have it."
"Stop thinking of everybody else, stop seeking everyone else's approval, and seek your own approval."
"You can do it for yourself, not for anybody else."
"Don't let nobody control you. Don't let emotions control you because the devil's sitting there like a puppet master, rolling the screen, making you go left and right."
"Imagine having that moment and realizing it's not coming from any person, any object, anything... it's not coming from anything outside of you."
"I think being able to be independent is really cool."
"The sense of independence that I got growing up is my most valuable asset."
"Care about what other people think, and you will forever be their prisoner."
"When someone outsources their truth, that is a very scared person. A brave person doesn't outsource their truth."
"You love yourself enough to know that your life is not gonna end if someone leaves your world, no matter who that person is."
"Become independent of the good opinion of other people."
"If you teach people to have standards for themselves and to be morally strong people, then they can't brainwash you."
"What other people think of you is none of your business."
"The biggest power is the power to walk away."
"I'm known for my honesty, my immunity to groupthink. I just don't go along with it."
"Critical thinking, learn how to live out your full potential so you can be independent and everything else really flows from there."
"A modern woman is a woman that wants to have her cake and eat it."
"As an individual, you shouldn't let those people influence you; you should have a mind of your own."
"Success to me as a single woman is being able to give myself the life I would want if I was married."
"When you stop caring what other people think about you."
"I'm not afraid to ask for help. I'm not afraid to say that I don't know it all. I'm not afraid."
"I'm very big on time freedom, financial freedom."
"Loving my life because I could not look to someone else to make me happy. If I gave someone else the power to make me happy, then I'm also giving them the power to make me sad."
"Self-confidence is an internal game; you do not need external accolades, external admiration, in order to build self-confidence."
"Don't just take somebody else's word for it because this is your entire life. And if you're going to do something, do it because you truly believe in it."