
Struggle Quotes

There are 15819 quotes

"You want to find your point of rest in the midst of any struggle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The success is not guaranteed, but the struggle is."
"It's just extremely sad to think that Deborah struggled most of her life, was someone who clearly had good intentions, a good heart, and wanted the best for the world."
"Through your struggles, you develop your strengths."
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened, but no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"You have to struggle. The bigger the struggle, the bigger the peace."
"Your struggle is what made you who you are now."
"The struggle between 'for' and 'against' is the mind's worst disease."
"Struggle is not an impediment to success, it's a requirement."
"It's not all about the money; it's about the journey, the struggle that brings meaning."
"Your life will always be a struggle, and you will always have problems, but today you have the chance to see things differently."
"Freedom is not something we have; freedom is something we have to struggle for."
"It's an uphill battle for overweight people. It's really challenging."
"The struggle is guaranteed, the success is not."
"You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."
"Through pain, a blessing will soon be revealed."
"The struggle taught me something... the struggle is not it."
"Through struggles, sometimes there is strength."
"Freedom from dependence is a battle worth fighting for, requiring immense work and sacrifice."
"Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
"So many of us in America...we've all had our struggles, we've all had our fights, and we emerge okay."
"Forgotten, hidden elements, positive and negative energy, representative of light and dark, the eternal struggle between good and evil."
"The struggle itself is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
"I agreed with a lot of what she said, and I disagreed with some of it as well. I really wanted to give my perspective from someone who struggled and still struggles with body image and eating disorders."
"I love to value what's hard in maths instead of being afraid of it. We know that when you struggle, that's actually a really good time for your brain."
"Struggle well because if you don't struggle, you won't get stronger."
"God said I'm gonna use your struggle as a strength."
"Young Shill was constantly fighting the world to protect her son."
"As long as I fight, I am moved by hope, and if I fight with hope, then I can wait."
"The name of the Jewish people, the chosen people, is 'struggle with God'."
"In times of struggle, finding your passion and working hard towards it can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling."
"We are hard wired to find meaning in struggle."
"To be black and educated in a country that didn't want you to be educated at all is amazing."
"Everyone comes from somewhere. I stopped ever looking at anyone who's successful and think they've been given it because even if they have been given it in some way, there's a lot of internal struggle even in that."
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered... the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
"Light comes only to him who strives; hard is the pathway that leads to the wisdom, hard is the pathway that leads to the light."
"Watching someone just live a good happy life is not entertainment; we need to see the struggles."
"We didn't just pop up overnight, we've been boxing with the devil a long time."
"Regular Beth finding self-love is so perfect, it's so great for a character who has so much struggled with it."
"Our heroes are supposed to inspire us, either by their ability to grow beyond their own flaws and failures or despite being paragons of virtue and goodness, still having to struggle against overwhelming odds."
"Struggle is good. If we don't struggle, we don't grow."
"Your voluntary adoption of the struggle to improve being is the proper antidote to the suffering that life ensures."
"It's often the moments of struggle that we look back on and smile about."
"The moments of unplanned struggle often become some of our fondest memories."
"Confidence is built when you are struggling because when you see yourself go for something and fall, when you see yourself try and get knocked down... you are building this reserve within yourself where you know you can rely on yourself."
"Our job is to look and say, 'You know what? You're imperfect, and you're wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.'"
"Nobody wants to struggle, but everyone wants the feeling and satisfaction earned from struggling and succeeding."
"It's from the moments of struggle that we look back on and smile about."
"You are essentially, as an entrepreneur or anyone trying to achieve anything... you are at war. There is an enemy, there is someone or something that you have to defeat in order to accomplish that which you wish to accomplish."
"Liberation always follows the struggle. Love and light are on the other side."
"You're going to suffer one way or another. You can actively suffer by earning that [expletive] by making it hard, and then you're going to grow, and everything in life is going to get better."
"The struggle of today is not altogether for today, it is for a vast future also."
"We have been fighting systemic racism in this country for 400 years."
"The greater the attack, the greater the glory."
"The real big struggle will be against irrelevance, and it's much worse to be irrelevant than to be exploited."
"At the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of easy, right? Then one month later, it's like, holy shit, this is terrible."
"The human mind rejects Utopia...the human mind needs struggle and it needs problems, otherwise it rejects it."
"Everything that you love, you're gonna have to fight for it."
"The struggles he's going through aren't about how will he save the world or find love; it's about how will he and his legacy truly emanate from the shadows."
"With every struggle that you have been through, that will help you to be stronger, but you cannot give up."
"His greatest pain and the greatest struggle I went through was also my greatest gift."
"Being jabbed with something, like a prod...non-stop for hours...was absolutely I couldn't sit or lay down or stop moving."
"The harder you struggle, the more your muscle grows."
"Is the struggle worth it? For me, yes it is. I believe in what I believe so much more than the hurt that I feel."
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part."
"Greatness is the child born out of intense struggle, trials, and tribulations."
"The path I must walk is soaked in blood. It's a path that can lead to madness, can snatch away one's future, and can even take one's life. And the pool of blood at my feet is growing larger. Those stains can never be washed clean."
"Freedom is not something that's given to you; freedom is something that you have to take."
"Fighting for your freedom requires grit and tenacity."
"Even though from an outside perspective your life looks perfect, on the inside, you are really struggling."
"Jim Carrey has always been very open about his struggle with dyslexia and depression."
"Sometimes that feels like a battle that you're bound to lose. You're tired, you struggle, this road seems way too steep."
"Understanding that this system is the ultimate problem is also a way to handle DEFEAT in struggles for reform."
"Building communism and building a stateless, classless society is going to be a long struggle."
"I like it when a character's redemption is earned when they actually struggle for it."
"All of that suffering was actually worth it."
"Life is a struggle for Aquarians until they find their powers. They have tremendous talent and everything to give out there."
"Life was amazing, life was just good because, after a long suffering, a long fight, we finally came as one."
"Her toils are passed, her work is done, she fought the fight, the victory is won."
"Everyone's going through it. It's all shit. But that's the formula."
"Remember, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age."
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
"The more a character struggles, the more compelling their journey."
"Your pain isn't shameful. Your pain is beautiful. It's part of who you are. And if we could just get out of our own way, questions like hers wouldn't be something that so many people are struggling with."
"The story isn't explicitly about the female experience but it portrays women as people just like men who deal with struggles just like men."
"When someone you love is struggling to get back on track, you don't pretend that what they're trying to do is simple, and you don't tell them to throw in the towel."
"If you're not committed in your heart to what you're doing, it's going to be a struggle."
"This battle does not get easier, but know that's exactly why you were created for this battle."
"The moment you decide, 'That's for me,' and you go through that struggle... none of it's easy."
"The most beautiful thing in life is the struggle and being able to overcome it."
"I've been on the journey for 10 years... I know my own face, my own body, my own struggle."
"It's been a battle, it's been a whole hell of a lot of fun."
"The necessity of human struggle: the idea that many of us need those walls to push back against something of a challenge, or else we ultimately lose our own purpose in the world."
"Only those who consistently push past their comfort zones and embrace the struggle, are able to reach their true potential."
"May Allah reward every Muslim woman struggling to be an obvious Muslim woman."
"You don't know the pain and suffering I had to go through to make this."
"Mental health struggles are not a cakewalk in the park; it's more like a punch in the face, or a fire in your brain, or rats under your skin."
"A better life for the people is the goal which we struggle toward."
"For grapes to be good, they have to struggle."
"Everyone is in some sort of battle. Some are battling for their health, others emotional pain, others heartache, others financial turmoil."
"The word jihad is misused... it means any kind of struggling and striving... but in the sense where you're looking at it being ascribed to the accomplishments that are positive."
"If you accept that you are imperfect, you need to constantly strive even against yourself."
"We underestimate the value of what struggling can lead to."
"You don't get freedom peacefully. Freedom is never safeguarded peacefully."
"It's a game about struggle, about not giving up in the face of insurmountable odds."
"The struggle is over. You no longer choose to struggle with anybody about anything at any time in any situation or circumstance."
"Once you lose the security of having a home, the fight to get it back is incredibly difficult."
"Love is winning, but it's a painful process."
"I'm happy that I struggled... in order for me to feel whole and survive is to be creative."
"Guts is called the struggler because throughout his entire journey he is constantly trying to break causality by altering the events that are destined to take place."
"Too often, people feel afraid to admit that they are struggling with their mental health."
"Tony Darko is a story about a wide-eyed, naive, and neurotic high school teenager called Donny who struggles to fit in with his surroundings."
"The absurd ever drama of just trying to be okay."
"You're struggling to grab by like Dickensian orphans turned street thugs."
"You have to go through the door of struggle and hurt to becoming whole."
"There is going to be victory after some kind of battle or some kind of adversity."
"In the heart of every struggle lies an opportunity for growth."
"You are destined for success, and it has been a struggle, but the struggle will be worth it."
"The struggle is what allows us to feel a sense of fulfillment."
"You know I kept fighting for my freedom for 34 years."
"Nothing good comes without courage, comes without struggle, without resistance, and overcoming."
"The very fact that you struggle at all is a demonstration that you are [saved]."
"It's okay to struggle, you're doing better than you feel like you are."
"We're in a genuine struggle between autocracies and democracies."
"You're killing me with this! I'm trying to have a relationship with my kids, and I can't do it."
"Our God is a god of restoration. He doesn't just bring you out of your struggle; he restores to you what was lost."
"Our purpose is not something that is handed to us easily; it's something that we have to fight for."
"It's not about pure redistributionism, it's not about class struggle, it's about community struggle."
"Cyril's gentle demeanor and perceptive nature have uncovered the silent struggle she's been carrying within."
"Freedom is something that has to be fought for; otherwise, you never get it."
"Each and every day, I get back up and I move forward with my fists clenched toward the battle, toward the struggle, and I fight with everything I've got to overcome those weaknesses and those shortfalls and those flaws as I strive to be just a little bit better today than I was yesterday."
"Comfort is not good for the organism. It's only through struggle, active suffering, active struggling that we create resistance."
"If you don't create your own struggle, your own resistance to forge yourself into this evolutionary hunter, you won't have progress and if you don't have progress, you won't have happiness."
"Salvation gets you into the game; now you have to fight the good fight."
"The fight was not to be free. Look at what we fight for; we've been fighting to give up freedom."
"We're all struggling right now; hence, we shouldn't carry the burden of having it all perfect. Nobody can have it all perfect right now."
"On the other side of your struggle is something good. On the other side of your struggle is something better. On the other side of your struggle is some sort of success."
"The struggle's real, the climb made me. The pain hurt but it did not break me."
"At the heart of every struggle lies the opportunity for change and the chance to make a lasting impact."
"I am just a mom fighting to see her children again."
"You might need to fight to be together, but if it's worth it, it's worth it."
"How can you fight something that you've got no control over?"
"The creator sets you up to win, even when you feel like you are losing."
"The battle belongs to God. Whatever you're battling right now, whatever it may be... the battle belongs to God."
"The only thing that beat Tyson Fury was depression, anxiety, and his mental health issues."
"This is just the beginning of a much larger fight."
"We are fighting for our lives in very unequal circumstances."
"All of my life, I was always struggling to pay bills and keep a roof over my head."
"Life is a fight. True change doesn't happen until you're on the brink."
"We all go through struggles at times, and I want to share with you through stories and insights and interviews with others how much God loves you. He loves you immensely."
"Jacob wrestled with God through pain and tiredness and fatigue all night long because he had such an appetite to be blessed by God."
"The battle has just begun... and it's going to get worse, but I think the American people are awake to the battle."
"I thought it was impossible... I fought tooth and nail for my babies."
"It is in shared struggle that we can understand just how similar we are."
"We struggle with the divisiveness within us, the despair within us, we give life to hope in Easter."
"It felt like someone hit me in the stomach and it took everything I had not to collapse to my knees right there."
"To fall apart just means to lose one's capacity to cope."
"The great adventure of life is to be struggling uphill with our burdens towards the highest possible ideal."
"A soul destined to live, struggling, fighting for life, that's something that can never be replicated."
"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability; it comes through continuous struggle."
"I still have a lot a lot a lot of work to do. I'm still struggling with the things that I struggle with a lot, but I feel like I've actually made some substantial progress."
"You are not the first or the last to fight the good fight, and it's one that you can win. You know that now, don't you?"
"A statement I walk through hell almost every night but I believe that it's a pathway there's something better."
"I'm a big advocate of the mental side of things. I struggled with my mental health over the last couple of years."
"Why should we be fighting for a right to choose and things like that, but we are."
"Sometimes when I lay down, I'm in trouble. Sometimes when I get up in the morning, I'm in trouble. I would be a lot more troubled if it weren't for the word of God."
"Anybody out there that's struggling with it, or knows somebody's struggling with it, it is worth it to learn more."
"The defining struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy at home and abroad."
"Welcome to the world. You got to fight again. You got to get up again."
"The fundamental call is to adventure, not to happiness, and part of the relationship with God that's part of that adventure is wrestling with God."
"Take your pick then. Remember what you're fighting for. Can you endure what's about to happen?"
"Triumph means victory, victory means battle, and battles are always unfair."
"The true path to growth, connection, love, drama, feeling is in the struggle to get there in the first place."
"Walking the bumpiest parts of the road together, struggling, sacrificing, suffering, going without together, this is what brings a family together."
"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
"6-9 wasn't a gangster who snitched; he was a good kid who was ultimately willing to do literally anything to improve the circumstances for himself and his family, and got in way too deep."
"We are the Church Militant, which is to say that we struggle. We should struggle with our own nature and against our own directiveness towards patterns of behavior that do not lead to life but lead away from it."
"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage."
"With the power of love and struggle, nothing can separate two people who are destined to be together."
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
"I love every one of y'all, and I identify with what we have to go through to make ends meet out here."
"A shadow that looms over this otherwise heartwarming success story."
"There's a great struggle for survival, that's an important idea. Hang on to that one; we're gonna come back to it later."
"We're not just fighting to survive anymore. We're fighting to live."
"After eight weeks of fighting for power, struggling for survival, and making friends and enemies, it all comes down to this."
"The struggle we're facing is not just about policy disagreements; it is about the future of American democracy."
"Most caregivers are not fine and they're not doing well."
"It's just sad that when you sit down and think about it, how, you know, the struggles we have to go through every day."
"Our parents' generation didn't have it as easy as we do...They were just meeting their basic needs."
"There is no final victory, comrades, and there is no final defeat."
"Experiencing homelessness is not experience; it's a struggle, it's a daily grind to work to survive."
"They fought desperately against the despairs, struggling to keep darkness at bay."
"If you don't fight for your hopes, what's the point in living?"
"It's not about whether it makes sense. It's about fighting despair with hope."
"The soul is represented by these deer, which are waylaid by the ferocious beasts of hell, but here the ferocious beasts cannot capture the soul."
"The most important struggle in life is you being able to control your own impulses to work up early to go to work to be to say that I want to become a better and more developed human being."
"It's an everyday kind of battle to love yourself more, I guess."
"Despite his struggles... he was still this sweet, energetic, loving little boy."
"You're tired, you're frustrated, you've been at your wits' end, you can't get a word from God. Here is your word from God: Here comes Jesus."
"It is the struggle to re-emerge that is crucial in the process of transformation; without the struggle the new entity will not appear."