
Expectations Quotes

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"Your happiness is no longer predicated on the next good thing happening."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're Manchester United. That's not acceptable."
"It's not the event that makes you happy or unhappy; it's your perception of the event minus your expectations of how life should be."
"Every man is trying to live up to his father's expectations or make up for his father's mistakes."
"It's supposed to be absolutely overwhelmingly ecstatic every single second of your life."
"Don't be too hard on yourself but also expect things from yourself too, right? There's a balance I think everyone sort of needs to find there."
"Keep my gratitude higher than my expectations."
"It's virtually impossible to please everyone when 30 million people are watching your videos."
"Let go of expectations. A person you're meant to connect with or be with may be different than who you've been holding on to or who you were expecting. Keep an open mind, detach from outcomes and expectations."
"You'll get to where you want in life, just not in the way you imagined."
"Happiness is your events minus your expectations."
"One of the very interesting developments was how did the Western parent, when asked what do you want the most for your child, say 'I want my kids to be happy'."
"Happiness comes from when you trade your expectations for appreciations." - Tony Robbins
"You should never let somebody set your expectations for you."
"Happiness is... very simple events minus expectations."
"Most people drastically underestimate the amount of work that it takes for them to get the result that they desire."
"The best dating advice I've ever received, and I think it's good for both men and women, is high hopes and low expectations."
"First dates have the potential to be magical, fantastical, romantical. A night you will never forget but they also got the potential to be straight booty."
"First dates from dating apps are kind of like buying one of those SpongeBob popsicles from an ice cream truck. You know it's not going to look the same as the advertisement."
"Don't marry a person expecting them to change."
"I wish I'd lived my life and not the life that other people expected of me."
"The partnership between Elon Musk and YouTube is poised to usher in a new era of digital media, one where immersive experiences, interactive content, and technological advancements are not just the norm but the expectation."
"That's why anybody watching this right now, if you're in your 20s and everyone's like, 'Time to figure out who you are in college,' you're not going to figure that out that quick."
"Staking your life and your happiness on the idea that this person who has never changed will one day change is just about the worst bet that you can make."
"Happiness equals reality minus expectations."
"You can accomplish more in 10 years than you think, less in a year than you think."
"Women need to have higher expectations from your men, period, which is not something that feminism has taught. Feminism has let men off the hook."
"It's not realistic to tell your kids they are perfect because it sets a standard they will always feel they can't measure up to."
"Living life like a restaurant menu, you order what you want and wait till you receive it."
"You can't walk in fear and expect all these wonderful things to happen."
"We want everything. We want a partner to be an entire community: my best friend, my trusted confidant, my passionate lover, my intellectual equal, my co-parent."
"Calibrating expectations is probably one of the most important things for successful relationships."
"Unspoken expectations are relationship killers."
"It's possible because one of the things you got to keep in mind is when you have earnings, really, really good earnings, there's this impression sometimes that well, how much better can it get?"
"We want one partner today to give us everything that a whole village used to provide."
"Raise your standards, elevate your expectations. You have unlimited potential."
"Life is hard, and one of the things that makes life more difficult for us is that we expect it to be easy."
"One thing you wish women knew about men: He can't read your mind."
"When I picked up this book, I expected it to be stupid and kind of camp."
"Most of the criticism that was warranted just comes from... feeding into the hype cycle misleading people."
"The potential for this to be the real thing is actually pretty high."
"The greater the gap between our expectations and what our lives actually are, the greater the distress."
"I really expected you guys to come in here maybe with a little bit of humility, maybe with a little bit of an apology to me."
"I went to the grocery store...and just felt this possibility and hope, life, and this freeness that I didn't have to live up to expectations."
"I want my woman, my wife, to look at me and be proud."
"People should expect us to make government work for them."
"I work hard and I think that's what the American people should expect."
"I always get surprised at the kindness I received because I just don't expect people to be so nice to me."
"This year has to be epic because it's the start of a new decade, and just the sound of 2020 has so much weight to it."
"Relationships aren't how they are on TV, they're not all perfect."
"Keep an open mind... Your soulmate may differ from your usual type and expectations."
"There's a very strong energy here of you learning to just be free and not have any expectations."
"Don't assume what you expect. You've got to think about what's possible."
"Compliments are dangerous...they tend to trap someone inside of public expectation."
"Personal development, whether it's scientific advancement, political progress, never takes the simple, glorious, idealistic form we expect."
"When it comes to judging creative endeavors, expectations are your enemy."
"Once we get read-write capabilities, we're basically entering this position where technology will rapidly escalate beyond our wildest dreams."
"Most guys would plug into the Neuralink and then they'd make a love interest their ideal woman."
"I grew up in a place where greatness was expected of you."
"Be clear, no one's a mind reader. Don't expect your loved ones to just magically understand what's in your mind."
"Social media has allowed people to have access they never had before, making it seem like there's always something better out there."
"Ah, a merry life and a short one. I promised, but perhaps I was wrong about you."
"Sometimes the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."
"I think we deserve better. Americans deserve better."
"Expectation is what kills you. If you don't have expectations, then you'll be fine."
"I was shocked at the reaction of everyone after game two because I told y'all what I was going to do."
"Love is supposed to be spontaneous; it's not supposed to be predictable or mundane."
"Why do we want our comedians to be philosophers? Is this asking way too much of them?"
"I don't wait for other people to give me praise. If you wait on that, you're gonna be disappointed."
"An AI winter is something that would occur when there's a big mismatch between the capabilities we're selling of AI and the actual capabilities."
"Never meet your heroes, except I've had moments where my hero absolutely exceeded my expectations and became more of my hero."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome."
"You can influence your joy if you manage your expectations."
"The source of all unhappiness in a relationship is unmet expectations."
"You get to where you want in life, just not in the way you imagined."
"If people always try to find somebody that they're 100% compatible with, they're always going to end up alone."
"Your father's pace sets a precedent for how you manage expectations and anxieties."
"I believe in you, so please do not let me down."
"Be patient with yourself, rest when you need to, a lot of that message of let go, no expectations."
"A man should prove that he's earned certain levels of access."
"Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's kids are expected to always be fashionable."
"Kindness is a virtue, not a brand, and expecting anyone to be the paragon of such a pure quality is bound to cause disappointment."
"Let go of expectations. The person you're meant to connect with may be different than who you've been holding on to."
"God is not just going to meet your expectation; he's about to exceed your expectation."
"Expectations usually lead to disappointment. I prefer surprises."
"In all of my experience of learning things, the two most powerful learning moments have always been when I got a result I didn't expect or when I finally understood something I was sure I understood before."
"Expectations after the fact create new dynamics... say what you need openly for support."
"In friendships, anything I give out, I'm not expecting anything back."
"If you don't have a lot of friends, don't feel like you're weird... We have just been pitched this idea that we're gonna have a whole bunch of friends, and it's gonna be perfect, or we're gonna have one very best friend who's gonna be there for us through everything."
"The idea that our friends will constantly and always be available to us as if they don't have their own individual lives is not realistic and it's a problem."
"The most important thing to remember when it comes to friendships is just that they might not look exactly the way that you think they're going to look based off of the expectations that you hold."
"It's expectation that explains why a bronze medalist can be happier than a silver medalist."
"Most of the disappointment in life comes from the mismatch between expectation and reality."
"The biggest cause of relationships ending is uncommunicated expectations."
"I am worthy of love, abundance, happiness, and joy. I'm worthy of my desires, and I expect them to happen. I am unlimited."
"This show forces us to look back at the enemies we loathed, the heroes that we loved, and the conflicts we cheered on, in order to make us confront and re-evaluate our own thoughts and expectations."
"You can make some of the people happy some of the time, but never all of the people happy all of the time."
"One of the reasons Game of Thrones was such a breath of fresh air was how it not only subverted expectations but did so naturally."
"This isn't a fairy tale; there are not happy endings, and there is no justice."
"Once you remove expectations from people, you will remove their power to hurt you."
"Prophecy protects our expectations from fear and doomsday predictions."
"What if we got a truly amazing Pokémon game?"
"I wouldn't mind at all if the girl makes more money. I would actually want the girl to make a decent amount of money just so I don't feel like she's using me for my income."
"You can't base the expectations of your life and what you're capable of based on what someone else is doing."
"The solution [to shame] is one of two ways: you can actually live up to the expectations that you have, or what you can do is let go of your expectations and bring yourself down here because the shame exists in the gap."
"It's never going to be as easy as you expect it to be...business is problems."
"That shock factor when the person you think is going to win loses is like wow."
"The only way to really have mind-blowing success in life is to set the bar ridiculously high and then surpass all expectations."
"It's in the top half of the games I played this year for sure, but I was mostly surprised because you see the theme, you see the art, you're expecting one thing, and I got something quite a bit different."
"We're hoping it turns into something really awesome and something that lives up to that original trailer."
"His plate was too full, and he was giving everything in his life a C, whenever everything in his life deserved an A."
"Gender identities are accepted because they are meant to bring comfort to people who don't feel some connection to the social expectations around sexuality."
"They want delivery. They want to see honest leadership. They want to see institutions reformed."
"One of the chapters in your '21 Lessons for the 21st Century' is 'Happiness equals reality minus expectations'."
"Accountability does not come with a guaranteed promise of forgiveness."
"When people said this was the best Sonic game, I thought there was some kind of comedy involved, but no, this actually hits everything I want them to do."
"What if Nintendo announced that the next Zelda was an extraction shooter with live service elements? The outcry would be gigantic."
"You can't do it all. God doesn't expect you to do it all. There are only a few things worth doing in the first place."
"We serve a God who will not only meet our expectations but a God who does exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine."
"Your greatest obstacles to prosperity are your thoughts, your beliefs, and most importantly, your expectations."
"If you advertise a feature, you don't get to take it away with an update."
"Everything takes twice as long as you expect, even if you take this into account."
"Arsenal fan Andy: 'Winning 6-0 away is not easy, but we were playing bottom of the league... I think quite a lot of people are getting carried away.'"
"Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result."
"If you can't play high intensity football, you shouldn't be at a top four club."
"Sometimes democracy does not give you what you want."
"You deserve love, you deserve to be honored and loved in the way that you hoped."
"You are not asking too much if you want someone to communicate with you or date you appropriately."
"That expectation is unreachable, so I think it's more about just going into every phase of life appreciating your face and your body now."
"The good part... our first two weeks were in March... the month of May completely blew away my expectations."
"Space Management was the first thing that I realized is not going to work out how I originally had anticipated."
"The shittiest thing you can do is leave a man because he cried, especially if it was something legitimate in an appropriate time and a place."
"The fact that everybody, when they saw this pack, they were like, 'oh my God, Stanley's going to die.' He's thriving."
"Confidence does not come from an expectation of success, it comes from a comfort with failure."
"It's the paradox of adversities...it's also what Blizzard was trying to get at when they said, 'You think you do, but you don't.'"
"Every question in life does not have an easy answer, every story will not have a happy ending."
"True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart."
"If you don't set your expectations correctly, your biggest dream can turn into your worst nightmare."
"I think people got to be a little bit easier on themselves."
"When planets are moving direct, things go according to plans and expectations."
"People create expectations that are so high that it's unrealistic that anybody or anything could meet them."
"5:45 is when they start serving beer outside. Yes, so I kind of expect that no matter what I do, the audience is gonna go 'poof' right at 5:45."
"Capitalism promised liberty, equality, fraternity and democracy. And, as I look around, I don't see those things."
"Dear Future Wifey, I will not settle. You will not settle. We will be each other's answered prayer."
"It exceeded every expectation and then a thousand times so. It doesn't make any sense to complain about the result that you wanted, even if it comes with trade-offs and other problems that you need to deal with."
"I hope the success of the first season gives Amazon the confidence to give them even more money and time for the second season."
"For $3,500, this thing should like do my taxes and feed me dinner."
"The visual quality is really damn good. This is where I do believe the hype with the Vision Pro."
"Wow, thanks so much, I did not expect that to go so well."
"It's so stupidly good that it's almost impossible to really live up to it."
"It seems like there is a bit of depth that people were waiting for."
"The immersion that it actually gives you from the airplane to just being somewhere else... that was one of the things that I didn't expect to love so much."
"The standard to which we should hold them is not the alternative president that could have been elected before they were in office, but their decisiveness, their boldness, and their ability to make decisions that are proportionate to the crisis facing the country."
"Patience is just saying the tide will come in when it's ready. So, this connection might require a bit of patience, but all of the best things do."
"There's something in the air where everything has to be the biggest thing ever, and I think that's very unhealthy."
"We are subtly creating expectations all the time without even knowing it, so when one of these unpredicted things happen, our emotions go all over the place."
"Reality minus expectations equals happiness or sadness."
"Nobody is stopping you. You can have all the expectations you like, but be prepared to have all the suffering that comes with the 'I wants' and the expectations."
"We want a microwave miracle, but we serve a crock-pot God."
"You are more than enough, you are more than equipped, and we expect the greatness of you."
"The nice thing about being a pessimist is you're always right eventually."
"When you get what you want and you still feel the exact same, you feel the same as you always did, but now there's no hope."
"Most people are in a stupid loop where they actually believe that they'll be happy when they get what they want. You won't."
"I mean you've got to expect England to win... I expect them to win it well."
"It's not normative to expect God to speak to you in an audible sense."
"A relationship is giving without any expectancy. If you expect something back, that's a transaction."
"Well, life doesn't always work out as it does in our dreams."
"I feel like once you have a conversation, you can see where it's going."
"You would think with Beal, Booker, and KD, offense wouldn't be an issue."
"The good version of that advice is you need to date enough to understand what makes you happy. We have predefined scripts or assumptions about what a good partner is, but you don't really know until you've gone out and dated those people."
"China didn't fulfill our hopes... We clung to this assumption that China, having been welcomed into the international order, would play by the rules and as it prospered would liberalize its economy and liberalize its form of government. And of course, that didn't happen."
"Despite the unbearable weight of expectations placed upon it, Tears of the Kingdom managed to spread its wings, take to the skies and soar beyond anything I could have ever dreamed."
"Your job is not to find a woman and then change her into what you want; your job is to find a woman who already has the qualities that we're going to talk about right now."
"People want to feel like the cinematic from Warcraft 3...that is what WoW should be hitting."
"Murphy's Law doesn't mean that something bad will happen. It means that whatever can happen, will happen."
"If there is a Redemption arc, it needs to be earned. You can't just decide one character is suddenly good now and then expect us to forget/forgive the horrible things they've done before."
"I was supposed to come out of my mother as a monster...I came out damn near perfect."
"This New Year got in store for us... we're not buried under a cascade of high-profile sequels."
"The worst part is when people see Mr Beast now and they think they're going to make their very niche content like his."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is predictably amazing. It's exactly what we expected it to be, which is both a good thing and a bad thing."
"America is about great things, and that's what disappoints me as a naturalized American because I think America is so much bigger, so much better than it has been."
"Whatever you believe you deserve in life is probably what you'll get."
"What we believe we're entitled to is generally what we're going to get in life."
"You can see when a game is going to be a home run and when you look at this trailer, it just looks expensive but it kind of looks worth it."
"To do the same thing over and over again with expecting a different result is a form of insanity."
"We should be able to expect better from ourselves and from one another."
"Men are supposed to be leaders, providers, protectors."
"I'm allowed to be excited, people are allowed to be excited, and whether or not it actually lives up to expectations, that's going to be what remains to be seen."
"A lot of you are hurting your own feelings... because I expected too much from someone who couldn't give it to me."
"Do not try and change people... You're gonna hurt your own feelings, you're gonna have needs that are unmet, you're gonna feel neglected."
"Lower your expectations on yourself. Don't try to be an Olympic trader. Just be consistent."
"Be honest with your feelings and with your expectations to avoid disappointment."
"That's gone swimmingly. Not even a six to counteract it."
"It was really, really fun to look at how we thought the year was going to go and how it actually went."
"I can't always expect the truth from others, but I can expect it from myself."
"We want these experts who've watched the game to express what they've learned about the game and the storylines they've set up, and how they expect the games to go."
"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
"Only go after people who can already give you what you want. Don't go into a relationship thinking you can change someone; that never ends well."
"Act your wage or only do what's expected for the salary that you're given."
"I don't hate romantic comedies. I just find them to be highly unrealistic in terms of their relationship expectations."