
Materialism Quotes

There are 5287 quotes

"It's possible to be miserable in the presence of all those things... and it's also possible to have very little, and almost nothing, and to be quite happy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most wonderful, blessed nation in the earth, and we're far more interested in gold than we are God."
"We seek happiness in riches because the world has told us that is where happiness is to be found."
"People exhaust themselves gathering things that they think will make them happy."
"The more that you live it, the more that you show up for the inner parts rather than the outer parts, the clearer you become that the outside stuff isn't the answer."
"The truth is, if you define yourself with that car or that look or that body... as long as you define yourself by that, you're never gonna be happy."
"We need to stop trying to chase these aesthetics that we think then reflect our socioeconomic value. They don't."
"You can't purchase happiness; it's not something you can buy."
"No amount of material possession, no amount of achievements, is going to make someone who is not happy happy."
"Being broke isn't good... but you shouldn't lose your freedom for shiny objects."
"Money does not buy you happiness. It looks good, but am I truly happy? No, I wasn't happy."
"Materialism is not the only game in town, and in fact, success is not the only goal and it's not even the most important goal."
"It's not the materials that make the artist. It's rather the creativity that the artist has in their head that makes the artist."
"Physical stuff doesn't last that long. It can't go on forever."
"I'd rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on top of a bicycle."
"Nothing material that you get is going to make that go away unless it works for your empowerment and to everyday dismantle the system of white supremacy."
"Vanity is meaningless, even if we killed it, even if we had the biggest shows, the biggest hit songs, the best cars. All right, for what? It's all going to go from dust to dust."
"Once you've had so much, you don't want it no more. It's not fulfilling. You're getting used. You're the one, see."
"Your life is built upon conditional happiness buttressed by material possessions and circumstances rather than the only thing that can generate true happiness and the only thing that can't be taken away from you, which is your consciousness."
"Thank God, everybody was safe, because it's all material at the end of the day."
"Materialism is a beautiful and compelling view of the world, but to account for consciousness, we have to go beyond the resources it provides."
"Matter is not that which creates consciousness; it is that which limits consciousness."
"You don't seek yourself anymore in the things of this world, then the things of the world are no longer as frustrating as they were before."
"Consumerism and materialism will be more prevalent than ever... people will now pay for virtual clothes, virtual mansions, and virtual supercars as if they were real."
"You might have all the watches, but we have all the time."
"Pentacles represent the material realm and physical aspects of life. And to have nine of pentacles is to feel really abundant in this physical world on the material plane."
"The reality is gold, not the bracelet or necklace. They are names, forms, and uses, but the material, the reality of all of them, is gold."
"Most of our values... are not reducible to sheer material greed... they're often the things that are vastly important."
"I think everyone should get rich and famous and do everything they've ever dreamed of so they can see it's not the answer."
"Islam provides a sense of contentment and purpose that is deeply fulfilling, unlike the fleeting pleasures of materialism."
"If we approach the things we buy strictly in regards to their utility, we find that most of it is totally unnecessary."
"What our relationship is with the things that we really want but will never love us back."
"The sacrifice takes your soul in highest regard over the material."
"What shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis."
"If God doesn't exist, then human beings are just material objects and what we call free choices are just the results of electrochemical reactions in our nervous system."
"The material world is a lot more spiritual than we might conceive."
"The astonishing hypothesis is that you, your joys, your sorrows, your memories, your ambitions, your sense of personal identity, and free will are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules."
"Just buy me another Lamborghini, it's not that hard, they have a dealership, there's different colors."
"It's not more money, it's not a bigger house, it's not a bigger car that makes people happy; it's relationships."
"The people that I know that have the most stuff are the most miserable people that I know."
"When I'm really okay and my self-esteem is really good, I don't need a new car. I don't have to be the guy."
"What profit is it if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?"
"I think that the primary challenges right now tend to be around ego, materialism, and a disconnection from self."
"You cannot fill an inside vacancy with outside stuff."
"You are not your accomplishments, you are not your possessions, you are you."
"God has no problem with your possessions. His only problem is when the possessions own you."
"No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve both God and money."
"What God wants you to do in this life is not be attached to a tool; He wants you to manage that tool but not love it."
"We live in a consumer society. Our lives revolve around shops, supermarkets, new experiences, new stuff."
"No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve God and money."
"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?"
"No material possessions will ever make you happy."
"I've never really told anybody this... I was super materialistic, but then I got humbled."
"I used to be super materialistic, but not anymore. The reason why is I got humbled."
"Money, all that material stuff, is not everything."
"I thought being kind to myself was buying a bunch of cars and planes... But being nice to myself was just being grateful for what I had and not wanting more."
"The real revolution is the revolution of consciousness, and each one of us first needs to eliminate the divisionary, materialistic noise we have been conditioned to think is true, while discovering, amplifying, and aligning with the signal coming from our true empirical oneness."
"You don't own anything; you are simply borrowing those things for a brief moment in time while you are here on Earth."
"What really matters in this life is not the things we acquire; things mean nothing. Handbags, cars, houses, clothes all will be left behind, but your place in either heaven or hell is eternal."
"Material reality is real. And it's the basis of our ideas."
"The American dream happened to me... and I really, really liked it, loved it for about six months, and then I walked in my house and went, 'Oh man, this is not fixing this problem that I have.'"
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
"Mechanistic materialists... are left with the problem of consciousness. It ought not to exist in a universe which is totally unconscious."
"Consciousness is not an emergent property of material... it's a difference of degree not a difference in kind."
"We're such materialists now, we think that if we assign somebody a check, everything is okay. But man does not live by bread alone."
"It doesn't really matter what you drive at the end because when you're in that casket, what matters is how you lived, not what you owned."
"Materialism is a virus of your mind, and recognizing that can be incredibly liberating."
"In conclusion, what I want you to do is to sit down and question materialism to death through self-inquiry and contemplation."
"I'd rather have you be there for me at the end of the day than for you to give me a Rolex."
"We're both material and immaterial. We're meat, and we are the thing that transcends meat."
"You never realize how materialistic you are until you move and you see all of your stuff in boxes."
"We can have all the stuff in the world but if we don't have people, it doesn't have much meaning."
"It's so much about having that we forget living. You know, living is what life is for."
"Your worth cannot be attached or fixed to labels, identities, validations, money in your bank account, wrinkles or not on your face, the number on your weighing machine."
"We should love people and use things, but now what we're doing is using people and loving things."
"Happiness is not a material state; it's a spiritual state."
"You can't take it with you, you know, the material things in this world that don't matter. The only thing that you have in those life is the story that you tell."
"People have things. It's what humans do. They collect things."
"People for too long were getting their happiness out of things. Nah, man, you want to sit on the beach with the dog and look at the stars."
"People won't value so much how much you have in the bank but what your intrinsic spiritual worth is."
"Nowadays, people will buy things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they don't even like."
"You are not your job, you are not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet."
"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need."
"The spiritual dimension... the list of of what should be attended to to have a meaningful life... it's and that narrow focus on material well-being necessary though it is does seem to lack to it there's something in it that's missing that's absolutely fundamental."
"It's not about the gifts or the contests or the fancy lights."
"I never want to have that feeling again where I feel like I need to have stuff just for the sake of having it."
"I am not my stuff; we are more than our possessions. Our memories are within us, not within our things."
"Love people and use things, because the opposite never works."
"We live in such a materialistic world, so learning to detach yourself from that...it's moments with special people, with your family, with your loved ones, with your friends, that are what you get to take with you."
"If you can have all the things in the world and you're not grateful, you're not going to be happy."
"When you get the Lamborghini and the Bentley, that's still not going to make you happy."
"Excessive accumulation of information is making you poor; overconsumption always leads to disease."
"True happiness does not come from material success or your financial endeavors."
"It doesn't matter what you have on your wrist or what other people have on their wrists; it says nothing about us."
"The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." - 1 Timothy 6
"It's a mindset that says stuff is not where I'm going to draw my happiness."
"We're like most of us in America, we're just stuff obese. We just have stuff coming out our ears."
"The problem is we have so much stuff that's actually getting in the way of living a meaningful life."
"Most of the stuff that we own is junk that gets in the way of the more meaningful experiences in our life."
"Japanese man arrested after dating 35 women at the same time in bid to get birthday presents... it was all about the birthday presents."
"When all you've ever desired still isn't enough, perhaps it's time to ask yourself why it is that you require so much in order to be happy."
"We never know what we've got until it's gone. But when we practice minimalism, we give ourselves the opportunity to appreciate the things we have before they're gone."
"Material abundance can make us freer and less dependent, but simultaneously more lonely and isolated."
"If matter and molecules are all that ultimately exists, then we do live in a deterministic universe."
"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"
"Well, nowadays, people respect the bag more than they respect being solid."
"The entire money-structured and materialistic-oriented society is a false society."
"Keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have, for He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
"Money doesn't buy you happiness; money is buying you emptiness."
"What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
"The pursuit of money is the root of all evil."
"Everybody wants a big house... but we always spend time developing the quality of the house, what about the quality of the lives of people living in them?"
"Historical materialism beating out other people's explanations for why empires rise and fall since 18-something."
"If you have to spend money to impress someone, they're not worth impressing."
"It's like, bro, every time I met a fan who talked about jewelry or cars as their main motivator, I low-key fake respected them less."
"You need to think about your future and leave all this bling bling crap alone. When you're ready for the watch, you will get the watch. You're not ready."
"We don't live as though we think we're a collection of atoms. There's more to us than that."
"No matter how prosperous we are materially, if we're not prospering spiritually, we're going to walk down the road toward depression."
"Is there more to life than all these corporate ties, all these fortunate times, and all these asses that never come in proportionate sizes?"
"What's better than hearing 'I love you'? The sound of the ATM makes when you are withdrawing money."
"You can't get any more pathetic and trite than wanting to buy designer stuff in the face of societal collapse."
"I'm not here to keep you from having nice things; I'm here to keep your nice things from having you."
"If you don't get this point, you will continue to run after money, pursue material things, and compete with other people for resources."
"We're obese as ever, we're suicidal as ever, we're drug addicted as ever, we're at each other's throats constantly. We're kind of obsessed with materialism and hedonism."
"It's lonely at the top. That's why a Bugatti has two seats and a bus has 50."
"You don't place as much value upon material things as other people might; you're more about enjoying your experiences."
"Every wife in the world can be made happy by gold."
"And to feel that love unconditionally that something materialistic will never give you."
"It's not about the stuff you have, it's about your friends and your family because if you don't have friends and family, that stuff doesn't mean anything."
"This stuff don't matter when we die; these mansions and these Bentleys and these Birkins, they ain't going with us."
"You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked."
"If you're focused only on money, you're blind."
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth...but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven."
"Are we just here to make a big pile for ourselves, and whoever dies with the most stuff wins?...It's been proven over and over again that there's no value in it."
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"
"If you sell your soul for the money, you end up having to use the money to try to buy back your soul, and you can't buy it back."
"Ten years from now, you're kind of realizing the true meaning of life, realizing that material success isn't providing the happiness you truly want."
"Our world needs dreamers in a world where everything exists so materially."
"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them."
"You may think that you need X amount of dollars...but really, once you learn to have presence and connect with somebody and make them feel alive and special, you have a currency that's far more valuable than any of that other material bullshit."
"What is called for now is to, in a much deeper way, ask ourselves what it really means to live a life that is not defined by things."
"Extreme wealth can take away some of the most basic joys of living."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys everything else."
"You only have one life; you can't take it with you."
"The more you think life is about money and status and showing off, the more likely you are to become depressed and anxious."
"Things don't necessarily make you happy as a human being, but it can be chic to have and keep to look at and know that you've achieved something."
"If nothing's created or destroyed, then everything's already here, if not in one state, another."
"Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"
"Class identity holds such incredible power because it is instilled in cold material truth."
"A life of crime is just a life of misery and poverty, no matter how expensive the thing you stole is."
"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it."
"You can gain the whole world and still lose your soul."
"I could have all the money in the world, I'd have 10 women around me, I'd have a big pile of cash behind me, nothing would make me happy."
"I lost everything. My father made me happy, my son made me happy, and I used to think all these materialistic things would make me happy."
"If it is the relationship you have with Allah... that is something everlasting; if it is something material connected to this world, remember it is temporary."
"Be rich toward God, not just storing up things for yourself."
"But I'd rather be crying in a Ferrari with a million-dollar home rather than living on the street."
"I couldn't purchase peace. I was probably able to buy a car, a house, a chain, but I couldn't purchase peace."
"Stop buying into this consumerism... people need to wake up from that reality."
"Information is information, not matter or energy. No materialism that does not admit this can survive at the present day."
"Getting expensive stuff, who you trying to impress? Don't nobody care about that stuff."
"Education must lead us to idealism and not to materialism."
"Don't just think because you can't own a toy that you want or a certain item that we're like the worst country in the world."
"When I die, no one's going to remember me for the car I drove... They're going to remember me for the actions I took."
"Don't focus on the material success... Focus on finding joy in the flow state activities."
"We're not richer for holding on to it, but we're not poorer for letting it go."
"We should worship God, love people, and use things. But if we start worshiping ourselves, we will in turn ignore God and start loving things and using people."
"Charles really created this so that he could be well off, and Charles doesn't, he never denies it. He talks about how much he loves his mansions and his cars and all of these luxury goods."
"We're all here for a reason and it isn't to buy a phone upgrade every two years, it's to learn about ourselves and to grow spiritually."
"I would rather have Jesus than silver and gold; I would rather be His than have riches untold."
"You're never gonna find completion if your attachment to completion is by way of money."
"Do not give up your life for a 2020 brand-new Mercedes because they're gonna make a 2021 and a 2022."
"The African is really not worried about the European. The Europeans have great armies, great air force... but the material aspect of life is not the only aspect."
"The message being: when all you chase are status symbols and all you do is bask in entitlement rather than work hard to earn something or create something meaningful, your life is empty."
"Money doesn't equal happiness. Money allows you to get things that could possibly make you happy, but money is not everything."
"Wow, it's almost like you don't need things to be happy."
"Gift giving sounds kind of like materialistic but I mean in a sense of like thoughtful gifts."
"Your self-worth doesn't come from what you own; it comes from what you create."
"Love doesn't come in a box. It's not about how much you spend."
"One's efforts should be wholly directed to the attainment of a higher degree of intelligence rather than to the acquiring of material things."
"You can't solve your problems through external material means."
"Things can give some amount of satisfaction to the physical senses and to the mind, but things can never give fulfillment to the heart."
"Stay lean and frugal, and if you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things that you do need."
"Our purpose here was not to get a job, our purpose here was not to make money, our purpose here was not to get a house, because we're gonna leave all that stuff behind."
"What does it prosper a man or profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"There are only so many watches you can buy, so many piña coladas you can drink on holidays. You realize very quickly that the materialistic, the money stuff, it's cool to a point."
"Christian faith makes the incredible claim that God is immaterial. But science claims that 99.9999999%... of the chair that you're sitting on right now is immaterial."
"The greatest blessings in your life not being things."
"We are more than just these material beings."
"You can want nice things without being deluded into thinking that's your entire identity and purpose in life."
"What good is it if you inherit the whole world but you lose your soul?"
"We're supposed to love people and use things, but now we love things and use people."
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"
"The most important things in life can't be bought."
"It is far easier to achieve your material desires than it is to renounce them." - Naval Ravikant
"We've been programmed to attack each other, not look out for each other, be selfish, and to pursue materialism over spiritualism."
"Material things mean absolutely nothing; it's the memories that we make that are going to sustain us."
"You cannot serve God and money. You'll be devoted to one and love the other."