
Problem-solving Quotes

There are 35693 quotes

"None of this can really be solved in a single practice... only through a deep understanding of the self as it really is... could we actually arrive at some answers about what's actually right for each and every one of us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To stew over a problem is not the way to solve a problem."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But I also know that when you're trying to solve really complicated problems, the more you can simplify the better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity has two parts. It has a creative discovery mode where you're kind of shuffling things around in a very relaxed way, and then creativity also has an absolutely linear implementation mode."
"Our mission at DeepMind is very easy to articulate: step one, solve intelligence; and then step two, use it to solve everything else."
Demis Hassabis
"Solving AI is potentially a kind of meta-solution to all these other problems."
Demis Hassabis
"In order to find the Theory of Everything, it might turn out that we have to solve intelligence first."
Demis Hassabis
"It's my firm belief that the better you understand the situation, even if it's hard to understand, the more equipped you're going to be to actually make a positive impact in your life."
"There is a diagnostic lack of sophistication...if you really want to conquer this, it actually starts with this degree of diagnostic sophistication."
"Instead of focusing on what's broken and what doesn't work, maybe take a lesson from neurohacking and use what does still work to get the results you want."
Don Vaughn
"Suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem."
"To be successful, one you have to be really good at problem-solving but two, you have to have an obsession with efficiency."
"Businesses and startups are about solving a problem, and instantly you think, yeah, but okay, they're solving a problem to make money. That's not good. But imagine if the solution funded itself so that you could then scale it to even more people."
"Big problems don't necessarily require big solutions."
"Don't ever complain about a problem if you don't provide a solution."
"My mom has always said, don't ever start, don't ever complain about a problem if you don't provide a solution."
"If we are thinking about the future of existence, the problem we have to solve is goal alignment."
"We might as well smelt some metal along with it and kill two pegos with one stone."
"With Neuralink, we're trying to solve real, significant problems."
"The same level of thinking that's created the problem won't solve the problem."
"Our mission statement was, 'Step one, solve intelligence. Step two, use it to solve everything else.'"
"Much of what we think about solving hard problems is designing the correct reference frame for that problem."
"Fear is the unknown... if you're fearful, find the problem or find the unknown. When the unknown is exposed, there's no longer a problem."
"Whatever success I had came more from my knowing how to deal with my not knowing than from anything I knew."
"Our ability to come up with novel solutions to complex problems is hugely enhanced by a night of sleep."
"What's turned out to be really exciting is that our ability to come up with novel solutions to complex problems is hugely enhanced by a night of sleep."
"When there is a problem in front of you, you should viciously try to pursue a solution."
"All of it has a solution. Start with action."
"Creative workers focus on solving the problems that lead to the most results, regardless of the time they spent."
"The main difference between labor workers and creative workers is owning a business because business is about solving creative problems."
"The real question is not about whether this problem exists... it's how do we solve this?"
"When you are faced with a difficult situation, you can complain, or you can, in the words of Buckminster Fuller, create a new vision to make the existing vision obsolete."
"Surrender to creativity. Let your imagination soar, stay open to all creative ideas about how to pursue a dream or solve a problem."
"Problem solving... You learn to solve problems. Overcome issues."
"Happiness comes from solving your problems, not avoiding them."
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, clear, and wrong."
"Real value is creative value, when you're able to come up with new solutions and inventions that solve serious problems in the world."
"You have to train yourself to be calmer to allow that calmness to release the ability to come up with good solutions."
"When you're facing something, find solace in that this is actually making you a better problem solver."
"We've got some issues in here, and unless you're prepared to change, this place has got no chance."
"The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"The problem is not that the problems we face can't be solved. The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"What matters is not your problems, it's your perception."
"We assume that the problem isn't the problem; it's your limited perspective of the possible solutions."
"When we think about cognition, we think about creative problem solving as a core aspect of where our general purpose intelligence comes in."
"Design thinking is extremely helpful in solving problems that are ill-defined or unknown."
"If I am to solve a problem, I cannot solve it from the same state of consciousness from which the problem was created."
"If you instead of thinking about what can I get, you started thinking about what can I give, how can we grow the company, how can I create opportunities for my people, most of your problems will fix themselves."
"When you dive within and experience that ocean of pure consciousness... it's like an ocean of solutions."
"If we think it's the end of the world, we'll spend everything. If we realize it's one problem among many, we will start prioritizing just like we do with all other problems."
"Innovation is really the way that we as human beings and as civilization has fixed most problems."
"Mistakes I began to think of as puzzles that if I could solve the puzzle, I would get a gem."
"We push boundaries, we solve problems, we do what can't be done."
"Innovation solves problems. The coronavirus crisis created a lot of problems and innovation, whether it was in the genomic space, testing vaccines, or in the workspace, these were solving the problems of that day."
"We couldn't be more optimistic about how these new technologies are evolving and the reason they're evolving more quickly than we anticipated is because we have many more problems than we anticipated."
"Innovation is a journey. It's a type of collaborative problem solving, usually among people who have different expertise and different points of view."
"Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving."
"You can get yourself out of practically any situation if you really deeply understand the game's mechanics."
"You can carry anything if you cut it up in enough pieces."
"Innovation solves problems, and we have a lot of problems now."
"Innovation solves problems, and I'll say it again because it is true."
"Our primary message is that innovation solves problems and is expected to transform human lives at an accelerated rate during the next five to ten years."
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again."
"This game has so many like common sense solutions to a lot of problems people have had with ARPGs for like 10 years."
"The problem is rarely the problem; the problem is our attitude about the problem."
"When you don't think things are going right... ask yourself: is my element out of alignment, is my environment out of alignment, or is my energy out of alignment?"
"Sometimes, all you need is a little adjustment to overcome a challenge."
"We believe you need diverse voices to solve diverse problems."
"Innovation causes increased productivity and efficiencies and creative solutions to problems that many companies are facing."
"Problems are the nectar of life, because they cause you to grow. They stimulate an understanding of where I'm still not done yet."
"Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems."
"The upside of a fourth turning is that we actually solve all the problems that we now have in a way that today absolutely no one thinks we'll ever solve."
"Don't care about leftist solutions, care about the problems that you want to solve, and then find the solutions that work best for that."
"No problem can ever be solved at the level of awareness at which it was created."
"Being paid a lot of money doesn't make problems go away. Being paid a lot of money makes it easier to deal with problems."
"Nature doesn't just provide answers to problems; it teaches us new ways to think about the problems themselves."
"It's not men versus women; it's men plus women versus the problem."
"Whenever you find yourself using backspace more than twice, there's probably a better way of doing it."
"Can you imagine what you could do if those problems were dissolved? You can dissolve them with enough mindfulness."
"Hunting for the Ghost Ship is perfect. You have to look at the phases of the moon, cross-reference it with your ghost ship chart, find out how that corresponds with your own sea chart, and then find the ghost ship out on the seas somewhere."
"Just being able to see the same problem from a different mental perspective in and of itself helps enhance your coping ability."
"Whether it's on the red planet or our own blue marble, science can bring us together and create solutions to challenges that seem impossible at first."
"It's not you versus me, it's both of us against it."
"This feels like the kind of thing that NASA is going to be able to solve."
"Success really starts when you can find a problem and solve it."
"A problem can never be solved from the same state of consciousness in which it arised."
"We ended up kind of melding into we're all working on this last problem through power descent and we collapsed into a single red, white, and blue team."
"Leaders do not find excuses; they find a way."
"I want to see people coming to the table in good faith, not trying to dunk on each other, to explore ideas for how to actually get things done."
"It's not the addiction that's the primary problem. It's an attempt to solve a problem."
"If you're swingin' cash you don't know what to do with it, well, that is a good problem to have."
"The big problems can be solved if we do it together."
"The way we define the problem, because we live inside of language, defines how we create the solution."
"Pressing the transfer all prisoner button and then by simply pressing done, the game is going to believe that for some mystical reason we donated Sverdorn into the castle, consequently increasing our relation with the person who owns the castle and that actually gives us a whole bunch of charm."
"Let us avoid useless arguments and focus on finding the best solutions for the problems we are coping with. We learn from good ideas and also learn from mistakes that we and other people make."
"Legos...it helped me with my thinking and memory and all that [stuff]."
"It's usually whatever the problem is, the solution right next to it. And that's in life, too."
"The work that I do now is really to lift up problem solvers wherever they are in communities, in companies, in organizations."
"What I figured out is if you solve problems and change the order of things for the better, and produce results, people pay attention."
"People closest to the problem know best how to solve it; it's just they're so often not asked."
"Intuition, a lightning-fast, super powerful intellectual part of your brain, works unconsciously almost like magic to brew up solutions to any sort of problem you're trying to solve."
"It's never you versus the interviewer; you are working with your colleague and solving a problem together."
"If you can solve things in more than one way, you have two perspectives and there's quite often a moment of profound insight."
"This is a serious point, if you can solve things in more than one way you have two perspectives and there's quite often a moment of profound insight."
"Mathematicians solve things in more than one way, and that's almost always what makes some profound insight occur."
"Sales is not pressure sales and it certainly isn't hard sales; it's a conversational problem-solving exercise."
"You go to the root of it and you pull out the root, and all of the subsequent behaviors will come crumbling down."
"What I love about maths is the multiple different ways you can see things, different methods, different ways of seeing, different in some cases different solutions."
"The beauty emerges when you have a problem with a solution and you start adding other solutions, simpler solutions, weirder solutions, more interesting, some of them visual, some of them algebraic geometry."
"Amazing things happen when you put yourself in the position of trying to figure out what a kid is struggling with and how you can help."
"If we can't agree on what's true, you can't solve any problem."
"Sometimes the most complicated problems actually have a simple solution, not necessarily easy but simple."
"The basic premise centers around the idea of solving a problem by first identifying and solving subproblems and then bringing these sub-problems together in some manner to solve the larger problem."
"Visualization is a great way to see connections and underlying patterns in the problem that can later be relevant to the solution."
"The very last principle I have for problem-solving... is to learn at least a little bit of programming."
"I've enumerated nine different problem-solving principles... each one is deceptively simple. You would be shocked at how often you can make very meaningful progress in very hard problems just by keeping some of these tips in the back of your mind."
"Quite often when you see people solve hard geometry problems, it comes down to adding something to the picture. The most beautiful geometry involves adding something that seems out of left field and it just illuminates everything."
"The best problem-solving games are designed in such a way that it's fairly easy to succeed or progress in a broad sense, but that finding a perfect solution to the game's central problem is impossible."
"When you give things meaningful names, that actually helps you move forward in your problem."
"Problem-solving is one of the most important skills that you can have, especially as a programmer."
"The ability to look at a complex topic, question, problem, whatever it may be, and break that down into smaller components that you then solve, is something that's really important."
"A programming language in my mind is a tool, and you need to be good at problem-solving to be able to use that tool effectively to solve problems."
"This is hopefully going to show you how you can approach problems you've never seen before and immediately make them a lot easier for yourself."
"The concept of heuristic and approximation algorithms to generate a reasonably good solution to a hard problem like the TSP is applicable to a variety of fields."
"A divide and conquer algorithm paradigm can solve a large problem by recursively breaking it down into smaller sub-problems."
"You can't swallow an elephant in one bite, so we devour it one bite at a time."
"In programming, when we cross paths with programs that are too complicated to be solved all at once, we implement methods to break them down into smaller pieces."
"In dynamic programming, we solve the sub-problems recursively and use the optimal solutions to construct an optimal solution for the original problem."
"Algorithms help us solve problems efficiently, and employers pay good money for good problem solvers."
"By official definition, an algorithm can be defined as being the current term of choice for a problem-solving procedure."
"Every algorithm has an input, well-defined instructions, execution of those instructions step by step, leading to an output that ends in termination of the program."
"This is really an amazing example of the power and beauty of recursive problem solving."
"Don't be afraid to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective."
"How crazy is it that such a seemingly tricky problem ends up having such a simple solution?"
"I remember when I first solved this problem, my mind was absolutely blown away."
"We really need to solve this problem; it's really important to the world."
"Up solving is important as in solving problems that you couldn't solve during a contest."
"If every problem could be solved by just following a set of instructions, everyone would be a grandmaster."
"Raid leading is problem-solving. Your job is to quickly come up with solutions."
"Your ability to see a problem on a boss that hasn't been progressed before and solve that problem as efficiently as you can is what raid leading is mostly about."
"Stop trying to chase the rewards that you want, chase the problems that you want to solve."
"There's no problem we can't solve if we can talk about it."
"Overanalyzing the situation won't provide the answers you're seeking."
"If we would really know ourselves as we truly are, all our problems would actually be solved."
"In computer science, all problems can be solved by another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many layers of indirection."
"Enjoy what you're doing; if you can find a way to not look at a problem as inconvenient but as an opportunity to learn and get better, your life will significantly be better."
"How big of a problem is it that you're solving and how neglected is the problem?"
"Humanity has a tendency to not want to address problems until they have a significant impact on people's lives."
"This is a frontier to be solved, and I don't have the answer, but I can suggest one."
"Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and deeply about a problem and make a logical judgment for solving it."
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein
"Everything can be addressed... but you don't know what it is and how to address it until we ask the question of what's going on inside."
"Be the easiest person to deal with, and you'd be surprised how many problems it solves."
"If you're annoyed by something minor your partner's doing, it's better to have the conversation and not bottle it up."
"Trying to think your way out of overthinking is like trying to sniff your way out of a cocaine addiction."
"Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes you just have to let go."
"I want to empower the people of this city to be part of the solution here."
"Let's not make it more difficult than it has to be."
"When you take the feelings out of it, and you realize that the child is the most important part of the relationship, you can do magical things."
"Once you decide that this is no longer your problem, it's no longer your problem."
"Carrying around a Red Solo Cup for when your kid needs to pee... that's next-level parenting."
"We need more focus on what the actual problems are."
"The only solution... it's more than just conversation, although that's a good start."
"Let's set this up as a problem to solve, how can we make the things we don't like less likely without necessarily having to find bad guys and punish them."
"When we choose to be willing to feel our sensitive emotions, we're more likely to build connections with others and solve our problems."
"The Grand Duke said, 'He who excels at resolving difficulties does so before they arise.'"
"If we really want to fix this problem, we need to offer a place where people can be heard, helped, supported, and understood."
"We're not just debating things and talking about things, we do more, worry less."
"If there's one thing I want you to remember, it's to try silly things because trying the smart things didn't work, did it?"
"Entrepreneurship is simple: you literally just find needs and problems that need to be solved, and you charge people for that product or service."
"Entrepreneurs are in the business of solving problems. I like the idea of solving problems."
"If you have to go through the process, I realized that there's always an answer. There's always an answer."
"It's like solving a puzzle with missing pieces and cryptic clues."
"The types of problems you all are trying to solve are actually vital."
"God is the answer to all our problems. There's not one thing that I prayed to God about something specific, He didn't give me a solution."
"You will be able to root out any of your pains, any of your problems."
"Let's think outside the box. In fact, let's smash the box. Oh, forget the box."
"Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else."
"We haven't got brown paint. We can make brown. We'll mix the green and the red. Mixing green and red makes brown."
"This isn't the key to a problem-free life; it's an arsenal of tools that you can use to face those problems."
"I am hopeful that at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, we can handle this."
"You'll be highly capable of solving problems through your own efforts; you'll be established, wealthy."
"Once you rule out everything that it can't be, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"The idea that we can just pour money into the problem and it goes away is ridiculous."
"When a 50-person company everybody in that organization clearly knows the vision...you just literally eliminated 80% of their problems, miscommunications, confusion."
"You got to strategize on each problem you have in life. Slowly break down that problem. Don't think about all the problems you have, just one at a time. And before you know it, you fix all these problems."
"When you accept that you are the problem, you can become the solution."
"The panic button for us on the fifty or and anything that I do now, it doesn't even exist. It's not even an option. There's only problem-solving."
"Have clear goals. Identify and don't tolerate the problems that stand in the way of your achieving those goals."
"Life is filled with problems, and our job in life is to solve those problems. When we solve those problems, we feel accomplished, and then we get freedom to celebrate, to rejoice, and to feel accomplished."
"We can, in fact, figure this out and we can give people real solutions."
"I feel like in the world without problems, people create problems to have some kind of fun and excitement and just some kind of battle to overcome because we're living in the best times in recorded history."
"We bring guns in places they don't belong and use violence to solve our problems or to express our frustrations."
"You have to pick a hard problem and try to solve it and push yourself against it in order for what it is that you're intrinsically capable of to manifest itself."
"You can't fix a complex system unless you understand it."
"Congratulations, Rebecca. I didn't think you'd solve it."
"The problem we've been trying to solve... is not going to get solved by the methods we've been using so far, and something new and radical is necessary that is constructive in nature."
"We humans can solve anything if we just put our minds to it."
"Efficiency born out of laziness is fantastic for problem-solving."
"It is possible to resolve every situation by the proper use of imagination."