
Human Nature Quotes

There are 11189 quotes

"We are not just a brain with a body, but we are a body with a brain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human brain is, in many ways, amazing and in many ways, really dumb."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human species has been driven by the desire to seek things beyond the confines of our skin."
"You're going to own nothing and be happy; that goes completely against human nature."
"The reason why communism fails is because it's based on a failed understanding of human nature."
"The way to extend people's compassion... is to appeal to... very hardwired systems within us that respond to individual people."
"We're not designed to be perfect; we're designed to manage messiness."
"We're better off confronting our nature and the empirical reality, including sex differences, rather than just pretending that these features don't exist."
"Most normal humans have an empathy circuit; we feel compassion if someone gets hurt."
"People are better off confronting our nature and the empirical reality including sex differences."
"Exploration, travel for the sake of discovery and adventure, is a human compulsion, a human obsession even. It is a defining element of a distinctly human identity."
"We've fallen into the trap that we are users of computers and electronics with no connection to our animal selves."
"Deeply rooted in our DNA is this idea that we have to be a part of a community in order to survive."
"We're selfish. There's no doubt that we often will do things to advance our own self-interest at the expense of others. But we're also really group-ish."
"Innate doesn't mean hardwired; innate means structured in advance of experience."
"We are fundamentally religious creatures; we're built for religion."
"One of the things that's fascinating about characters, about human beings in general, is that we tend to wear a lot of hats, and we often have conflicting motivations that are driving us in different directions."
"The way that we are wired is a reflection of the cosmic order and that is totally awe-inspiring."
"We are simple, beautiful beings with the power of intention and it's called love."
"Everyone is just trying to love; that's the truth."
"Human nature says we want it more when something is uncertain, when something is slightly unavailable."
"Human nature outside of rewards is to be curious, to figure out the world, to be creative and feel productive, to help the people around us."
"Humans are at our very base level creative masterminds. We are designed to design creative endeavors for ourselves throughout our lives."
"Envy is one of the strongest human emotions."
"Let's be real, if everyone's mistakes were recorded, where would we all be at?"
"We are also an extraordinarily compassionate and altruistic one."
"It is impossible for a human being to be arrogant if they are grateful."
"We are extremely tough and extremely adaptable."
"Every son of Adam is a sinner; the best of those are those that repent."
"Much of what we take to be real is fictions... we control the planet... because we can cooperate much better than any other animal."
"People have the capacity to be good; it's miraculous, and I love that."
"Human beings enjoy the exercise of their realized capacities."
"As human beings, it's often easy to forget how important our social connections are to us."
"The big conversation is a series of shows exploring faith, science, philosophy, and what it means to be human."
"Blaise Pascal believed that all men seek happiness."
"I think that if you gave every person a button, and if you push the button you'd get a million dollars but it would kill another person that you have no idea who they are, 95% of people would hit the button."
"As humans, we just love to have a little look into the mysteries of something."
"Every human being at their core wants to be happy."
"People aren't who they are on their best days neither are they who they are on their worst days; they are who they are on most days."
"Civilization is a tiny veneer to a very deep savagery that's right underneath the surface."
"Not everyone is all good and all bad. We all have a little bit of black and white, and everyone has a little gray area."
"The people you're dealing with are weirder and more interesting than you could ever imagine."
"Every human being has a dark side, has a shadow."
"With a genuine understanding of human nature, you can navigate even the most treacherous, dysfunctional environment you'll ever encounter."
"We're all in this together. We all have the same flaws and the same strengths."
"Humanity is actually much more cooperative and empathic than they're given credit for."
"Creativity is such a big part of why we're here. We are creative beings."
"We're wired for generosity and we're wired to serve."
"Humans need a purpose; we don't do well when we're just existing."
"We literally come wired for optimism; we are wired for love."
"The damsel in distress, a classic tale that really speaks to the core of humanity."
"It seems so obvious like how could humans be so stupid as to genuinely believe that the perspective that they have of reality is actually some sort of absolute truth?"
"It's okay to not be productive every day. You shouldn't be productive every day. You're a human being, not a robot."
"For a very long time, Homo sapiens has looked up at the sky and wondered what could be out there."
"But talent is ultimately a parasite. Actually, I prefer to think of it as an inverted parasite. Like any parasitic organism, it cannot act on its own; it needs a human host to survive."
"If we manage to channel those with the right institutions, we can mobilize the better angels of our nature."
"This is about us humans remembering our original wiring, how our brains and how the intelligence of our heart were once in our conscious awareness deeply wired to the collective."
"Human beings are the most social creature on this planet."
"One of the most interesting things about human nature is that all human beings are completely different and yet all human beings are kind of the same."
"The better you understand human nature, the better you can lead people because you've got to understand where they're coming from."
"I think, in general, everyone... should just remember that everyone's trying to do their best."
"The average person is more interested in his or her own name than in all the other names on Earth put together."
"If you understand human nature, you understand the world."
"Religious questions arise from the very core of what it means to be human."
"You don't have to teach a person to be selfish; it's our nature."
"What we consider to be human nature is very much conditioned by the society that we live in."
"Our nature is to be rational animals, and in order for us to pursue our telos, we have to be as rational as possible, or at least pursue rational ends."
"Rationality, which every human being has some degree of, is the divine spark in us. That's what's most godlike."
"We're fundamentally storytellers; that's what human beings are."
"You start to understand your parents way better...they were just humans like us, doing the best they could."
"The very structure and nature of life is uncertainty, and as a human being, we have a component of us that's always trying to find certainty in uncertainty."
"We're the only species with the capacity to see that our own psychology, our own emotions, our own Paleolithic evolutionary system has been hijacked."
"It's part of our human DNA to explore...by doing hard things, we learn, we develop new technologies, we educate and inspire the next generation, and we learn something about ourselves."
"People love train wrecks. We love watching [stuff] that we shouldn't love watching because it's entertaining and it piques our human intrigue."
"People are very, very complex... they are made up of many different qualities and many characteristics, with no one quality defining them."
"The most dangerous thing of all is the evil that lurks in the human heart, in the individual."
"Progress is a foundational pillar to human happiness."
"If we're for anything, we're curious creatures."
"The fundamental paradox that all my work tries to grapple with is that human beings have nature for good and for bad...we need to get to know the destructive impulses in order to strengthen the positive impulses."
"We're explorers by nature; eventually, we will go to the stars."
"Adventure has been around since the dawn of human existence. The drive towards exploration is a trait we carry, an evolutionary necessity meant to sustain our species and keep us alive."
"Human beings are...not animals but they're also not gods."
"A human being who doesn't dance is not a fully expressed being."
"We are hard-wired for happiness; it is within our wiring. We think it's outside, but it's inside."
"A truly good world builder will use their skills of rationality and logic, their understanding of human nature, to create a detailed, airtight world that people can truly lose themselves in."
"Cleves had begun to understand some humans were just trash."
"Humanity has a tendency to not want to address problems until they have a significant impact on people's lives."
"I had a lot of testosterone raging through me, like any... No, anyway."
"We have to do with the best with what we've got, which is human nature."
"Human nature has failed. You can't come up with a system of government that we human beings can't [mess] up."
"Sometimes love and hate go hand in hand, opposite sides of the same coin."
"I do believe that human beings are divine... Human beings are made in the image of the divine."
"Every human being has something in him or her which is absolutely unique."
"So often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones, or bad attitudes, yet we adults have them all the time."
"Let go of that unfounded fear and give your child permission to be human. We all have days like that, and none of us are perfect. We must stop holding our children to a higher standard of perfection than we can attain ourselves."
"We're all the bad guy in somebody's story, and that's just is what it is. You will not leave this earth without one person being wronged by you."
"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."
"The hero image is the path of optimal adaptation for human beings."
"It's human nature to want to fight and be the best. That's what being alive is all about."
"We are hard wired to find meaning in struggle."
"But I feel like as humans, we're just mad curious about others, so it's like if there's layers in layers, you're going to keep peeling all those layers until it gets boring, and then you're like, ah, never mind."
"Human beings, as individuals and as a species, we thrive when we are active."
"The Good Place is a fascinating piece of television because while it includes philosophy lessons as a major plot point, it also incorporates its own ideas on human nature, fate, and ethics."
"There's something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little, so you can have more of it."
"But to cast these actions as the work of an inherently evil human being allows us to ignore that this wasn't just something that came out of nowhere."
"Human beings can adapt to absolutely anything."
"Once a crisis is over, we're really good at forgetting our gratitude. It's one of our great gifts."
"People really want to be open. Everybody wants to tell their story, and everybody has a story."
"Humans are one of the most trial and error species. We do what we think is right, but we [__] up most of the time, but we're trying."
"I think that inherently it is in human nature to be good."
"We're driven by some sort of biological determinism, but we have moral agency, do we not?"
"We are the most destructive people on this planet at the same time we're the most peaceful."
"The human species is a curious one and it expresses its curiosity by asking questions."
"Humans have always had this innate drive to create something, to build worlds, whether it's in their head, in text, on screens, or in games."
"Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good."
"This is a story of love, greed, money, good people who make bad decisions, and bad people who make good decisions."
"Each human being... was born completely unique."
"You're not going to be a master in this world unless you know how to get along with people. We're social animals."
"This is one of the more insidious aspects of religious indoctrination: the ability to make people feel ashamed for being human and doing a very human thing like examining the evidence for something and reaching a different conclusion."
"Remember that human beings are ridiculous because that allows us to while we need to take our lives seriously, we don't need to take ourselves so seriously."
"Our natural inclination as humans is to help others."
"Telling the truth is painful. We are wired from the earliest ages to lie, and we all do it, whether or not we care to admit it."
"It's like Victor Frankl's 'Man's Search for Meaning'...the cruelty of human nature...but also the ability to find happiness in the small joys of life."
"The key to success in life is people. We're a social animal... how we interact with people will determine how far we get."
"The ability to murder without remorse is embedded in all of us, but some of us are able to resist it."
"Human mothers have a maternal instinct along with something far more powerful: a soul, a mind capable of making choices."
"We live in a world where there is suffering and inconvenience. We are collaborative, imaginative, and inventive by nature."
"It is inevitable that humans have hierarchies."
"Don't be afraid of the human messiness...people are messy and their internal worlds are very messy."
"A foundational pillar to human happiness is progress."
"Most fears on Earth, if not all of them, boil down to the fear of losing something."
"What impedes man's willingness to sacrifice: his ignorance, his perversion, his pride, his ingratitude, and his cowardice."
"The difference between humans and animals: Animals would never allow the dumb ones to lead the pack."
"Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness."
"Humans are allowed to make mistakes, humans are allowed to grow, humans are allowed to change their mind, humans are allowed to be forgiven."
"You are human, you're allowed to make mistakes. We don't just get born and we just live life and we're perfect about everything."
"Learn to help those who've made a mistake... People make mistakes; we all make mistakes."
"It's a paradox of adversity within game design."
"Everybody's gonna make mistakes. We are human beings; we are flawed."
"Humans are fallible, the systems that we build and abide by are fallible."
"The reality is, there are certain things that humans naturally crave, that they naturally find moral value in, that they naturally need for their happiness."
"Connection is why we're here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."
"Human nature is not a given but a human potential based on human needs."
"You human beings, you have the energy of love all around you, yet you don't use it. Why is that?"
"I find a fatty steak to be very, very viscerally satisfying. I just think that's hardwired to us."
"People weren't made for comparison, yet we are consumed by it."
"The secret... it's just that human brains are weird."
"I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage."
"Contentment in all circumstances of life is not the natural tendency of man."
"We are wired so that the average adult feels protective over the most vulnerable."
"Our emotions are impulsive, our minds are reflective, and they clash very often."
"Human beings do not just exist in a physical world. We are dualistic beings; we exist in flesh but also in consciousness."
"The line that divides good from evil runs down the heart of every individual."
"People are multifaceted... They can hold multiple beliefs about different things and they actually probably understand them."
"Every born child is born upon this initial goodness...and then as you mentioned, that is corrupted."
"Humans like to learn; we don't like to do dumb repetitive things."
"We are hard-wired for nature, to be outside, to live connected with our environment, to feel it, to play and struggle in it, to be challenged by it and therefore challenge ourselves."
"The more you focus on being number one, the less you learn about how a human being works."
"It is relevant that much of the horror in 'It' is perpetuated by human beings rather than the titular interdimensional monster."
"Everyone likes to be cuddled every now and again."
"Words are not hurting you. If you're offended, then that's fair enough; everyone gets offended from time to time. That's being human."
"It's in our nature to be generous; it is the enemy that wants to kill that out."
"Givers get as much out of giving as the recipient does; it's a natural inclination to give."
"Sometimes people come through said bar as harmless as they appear, unassuming people who really are unassuming, and some are bad to the bone through and through, but most people, just like in real life, are mixed with good and bad."
"The economist may attempt to ignore psychology, but it is sheer impossibility for him to ignore human nature."
"It is true, men possess a side that is barbarous... But it is a double-edged sword. It can be a tool used for winning precious things as well as protecting them."
"The battle between good and evil runs through every man's heart."
"It's part of our DNA to want to be accepted and to want to be connected."
"No human being should be blamed for getting a respiratory virus that is a product of being the kind of person who wants to touch other people and be close, which is what we all want."
"99% of the time, I attribute the things that we see in the world that we might term evil or bad to incompetence and not to evil."
"We are finite creatures, but we are capable of transcending ourselves."
"Our penchant for trying to destroy one another has led to a modern-day marvel."
"What if we just recognize this? It's not a mystery; it's a dramatic example of the biopsychosocial nature of human beings."
"We human beings are made up of energy and we human beings are conscious, so therefore, in a sense, the energy that exists within our physical forms is in a sense conscious."
"Everyone's attracted by whatever looks novel."
"The biggest thing to understand...is that most things in life are a lot more complex than that and there are...good people do bad things and...bad people do good things."
"The Earth told Akka that humans were really mean sometimes and explained that they only hurt things when they are afraid."
"I want to keep living in loving relationships. I think we were created for love."
"Human beings need boundaries because it makes them feel secure."
"Heroism is simultaneously the most enduring and transitory quality in all of human existence."
"The problem is when people are flailing about trying to reach out to a God, it doesn't tell you anything about God, what it tells you about is what humans are like."
"The power of prayer is something people are normally inclined to doubt, but in moments of peril, credulity increases, and the idea of a magical benefactor becomes irresistible."
"Allah has created angels with purpose but with no desires, and animals with desires and no purpose. Man, however, was created with both purpose and desires."
"Loneliness is an emotional state that we have when we're feeling disconnected, but our need for connection is ingrained in our DNA."
"It's hard to get through life without encountering some kind and degree of both Eros and Storge...but the peculiarity of friendship is that it's not unavoidable."
"The human mind rejects Utopia...the human mind needs struggle and it needs problems, otherwise it rejects it."
"Nothing quite like the human mind and its ability to learn, and then also be hit by cars."
"Humans by default are lonely, your consciousness, your innermost thoughts, and the core of yourself is innately lonely."
"The natural state of man is to live a life of chaos and privation. It takes civilization to prevent that from happening."
"You are very human, you are very flawed, you have darkness, you have weakness... and yet you still have the opportunity, always, to dig back in and, in any given moment, rise to your best self."
"The goodness paradox refers to the fact that humans are so extreme with regard to aggression and non-aggression."
"If there’s one thing I know about humans, it’s that we’d rather things be easy than correct."
"Good people can do bad things...They're justifying a bad thing, but that doesn't make them a bad person."
"Human beings are wired to caricature members of other populations... but we've also gotten over it."
"We all want to be loved, cared about, appreciated, and treated nicely."
"To have a human thought, to be a creative human being, is to be an expression of nature itself."
"Human beings are supposed to be joyful and rejoice in the spirit."
"I think they're kind of like people. You know, you have thugs, you have crooks, you have athletes, you have movie stars."
"Evil people can only understand evil, but good people can understand both evil and good because, through the pursuit of goodness, they see the potential pitfalls of evil."
"Everybody's better when they're with somebody. We are not meant to go through this life isolated by ourselves."