
Experimentation Quotes

There are 14807 quotes

"And that's the beauty of playfulness, experimentation, change, being different."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have to have a hypothesis, turn it into something actionable, run that action, learn from the partial failure, get a little bit smarter, come up with a new hypothesis that is more informed, and repeat."
"Don't be afraid to go crazy, especially when you're young."
"If you don't know what to do, do something, and then just evaluate the results of the thing you did."
"Something will stick one day, and if not, we have fun doing it."
"Start with what you've got, experiment a little bit, and see what you like."
"Think a lot, read a lot, learn a lot, practice and experiment a lot."
"Few games approach the level of tinkering and innovation that Black & White begs you to experiment with."
"A light ray near the surface of the Earth, when it's fired downward, this has been tested in a big high tower: laser beam downward, detector at the bottom, the color of the light ray is a little bit bluer than it would have been if it would have been detected up at the top of its arc."
"I've never actually tried this before; it's my first time doing it."
"Six years to figure out that you don't like architecture is not a waste; that's the price of tuition."
"Figuring out what makes you happy in life is something you gotta figure out; it requires experimentation."
"You've got to pay the price of tuition to figure out what you want to do in life."
"This builds off of principles I've been talking about for a long time: the need we have to decrease our anxiety levels and allow ourselves the ability to practice, make mistakes, and experiment."
"Can you get Max stats in the first mission of GTA 5? I'm going to be finding that out today, even if it takes a really, really, really long time."
"In science, you got to try to prove yourself wrong."
"Try to find good products and then experiment for yourself and see if you can find something that works for you."
"This right here is a prime bottle and for the next 24 hours, I'm going to be surviving on one of these amazing delicious treats."
"Squirrel noodle soup, I'm just gonna go for a little squirrel action right here."
"We have no idea what we're doing. This is just what we've done and it works well for Flynn because he does really well when things are explained to him."
"The most important experiment of all is the experiment of you."
"I took the piercings out almost immediately 'cause I'm a scared little baby. And at the end of the summer, the world didn't change. I changed."
"Yeah, well, guys, this turned out really creepy, and I'm gonna say that it absolutely works."
"Oh my gosh, it's actually doing a thing! I can't believe this is actually working."
"If there's one thing I want you to remember, it's to try silly things because trying the smart things didn't work, did it?"
"A startup is an experiment... fundamentally we don't know what's going to happen, and discovering what's going to happen is the only thing that we exist to do."
"Project Palisade...involves creating mirror timelines, alters them to discover methods of defeating threats, and ultimately diverts the largest threats...to destroy these mirror timelines instead of mainline reality."
"Maybe we should start thinking about entrepreneurship as something we engage in through critical experiments where we try to disprove our idea."
"By setting goals, trying more things, engaging in more activities, and exploring more opportunities, your probabilities of success increase dramatically."
"I appreciate that they're trying things that no one else is trying."
"We can only move forward if we try things, and sometimes trying things means re-examining the nature of what we are trying to do."
"Gouache is a really fun medium so don't give up on it, keep trying and experimenting."
"You need to experiment ideally with twelve things per year."
"Every interaction is an experiment. When you think about it that way, you become so much braver."
"I'm about to touch a one-kilogram sphere of silicon 28 atoms."
"Let's try one of these so-called hover chunks."
"Who found an artichoke and was like, let me figure out how to eat this?"
"We're literally experimenting to see whether we get possessed or not. It's a 50/50 chance."
"Try things until something comes easily. Have a philosophy of experimentation."
"If you try, you're not going to die. You're just going to learn something."
"They're being intentionally experimental. I can't wait to see what future things or projects or features they get green-lit based on what they learn here."
"Scientific progress is usually driven not by brilliant theoretical proposals, but by experimental data that doesn't fit the theories."
"Experiment in living because it's really hard to know what are the things that are really good in your life and what are the things that are not so good until you make some changes."
"If you're not failing 20% of the time, you're not risking enough."
"Get an idea and go do something about it. Expect it to suck, expect it to have a million mistakes, don't judge yourself for how well you know the thing does but just start because you came up with the idea."
"Every failed experiment is one step closer to success."
"Practice bravery every single day, dare to dream, and experiment."
"Use this as an invitation for you to try new ideas with low risk of failure."
"You don't really have an option but to run experiments."
"I'm like, okay, I'm... When I started having headaches, it did... I actually didn't question it because I feel like this is, it's just an experiment and it'll either work or it won't, but I'm not gonna quit before I find out if it works."
"For me, half of the build is just trial and error until I figure out something that works."
"What do you have to lose by trying something different if you're in one of those situations where you've been sold out and completely forgotten about?"
"We weren't particularly planning on a Zelda game for the Game Boy, but we thought we'd try it out to see how it would work."
"Let's give that a try and see if our validations are working."
"Yay to science. It doesn't belong to anybody. It's along the west or the east. Yay to experimentation, yay to doubt, yay to reason and compassion, where reason serves compassion."
"Sometimes there's a better option out there if you're just willing to do the experiment."
"It's a great time to be introspective and to pivot and to do resets and to try stuff you never tried before."
"It's your time to play with whatever the heck you want."
"The principle of precedence in quantum mechanics... is testable because I got to go to my friends at IQC where they make quantum systems which are so complicated but still quantum mechanical that they've never been made before in the history of the universe so there is no precedence so then anything can happen."
"I was investing around where I was thinking, okay, I'm going to try every possible combination of things because I was experimenting."
"With social media, we've all been enrolled in a psychological experiment for which no one gave consent, and it's not clear how it will turn out."
"Your voice is just like your true personality... To start out, you're going to have to just experiment."
"It pains me every time we do this. The same cycle has been repeated in every strain we test: we always see superior physical adaptations but the mental changes are their downfall."
"An isolation transformer unit like this to create a DC voltage between 1 and 325 volts DC could be interesting for people who want to experiment with vacuum tubes where high DC voltages like that are often required."
"I think it's a great experiment for everybody to undergo or try out at some time in their life."
"I've been inspired by you to step out of my zone and to do different things."
"I think that Fiber sets React up for a few years of really interesting experimentation and performance wins."
"The scientific method... begins, I guess, with a hypothesis. You have a hunch... and then you perform some kind of an experiment."
"The best way to learn, I find, and how I've actually learned most of this, is just going around clicking things and figuring it out along the way."
"Experiment often, be kinder than you think necessary, and thanks for tuning in."
"The best way to fully understand it is to get your hands on it and start tinkering."
"Increasingly, I'm sure you all see this—those of you who are science majors—an increasing reliance on computation rather than traditional experimentation."
"You have to be willing to just try things and experiment and flop around and laugh at yourself, and then get up the next day and do it again."
"It might teach us new things about gravity because we might simulate this and ask new questions about gravity, experimentally see some gravitational phenomena, and then discover how to theoretically describe them."
"I hope you feel excited, I hope you'll try something new if what you're currently doing is not working for you."
"Most people, including scientists, say there are certain things that can't be tested scientifically. Well, I think we haven't tried hard enough. I think we should try to test everything."
"Will this ancient bottle of Coke still be fizzy? Can this 50-year-old cake mix still bake a nice cake?"
"More than any game I've worked on at the studio, the development of the reboot of 'Tomb Raider' had more experimentation."
"Creativity is what happens when you take oil and water and actually try to mix them."
"Interlinking systems and levels with a lot of scope leads to expressive, fun gameplay that rewards experimentation and makes players feel powerful."
"It's physics, math, and engineering. Machine it, draft it, build it, test it, break it."
"Animals, for example, are not ours to experiment on."
"Honestly, this video was such a fun concept that I just had to try it out because I hadn't really seen anybody do anything to this extent before."
"Oh my god, I'm cheating on my wife with a bot."
"I feel bad, but it was... it was for science, okay? I did what had to be done."
"Give yourself permission to mess around; to mess stuff up."
"This is every mind-blowing experiment that you can do in 'Minecraft.'"
"The principle of science, the definition almost, is that the test of knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific truth." - Referencing Richard Feynman
"Don't just watch our channel and take our word for it... go out and experiment and test your own gear."
"Sometimes when I'm doing a long set, I just get bored with the jokes, and I try something new, and then it gives you that nugget of hope."
"I mean, I was actually able to turn a bunch of old Styrofoam cups into some nice little cinnamon candies."
"A Scientific method is based on 'the collection of data through observation and experimentation.' -Science Daily"
"Through education, experimentation, and trying different things, you're going to get more confident about what works for you."
"Pavlov was the first physiologist in the Russian Empire to devote himself to repeated experimentation, applying a factory-like approach to his lab."
"I didn't have it figured out for quite a long time, but if you keep showing up and experimenting and listening to that inner voice, there's a really good chance you're gonna find it."
"Life's about trying different things and seeing what works best for you."
"Gardening is all about experimentation, so we'll see how it does."
"Any card that can make for a crazy moment in a game, I'm down for people to try out in their decks."
"We're running this grand social experiment with social media and with phones on ourselves and the next generation... and we don't know what this is going to do."
"We are encouraged to experiment with how the system will react or respond to our inputs and discover which of our actions are permitted and which are not."
"Don't be afraid to try something that you've never worn before."
"Finally found this experimental radiation drug, only one of its kind left and only one hit. Oh man, it was so worth it."
"It's the year of me just trying new stuff. I just want to try everything."
"This is one of my favourite places to come visit and I thought that I would in the tradition of Michael Faraday and Humphrey Davy, and all the greats who've stood more or less in this place, begin the lecture by doing an experiment."
"I don't know how people figured this out, but I'm going to give it a go."
"Hey, that works. That works too. Hey, I like that."
"The number one thing is just to write, try a lot of different things out."
"Don't be afraid to break things; that's part of learning."
"It's very cool when it works, and it is not catastrophic when it doesn't, but it's not good."
"The principle of equivalence... No experiment can distinguish between gravity and uniform acceleration."
"The sourdough world can be a little intimidating, but just take it one step at a time and continue experimenting. That is the best way to learn."
"Try something new and see if there's something different that might be a better return on your energy."
"By trying these new things, expanding yourself in these new ways, you're going to learn so much and then become in balance with harmony of life."
"Every single experiment that we ever did could be understood by this one beautiful mathematical framework."
"This was a really cool experiment to try such a wide variety of paint markers."
"I love this boss fight because it takes most of the systems that have been introduced to you so far and gives you the option to experiment in the best way to take him down for you."
"I just want to encourage people to try different things, open their mind, and try to experiment with themselves and just not be afraid of fat, not be afraid of meat."
"It's worth the weird looks you get from people. Go and make espresso somewhere weird 'cause it's great."
"I will try it because they're presenting this with the intent of me enjoying it."
"Europe's strength is in its diversity...a kind of arrangement that squeezes out all that experimentation, all that differentiation, is never going to work."
"I'm a big proponent of not living with regret. If you feel like you wanna try something, do it."
"The only question should be: What should be the experiment that I start today?"
"We need to keep experimenting, we need to keep learning and researching...that's how we're ultimately going to rediscover a proper human diet."
"Blindfolded, this is going to be very interesting."
"You gotta keep working on yourself, trying new things."
"Try to live the story for a year and see if living that story lives better than your other story."
"You don't know until you try. So, hopefully, you guys found this video helpful... take that leap and learn from the process."
"I hope you guys all enjoyed. It was a good run. Let me know in the comments down below what I should try next."
"We are all guinea pigs in a couple of experiments running in parallel, one having to do with vaccines, the other having to do with this novel virus."
"Begin pilot projects of a new humanity... decentralizing the human experience so that we can start to do these pilot projects and allow a great amount of experimentation."
"You're not going to know what you're good at until you try a lot of different things."
"Hello everybody, it's me, Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut. I have no idea if this is all gonna work."
"He inspired people to go out into the world to try experiments to do things, and that kind of person is pretty rare."
"The scientific explanation for the origin of life is not a theory; it was a hypothesis that has grown into a more than a dozen interconnected hypotheses, each with evident experimental promise."
"This great experiment of democracy is still that, an experiment."
"The truly smart people, the people who really have brains... they're trying different things not because they're stupid; they just want to see what will happen."
"The more water you add into it, the more you're weakening the effect of the medium that's in here."
"I tried lucid dreaming for 30 days and my life has changed forever."
"You just have to play around with it, realize that you're new and it's not going to be perfect or easy right away, but you'll never really know how to use a medium until you actually use it yourself."
"Science works by making testable predictions."
"This is an experiment, I am fallible. I don't get it all right... but we can always, as individuals, find a path through that maze."
"The bad thing is a big experiment for me, you know, trying to do something other than being in the streets. But that's, I think, the things you go through making love, and that's what makes me so special as an artist, because I'm willing to say some things a lot of other artists won't say."
"The essence of science is trial and error. So to perfect a project...it is going to take a lifetime."
"A few months ago, I wanted to find out how dangerous whips are, and so I learned to use one."
"Sometimes you have to allow bad ideas to take effect for us to eventually see the data and say, 'This didn't work.'"
"You got celebrated for trying. I ran 12 experiments, 12 failed, and we'd be like, 'You're the best.'"
"Reich conducted several experiments with the cloudbuster, claiming success in inducing precipitation in areas plagued by drought."
"It's not about starting; it's about experimenting, failing, picking yourself up again, getting the mental space, working on your mindset."
"Adaptability is heightened, so try new things."
"The goal here is we're just having fun, we're testing things out, and you can enjoy guns however you want."
"Experiment with your training; we all recover differently."
"We need humility to learn from nature by experiments, to get the feedback and respect the data, whatever it is."
"My Dead by Daylight perk experiment has finally come to an end."
"I saw this lady do it on TikTok and I wanted to try it."
"Stop being afraid that everybody's going to backstab, betray... You'll never know if you never try."
"Yuri chooses to test it on a wall, and to her astonishment, the wall develops a massive crater."
"If you've never tried it, I know what you're thinking, but pineapples on pizza? Blasphemy? No, seriously, try it."
"The industrial metaverse will be a place where engineers, workers, anybody can experiment and test improvements, try out big new ideas."
"The thing that I love about music these days is you can kind of put out a bunch of records and see what people really like."
"A science of real integrity would be one in which practitioners are careful not to cling to cherished hypotheses and take seriously the outcome of the most stringent experiments."
"I'm gonna take this quartz gold ore I found in an old abandoned gold mine, crush it up, smelt it down, and we're gonna find out how much gold is in it."
"If I try something and it doesn't work, it's not like a failure or I'm not a failure. I just think it's a learning experience."
"Fashion is all about trying new things and it's really mixing it up and genuinely wearing whatever it is that you want to wear."
"Welcome back to the Torque Test Channel, this is another one of our 'for science' videos where we look into, test, and reveal our findings on stuff because it's fun."
"I experimented and I think if you can have an experimenter mindset in these different areas of life, maybe I can experiment being rich, see if I actually like being rich."
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
"I feel like I need more days like this where I just try new makeup products that I've been meaning to try."
"I hope you get to try this yourself because this is really, really fun."
"Let them explore and give them a way out. Tell them as the parent, 'Explore this stuff, try this on, but if you try this and you don't like it, then we can change, we can go back, you can get different clothes, you can grow your hair back out.' Don't pigeonhole your kid into this...into this thing."
"In the digital age, we can experiment a lot. It doesn't cost us anything."
"We need invention, experimentation, and yes, failure, in order to advance and evolve."
"Make a choice, stick with it and see how well it comes out. Only then we have some sort of context and opinion."
"States are kind of like laboratories for democracy."
"No experiment is a failure. It's an experiment on a grand scale, had never been attempted before."
"I listened to people like Joe Rogan and Terence McKenna and they're recommending this heroic dose, so I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna see what this thing's all about."
"It's all about trial and error, learning from mistakes, and improving each time."
"You won't care about sounding bad ever again because you'll know any note you play, if it sounds wrong, if it sounds unpleasant at any given time, then probably literally a half step up or down will sound right."
"With a little experimentation, it can start to become an expression of your own musicality."
"That's why I'm in the gold business...wealth never disappears it just ships location."
"There is no right answer; there's stuff that doesn't work and you'll know when it doesn't work."
"We're gonna be conducting this experiment in two parts, one before the oxytocin spray, and the other after."
"We proved science today. It'll only take you $35 to have science in your life."
"Can I continue to grow our infrastructure without destroying the environment? That's what we'll find out in this hundred days."
"You're much less likely to develop this bias like oh these notes are the right notes and these notes are the wrong notes or whatever because you're just kind of trying stuff and seeing how it sounds."
"We've done a lot of things that nobody else has tried before."
"Yo we if we go from 0-3 to three laundry attacks in a row that's like unheard of bro."
"So I wanted to do a test to see if you could do it all by user actions."
"You don't know what that button does. See, see, you messed around and you found out."
"You gotta throw something up against the wall to see if it sticks, 'cause we all do it."
"Try something different, find a process that suits you as an individual."
"Don't knock those Quick Service options till you try them."
"It's a lot of trial and error when making a game."
"I tested newly acquired spells, including thunderbolts and explosion."
"Persistence is helpful because it enables you to run many experiments."
"Agony is an ingredient to remnant; it's the origins of William Afton's experiments."
"Success is not a direct success, you try something, you fail, and only in this way when you try to co-opt or come to terms, cope with your failure, something new emerges."
"Let's not worry about what it looks like. Let's not worry about failure. Failure is a badge of honor."
"Experiment with the design and see where that can take you."
"Let's try out the new retro mode for April fools."
"We've never tested this before, let's see it right now."