
Nonconformity Quotes

There are 2297 quotes

"You don't want to be normal. If you don't get the weird looks, you're not moving in the right direction."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For you to succeed in escaping wage slavery, you're going to have to go beyond all cookie-cutter solutions."
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"Break free of the norms, break free of the box."
"Don't accept groupthink and settle for a life of average."
"It's important that you don't conform to other people's ideas on what is perfect, what is good."
"You follow your heart with a lot of the things that you do, and you go against the grain."
"Never ever get in the line and wait for anything. Never follow the herd."
"Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"I just feel like more people need to understand that and know that it's okay to not follow the path and go on your own route."
"Rules and regulations and binary systems don't really resonate with me."
"You are too different to be put into a box; you are too distinctive or exceptional, so your success is not going to come from something practical."
"You have a mind of your own. Learn how to use it. Don't follow the crowd."
"You don't have to be a people-pleaser; you can take the path that's less popular."
"I wasn't trying to get fit into a cookie cutter of like, you have to do these things this way."
"If you're trying not to be in the majority because you don't want to be average, then it means that you have to, by definition, not do what everyone else is doing."
"Being weird isn't a crime but people like to treat weirdos like they're committing crimes."
"My dad was the type of person that simply did not give a [expletive] what anybody thought about him and it's really quite remarkable."
"High-value men are the guys who set themselves apart from the traditional average guy; they are the top shelf men who are non-conformists."
"I want to live the boundary-breaking, abnormal lifestyle that this opportunity allows me to live, not limit my lifestyle because of this opportunity."
"Do not be conformed to this world any longer with its superficial values and customs, but be transformed and progressively changed as you mature spiritually."
"Taking risks and going to a path that is different from what is considered to be normal or traditional might be scary, but you will never fail if you never give up."
"The aesthetic here is as authentic as it gets, building on a link between punk and politics, shaping ideological discourse, and challenging every rule in the book."
"Own your style and stop caring about what other people think of you."
"The real solution to 'I'm not like other girls' is just to stop making girls feel like they're stupid or doing something to impress somebody just because they enjoy something."
"You have to create a different algorithm, and that's going against the grain."
"She doesn't conform to the role that society expects of her."
"You walk through the beat of a different drum."
"I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in, and I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird."
"Vibrant unnatural hair color was a quick, cheap way of rejecting the status quo, sending an instant visual message that confirmed a person's non-conformist punk status."
"Be not conformed to the pattern of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"You don't go along just to get along. You're not a copycat, you're not a follower. You came here to experience your own unique authenticity."
"To be willing to be different, to stand out from the crowd, to be countercultural."
"It's patriotic. It's brave. It's not popular, but you're doing it."
"What's cool is not fitting in; what's cool is standing out."
"She wants people to just be themselves and not conform to what society tells you to be."
"To be abnormal, we must do abnormal, and that requires standing alone out of the crowd."
"Geekdom is essentially freedom from the norm."
"We should never compromise the word of God so that we can fit into this world."
"Mind your business. Yeah, we'll be over here doing our own thing."
"It's okay to not be exactly like everybody else. It's okay to not follow the crowd."
"Half the time, sixty, seventy percent, I'm not saying the popular opinion. I'm saying something I believe."
"There has to be a transformative moment where you refuse to be conformed and instead are transformed."
"We ain't following directions, man. We not doing that. We about to wing it."
"Normal is something I hope no one describes me as. We were born to stand out not to fit in."
"Don't be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world."
"Trust yourselves, listen to yourselves, and don't follow the traditional paths of success without thought."
"Perfection is beauty, madness is genius. It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." - Marilyn Monroe
"There's something about creativity that it doesn't necessarily have to abide by any laws of logic and it can still be beneficial."
"The character's debut came out in June 1972 as 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.' What do you want me to say? It's a classic."
"We will not be conformed to the patterns of this world but we will be transformed."
"Individuals look for the truth, the top performers... are not members of the majority. They're at the fringe extremes."
"I think any music that proclaims itself as having absolutely no interest in being music is kind of like the most interesting music."
"Non-conformity is how you're gonna be successful."
"The key to success wasn't actually trying to please and go through the system, but to find what you loved doing the most."
"We don't have to conform to what we know as television."
"A fabulous two fingers to homophobes and gender norms."
"You don't have to fight, you don't have to follow the ways already laid out for you."
"He's one of a kind, never conforming, always taking risks with his characters and with his money."
"We shouldn't be doing things the way the world says to do them, being set apart allows others to ask questions."
"Despite all of these positive things happening, and a lot of offers for ridiculous sums of money, we've never sold out our medical ethics."
"You're actually able to be the most authentic you, which is gonna be a higher vibrational you."
"Some people weren't considered the most popular or maybe the most forward-facing successful but they were still following their passions."
"It is no measure of health to be fully integrated into a sick society."
"Why be a boring regular savior when I can be a savior who supports trans rights?"
"Conforming to society was everything Bonnie stood against."
"I always like doing what everybody else wasn't doing."
"We were very punk rock in the sense that we didn't give a [ __ ]."
"For people like you and I, you kind of have to have, like, you have to question the norm."
"Tap into your inner child's wisdom and break free from conformity."
"I think I come from a tradition of people that have operated outside of the mainstream."
"Millennials value self-expression over conforming to the norm."
"That's gangster, they weren't cleared for any of this. Anything. I'm not judging, but that's gangster."
"Here there is no pressure, you be who you want to be."
"Far from being prim and proper, she loved life in all its richness."
"Give us the black sheep. I want artists who are frustrated, I want the ones who have another way of doing things that nobody's listening to."
"Do not follow, do not conform, be different."
"Dalia's not like other girls. She's a little crazy, a little dangerous."
"Trans is saying that the boxes are what we are, and if you were put in the blue box when you were born, you go into the other one."
"I love how you do not care at all what, like, no one is watching when you're with Flynn."
"Normal sucks, you deserve a chance at some extra breathing room."
"Independent artistry and an outlaw attitude."
"Follow your excitement and dreams, even if others see you as a dabbler."
"To be a free spirit is to float without walls, to fly without judgment, and to love without conditions."
"Being a pirate is all about going your own way."
"I think structure is the exact opposite of what I have a competitive advantage in."
"It's okay to be hated by the mainstream. It's okay to be brave. People are looking for folks that are bold."
"Follow your heart and don't listen to anybody."
"You don't need discipline. Discipline isn't for people like us."
"Do only things that make sense to you, swim against the currents."
"If some of us don't just spark that flame, everyone else is just going to comply."
"We didn't want to be put in a box. Let's do a bus."
"Feeling out of place fosters a unique perspective, challenging conventional beliefs."
"They're often found challenging the status quo."
"I don't really see myself as in any boxes really right it's just the same as just happened to love yeah."
"Ultimate freedom is having the courage to be disliked, the boldness to stand firm in what you believe in even when the crowd is saying something else."
"Creativity is really born out of the inability to conform."
"You have to be okay with not being mainstream, not being normal. This is gonna take courage from you, independent thinking from you, and emotional labor from you."
"Virtual high five through YouTube, Oscar for not, you know, pandering to this woman."
"Steph was never worried about what others thought of her and lived life in such a free-spirited way."
"Your journey is marked by an uncompromising commitment to your values, a path that often requires walking alone rather than with the herd headed towards oblivion."
"You don't have to go with the status quo, if you didn't like last year and if you didn't like the year before that, then change it."
"Don't be normal, celebrate any and all lifestyles that would not be traditionally considered normal."
"Don't try to fit anyone else's box, build your own."
"I've been a whatever it takes kind of guy, you know. I've never been like, 'Oh I wanna follow the [] rules and do everything right.' Like I've never given a [] about that."
"Think what you think, don't try to be popular."
"You can't find BAE if you're following the crowd."
"Sometimes you need to deviate from the path to find growth."
"Just to live well and don't let it get to you. Don't be dragged down. That's what they want."
"It's about going against the grain and committing to it."
"Invest in what brings you joy, not just what others hype."
"Don't feel like you need to be pinned into a corner doing what everybody else says works."
"You don't gotta be threatened by it. Just do you, you know?"
"I am straight out of compliance today. I will not submit. I will not comply."
"Rarely do you see a politician buck the trend, buck the party line."
"You don't have a good legacy by being a rule follower and letting other people make decisions for you that violate your conscience, you're not crazy the rest of the world's mental."
"Boss, I'm pretty sure that was you. It said boss next to it."
"What does disruptive mean to me? It means somebody that doesn't conform."
"Rebellion wasn't just against conformity, it was against stupefying boredom."
"Being contrarian and not being where the crowd is going is hard to do, but the most lucrative if accomplished."
"Everybody was going straight, and he was like, 'I'm made to go a little bit.'"
"Artists are not here to fit into your beauty standards, artists are here to make art. And this body is art, and I'ma do whatever I want."
"There's a level of observation there's a level of of being comfortable at not adhering to the status quo that you have to remove yourself from."
"You are a way maker. When you are a way maker, that means that you are bucking the current of what currently is."
"Playing by the rules was the key to success, but by rejecting conformity, David Bowie ironically became Brixton's most famous native son."
"Maximize the potential of who you are and the best way to do that is to not try to fit in all the time."
"The body positive language and focus on healthy behaviors, not body size and weight, is so refreshing in the YouTube space."
"You were never meant to fit in to the mainstream, you're here to do something different."
"Being trans doesn't mean medically transitioning and getting surgeries, you know."
"From the beginning, he's rejected establishment politics and done things his own way."
"Break the rules of society that say you can't do this or you can't do that. You're here to create a wild, wild good time."
"It's hugely valuable to have someone at the top who essentially is happy to go against the grain."
"Have the courage to challenge those rules and always be yourself."
"It's not courageous to do what everyone else is doing. It's courageous to do what everyone else is not doing."
"Moving away from traditional beliefs for growth."
"You got to be the cool guy in the room with the leather jacket in the corner and you know the toothpick and the sunglasses and being like unconformed to you dude."
"I was kind of a punk and I was just like, hey you know what if I'm gonna fail I want to fail doing my thing my way."
"There's something to be said for just taking a bunch of really, really talented people and having them all work together to make something truly ridiculous."
"It's a celebration of fun over function, and it doesn't care if you take it seriously because it's playing by rules that only it knows."
"If you don't fit in with the status quo, right? If you don't mask your entire persona and only say the politically accepted culturally like approved messages or whatever, you're viewed as an outcast."
"I think I'm too much of a rebel to work as a full-time employee."
"Color outside the lines, break some rules, and do what's right for you. Be true to your heart's desire."
"Off you go, off the beaten path, stepping away from the pack and creating your own lane."
"You made sure that you were heard like you just have and it's such a beautiful characteristic to have because I feel like at least from what I've seen in people in this world many people they just sort of choose the easier route."
"Your strength is not in your ability to conform, it's in how you celebrate what makes you different."
"Not getting yourself involved in it will make you stand out."
"I want revolutionary content. I want to challenge the status quo, not conform to the status quo."
"Once we learn to think critically we're not going to be swayed by the entire crowd of sheep."
"It's not conformity, it's not hierarchy, it is breaking the mold."
"Sometimes it's nice to have something that's not an AR."
"It's their least radio-friendly release to date and, in my opinion, their best and most ambitious release since 'Viva La Vida.'"
"I ain't trying to be controversial, I just wanted to be me, be the best me."
"Choose perspective. Society will want to drag you into name-calling, but you can make a different choice."
"Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind."
"Don't conform to this world, don't comply with this world."
"Life is about enjoying the experience, not rushing to settle."
"Don't give a flying funk about what other people think, you know?"
"I don't live off of validation of others and them needing to like me I could give a rat's ass."
"Ferris Bueller is the living embodiment of cool. He doesn't follow the rules, everyone loves him, and everything always seems to work out for him."
"You've got to follow the beat of your own drum no matter what other people tell you. Your heart, your soul knows what's right for you."
"It defies logic and the laws of probability that it could elude capture in so many places for so long."
"Ravenclaw teaches us that being a true intellectual means being a nonconformist -- it’s thinking in an alternative way, getting deep, and being willing to follow your mind wherever it leads."
"Queer is anything subversive, anything against the status quo."
"I'm glad that it exists. I'm glad that it's an option. I'm not trying to kill everything that everybody does. Choice."
"Life just gives you a menu and it's like here you can be this you can be this or you can do that but sometimes in order to find your life you have to go completely off the menu."
"We Embrace not being normal. We Embrace being unique."
"Life is not a standardized test. Excellence is an experiment, excellence is a journey, and journeys take courage."
"People admire that you don't put yourself in a box."
"They see you as someone who isn't afraid to challenge the status quo."
"Morticia feels powerful because she's written to be immune to the trends and standards of the average American housewife of her time."
"True originality is rare especially in movies, books, and video games. Fortunately, there are those among us who are never content to fit into the status quo."
"Not adhering to social conformity just because they are becoming trendy is, on the contrary, an act of courage."
"I want to be most remembered for not being scared to go against the grain."
"True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up, and be different from the people of the world."
"They've built an amazing career doing things their way without having to make any kind of compromises in the name of marketability."
"I wasn't willing to compromise on what I thought was right in my beliefs just because someone else thought something different."
"There's a huge amount of power in just not complying with the norm."
"The most creative people live outside of the university system."
"History was never made by well-behaved people."
"We're the outsiders, the Mavericks, the fearless. We forge our own paths. We're not chasing anyone, but we know what they're running from. It's an obsession and the obsessed never rest."
"As two individuals who I would kind of agree that don't give a [ __ ] if people think we're cool or not it's true I'm not I don't think we would give a [ __ ] about everybody thinking that we started anything."
"In 2050 everyone will be themselves, everyone will look different, everyone will be gender non-conforming."
"Why can't we celebrate gender non-conformity in boys and girls and men and women without telling children and forcing the belief on the rest of society that the lie that is possible to change sex."
"I hope you don't give a flying [ __ ] about mainstream acceptance because that is a sinking ship."
"People aren't a fan of me because they just want me to lick the boots of one mindset because they want me to say things that just reaffirm their beliefs and I'm not going to do that."
"They're outside the natural order... they're outside the norm."
"Release the need to do everything by the books. Have fun first."
"John is willing to do what he feels is right and just even if it means not conforming to expectations."
"People just didn't understand, and he wasn't gonna let Society chain him up. No, he didn't play by the rules."
"Anything that's like a variation from the norm is always exciting."
"You can't put him in a box you can't [ __ ] try to you can't try to label him cuz he's just gonna be he's just a wild card you feel me."
"Do what you can't. Screw the nine-to-five job screw what all the traditional people say you can and can't do do what you can't and it was pretty inspiring"
"Consider taking the road less traveled. Along that road, you will experience imperfection."
"Follow your own path, especially when others don't understand."
"We are literally just weirdos. We went to a reptile convention while everyone else was at the VMAs."
"I did not let schooling interfere with my education."
"You're not rebellious; you just know that this ain't how [things are] supposed to go."
"Exist in your own lane and do it when they call you crazy, do it when no one else gets it."
"I think there's so many ways we can express ourselves. Why limit it to just the same old boring bullshit?"