
Sleep Aid Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"One of the supplements that I found is extremely useful for being able to fall back asleep if I've woken up in the middle of the night is inositol."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One way to accelerate that drop in temperature somewhat counter-intuitively is to use hot baths, hot showers, or if you have access to one, a sauna."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm going to use a benzodiazepine or either commonly called the Z medicines for sleep—zolpidem or Ambien or something like that."
"Melatonin reduces your time to fall asleep by about seven minutes, which is not particularly impressive."
"Soon I will be talking about some relaxing things to help you release all tension or trapped energy you have been holding on to from your day to help you relax deeply and sleep soundly."
"The sleepy lotion from lush... I swear this helps me sleep better."
"Hard pivot to a piece of tech that I've been using."
"Melatonin is something that can be used as a supplement and it does help promote sleep."
"At the end of the video, I'm gonna have a few minutes of silence so you can drift off and do a peaceful sleep."
"I hope that this really helped you relax and sleep."
"My advice will always be never underestimate the power of melatonin."
"If it gets really windy at night and you're having difficulty sleeping because of the air, headphones can kind of help just to block out that sound."
"Melatonin is the substance our own brains use to help get us ready for sleep."
"I have not had a sleepless night since I started using it."
"Meditation is equally as effective as some of the best sleep medications that are out there."
"Delta 8 really does a great job at relaxing your body and helping you get a great night's sleep."
"Ambien and Sonata and Lunesta will get you to sleep but studies have shown that as OPA clone Lunesta is going to be the best for maintaining sleep."
"Magnesium supplement has helped with leg cramps upon waking... it totally helps with sleep."
"Weed is probably a great thing for a lot of people who are having trouble sleeping, especially as an incredibly healthier alternative to things like Ambien and pharmaceuticals."
"It's fully adjustable for personalized fretfit ultra soft breathable made from durable materials and most importantly of all because you all know this if you've already used masks for sleep it has zero high pressure on your eyelids and eyelashes."
"Slowly in through the nose and then slowly out and keep those even I find that works for sleeping."
"Natural supplements should be used for occasional sleeplessness and not necessarily as a nightly crutch."
"One of the best foods on Earth to stimulate melatonin is pineapple."
"I know I'm gonna be able to like just dabble back into certain things whether it's to celebrate with friends with drinking or to sleep to help sleep at night."
"Eating cheese before bed can help you sleep apparently."
"It's essentially an adult swaddle but Sleep Pod is so much more than that."
"A white noise machine can help drown out the noise of potentially noisy neighbors."
"You are the only thing that will help me fall asleep."
"Weighted blankets give you a firm but gentle pressure around your body when you're sleeping and it lowers anxiety and stress which is so so important."
"Whenever I can't sleep, I just ask him to tell me about his day. Six seconds, I'm out."
"Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) helps me breathe through the night."
"Using a swaddle is a great way to help your newborn achieve good quality sleep."
"The best sleep headphones, but we hope for better."
"Blue calcite is very calming and soothing... it's a good one to have like in your bedroom for sleep."
"I would say if you have trouble sleeping, certainly try using it regularly."
"I love this Electro fan Evo, this is a little sound machine that I turn on when I sleep, helps me so much."
"It's time to turn off the lights and close your eyes, prepare to experience sleep mode Minecraft, a mostly peaceful bedtime story for gamers."
"Since discovering Beam, my sleep has been deeper and even more restful."
"I've got this like sleep mist and I spray that around it's got some like I don't know lavender or something in it and um smells really nice and it's really soothing to get me to sleep quite sad really but it does help."
"Since melatonin is the hormone that cues the body that it's time to sleep, it makes sense that taking supplemental melatonin would swiftly whisk insomniacs off to dreamland."
"So, I took a NyQuil at 9:00 p.m because, you know, I give it an hour to kick in."
"Pill for sleep. If you could extend your day where you essentially don't have to sleep, this is like a pill for your phone but for yourself."
"Plus CBD Sleep Gummies taste great and are made with award-winning CBD combined with melatonin, magnolia bark, and lemon balm."
"These light dims block 100% of the lights from your electronics and appliances, helping you fall asleep faster and sleep better."
"Our pediatrician recommended sound machines to help with anxiousness. Not only does this help us sleep better, but it helps us fall asleep faster."
"THC is most well known for its intoxicating activity in the brain, but it's also effective for pain and sleep management."
"I love my THC for sleep. We're not saying that in South Carolina but yeah I won't have a problem get to sleep."
"Tonight thousands of people instead of tossing and turning will reach for Compose."
"This helps promote relaxation and sleep but it's also... nature's xanax."
"Excedrin PM: strong aspirin-free headache medicine you can feel good about plus a gentle ingredient to help you sleep."
"It's got a little weighted nasan at the chest that helps them, it's not super heavy, but it just gives them a little bit of weight that they feel like they're being touched, and it helps them sleep because of it."
"Sometimes I gotta wing it. If I start getting itchy, I'll just pop in a Benadryl and call it a night."
"I hope tonight's video helps you relax and fall asleep."
"We've got this thing that's like a dome where you sit in this, go with a hangover where we absolutely sleep. What's the sleep thing called?"
"Take Unisom, it's a safe non-habit forming way to fall fast asleep"
"It honestly helps me fall asleep and wake up early."
"Be very cautious of trying to rely on any sort of like drug or anything to get you to sleep."
"Chamomile tea promotes a good night's sleep and enhances digestive health."
"I want them to really relax me and soothe me into deep sleep so these will do that for me."
"If you are having trouble sleeping, get this weighted eye mask from NoPod, so freaking good."
"I've suffered from insomnia for years...this is by far the most effective."
"New Amazon find: if your husband sleeps longer than you in the morning and you are constantly worried about the bright closet light while trying to get dressed, then these lights are for you."
"The Sleep gummies are... about a half hour before I'm going to bed and I sleep a little deeper."
"I hope that you enjoy the chill magic and that it helps you relax or fall back asleep in the middle of the night."
"Why isn't there a pillow with cutouts for your face? Here came sleeping glow to the rescue."
"Every time you listen to this story, it will become easier and easier to drift off to sleep."
"Maybe there should be a thermostat setting that emulates like natural temperature regulation."
"Rachel sings the lullaby which immediately relaxes Eli and puts him to sleep."
"I create soothing videos to help you drift off to sleep."
"I don't really mind turbulence, I actually welcome it as it helps me fall asleep."
"Coffee in the morning, whiskey before bed, works like a charm."
"It's a really nice smell for falling asleep too."
"The chamomile tea is actually going to help calm your system and prepare you for sleep."
"I listened to those albums a lot while I'm falling asleep... I can only do that with albums that I find super comforting."
"Swaddling actually helps prevent the Moro reflex... that can wake them up."
"Sleeping under a weighted blanket can help reduce insomnia and anxiety."
"Hope you're doing great and welcome to what I believe is going to be one hell of a deliciously ASMR trigger fi video for you to relax and for you to fall asleep and feel great."
"I loved using sleeping bags with Victor because I felt like it was a much safer way for them to sleep rather than having a blanket on them."
"Banana can help you to sleep also and has a lot more health benefits towards it."
"It can help sleep and aid digestion."
"It's to help you go to sleep at night, restore, it's an alarm clock, but it plays relaxing music and ocean sounds to make you go to sleep because you have trouble sleeping."
"Put some peaceful sounds that help you to sleep on Spotify."
"If you don't have a weighted comforter, you need it. It is amazing."
"I would not be able to go to sleep without that now, it is absolutely incredible."
"Feel free to kick back, relax, let's take some earphones on, and if you drift off to sleep, well, that would just be extra magic."
"The videos seem to provide a cathartic effect; they seem to relax people and they seem to allow them to get a good night's sleep."
"The Blue Orchid oil... it smells incredible. It's like a spa and it just helps you sleep as well."
"I read old books to help people get to sleep."
"Welcome to relax for a while, a quiet space at the end of the day to help you drift off."
"Thank you for choosing me to help you sleep, sleep, sleep."
"Melatonin is a parent's best friend at all ages."
"I have loved this sound machine so much."
"My pillow is the solution to your sleepless nights."
"I love my weighted blanket... it has helped me get to sleep so many times when I've been anxious."
"A sunrise lamp... it's meant to wake your body up better, especially when it's pitch black."
"Sleep like a baby. Our sleep band is designed to help you fall asleep even in the presence of loud noise and light."
"So comfortably forget it's even there. Our sleep band is designed with ultra lightweight material with an extra focus on comfort and breathability."
"Over 85 million people around the world use Calm to take care of their minds and get better sleep."
"Are you ready to fall asleep? Well don't worry, that's why I'm here, I'm gonna help, okay?"
"Sleep Bear has given me the best sleep I've had in years."
"These soft lavender scents sent me away to a good eight hours plus sleep."
"A weighted blanket... it literally feels like you're being hugged."
"Good luck, so Andy, you have in your hands over there which has helped me with my sleep immensely."
"She sat there humming for the rest of the night, almost like it was rocking me to sleep."
"Both units are incredibly effective at doing what they're designed to do, which is to regulate the temperature of your bed at night."
"Taking a tincture is really pretty helpful and allows you to sort of just roll over, take your medicine, and roll back to sleep."
"Pillowcase says helps reduce hair frizz and pillow lines on your face."
"Something that helps a baby go to sleep. Milk."
"We are rolling. Yes, give me those rough waves; it's going to help me drift off to sleep later."
"Reading had always been a reliable sleeping aid."
"Spending time with the people you love... thinking positively... practicing relaxation techniques... can help you relax and fall asleep a little bit more quickly."
"Aromatherapy can actually be very effective in helping people fall asleep."
"I'm going to stay right here with you until you fall back asleep."
"Giving melatonin in the evening... would also have the effect of advancing your circadian rhythm."
"Whenever I talk, my wife falls asleep, so now when she can't sleep, I talk. It's like magic."
"Lots of binaural sounds and real close to inaudible whispers tonight to help you find some rest."
"Tylenol PM stops your nighttime pain and helps you sleep so you can wake up refreshed."
"After that good night's sleep, I really think the Hatchery Store definitely made it easier for me to go to sleep and have a more restful sleep."
"Try sleeping using a daylight alarm; this creates a faux sunrise to gently wake you out of deep sleep."
"I spray this on the bottom of my feet and on my chest, Michael and I both do, and it is amazing because the Magnesium really like absorbs fast and helps you fall asleep and stay asleep."
"The white noise has been essential; it's a great way to keep them into a rhythm."
"If you're tired and you don't feel good, and you need to sleep, and you're looking for something natural, take these Goli gummies."
"I'm talking quietly because it's meant to help you relax and fall asleep but still be about something interesting."
"The noise of the frogs and insects at night was super loud and is kind of like a song that puts me to sleep better than any lullaby ever could."
"They loved hearing bedtime stories, and every night as they listened to one, the words of the stories would gently lull them to sleep."
"You know, somebody mentioned in the comments in the last video that this would be a good engine for one of those 10-hour long noises to fall asleep to videos."
"It can help you reduce stress, it can help with getting to sleep at night, it can help with relaxing."
"Lavender and chamomile have been shown to improve relaxation and improve sleep in a lot of people."
"The sleep aid function gives you the ability to play a sound over a period of time, decreasing in volume."
"My personal favorite is a weighted blanket."
"For all you guys that are hard of hearing out there, you can have it underneath your pillow and it will still wake you up."
"It stabilizes the tongue, preventing it from collapsing backward into the throat, keeping an open airway, and reducing snore."
"If you're needing 15 Benadryls to sleep, that's a sign that something's not right going on inside your body."
"Warm milk will help you sleep well."
"It's a noise machine that we use for him while he's sleeping, and it's fantastic."
"Tart cherry juice can boost melatonin levels and a lot of insomniacs use it with great benefits."
"This new vehicle will take your sleep to new depths, twenty thousand leaves one might say."
"This will be really good to help me fall asleep."
"I started ASMR because I was having a lot of anxiety and it was the only thing that helped me with my anxiety and helped me fall asleep."
"This pillow is so cool that you could sleep with it in so many different ways."
"She likes sleeping with lights on, and so I got her this, and it will project stars in her room."
"Dear Lumpy Den, the Sleep Cruise's award-winning, critically acclaimed, largely celebrated, positively reviewed sleep rocket."
"I always bring this pillow spray... it's a nice scent to fall asleep to."
"Magnesium helps you actually fall asleep, it helps you relax."
"These headphones are specifically designed to help you fall asleep and relax, just as the name suggests."
"Thunderstorm noises to fall asleep to, my beloved."
"Dark chocolate is also a really good source of magnesium so it's kind of a nice thing to have at night because magnesium can help with your sleep and just like overall recovery."
"You take a small dose at night, you get tired, voila. You sleep."
"A weighted blanket or a heated blanket, those things I've heard are very useful as well."
"It really helps to calm her so that she can fall asleep in a healthy way."
"I feel like a peanut butter sandwich to me is my go-to if I'm struggling to sleep and I've become hungry again."
"Can't get to sleep nights? This will safely help you fall asleep fast."
"This is the best sleep mask in the whole world."
"When I fall asleep using Calm, I don't know, Harry Styles or Killian Murphy sweetly speaking into my ear, okay, I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer, and I wake up feeling rested and ready to take on the day."
"So peacefully, so deeply relaxed, knowing this will help you sleep so well at night."
"I did find SomnaFix to be extremely helpful in controlling mouth leaking with a nasal or a nasal pillow style mask."
"The confetti will help you sleep through the night and wake up in the morning feeling fresh and bright."
"The sound machine's the best because it can be there in the beginning and through the night."
"Gravity blanket, I love a great weighted blanket."
"Calm is here to chill you out and make it so your nights will find sleep easy and your mornings will be better."
"Humidifiers add moisture to the air. That moisture is going to help you stay comfortable at night."
"Lettuce seed oil was found to be a useful, safe sleeping aid in geriatric patients suffering from sleeping difficulties."
"The next thing that was a lifesaver coming home from the hospital was some sort of white noise."
"I've been using these almost every night when I'm at home because I've really been struggling to like fall asleep at the moment."
"Get a good night's sleep to begin with, if you really have to, you may perhaps take some melatonin."
"It's designed to detect your baby's earliest wake-up signs and respond before he or she starts crying, creating a soothing environment where your little one can get a more continuous stretch of sleep."
"I love a good late night workout, okay? It puts me straight to sleep."
"I love reading right before bed because it relaxes me and it helps me to fall asleep."
"White noise Machines man they're cheap kid sleeps Like a Rock."
"The first night that I took just one of these gummies, I slept through the night."
"Calm is going to put you to sleep; it's gonna knock you out and make you have the best sleep imaginable."
"There's tons there to help you relax, to help you meditate, to help you fall asleep."
"Melatonin does quicken your time to fall asleep, and it can increase your sleep duration and quality."
"I can make this pillow more relaxing and more comfortable so it could help you fall asleep quicker."
"This is going to be someone's go-to fall asleep VOD, I'm calling it right now."
"Weighted blankets could be a simple solution for those of you looking to get a better sleep."
"Good morning friends, in this video I'm going to give you a completely and certainly effective plan to stop your insomnia."
"It projects the time on the ceiling, so if you wake up in the middle of the night, you can look up and confirm that you indeed did not sleep through your alarm."
"I drink turmeric tea at night; it's good for inflammation and it'll help you sleep."
"Wind down mode can help you set the phone down, fading the screen to grayscale to be less stimulating for the brain."
"Ultimately, my goal is to help you fall asleep and figure out what is putting you to sleep with these triggers."
"Lavender is actually known to be a very good sleep aid."
"Equipped with a stunning glowing light alarm that simulates the sunrise, Soluna can help you reset your circadian rhythm and wake up more peacefully."
"The channel helps with people's mental health, it really reduces anxiety and helps people to sleep."
"Check out their sleep stories which are like bedtime stories for adults."
"Calm is going to help you sleep and maintain such a comforted wonderful night of relaxation."
"A weighted blanket... those help with like anxiety and going to sleep better."
"It's a game-changer with sleeping when pregnant, especially helpful during the third trimester when I am big and uncomfortable."
"A white noise machine sounds excessive, but it was one of those things that sounded excessive but that actually was very useful for us."
"I really like how the sleep timer works... it fades out the audio when you get to the end of your sleep timer."
"Lots of people rave about white noise for babies; works great, works great."
"You need to have headphones at a camping music festival because at night it's really hard to fall asleep."
"A home planetarium... it's really relaxing and it does help you go to sleep at night."
"I have been using melatonin with magnesium, and it helps. The magnesium helps you stay asleep."
"The blue light is for suppressing the unwanted melatonin so that you feel more energetic and less sleepy."
"It blocks out 100% of even the brightest light."
"Our lemon balm tincture is something that I use every night to help me go to sleep and to sleep longer."
"Melatonin administration makes sense if you're trying to bring somebody earlier into sleep."
"The weighted blanket replicates something called deep touch pressure which not only helps you get to sleep but also helps aid anxiety."
"I use the sound machine to sleep; it helps me drown out all the noise around me."