
Diversity Quotes

There are 47267 quotes

"We can run, we can jump, we can crawl, we can move at different speeds."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm not telling you what to think. Differing opinions are good; interpretation is the best thing."
"Our diversity is the strength of this nation."
"We have to be very careful that we don't devalue the human dignity of people who aren't in the upper end of the distribution."
"The true beauty of The Human Experience is that every single one of us, depending on what we've done in our life and where we were born and how we were brought up, has individual things that make them unique."
"Exposure to diversity of thought produces better results than an ideological echo chamber where everyone looks different but thinks the same."
"Breathing instinctively unites us all, regardless of our race, sexual orientation, religion, or political beliefs."
"Whatever you enjoy, I'm pretty sure there's something you could enjoy more because there's so much diversity out there."
"The most important kind of diversity turns out to be viewpoint diversity."
"Women can do anything. We can be a girl boss in a leadership position at a major company, we can be scientists and doctors, we can vote and be elected to top political positions."
"We don't see our differences as disqualifying or dangerous, we see them as foundational to our success."
"Understanding who your partner is and when they're different from you, that they're actually different, and that there can be value in that."
"We have neurological diversity and we shouldn't be too quick to judge."
"Creativity and productivity are more likely in people who have a diverse network of connections that expose them to opposing ideas."
"This program is not only going to send the first woman to the moon but the first person of color."
"The only place where we seem to have difficulty with diversity is with each other."
"I value that you see this differently than me, and hopefully, you value that I see this differently than you, and let's use that friction to navigate a more intelligent path forward."
"Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong."
"It's a theory about all of us... it's a seamless bell curve."
"Fat and ugly are not synonymous, after all, 'cause beauty comes in many forms!"
"Leadership is critical to building diversity, and by extension, innovation."
"We're all different pieces of the puzzle. We only fit in because we're different."
"Eating a variety of different colors represents different nutrients and different vitamins and minerals."
"Having diversity, you avoid this idea of groupthink. You break away from groupthink, and you are able to innovate faster."
"The whole idea behind diverse identities... is this idea that... when they all come together, they can sort of figure out the best way possible because you have all these different perspectives."
"By having diversity, you avoid this idea of groupthink. You break away from groupthink, and you are able to innovate faster."
"Once they're all put in a group where they have to have a common outcome or a common goal, we see the diversity and the different experiences and different backgrounds lead to less group think and more innovation."
"Diversity leads to better outcomes. It's not anti-diversity on a pragmatic level; it's anti-diversity on a principal level."
"Making black people like slave owners was hilarious, but aside from that, he integrated hip hop into Broadway."
"Seeing an inclusion of different body shapes and sizes at healthy body fats, that would be body positivity to me."
"A happy and thriving relationship can look very different across different cultures."
"Leadership requires empathy, it requires understanding, it requires your ability to work with different people."
"I think there's different ways to be a man. Manhood isn't one singular thing."
"We believe you need diverse voices to solve diverse problems."
"Our mission is to tell better, more empathetic stories while diversifying and enriching the video games industry."
"It is important for us to have a variety in our representation with regard to art."
"The furry community is a welcoming, diverse world."
"They are young, they are tolerant, they are entrepreneurial, they are civic-minded. No wait a minute, they're spoiled, they're lazy, they're entitled, they're living in their mother's houses, and they are doomed to disappoint history." - John Donvan
"This generation has more relationships, more strong relationships with a diverse set of people than any generation." - David Burstein
"Everyone is beautiful no matter their size, and we should accept and celebrate all body types."
"We're on a path to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon as part of the Artemis program."
"Every game ever made is at least one person's favorite game of all time."
"I marvel at all the diverse ways in which consciousness can be examined."
"Life on planet Earth comes in many shapes and sizes."
"We navigate the echo chamber, seeking diverse points of view, for in the clash of ideas, truth might finally break through."
"One of the most interesting things about human nature is that all human beings are completely different and yet all human beings are kind of the same."
"Diverse groups make better decisions than homogeneous ones."
"There's an infinite variety of conscious experiences that various conscious agents can have. Color, vision, tastes, smell, touch, emotions."
"In America, you are welcomed with open arms, no matter what country you come from. You become an American. You are one of us."
"Love has many faces, and love also tells people the truth."
"People have a different opinion. Some people don't like pineapple on pizza; doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"Whether you are all the way left, all the way right, we are all people."
"Harmony between the nations, harmony between the genders, harmony between the races."
"There are many pathways toward insight in the world, there are many ways to live a life."
"In this brave new world, the boundaries that have long divided us — nationality, race, religion — will dissolve, revealing the underlying unity of all life."
"All of these choices are iconic in their own way."
"This historian talks openly about the failures of museums and collections to reflect the diversity of our history."
"People are very, very complex... they are made up of many different qualities and many characteristics, with no one quality defining them."
"We've been celebrating our diversity and our differences for so long that we forgot all of the ways that we are the same as Americans."
"It's about two kites, as you can see, that are very different that just learn to live together and coexist beautifully."
"The American Experience: experiences may vary."
"Women are not dolls; they are not one size fits all. They never will be."
"Femininity and Womanhood does not look the same for every woman. We are all different people and that is a good thing."
"The mixed team did better because it embraced the diversity of human capabilities."
"Representation does matter. You hear us say this often in this administration."
"I don't think there is a single group of people in the history of this country who have been more overly represented in media and the entertainment industry while simultaneously having no accurate representation than black people."
"A fighting game that is perfectly balanced would be terrible. Every character would feel the same, and so would the matches."
"Trying to have more friends who we disagree with and just invite them into our spaces."
"Everybody looks so beautiful together because everybody's different, nobody's perfect. Such an amazing feeling, you feel so liberated."
"Whether it's a teen coming-of-age drama, an offbeat comedy, or a fantasy classic, coming out narratives are uniquely queer."
"Imagine having an extremely creative personal chef that crafts meals, culinary delights from across the US."
"Talking to people of different political backgrounds seems to be a strength of mine."
"People are different. We come in all different shapes and sizes, and that's what makes us beautiful."
"Diversity of thought is essential. Lots of different kinds of diversity are essential, but diversity of thought is absolutely critical."
"We've come to a point in recent years where we're better at saying, 'We all have unconscious bias and it's not just about race. We all benefit from diverse views.'"
"Diversity isn't just some kind of nice-to-have thing in our species, it's the sole survival strategy."
"You can't tell whether people are gay by what they look like. And gay or straight aren't the only two options. Anyway, it's very rude to speculate about people's sexuality."
"There has to be a continual dialogue between all of those values so that the whole value structure, which has to be diverse, doesn't collapse into a single dimension."
"It also has a diverse cast that is treated well within their narratives."
"The show is like, 'Turns out, queer people can have more than one thing going on at the same time!'"
"Ultimately, that means that we get fewer really great, well-written diverse works out there, even if those works do have a few problems, because people become so afraid of potential backlash that they don’t put their works out there."
"Time and time again, works that feature diverse casts or are created by marginalized people are held to much higher standards in online communities than other works."
"We are a country of immigrants; it is what we have always been."
"We need to get out there and like show that there's more to us than that."
"A culture that is diverse... is an ecosystem that is much more resilient."
"If you don't personalize, then you're not treating the uniqueness of each of our facets on the diamond of life with the kind of celebration that it deserves."
"You cannot teach a child you do not culturally understand."
"There are people who view the world very differently from you, and so you have to train your brain to be able to see things from a different perspective."
"A challenge doesn't need to be bigger to challenge the characters, it just needs to be different in some way."
"America is a nation of immigrants that gorgeous mosaic of people from across the world who come here to pursue the American dream."
"Not everybody's the quarterback, somebody's the left tackle, you need a punter, you need 'em all."
"Entrepreneurship is not limited to technology, entrepreneurship happens in all walks of life and in all business segments."
"Inclusion means all of us get along and we necessarily put everyone inside the big bubble we call a Melting Pot, and we don't try to exclude anybody."
"I wish we all did get along, right? Obviously, I think inclusion and diversity is great, but it has to be applied equally."
"Diversity... refers to the characteristics and traits that make that bring that makes your uniqueness."
"You're diverse because you are unique... We're all diverse because of our uniqueness, which makes our world amazing."
"Diversity is what makes this great to live in American countries; that's what this country was made for."
"Video game companies aren't trying to be diverse because they want to; they're doing it for monetary gain."
"Diversity means...including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc."
"Diversity isn't about what you look like, it's about having people of different perspectives and backgrounds to help us better understand the world we live in."
"The quality of the educational experience of all students depends in part on these differences in the background and outlook that students bring with them."
"Universities need to promote diversity, but there's ways to promote diversity besides discriminating against people solely based on a factor that they cannot control."
"I think it's really important that we have now more representation, diversity in everything that we do."
"A lot of people confuse affirmative action with racial preferences with diversity writ large."
"The real diversity that's needed is diversity of thought."
"Diversity and inclusion are a fundamental part of our values and the culture we continue to cultivate."
"The world is incredibly diverse, but it's also understanding that outside of the Western World, the rest of mankind lives in very unique and very different ways of life."
"The Witcher 3 features many races... a game that teaches us a lot about race."
"Diversity for the sake of diversity is tokenism."
"We still really struggle with diversity... it needs to be a part of the conversation."
"Gaming connections communities around the world and showcase heroes from all backgrounds."
"America is and always has been a nation of immigrants... That's what makes America special; that's what makes us strong."
"Disney needs to create new original characters specifically black characters rather than just replacing and substituting one already existing character for another person of color."
"Now, President Biden and VP Harris have promised to make racial equity a focal point of the administration. He's nominated the most diverse cabinet in history."
"My passion point is intersectionality, inclusivity, and representation for women and girls in particular in media."
"I am deeply invested in all humans, every creed, color, sexuality, gender."
"Diversity is more than just racial differences; it reflects a population's mix of not just races but also cultures, religion, economic status, and other characteristics."
"A diverse state can offer you many things, many opportunities, experiences, different food, people, cultures, music, and very colorful parades in some cases."
"Viewpoint diversity is arguably the most important type of diversity, and political orientation is one of the most fundamental and significant ways in which people view things differently."
"Sexuality is this big spectrum, it's a gradient."
"It's important to try and mix up your viewing habits."
"We actually don't care about what race you are; what we care about is your academic achievement and your personal commitment."
"The diversity in our world is the strength of this world."
"The music scene brings us together and reflects who we are, diverse, vibrant, and unique."
"Diversity of experience is critical to creativity."
"Finding my spot in a lateral arrangement of different people with different strengths, different life purposes trying to figure out where should I be."
"America is not built on ethnicity, religion, geography; we're the only nation in the history of the world built on an idea."
"One of the big things I aim for is charity, to have conversation with people who see the world differently. It's possible today in our canceled culture, but second, also clarity is very important."
"Diversity is a good thing. It brings people together; you're capitalizing on the things that make them different."
"We always believe diversity is our strength as a nation."
"The future is building a brand for every woman, regardless of her shape, size, age, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation."
"Representation is cool, there's a lot of benefits to it."
"We are losing the ability to engage with opinions, with people who think differently from us."
"Let's accept art to link the difference and diversity in humankind. The leader of this nation will be love."
"Elections saw record numbers of women, religious and ethnic minority groups, and young people running for seats in Parliament."
"Representation matters. People need to see people that look like them succeed, even if they're getting a little bit of a boost for it initially."
"I have no tolerance for a lack of inclusivity, especially not one motivated by stereotype."
"Equity is the goal... diversity and inclusion are the mechanisms."
"Everyone has thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition. Why is this? Because everyone has all four cognitive functions."
"The more diverse the game becomes, the more people of different genders and ethnic backgrounds and faiths see themselves in the game, then they go make their own versions of the game, and more players start to see themselves represented in the game."
"We work very hard to get marginalized talent into the industry, to protect them the way that we would want to have been protected, to lift them up, and to get them into an industry where they're too often shut out."
"Writing inclusivity: Just do it. Write diverse characters, represent diverse groups of people."
"Wish people could learn the phrase 'this is not for me and that's okay'."
"If you want to move up in leadership at any major corporation, you don't adopt the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity...you get run out."
"Physical appearance is just one of many factors that give people their unique identity."
"Taking an existing character and altering little else besides the way they look completely misses the point of diversity."
"We should celebrate the works that actually go the extra mile to give us characters instead of caricatures."
"Explore diversity. Take classes in music, history, philosophy, math, engineering. See connections between them. Travel, learn a language. All this diversity is fascinating and we have it at our fingertips today."
"People are different, have different strengths and weaknesses, and that's okay."
"The reality is one of the strengths of this nation is our diversity."
"Islam is the most culturally diverse, ethnically diverse religion because we can accommodate all of these different kinds of cultures and different ways of life."
"Inclusivity and diversity shouldn't be a trend because it's not actually taken seriously."
"America is a beautifully diverse and tolerant country. People from various walks of life with different beliefs and values peacefully live and work together."
"Just because Asian creatives are involved in a movie doesn’t mean it’s free of criticism or necessarily has authority on what it depicts. Asians are not a monolith."
"My life is richer because I have people who believe radically different things than I do."
"Our children are going to be living in an increasingly diverse world, with increasingly limited resources."
"Normalize this, normalize that. Not everything has to be normal, and also, something being abnormal doesn't mean it is bad."
"Both the Bible and beer deserve applause in their own right."
"People receive information differently. Not everybody likes video. Some people prefer to read."
"Every single meal is an opportunity to follow this concept and add more diversity to your plate."
"The truth is one, but the wise speak of it differently."
"The beauty of life is that we're all different and we can learn and grow from each other."
"Pride has historically been a lot of things: a parade, a march, sometimes a protest or a riot. There are a lot of directions that pride can take."
"If you're resorting to photoshopping black people as white to prevent people from hearing them speak, you probably need to hear some different opinions."
"Everybody's different, everybody has different opinions about literally everything."
"Genuine diversity is diversity of temperament."
"We should be teaching our kids that people of different sexualities, family types, they exist."
"If you give your kids a good foundation at home, they should be able to have a little bit of a foundation when they go to school and recognize these different things."
"We don't all need to see eye to eye on everything."
"Just being able to connect with different people from around the world."
"It's all procedurally generated; it should be random, it should be dynamic, it should be varied."
"It's arguably more engaging to have visibly and audibly distinct sides providing arguments and counter-arguments."
"Aim for at least 30 different plants a week to nurture a diverse gut microbiome."
"Granted, no one's yours for life regardless of how they voted before, the color of their skin, any other identifying characteristic that would differentiate themselves from anybody else. You've got to go out there and fight for them."
"Why are they so surprised that a diverse team that I assembled, your child, can accomplish extraordinary things?"
"We can dislike something and also respect it."
"We saw after George Floyd was murdered and then a global protest in this country, we saw 26 million Americans take to the streets... in the largest, most racially diverse, and geographically diverse, and ethically diverse demonstration in American history."
"We should embrace gender non-conformity and... embrace masculine girls and feminine boys."
"That's pretty good for replayability, I think, that you don't have to do the same thing; you can do different aspirations."
"She broke down racial and gender barriers, opening doors that had long been closed to performers of color."
"How dare we hate what we are... God did not make one type of tree or flower or fish or horse or grass or rock. How dare you ask Him to make one type of human that looks just like you?"
"The most important thing is prior to the virus, the greatest job numbers in the history of the African-American community, the Hispanic community."
"Intersectionality isn't just more black people in college dean positions; it's a lens of analysis by which we recognize that we all have our advantages and disadvantages."
"Superside's global task force is made up of 56% women and spans six continents."
"You do have to acknowledge the anomalies in people and that everyone's different. If you're going to be searching for pure, perfect ideologically consistent 100% of the time people to only be part of your movement, you're not really going to find many of them."
"Free speech platforms are essential for a healthy democracy, allowing for a multitude of voices to be heard."
"I really hope that in the future, there will be a debate where a variety of Palestinian perspectives can be heard."
"Different things make different people happy."
"Recognizing that we are on average different is the critical first step to building a society in which all opportunities are truly open to everyone."
"The great diversity of human experience requires a kind of sympathetic pause in order to try to work out what it is about somebody else's choices and desires one can accept or must not accept."
"Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; they bring a lot of different things to the table and mean something unique to everybody."
"Everyone adds their own little thing, which I think makes us pretty well-rounded."
"God's idea is not to have everybody follow one man of God... His idea is to see that his value system is represented everywhere."
"God has not sent different religions; He has made human beings into different tribes, different colors, different languages, so that they may recognize each other, not that they may despise each other."
"Film and television were now being used to show the world that we were people, complex and diverse."
"Contact theory, growing up in diverse neighborhoods, growing up in diverse communities, increases the likelihood of a broader umbrella of what counts as an us."
"What's so great about art is that it is subjective to a point, and there are so many different styles that so many different people will like."
"It doesn't mean everyone is Christian; that doesn't mean everything is only Western. It means that's the overarching arc and narrative of who we are as a people and what we value."
"The experiences of disabled women were different from able-bodied women, the experiences of Asian women different from Black women and so forth."
"The MCU has had a less than abundant list of queer characters in their movies and shows so far."