
Holistic View Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"We are not just a brain with a body, but we are a body with a brain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's time we take a step back and look at the true nature of the human body; we've lost the forest for the trees."
"The mind and brain can be understood only by seeing them in the broadest possible context, that of the whole of our physical and spiritual existence."
"The right hemisphere sees the world as coherent, where nothing is completely separate from everything else."
"Once you realize that we're part of this huge mechanism, we just need to take a more holistic view."
"I think it's really critical, especially now, that people take a more holistic view of their work and especially the kind of work that we're involved with that does have these much broader implications."
"You love yourself for good and for bad, from the lowest vibrational tips of your toes to the highest vibrational top of your head."
"It's important to look at your face as a forest and to observe the forest and not hyperfocus on a tree."
"Health is performance, you guys. Everything connects to everything."
"Every area of human activity actually has a spiritual dimension."
"You will also see the interconnectedness of all things."
"Being attractive is, you know, it's a combination of everything about you."
"We need to learn how to see everything connects to everything."
"Everything we do locally will have effects all over the world."
"Human beings are physical, psychosocial, Spiritual Beings."
"It's part of who he is, but it's not all of who he is."
"There's a lot more to live for than just our bodies."
"In my world, everything is connected and everything is part of an elaborate, beautiful picture."
"We cannot act like all these parts of our lives are unrelated. They're not."
"Every single mind, every single human, every single being, every single life form is also a part of that interconnected system."
"The Word of God is power, is food, is everything."
"Legacy is not just about the financial side of things, but it's also about the mental health side of things."
"Enjoying the entirety of the experience matters."
"It's the overall effect you're after, not individual details."
"Food is not only nourishment but it's an energy exchange."
"Your physique is just one small aspect of who you are as a complete individual."
"Reductionist approaches in science ignore the holistic picture, akin to blind men feeling parts of an elephant."
"There's so many things that go into what your skin looks like other than just what you put on your face."
"Humans are not merely brains; we're encased within a very powerful body full of emotions and senses."
"We are deeply connected to everything within us and everything without—it's all one field."
"Ecosystem health is not just about soil. It's the whole ecosystem."
"Practically nothing is completely bad and devoid of value."
"Life is very spiritual... everything we do on earth has a spiritual component."
"Everything is connected, you can't just look at things on their own, every single thing is connected."
"Open yourself up to seeing your totality baby, ah you are huge."
"Seventy-two percent of your body is water. If this 72% of water in your body becomes sweet, it would be… you would be quite a wonderful person, isn't it?"
"It's a much better approach to try to fall in love with the process of work, the UPS, the Downs, all of it."
"Everything's connected, you can't separate it."
"When you put them back together, the whole is not so bad."
"You're not just your body, you're much bigger than that."
"Reality happens to be holistic, and if you ignore that, your results could lead you to believe the opposite."
"You're missing the big picture if you ignore the autoimmune disease."
"Men are just not these machines and robots to where you know once you make them come good then he's back to normal and he's all right, no it's a holistic approach."
"A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism."
"Health is wealth, and not just in a wellness-filtered way."
"Everything's spiritual to me, nothing's solely temporal."
"There's more than just the body, there's more than just the thoughts, there's more than just the feelings."
"Health is a state of optimal physical, emotional, and social well-being."
"Unconditional love and acceptance for all of our parts, not just the shiny, sweet, blissful high consciousness ones."
"Our stomach is our second brain meaning it's connected to our mind."
"In this way, you may see yourself, your higher self, or soul, and your mind/body/spirit complex totality as three points in a circle."
"Food is so important guys it's not just you are what you eat, you also feel what you eat, you think what you eat, you speak what you eat."
"Unless you understand information, you cannot appreciate the forests or the trees."
"You cannot look at this in just a vacuum; you have to look at the whole picture."
"The sum is worth more than its parts."
"When we are always looking at just part of the overall picture, we're not appreciating the animal in its whole."
"It's all the little things that really add up to the bigger picture."
"This person is attracted to all of your aspects, not only your physicality."
"Why there is so much pushback from people who are single issue, focused on social justice or inequality or climate change or Bitcoin or politics, and yet, like you just said, you need to look at how all this stuff fits together in order to see the right map of our future."
"The more interpretations we gather, the easier it becomes to gain a sense of the whole."
"Depression is embodied emotional suffering. It's not just a state of mind or a negative view of life, but something that affects our physical being as well."
"Taking those many different perspectives all into account, will give us a better understanding of the object as a whole."
"Viewing relationships holistically is important."
"Everything is intricately connected."
"Like I always say, everything is relative, and you have to look at everything holistically. You can't just focus on one thing because, at the end of the day, what we find pleasing to the eye is the overall balance and the harmony."
"You have to kind of step back and see the big picture when it comes to intelligence research."
"It's the little details that equal the big picture."
"When you can bring and integrate all these different sources of data together, they can actually provide you a holistic view of your business or of your customer."
"We're not just picking and choosing certain things, we're looking at the whole picture that you've got going on with this person."
"One of the most important things to remember is that you are looking at pieces of a whole."
"It's not just the rocks. It's everything about them."
"I think that we have to think of our existence not as individuals anymore than are our hepatic sites in our liver. Don't think of whether they're going to live. They think of whether your whole body is going to live."
"He's attracted to your wholeness, your physical appearance, as well as your emotional essence."
"It's important to look at the whole big picture."
"It's just a little fine touches that add up to the big picture."
"Every part affects the whole. The whole is only as good as its worst part."
"It's always about the bigger picture."
"Everything is connected from head to foot."
"Shift your perception, see things from the big picture point of view, recognize the interconnectedness to everything that is alive."
"Everybody feels so atomistic, and we start from individuals and then say, 'Okay, so we put them together in groups,' and then these groups making Society... This is wrong. The right hemisphere knows that ultimately everything is already connected to everything else."
"Don't take the charts for granted. All right, don't get caught up. So what I'm trying to say is, look at the forest from the trees and look at the trees. Don't do one or the other, do both."
"Everybody should get more out of it and have a more holistic 360-degree view of how this all fits together."
"Intuitive communicators prefer to look at the big picture."
"We really want to implore the Federal Reserve to take stock of the holistic economic picture."
"There are no marketing problems, there are no finance problems, there are only business problems."
"We are beings comprised of a soul, a mind, clearly of our body, and comprised of our heart."
"While these scandals have marred the reputation of the papacy, it is crucial to remember that they do not represent the entirety of the Catholic Church or its teachings."
"Health is more than the absence of disease."
"The right hemisphere can't speak but it sees all these things; it sees the implicit, it sees how the whole is not what is broken up into parts, it sees things in context, it sees things as embodied."
"You have to look at it in the round, you have to look at it from a macroeconomic perspective."
"When you're learning tarot, it's very easy to look at a spread and home in on each card individually, but what's important is that you feel fully comfortable with standing back and giving an overview of the energy or the feeling of the entire spread."
"It's always consciousness is the answer, always, and it's always about seeing it from a more holistic and inclusive perspective."
"The economy is a living thing, and you cannot just look at one area without trying to anticipate what the real effect will be for the entire economy."
"How do we take the holistic view that looks at everything to work backwards and saying, 'What am I doing with my money today, what am I doing with my income today, what am I doing with my choices today to make sure I'm optimizing that both for the future and for today?'"
"I think all of the situations that we become involved in with patients just really helps us see the patient not just as a diagnosis but as like a whole person."
"Take a whole person look at what that back disability is doing to you, the impact it's having on you."
"It's the ability to analyze this and look at it holistically."
"Your spiritual life cannot be separated from your emotional life."
"Islam sort of has this larger picture that includes the physical realm, our thoughts, our rational notions of self, and cognition, but it includes much more because we're dealing with the soul."
"In order to solve this problem, we have to reintegrate; in order to reintegrate, we have to look at the human being as a whole body-mind-spirit system."
"You have to look deeper than just the money, you have to look at it as a whole."
"Together they form the big picture."
"We are an inseparable part of the whole of nature; we're in relationship with it."
"It's all about assessing the risk holistically."
"It's not just about the money, it's like looking at your life holistically, which job is going to be the best for you."
"Instead of compartmentalizing ourselves into having a separate mind and body, we’ll realize that we’re whole, complex individuals, deserving and capable of profound transformation."
"It's really important to have an advocate to help the patient and the provider look at the patient as a whole."
"We recognize that the body is a unit, Body, Mind, spirit."
"Traveling is a great way to just have a more holistic view of the world."
"We need a lot more people with a holistic sense of what it is that the world is."
"When we talk about things like privilege or advantages, we're generally talking about people in a holistic sense."
"When it all comes together, we can actually finally see the full picture rather than just a few puzzle pieces."
"Architects have an ability to see holistically and at the detail."
"Going through life, you gotta look at the whole picture."
"We are all connected: heaven and earth, mind and body, you and I."
"We need to complement that by systems-thinking which is also taking a look at the whole."
"You have to understand the holistic nature of all things."
"Systems thinking is the ability to look comprehensively, holistically at how various systems interact with each other."
"It's important to look at exercise not from the perspective of only weight loss."
"A child isn't just eyes. A child is a whole person, and vision is used for cognition and for moving."
"Our cultural norms, I think we gotta evolve, I think we need to change, I think we need to look at things a little bit more holistically."
"When you optimize the components of a system without attention being paid to the functioning of the whole, it's very easy to make the total functioning worse."
"Everything is interconnected; politics, social relations, society, economics, history, culture... they can't be studied in abstraction."
"It's really valuable to think about what application insights is at a holistic level."
"The human being is an entity consisting of body, mind, and spirit."
"The environmental footprint is just a holistic portrait of carbon plus water plus toxics and so on."
"Make sure to watch your sun, moon, and rising to get a full picture of what's going on for you."
"Bill Phillips was trying to understand the system as a whole and he was trying to give us a picture of the system as a whole."
"Life is about more than finances and your decisions impact other areas than finances."