
Movement Quotes

There are 8372 quotes

"Movement is one of the more fascinating and important aspects of our nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Friendship and connection made through movement is perhaps the most valuable form of connection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Movement is like a mastery and growth experience; we will pretty much always get better at it, and we will always enjoy it more the more we do it."
"The body positivity movement is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of shape, size, and physical ability."
"Wow, I love the body positivity movement, but I think people who are in the body positivity movement should have the right to change if they want to."
"This is a week of movement for you. That's your keyword."
"Odyssey has the best movement system out of all of these games."
"Movement is one of the best ways to build connections and develop a network of support around it."
"This is about opportunity, it's about movement, this is about the future."
"You're unfreezing certain parts of yourself... your soul wants that movement again."
"This is essentially a revolutionary movement seeking to redefine humanity as Klaus Schwab says."
"It's as if humans were born to move, and when we are physically active, it puts us in a state of not just body, but of mind to be the best version of ourselves."
"Lines and shapes can create effortless movement around the image."
"You just start zooming across the map and go 'weehah' and then you make it back."
"A big goal of mine in 2023 is to do at least 30 minutes of consistent, consecutive movement every single day."
"Skipping is the most efficient way to move for children at a certain age due to their height and muscle."
"A little bit of the iceberg shows, and a few people go, 'Oh, it's going to work,' and so they commit to joining the movement or the company."
"Each performance was so fundamentally different from the rest, even though they are doing the same movement."
"October is going to be a month where many of us will see things really start to get moving; and with support and with a grace energy rather than a propulsion or a shock or a horror."
"Reawaken your body and mind from within, focusing on the marriage of movement with breath."
"Ninety percent of the stimulation that the brain receives comes from movement."
"This is one of the greatest movements I've ever seen, if not the greatest movement, because it's political, it's economic, it's financial, it's cultural, it's everything all rolled into one damn thing."
"Life is a moving process, and if we don't keep it moving, then it dies."
"Anything made of molecules, i.e., anything that moves, has a frequency, and all frequencies seek harmony."
"We want a million people in the world wearing this gear to shock the hell out of everybody, to say, why are a million people so optimistic about the future?"
"When they found the bike, the wheel was actually still turning."
"Exercise... incorporate movement into the things you're already doing."
"The gates have opened, the players are pushing forward."
"What makes Profit the best Pharah in the world is not necessarily his aim, but his movement."
"The same thing needs to happen when a financial literacy movement that you see is making changes and it's happening."
"Black girl luxury has catapulted to one of the top movements, desires, and emulations everywhere."
"Each of them had four faces and four wings, and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved."
"Just start moving your body and your pain will become memories before you know it."
"It feels very cinematic because of the movement but what I really like about it is although on a surface level you've got the basic level narrative, it feels like she's popping out from like a painting."
"Life is just not static; it's always consistently moving."
"Getting people to move, whatever form it is, whether it's yoga, dance, pilates, we want them doing something."
"If you have good aim but bad movement, then you're still gonna suck."
"This is a movement that's going to exist for many, many years to come."
"What makes R2-D2 so endearing is a combination of the movement, so the movements that go on in terms of doing little dances, for example, turning in place; the other is the sounds that are used."
"You are all part of a movement, a movement that embraces decentralization, freedom, and the harnessing of our god-given creative talents."
"A movie has the potential to start a movement. So let's make a movie."
"This is a global movement, brother. This is just the beginning."
"Movement makes us human. It connects us to our higher self."
"Racism often attempts to co-opt history, which only works if you pretend that people didn't move around before the last 50 years."
"Everything is always moving, nothing stays the same."
"In regards to throwing a punch, you have to remember that the arm doesn't just move on its own; the motion comes from your entire body, starting from your core."
"In order to move up or across, you're not always just going to be pulling; often you have to push as well."
"You cannot allow your emotions to stop your movement."
"Movement is medicine. Movement stimulates the immune system and every day we've got to honor our bodies in some way."
"Movement is life. When you stop moving, you start dying."
"Movement and circulation is the key to healing and health."
"Being carried away from something always means you're being carried to something else."
"Leaving and going are two different things. You have to be leaving somewhere before you're going anywhere."
"This is a movement, it's a pro-democracy movement that is led by you."
"The single most important part of the momentum equation is movement."
"An entire society that had to keep moving, outrunning the sun itself."
"I'm going to make a movement. It's not a political statement; it could be, but basically telling people to stop living in fear and chase their dreams."
"When you play Mirror's Edge, running and flowing is brilliant."
"There's been some movement within planetariums to do that, especially in planetariums that have access to indigenous communities."
"The civil rights movement was a grand and glorious movement... it presented itself and was understood by the American people as consistent with the principles of the founding."
"You move through space with minimum waste and maximum joy."
"No move of God has ever happened in the history of the earth without prayer."
"I think it's time to end the subscribe to PewDiePie movement or meme."
"America's on the edge of an abyss, and our movement is the only force on earth that can save it."
"Move in the shadows; don't announce your moves."
"This show created a movement. It's much more than a television show... because it's much bigger than just a TV show. We have moved a culture."
"Failure is the story of every popular movement. The question is not whether you fail; it's what you do with the failure, what you learn from it, how you build on that."
"This isn't just about building an audience, it's about building a movement."
"We want fighters beside us, and we want people who have the right ethics and morals to do this with us."
"It was really an incredible thing, Amy. You know, I've been organizing for peace for 40 years, and I've rarely seen such an organic and authentic movement come together."
"For a lot of people, it's more a task of expression where the entertainment comes from just enjoying and learning what you're able to make your body and support do with the environment that's around you."
"This is not a competition; this is a movement. We need to stop our competing and start fighting the real enemy."
"You can change your movement pattern...take control of your pain."
"For some of you, you are like moving towards success, you will be finding success here with this energy."
"The movement of the era was, I'm sorry, the Bernie movement in 2016 that got rebooted in 2020."
"So you're aware of that but you're still moving."
"You're not just customers of Tim Cast, you're believers in the message and the movement and the job we do." - Tim Cast
"You'll feel that once you start moving a little bit more efficiently."
"All I have to do is get my balance and move my feet."
"Music calls to you to move your body... that's meaning."
"I think with all the great testimonials and all the great results we're getting I think there's a movement taking place."
"You were born to create, which means a very strong and powerful sign. The movement creates the energy, just remember the more you move, the more energy you create."
"The most successful revolutions are those that start as popular movements but then eventually are led by a small group."
"Preparing has become such a big movement because there is so much more uncertainty in the world than there ever used to be."
"Prioritizing movement... enrich your life and obviously is good for your body."
"They're leaving in droves because they're waking up."
"Move out of stagnant situations; a gestation period is ending."
"We need at least 1% of the global population to begin to awaken to this."
"Objects moving and sometimes childlike behavior."
"Movement is key. So if you're not moving, you need to move on or move out."
"Hollow body rocks are a movement borrowed from gymnastics."
"The world's most successful freedom and success movement."
"Moving your body is therapeutic for your health."
"The freedom of movement is one of the things I really enjoyed."
"What began with a knee in the neck... has now turned into a national protest movement."
"It's harnessing the momentum as people in the activist community would say, you want to take this moment and turn it into a movement."
"Movement is one of the most important things to me."
"This is nuts. A lot of people have been talking about this free Britney Spears movement."
"I can see the top of a single tree in the starlight. It's moving around."
"Movement with such freedom and fine control that it far far exceeds anything else in the series or even most video games for that matter."
"There has never been anything like it, this great movement of ours."
"The quickest way to change our emotional state is to change how we are physically moving."
"He's doing really well he's movements good in his imaginations good."
"We want to start putting more emphasis on the community because I am basically just the face of this, this is a movement, the Bit Squad is a movement and you guys have played a big role."
"Movement is medication, exercise is a beautiful thing."
"This is your movement, and we are honored to be a part of it together."
"We're building a strong and growing movement against the blockade."
"You have to move. You have to return to his things."
"We are part of a movement and it is not just going to be a moment that comes and fades away."
"Any movement that roots itself in Follow the Leader is not going to be a successful movement."
"If something is moving non-gravitationally, something's in charge of it."
"A necessary change in movement and a new beginning."
"Divine Mercy has become the greatest Grassroots movement in the history of the church."
"Together we can unify and create a movement that is decentralized, no one's in control but unified against the kind of crazy propagandist system."
"Your movement is always vibrational. You're multi-dimensional."
"What if we could start a movement of birthdays and instead of asking for gifts — when you're 30 or accepting and you're throwing a big party for yourself — you would turn your birthday into a giving moment."
"Money likes to be moved, money doesn't like to be stagnant energy likes to move and money is energy."
"I don’t think they realize that this really is a movement, and that we’re not done."
"When you can do that especially through movement you become highly creative and very powerful."
"Maga is the greatest movement in the history ever of the entire world."
"Getting there is pretty simple now. We've learned the way."
"We're in a post-corporate education reform movement era."
"Embrace the messages, trust, grace, and move."
"There's never been a movement like this there's never been and I'll tell you maybe I'm wrong but this is bigger than it was in 2016."
"I mean the West Coast has spoken—Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado. There is a movement here of states that have said, 'We as a policy matter think locking up people for marijuana is not helping the problem.'"
"So both traces always move together horizontally."
"Connect more with music, with dancing, with movement."
"The Cardano community is huge... it's a real movement."
"Every time this man steps forward on that lead leg, is he level changing to get underneath and onto the legs and hips or is he stepping on with a powerful jab cross?"
"Combine with constant cancel and reactivation of glide mode for longer air time and speed boost."
"We're moving out of stagnation. It's like the wind is blowing again, the ball is starting to move."
"This movement is about joy and love and community."
"Movement means that no matter what you're doing there is either going to be added momentum to that or perhaps in the case of a supernova or Genesis there could be something new coming into your life."
"Anybody can schedule a moment on the calendar but a movement doesn't have an expiration date. This is not a moment, it's a movement."
"Life is about keeping it moving, keeping it progressing."
"But once you craft their harness when you're sprinting you can just do a nice little double jump and get a massive speed boost across your base it's significantly faster than sprinting around and makes life so much better."
"Embrace the necessary movement or change in your life."
"The typewriter itself wouldn't be stationary."
"They exude confidence, standing straight with good posture, gliding along with a confident flow."
"There's been different phases to feminism, not just one monolithic movement."
"Move your body, come out of the energy of the same energy you're always in."
"This movement towards open science is crucial."
"Here's Elizabeth Warren: 'Together we have built a movement powered by hopeful courageous people who will do the work to make the change we need know and we're just getting started. This race will be decided by people like you.'"
"This is a Grassroots movement that this is a movement fueled by love."
"You are part of a movement now. There's no avoiding it, there's no evading it."
"Women have argued that our health issues are not focused on, there's now this unfortunately sort of progressive movement away from that."
"Seize the moment because that's the difference between a moment and a movement. It's a sacrifice, and when we make the sacrifices, God honors the sacrifice."
"We're gonna gather at the water for this final move."
"We're gonna leave out from the water in unity."
"The movement, while still boots on the ground, feels more fluid and responsive."
"I started moving, you know, and that was in this amazing energy that felt, I guess, like bliss, peace, serenity, happiness, no stress, no struggles, no worries, no nothing, just beauty."
"Stand behind what you do and you know the world is gonna move by."
"The general snappiness and dare I say stretchiness of the movement."
"I want to start a movement based around freedom of expression."
"I feel like there will be moving, it'll make you very happy."
"Movement and change are the only constants in this lifetime; basically, to move is to live."
"Pelican: Now's your chance, act quickly... Long periods of stagnation then all of a sudden there's movement, there's action."
"Everything is moving into motion, it's all about timing."
"Hey, keep moving, keep moving, we can't stop, let's go."
"Just keep on moving, Harold, you never know when you'll have to slow down."
"Spread the word, makeamericansfreeagain.com is where you register to become part of our movement."
"This is your opportunity to shift and to move where you are what you've done where you're headed."
"In some infinitesimal way, had happened for me."
"He gave voice to a movement and to the ideals."
"We're all just trying to move about in the world."
"Balloons do sometimes move on their own, even when inside a building."
"The boss moved like water, attacking in complex dance-like movements."
"I think the biggest problem is now we are so sedentary in our lifestyle everything is made for us. We don't have to move so the key thing is just keep moving."
"I think movement is so important because I've played players that have really, really good aim but their movement is just absolutely terrible."
"Movement, whether people realize it or not, is a huge indicator of skill."
"Tendons are there to help generate movement, ligaments are there to help limit or prevent or define the movement."
"It's almost like you're dancing in a violent way."
"Every now and then, sprint as hard as you can, start by moving if you're doing nothing, that's the bulk of it."
"When individuals unite isolated protest activities into an organized movement demanding fundamental systematic change, it becomes a serious threat to the regime."
"Balls on the floor mysteriously seem to just start rolling around on their own."
"Coordination: the cerebellum's perfect blueprint for movement."
"The movements create the energy and this in itself it's going to start creating very beautiful amount of movements which is on another hand going to reflect and make a ripple effect on other things on your life."
"Quake was a game about precision and movement."
"This is not a movement for the timid or the tired. This is a movement about winning."
"Time has been on your side lately, you know why? This is movement."
"A mega basic but effective movement technique is to heal peak."
"Apex Legends at its core is a movement game with its roots from Titanfall."
"The simple story is that there's something making it bounce... then there's a part that you decide where to put the foot... and then there's a third part to keep the body at an attitude that's upright." - Mark Rober
"If a movement persists and it lasts for a long time, it may be an indication that God has given his imprimatur to this movement."
"Regular bits of movement can alleviate anxiety and chronic stress."
"Right to repair is not an apple movement, it's not a laptop movement, it is a cultural movement."
"Bethel isn't just a church, Bethel is a movement." - Describing the influence of Bethel Church.
"Open and sit back down, making almost wave-like motions with the spine."
"Just work with the breath, reach forward with your fingers and then over and out."
"In urban areas, get creative with your movement."
"Intensity, the thing that turns a campaign into a movement, matters."
"It was moving through a slow patch of rocky hilly forest like it was running on a track."
"The real reason the hep will lose it's because of the message of the resistance, the reason they're fighting, the essence of the movement."
"Grapple points are actually incredible ways to get both to an exact position and a very consistent angle."
"Always start by pushing them backwards before you pull."
"This country goes like a pendulum on the clock. This country doesn't move in the linear plane."
"So now what we do with this is we move that pattern through the scale."
"Why expend this amount of time and resources to discredit this movement if it did not pose a significant threat?"
"We can no longer call it Black Lives Matter because it's not even about black lives anymore."
"One small movement can make all the difference."