
Stress Response Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Rhodiola rosea...is helpful at managing cortisol."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The motivation changes, right? Then the motivation is, how do I utilize the stress to realize the enhancing outcomes?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The physiological sigh is the fastest, hardwired way for us to eliminate this stressful response in our body quickly in real time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Trauma is a fear and/or stress response that's happening at the wrong times."
"You have to decide: Are you going to try and quiet stress, or are you going to actually lean into action?"
"A little bit of stress on the body like exercise... because our body tries to maintain homeostasis, a little bit of stress will cause our body to respond to that stress with a lot of anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, growing new brain cells."
"A little bit of stress on the body... causes our body to respond to that stress with a lot of anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant [responses], growing new brain cells, and all these beneficial things."
"Anxiety and our stress response, evolutionarily, is a protective mechanism. It is necessary for our survival."
"Anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations, but when it becomes pervasive and unrelenting, the results can be debilitating."
"Spike of adrenaline we know is neuroprotective if it's a short-lived spike in adrenaline."
"What red light therapy is actually doing is causing a stress to your body and the benefit that you get is the response to that stress."
"Animals, for example, are much more pure about this. The stress happens. They get themselves to safety. And then their cortisol levels go right back down."
"A challenge to your point of view, a challenge to your ego, a challenge to your relationships, any type of challenge causes the physiology to go chaotic."
"If you tend to go into a stress response when you try to communicate your emotions or what you need, it may be that you're showing signs that you weren't listened to as a child."
"The sympathetic nervous system is always working to keep us in good physiological balance and it regulates our response to stress."
"With dogs, we always talk about fight or flight, but there's a third one, and that's freeze. Or in his state, how do I just melt into not existing? I just want to pancake to the floor and want to camouflage into this kennel so nobody sees me because I just want all of this to go away."
"You're operating on fear; fight or flight chemicals flood your brain, and your critical thinking skills shut down."
"When you don't sleep, your body interprets it as an emergency... it raises your heart rate, it makes you crave more sugar and fast food, it makes your heart beat faster, and it shuts down a lot of the creative parts of your brain."
"Magnesium supports a balanced inflammatory response promotes healthy restorative sleep, relaxation, calmness, and better stress response."
"Your goals, your dreams, your passions, your aspirations, if you're not getting to them, they are likely at some place, rooted, connected to a fight-or-flight response."
"These patterns of self-sabotage, the procrastination, the things that you want in your life that you can't make happen, at the most basic level, are fight-or-flight responses, their stress responses."
"Under extreme stress, one of the judges quickly turned the corner and fired at a prop holding a drill."
"What could we say for complex PTSD? Well, this is a response that a person has that is outside of their control to a specific type of ongoing psychological and emotional stress that they weren't able to escape."
"When you hesitate... it sends a stress signal to your brain."
"The primary goal of autophagy is adaptation to changing conditions and adaptation to external stress, and at the end, avoidance of the unwarranted demise of the cell."
"Individually, we cannot control the course of events, but we can control our responses."
"Our emotional reactions are much deeper than our thoughts. They show up in the body and are powered by the fight, flight, freeze response in our limbic system."
"Your body responds the exact same way to physical, chemical, or emotional stress."
"This is crazy what we've got going on here is crazy."
"Adrenaline takes over...time kind of slows down a little bit."
"The body will adapt to physical, chemical, and emotional stressors in an intelligent manner."
"In the presence of extreme stress, human beings evolve."
"Life evolving spontaneously in the presence of stress is a very compelling idea."
"Your brain's ability to do the higher functioning because the blood goes somewhere else."
"I'm taking a sledgehammer to my monitor if we lose."
"Your body doesn't know the difference between having your ass chewed by a tiger or by your boss."
"When you start feeling this pressure... it's also bringing a golden answer... they will be resolved, okay? Very important."
"In times of stress, I think people are instinctively drawn to the safety of people they can relate to."
"You are turning into just a complete fighter flight state and we make horrible decisions over time."
"Confidence builder that you can hammer out six rounds under two seconds in distress."
"Why do we sometimes fail to perform up to our potential under pressure?"
"If you're feeling pushed into a corner, something needs to drastically change."
"After going through the confidence chamber it also teaches them how to stay calm and not panic when their bodies are under duress."
"No way I could handle anything like this, I'd be running out."
"Under pressure, people either focus or fold."
"The brain loves predictability and autonomy. When it's in an environment where it's unpredictable and it doesn't feel like it has a lot of power to decide what's going on, levels of dopamine reduce."
"It was fucking disgusting and terrifying... and I didn't have the cool response."
"Viruses are toxins that are released from cells that are under stress, whether it's a bat or an animal or a plant."
"When you make decisions under duress, you wind up making some of the worst decisions of your life."
"So maybe if y'all can chill the hell out for a second, then maybe I can focus on some shit y'know?!"
"It's all happening so fast we're just moving in today so fast I don't know what to do I don't know what to do."
"Being very aware of when your body is saying no, not right now, I need to eat right now, I'm feeling very overwhelmed, there's too many things going on."
"Listen, the state of the world right now is scary and stressful. Makes me want to curl up into a little ball."
"She's waving this yoga stick in her face, she's blowing pot smoke in her face, she's screaming at her, she's getting louder and louder and more aggressive."
"The military environment of explaining a collective experience doesn't translate to civilian life, where you're working with people, but then something really dangerous or stressful happens."
"Your body is now in a constant state of feeling threatened."
"You can train yourself to turn off the fight-flight-freeze response and return to a sense of calm."
"I was just yelling [ __ ] before the grenade."
"The mind goes into a 'safe mode' during stress."
"Have you noticed that when you're concentrating or stressed out, you breathe faster? How does the mechanics of breathing affect us?"
"The body adapts to stress based on the stress that's placed on it."
"Under high threat, high-stress situations, the window allows him to see more."
"It's only in the most dire of need that grown men utter expletives."
"Your natural human reaction... is to push forward on the yoke."
"Everybody has a boiling point that I've reached mine."
"Your heart rate is going to start going; you could have a heart attack."
"I left feeling like I was running out of a burning house."
"Mitohormesis involves multiple mitochondrial exposures to a challenging but not overwhelming stress source."
"Using airsoft guns for training to get used to gear, movement, and retention might work, but not for accuracy under stress."
"Under periods of chronic stress, we crave sugar."
"Plants don't want to be eaten but when you eat it as a human you're so strong that it's actually a positive stressor."
"How far can we all be pushed before we start making those decisions?"
"This is really bad, we're out, we're dead, yeah, oh shoot!"
"That feeling where your racing heart, sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach? That's actually your alarm going off."
"Polyphenols are secondary metabolites that plants produce when they are under stress."
"None of us argue is that under stress you'll become a creature of your preconditioning, a creature of habit, a creature of training."
"Fasting is an acute controlled responsible stressor that is a stronger signal to the body."
"The frustration has led to an increased sense of nationalism and isolationism... in many parts of the highly developed world."
"When we are in panic, our emotional response bypasses our thinking brain."
"The person's perception of detection apprehension triggers cognitive overload."
"Researchers discovered that stressed plants emit more sounds than their healthy counterparts."
"I'm really sweating here I have no idea where they could be I have to find something."
"When you freak out, that's normal. That's part of this."
"You just have to let your body naturally react."
"You're forcing your body to adapt to this new stress."
"Flight, freeze, or fight." - Expanding the "fight or flight" response humorously.
"It secretes around 10 times the level of cortisol that a normal human is supposed to have."
"He just freaked out and said [__] it and left."
"Walls up big time, you're up to here with a situation right now, you're not having it."
"The psychological sense of scarcity can often have the same biological response as actual physical restriction."
"If you're panicking the flying business you're dead."
"When you're in a high-stress fight or flight, high cortisol state, your body thinks it is in danger and so it will shut down any processes of smooth metabolism."
"Feline Idiopathic Cystitis: it's a stress-induced problem."
"Everything needs to stop. Leave me alone. It was harassment."
"People tend to have a bad habit of doing terrible things when pushed to the edge."
"Cortisol is a fascinating hormone. It helps the body to respond to stress, all stress states."
"Rabbits feel incredibly stressed some of them can go into shock when they're being held that way."
"I'm definitely an eater, I definitely go to food when I'm upset."
"This is not pussy man, this is Ironman. Under pressure reveals true character. What are you gonna do?"
"Every molecule in my body combined to express: Get this damn airplane on the ground."
"Your body gets that adrenaline drum dump and you have to use that."
"I'm not doing this! I'm not! Please, just relax!"
"Fearing she is about to lose, Mai starts to have a bit of a breakdown."
"When you're in extended periods of fight-or-flight mode, your body shuts down."
"It's impossible to know with any degree of certainty how someone would respond to such insanely pressure-filled scenarios."
"The combination of Nrf2 synergizer and collagen downregulates NF Capa B, the body's master switch of the rapid response to stress."
"Socializing is relatively easy... but when there are changes and too much stress, the wheels fall off."
"If you are unnerved by this, you're completely [ __ ] and you're screwed."
"He's embracing it now, the outbursts were always when he was afraid or stressed and now that he's trapped living out his perpetual last day he can just lean into it and let it happen rather than fighting it."
"It's sort of like the upper functions of my brain kind of switched off very quickly and I just had sort of the reptilian part of the brain."
"There's like a few times I really want to get [__] up because I'm stressed."
"The human body can be pushed very hard and respond to a huge amount of stress and have a positive outcome from it as long as it's not for long."
"Cellular senence refers to the irreversible growth rest that occurs as a response to different stressors."
"Depression and anxiety are more likely to be the response of a normal brain to stressful events than evidence of an abnormal brain."
"...anything that your body can kind of signal as an unsafety as a threat is going to start down regulating your metabolism."
"This fight or flight response then prepares your body to become stronger, faster, and your brain becomes more focused on addressing the danger at hand."
"The stress response once we understand it, we start to realize that studies show that 90% of what a doctor sees in any given day may in some way be related to stress, which is a remarkable figure."
"the sympathetic system is the one that most humans are stuck in because that's the default switch that's the survival switch that's the fight-or-flight response."
"That is mad. It's crazy what you can do when you're in a stressful situation."
"If you get past fight or flight the rest of its going to be typically a lot easier than having to get to the first part anyway."
"Every one of us is conditioned to initially react to acute stress or threat with fight flight freeze."
"So in essence, while proteins are normally recognized by SRP on the ribosome, taken to the membrane, and recognized there by Sec61 for import, under conditions of acute ER stress, a much higher proportion of the protein is rejected."
"HPG axis and HPA axis: inextricably intertwined."
"...you kind of lose the capacity to have a response to stress that's when you I mean that's like talk about like emotionally flatlining you don't have the ability anymore to like oh this is bad I'm stressed this is a problem it's just everything becomes like this flat line."
"Stress is good, if the leaves start to curl under a little bit, that's okay, the plant will be making antioxidants to fight the stress."
"Stress is this universal way of making us feel like we want to move. And this is a way of being very deliberate in how you make choices when you are stressed. And that can save your life."
"Genetics heavily influence our current state and how we respond to stresses."
"Stress response activated plus 5% melee damage."
"Bone broth is one of these things... I've speculated forever that... it's probably activating the integrated stress response."
"Being in a group can move us from fight-flight-freeze, where there's hostility, to attend and befriend."
"Endocannabinoids generally help the body relax, recognize that there's no longer a threat, and trigger the rest and digest reaction."
"This film is psychological, it's the breakdown of how they think and react under stress."
"Stress actually enhances the effect of the immune system."
"Our blink rate during a final exam for a course that we don't really like is probably around 270 blinks per minute, and watching a really captivating movie, our blink rate might be 3 per minute."
"The link between the brain and the gastrointestinal system, often referred to as the gut-brain axis, plays a crucial role in how our bodies respond to stress."
"The stress response can look like fight, flight, freeze, or fawn."
"When you make the cells a little bit resistant to these hormones, they roll out the resiliency programs."
"If you want to understand how a society or organization really works, watch that organization operate under periods of stress."
"I wasn't a smoker, but at the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do."
"The purpose of a homeostatic reflex is to compensate or correct for stress."
"Neural plasticity just means how well your brain copes with, responds to, and recovers from stress."
"It's fight or flight, actually in psychology or science even, it's called the amygdala hijack."
"Not everyone will respond to the same stress the same way."
"The sympathetic is described as the fight-or-flight nervous system; it prepares us for fighting or for flighting."
"Stress is what the patient says it is because different people are going to respond differently to different kinds of stress."
"The sympathetic nervous system activates your body for fight or flight."
"Epinephrine or adrenaline is the fight-or-flight response."
"The more complex these techniques become, the less likely you're going to be able to use them in a real situation under stress."
"For the body, very different nutrients are required when you experience a five-minute stressful situation versus a five-year stressful situation."
"This is not about data or facts; this is about your nervous system trying to keep you safe."
"Pay attention to your body and your nervous system."
"Cactus are in the same family as beets, and the pigment that turns the cactus purple under times of environmental stress are the same betaline pigments that actually cause beets to be purple."
"What stress and complexity are asking of us... is curiosity, compassion, connection, values."
"Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly."
"The sympathetic system prepares the body for stress-related activities, and the parasympathetic system returns the body to routine operations."
"My maker gave me this wonderfully sophisticated system that for my own benefit freaks out from time to time."
"If they shock the cage, the rats turn on each other."
"Fight or flight, rest and digest, so their actions are opposite."
"It's human nature to seek out repetitive rhythmic actions, especially paired with pressure, when we experience extreme stress and excitement."
"There's only one reason why your body will build muscle: it is an adaptive response to stress."
"Your body will boost testosterone, it will boost DHEA, and it will boost cortisol."
"Biofeedback is where you learn to control your physiologic function by monitoring response to stress with immediate feedback."
"The greater the amount of stress that you have, generally speaking, the greater amount of response from the adrenal glands."
"When the vagus nerve is really healthy and robust and resilient, there's a portion of it that turns on when there is stress and it immediately down regulates the heart."
"You are now adapted, you are now in a better position to respond to deal with that stress than you were when you started."
"Cortisol is released to try and put us in the best situation possible to deal with these stresses and maintain homeostasis."
"It's almost this race car gene where when you're in a crazy moment your adrenaline is lower, your heartbeat is lower, your heart rate is lower."
"It's just so cute. I think the sun stressing on this is really pretty."
"Torine is what is called semiessential, which means that it only becomes important during times of stress and illness."
"We understand that the way our stress response system works is that when we've experienced high doses of cumulative adversity... that can affect the way our stress response functions."
"It's not just all in their head... it could be because they're biologically more sensitive to the experience of the stressors that are happening right now."
"You're certainly not crazy... your body has a mechanism that's designed to protect you from harm."
"Adrenaline is a response to stress."
"The fight or flight response is the interaction between the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system."
"The modification of the gut microflora affects the HPA axis response to stress and anxiety."
"The adrenal gland releases epinephrine, linked to the fight or flight response, raising blood pressure and heart rate in response to stress."
"The sympathetic is fight or flight; the parasympathetic is rest and digest."
"The flight fight effect really does reveal things."
"When back to baseline or even at times of stress, we go to our Baseline personality."
"The more fight or flight someone is, the more chronically tight they tend to be, and the more anxious they tend to be."
"The hippocampus is the thermostat that controls the fight-or-flight system."
"Your heart can either beat really fast and prepare you for dealing with the situation, or you can say, 'My heart's beating really fast, I'm filled with anxiety, oh no, I'm doomed,' and the way your body responds to that stress is different."
"To provide this, the heart speeds up."
"We're all in fight, flight, freeze, collapse, tend and befriend, and we're bound and wound and armored."
"The way that the brain is affecting the body... causes them to basically go into a sympathetic response, a fight-or-flight response."
"People show you who they are in moments of stress."
"A system in equilibrium that is subject to stress will react in a way that tends to minimize that stress."
"Early life stress can rewire the brain, setting a higher baseline for the fight or flight response."
"The body starts gearing up into this fight or flight mode; it's basically preparing you for a threat."
"It's that fight-or-flight reaction, especially if it's a wound from childhood."
"Your body is trying to keep you alive at all times and if it still perceives everything to be a threat then it's gonna go right into fight or flight."
"One of the ways to judge a person's character is to judge them based on how they behave when they have power and how they behave when there's a lot of stress."
"Sympathetic is the one that we best remember by the saying fight-or-flight."
"Fear can trigger a fight-flight response which can activate the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis."
"Any stress or stimulus that causes a change in one of these controlled conditions will trigger a control center to activate a homeostatic reflex."
"Bodies react in strange ways under stress."
"The modal time history or transient analysis... lets you plot stresses, displacements, and acceleration responses as a function of time."
"The response is out of the norm or excessive in terms of psychiatric symptoms in dealing with a stressful event."
"When he feels like his back is against the wall, he tends to smash that panic button pretty hard."
"When you put a stress on a system at equilibrium, it will respond to counteract that stress."