
Lifestyle Quotes

There are 45786 quotes

"Better living through chemistry still requires better living."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Avoiding night light and seeking light during the day may be a simple and effective non-pharmacologic means for broadly improving mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Quality, quantity, regularity, and timing are what you really need to think about when you think about your sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I don't use my phone that much. I don't use the internet that much, and I prioritize it, and a lot just gets done."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we can take in cold and heat, along with exercise and a bit of fasting, it all increases the hormetic stress in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep, sunlight, proper nutrition, exercise, and social connection are all critical for maintaining baselines of health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most important thing is those pillars of sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management, sunlight, and social connection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's the choices that you make every single day that are going to set you up to be your healthiest self or not."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Surround yourself with people that you like. Avoid people you don't like."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Taking good care of our eyesight is essential."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We hear so much and there's so many studies showing that great sleep, quality nutrition, good social interactions, avoiding chronic stress, and on and on and on are important for everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's such a bad idea because it disrupts that rhythm that you're having."
"Eat a couple of sandwiches, take a nap, get up, do some push-ups, get out and move in a different way...move in a positive way."
"Creativity isn't just about the arts; it's fundamental to inventing the life you're capable of living."
"Obesity is on the rise alongside our increasingly high-processed, high-fat diets and sedentary lifestyles, especially in Western cultures."
"In a world that's continually evolving, where the lines between food, fitness, and well-being are increasingly blurring, we all aspire for one thing: to live healthfully."
"Our food, our lifestyle, our mental state—everything affects our health."
"It's not about what we do once in a blue moon; it's about what becomes a pattern in our life."
Dr. Stig Ekberg
"How we live influences how long and well we live."
"Everything I do leads to a healthy lifestyle."
"If you think about our evolutionary history, social connections were imperative to survival. If you are living in a hunting and gathering lifestyle, you need those social connections; you can't guarantee that you will find food every day."
"Living a life of gratitude is actually living a life telling himself over and over: be grateful."
"How we spend our mornings can often tell you what kind of day you're going to have."
"Environment plays a profound role in your entire fucking quality of life."
"We want to live a long life, and we want to live a healthy long life at that."
"Ultimately, if we start in close with our nervous system and start thinking about adding one practice, some morning light viewing, dimming the lights in the evening...realizing that you have control over your response system and your nervous system, I think that's a start."
"We're constantly seeking freedom in our life but actually structure is one of the best ways to create that freedom."
"Don't you think we should at least start with diet, exercise, and learning how to not believe every stupid thing you think?"
"Health first, this is the number one most important thing in life."
"Life is really about optimizing chances, and various plant-dominant diets and various behaviors can do it."
"I prefer to try to construct a food environment and a diet and a lifestyle for them that allows their brains to naturally regulate them to the right calorie intake and to the right body fatness to meet their goals."
"Anything you do that affects your energy balance...is enough to substantially protect against diabetes."
"When it comes to insulin resistance and avoiding diabetes, the best things you can do are live an active, healthy lifestyle... maintain a good body composition, and then pick the right parents, because genetics play a big role there as well."
"We need to stop looking for that dopamine hit and essentially try to find a way of being in the world that isn't primarily focused on rewards."
"70% of the global deaths today are caused by modifiable risk factors in nations where people have access to all of this abundance."
"Outside of an emergency medical condition... I have never seen anything come close to providing the breadth and depth of benefits that the plant-based lifestyle offers."
"Almost everyone has had a family member who suffers from heart disease... Just trying to get them to understand that there is a relationship between your lifestyle and your outcome."
"The people that do the best managing and navigating perimenopause into menopause are the ones that dial in on the lifestyle stuff."
"Your transition into sleep will be so much easier. Your sleep is so much deeper."
"A lot of the things that plague us are under our control."
"If you think about the things I just said, regular sleep, sunlight, exercise, quality nutrition, social connection...none of which by the way require that you purchase anything."
"The rewards of finding and maintaining balance are neither immediate nor permanent; they require patience and maintenance."
"I think being physically active throughout life, eating foods as close to the way nature produces them as possible, and managing stress are key to good health."
"80% of your future health is in your own hands, it's modifiable; 20% is genetic, which you can't do much about yet."
"If you can't continue to do it for a year, two years, or five years, then you can't. Diets don't work, it's nutrition."
"We have highly motivated, self-selected patients that are willing to do really radical things like eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time."
"It's usually possible to live a healthy lifestyle that's also inexpensive."
"Modern day, fast forward, live in a much different world where we have access to food 24 hours a day, all day, all night. We don't, you know, necessarily need to exercise to get our food either."
"The majority of premature death and disability is preventable with a plant-based diet and other healthy lifestyle behavior."
"This is what 82 should look like, and if people change their lifestyles the way that I describe in the book, they have a great chance of reaching that point and beyond."
"The goal here is health... it's not so much looking good in a bikini. It's about how you're going to age so that you can be as healthy as possible."
"Simple things: eating less, eating healthier, moving a bit, not smoking...could give us an extra 15 years."
"First you create your habits, and then your habits create you."
"Lower your consumption of simple carbohydrates. Eat more healthful fat. Eat more dietary fiber. Exercise. Make sure that your sleep is restorative."
"Have fun. Follow your heart, have fun with it."
"I need a really regular exercise regimen... it's been extremely helpful for my mood and the way I am with my kids."
"Money is freedom. It's freedom to drive what you want, eat where you want, go where you want."
"You can't outwork a bad diet. Remember that."
"The whole purpose of food is to get olive oil into your mouth."
"A lack of sleep is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, high risk of diabetes, high risk of stroke, high risk of dementia, and certain forms of cancer."
"You know, it's almost embarrassing to talk about how good exercise is for you."
"This is a lifestyle where you're always progressing; it's never going to stop. Very simple changes can make the biggest impact."
"The most important thing is why aren't you living a lifestyle to prevent these diseases to begin with?"
"Happiness is not a goal, it's actually the result of right thinking, right living, right acting. It's the byproduct."
"The main conversation is how can I develop a relationship with exercise and nutrition that lasts forever."
"Among the men who reported using a sauna between four and seven days a week had a 50% lower risk in terms of cardiovascular disease compared to people who just used it one day a week."
"Imagine if our whole generation of men were like us: quitting porn, quitting video games, getting into the gym, eating clean, meditating, journaling, leveling up."
"Diet, exercise, sleep, and an active social life are the four pillars of mental health."
"We love desserts, right? Like, no one wants to live their life without desserts. So how do we make desserts that make us feel good before, during, and after, not just during?"
"It's all about living a rich life, whether that is traveling or finding your dream job or negotiating your salary."
"Happiness, mental well-being, the way you think about the world, the way you approach the world actually is more important than your lifestyle."
"Hygge is the art of creating a nice atmosphere."
"Allow Reiki into your life and let Reiki become a new way of life."
"When you cut that shit out of your life, it leaves you with this very specific palette with which to paint."
"There is no magic pill. If you want more energy, go to bed before two o'clock in the morning."
"The best way to do that is to see in others, reminders. Use other people as reminders for the way that you should be living your life."
"The freedom of the schedule that you get with passive income is really cool."
"Embrace a balanced lifestyle with HelloFresh's commitment to affordable, convenient, and delicious home cooking."
"Authenticity is key in the lifestyle area, and those that succeed tend to be willing to share their whole lives."
"The Gang Lifestyle is nothing to glamorize or glorify."
"You're literally addicted to doing and you're addicted to success."
"Once you're making a few thousand a month online, you're free. You can do whatever you want and you can go where you want."
"Health is real, organs failing is real, diabetes, heart disease, all that is real."
"In order to be happy, we must first have to be intentional about creating a better lifestyle, and that starts with habits."
"Live like no one else today so that later in life you could live like no one else."
"It's not just about weight loss, it's not just about fat loss, it really is about establishing these incredible healthy habits to be able to take you long term so you not only reach your goals but you maintain, you stay at this lifestyle and also it's something you can stick to long term."
"For me personally, following this type of lifestyle is a way for me to never feel deprived and to be able to actually achieve my goals living my healthiest self without thinking about food, without being hungry, without obsessing over my body."
"What's really important, I think, for a lot of women these days is not just to focus on the weight loss but to focus on finding a healthy way for them to achieve their goals in that they're not going to be starving all the time, they're not going to be obsessing about food all the time."
"Are we homeless? Well, absolutely not. Our home is on wheels."
"The zero-waste lifestyle is a gift that keeps on giving."
"Be the example. So, you actually like showing the results of the lifestyle, and then that's going to inspire those around you to jump on board."
"If you're not healthy, the brain's not going to perform particularly well for you."
"If you actually have... somebody cooking food for you every day on a well-prepared diet, it's probably really hard to overeat."
"To reduce it to its essence: Eat well, move more, stress less, and love more."
"If something's already too sweet, perhaps it's time to add a bit of salt to balance it out."
"The further faster I go, the crazier I get. The slower closer I am to my real life and grocery shopping and unloading the dishwasher and loving on people, the better I am."
"Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."
"The body positivity movement should, by definition, promote behaviors, lifestyles, habits that have a positive effect on your body."
"I treat people well and I'm respectful... that's a way to live."
"The most captivating, intriguing content was about quitting your job and becoming a digital nomad."
"I'm an adrenaline junkie... it's important to do something that makes me feel like I'm about to die."
"The beauty of martial arts is in the consistency and the discipline it requires, not just in the physical training but in how that discipline affects every aspect of your life."
"We've forgotten how to play. Play was for the sake of play, the theater, the dance, the music."
"People don't grow old. When they stop growing, they become old."
"I will never quit drinking. I will always make sure that I can keep my body healthy enough so that I can always drink."
"Culture is everything you do. What you eat, what you wear, how you walk, where you walk, what you say, everything that affects your lives on a daily basis."
"A lot of people love to follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram and the Kardashians, and be really, you know, invested in that Kardashian lifestyle, the fashion, the makeup, the glamorous lifestyle, the holidays."
"Self-love is less of a feeling and more of a way of life that is evidenced in your relationships, your boundaries, your self-care."
"Eating food is the biggest variable in our lives, the biggest. So why not eat the best? Why not eat nutrients instead of calories?"
"Sugar baby culture is toxic and it needs to go away."
"Everything else that you hear about sounds more directly related to your productivity... but the thing like setting up your calendar and knowing exactly what time you're gonna eat, that's huge for your productivity."
"Developing a hobby out of this...your whole life is going to start to transform in unimaginable ways."
"Don't focus on quitting; focus on adding positive habits."
"Productivity to me is living a life that has equal and balanced amounts of work, play, and rest."
"We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation."
"Ray began his career riding bulls and bareback broncos, served two tours in Vietnam, but it was this simple country life where he felt most at home."
"I am obsessed with this eucalyptus shower spray; it turns your shower into a literal spa."
"Romanticize your life, what else are we here for?"
"I was raised by my grandparents, so I try to live like the old school way. I'm very cheap. I don't spend much money."
"It's really much less about what we're eating or what we're doing; it's about how we are being when we're busy with whatever in our lives. How are we being?"
"It is possible to live this way, in this heaven on earth state of consciousness."
"A merry life and a short one. That's my motto."
"What if you were in control of your financial future? What if you had more time to spend with your family and doing the things you love?"
"If you have to work every single day in order to fund your lifestyle, you are not wealthy. You have no freedom."
"In a society based on speed and productivity, moving slowly is a radical act."
"Me and my boyfriend go 50/50; we are a team. We have mutual goals. People need to live within their means."
"Charity fraud is one thing... but spending money on your lavish lifestyle is probably the worst thing you could imagine."
"When you step onto that pitch, it's not just about playing the game; it's about living it."
"Success is all about a lifestyle. I live the lifestyle of the champion."
"Training is going to be largely defined by what you want, what you're willing to do, what your body and life are willing to allow, and your personality."
"Life is supposed to be about having fun... following what feels good."
"Blood is blood, and you need it. This is just how you prefer to feed on any given night."
"It's not about quick fixes... it's about working out sustainably."
"A simple and peaceful life can often be the most rewarding."
"Even though it's way less sexy to be frugal and saving money than it is to be ballin' so hard with bottle service all the time, Rolexes, Yeezys, Lambos, Ferraris."
"Whenever you come to a decision point in your day, ask yourself this question, 'Is this good for my brain or bad for it?'"
"Acquired skills can be developed by the way you live."
"I want people to be free to live their lives however they please."
"My name is Andrew Bustamante... I teach people spy skills for everyday life and everyday use to get an unfair advantage at work, in security, and life is good for me, man."
"Why get thinner when you can get more dinner?"
"Don't pursue happiness. Pursue a lifestyle that results in happiness."
"Take some time out for yourself, somewhere else, just chill outside of your regular style of chilling."
"When you become more frugal, you are going to become much more aware of how much is enough for you and the lifestyle that you want to lead."
"The abs are always there; they're just behind a bunch of tacos and tequila."
"It's not about what you preach; it's about how you actually live and how you choose to represent what your moral code is in your life."
"I'm promoting saving money by bringing food from home and eating out less."
"When I meditate first thing in the morning, I'm more mindful throughout my day. I make better choices, eat the right foods, and actually do follow through and go to the gym. I actually do communicate better with my wife and I don't react to people."
"The vast majority of health problems are lifestyle driven."
"Words of advice for Jack: Get off your phone."
"Cooking and trying out new recipes is something I really enjoy, but planning all the meals and going to the grocery store can get very time-consuming."
"I stayed in five-star hotels off of that loop."
"Maybe she had thought that those two worlds would be mutually exclusive, but not at all."
"Slow financial independence aims to strike that balance between prioritizing the time it takes to reach financial independence and the amount of enjoyment we get out of the process of becoming financially independent."
"Improved health: your health is improving, your eating habits are improving."
"I feel so lucky. I have such a weird, fun life."
"Life gets busy, and sticking to healthy eating habits can be tough."
"What's up y'all, today I'm talking about Factor, the meal delivery service that's been a total game-changer for me."
"Kindness isn't just something we schedule within our day... it's how we live."
"Enjoy your life, enjoy your platforms, live your best life."
"I'm loving minimal makeup... I'm loving minimal everything."
"The most obvious change is a focus on simplicity, rather than a garish, ostentatious display of wealth."
"A Sprite bottle with purple liquid in it... it's either drank straight out of the bottle or sometimes they mix it with Sprite and call it purple drink."
"No matter how stressful our life seems, there are steps one can take to relieve the pressure and regain control."
"What really distinguishes us from other people is what we do to improve our lives, our lifestyle, and our way of thinking."
"It's not sustainable, don't be too extreme with everything in your life."
"Sometimes a change of scenery is just great."
"A huge burden of that disease could be prevented or reversed with nutrition and lifestyle."
"People that get married are typically people that are doing decently in life."
"If you can live more humble, you can hold your breath longer."
"If I can show you how to make money without reducing your lifestyle and still end up in a better financial position than somebody that tries to save and live below their means, then let me show you how to spend money and make money at the same time."
"Money itself is just a tool... it's a tool that you use to live the life that you want."
"Every dime you make goes right back into entertainment."
"The effortless way of life is the best. Do the thing you love to do and do it for the joy and thrill of it."
"You know what I respect? People who can carry around a water bottle in general."
"Wellness, now there's a word you don't hear every day. It means exactly what you might think it means: the opposite of illness."
"The secret to good health is actually not so secret: simply following general lifestyle principles that have been well established for decades."
"Food is medicine, exercise is medicine, meditation is medicine, sleep is medicine."
"It's not about the money; it's about margin, options, and freedom."
"Happiness comes from alignment if my values and principles are matched with the way I'm living on a daily basis."
"Financial independence in your 40s means doing things on your terms, where, when, and how you want."
"Entrepreneurship is the lifestyle of freedom."
"A person with no money and a lot of time is better off than a person with a lot of money and no time."
"Women's health is profoundly impacted by diet and lifestyle choices, affecting menstrual health and overall well-being."
"Clean eating placed emphasis on a holistic approach, many called it a lifestyle change."
"Keep it player, keep it player. It don't cost no more to keep it player."
"I'm in love with New Jersey, love to be on the beach, nice house, three kids, and a healthy family."
"I don't need to eat this special boring food; I can eat french toast and I can have a normal life."
"The main emotion I remember is one of pride... This is everything. It's my hobby, it's my passion, It's My Life."
"You don't have to live like that today. There's more money in hip hop than there's ever been."
"Being charismatic is just a normal part of my life, and others can't help but be drawn to my positive energy."
"Imagine living here, man, that'd be great with like this beautiful view."
"Most of you have probably heard about the general conditions for obtaining happiness. And they always seem to circle back to some of the same basic features of get great sleep, have great social connection, pursue meaning, don't focus to any overextend on things like pursuing money."
"It's all about teaching them how to keep the money. It's not time to buy boats and cars and planes. It's this mental shift."
"I think it's just really good for people to have more margin in your life."
"You can work, you can be a classic woman and work, you can be a classic woman and be at home."
"I think after a long day of just working, going to the gym, I just want to come home to peace."
"I promise you, mentally once you get there and once you make that promise to yourself and you keep it and you commit and you reap the benefits, it becomes so so so much more clear that you're in this for the lifestyle."
"A busy life is a waste of life." - Francis Crick
"I'm worried about you, Edgar. I've seen far too many players who couldn't handle the lifestyle, the fame, the pressure."
"Establish a feeding window that you can comfortably manage."