
Truth-telling Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"Truth-telling is the stimulus, and the emotion that accompanies that truth-telling is what allows for neuroplasticity to occur."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you tell the truth, it's a two-step process: remember the truth, tell the truth. That's it. It's very simple."
"It takes a lot of courage to come out and speak the truth that people aren't ready for."
"You pay a very heavy price and it takes a lot of courage to do that."
"I didn't start out thinking I'm going to create a business... I said I need to tell this truth, I need to expose this thing."
"Ministers and comedians have been authorized in a country that respects freedom of speech. You have to have strong, robust ministers and comedians who speak uncomfortable truths."
"I have enormous trust and faith in the idea that one individual can do an untold amount of good. True, one individual can do an untold amount of evil and harm as well, but one person raising their voice against lies can break through."
"We don't expect to be popular for telling people this information, but we do it with our hearts filled with the genuine desire for them to know the truth."
"Research has shown that deceptive people often sell their story a little bit more than truth tellers because they know it's not true, so they have to make extra efforts to make it credible."
"The reality is though, the strength of independent media proves this is that if you offer somebody things that they are interested in hearing, if you are willing to tell the truth to people even if they don't always agree with you, if you're willing to kind find different ways of looking at things that the major mainstream media outlets don't permit, you will find an audience, really often a large audience."
"It's a game that tells you the truth and isn't afraid to challenge the player at every opportunity, even emotionally."
"Goya was a truth-teller, but not everybody wanted to hear the truth."
"He's making his life so much harder simply because he's telling the truth as he sees it, and he's giving liberals across this country permission to oppose what happened during the COVID regime, to be against the war in Ukraine. That is a goddamn heroic mission, and we should totally support him on that mission."
"I don't like the term whistleblower. I think you were telling the truth and doing what was right."
"I love doing what I do because I just want people to know the truth."
"This is one of those moments when it's nice to have a truth teller around."
"Pride is a sin because humility is the precondition for play."
"The fool is the precursor to the savior... because the fool will tell the truth."
"This is about a guy who was telling you the truth."
"It's not fear-mongering; it's stating a fact."
"She speaks facts, and she's absolutely right. I just hope that people actually listen and do something about it."
"You're going to find yourself in your career, you may as these FBI agents and other people are in a very difficult position of having to speak truth to power."
"An adventure? Tell the truth as nearly as you can, and you'll have the adventure of your life. That's for sure."
"I come from a long line of matriarchs and I am a truth-teller."
"I'm going to tell the truth... no matter the cost."
"He ran without any hope of winning... he just told the truth to people."
"What it is me telling people the truth about what's going on... poses only a threat to fiction."
"Telling the truth is painful, but it ends up being so liberating."
"Telling the truth ain't negative damn it, hopefully it's positive."
"The way you solve disinformation is by telling the freaking truth."
"For me, I think they hate him because he once in a while would tell the truth that you're not allowed to tell."
"Ain't gonna stop truth telling to my people under no circumstances."
"One of the things I love about telling the truth is that you build confidence with yourself. You know when you're lying or even a white lie, you lack the confidence because you know you're out of integrity with yourself."
"The last 30 odd hours have been very, very, very interesting. You see, you get into trouble for telling the truth because people don't want to hear the truth."
"In the midst of all of that, it's important that we tell the truth."
"The only way we're going to start healing this country is if the government starts telling the truth."
"In humor, often people tell the truth that no one else will state."
"A take on our history and reality, telling a great truth."
"That's why the Left haisa that's why they attack me times I tell the truth not things they don't like."
"We need people like him because he is speaking the truth."
"How is it nice to lie to somebody? To me, it's nice and you show love if you tell them the truth."
"Love yourself from the other person enough to speak the truth."
"The main thing is, my name means 'bringer of truth' or 'messenger of God,' and I definitely try to tell the truth."
"This is what it's about, telling the truth and no matter what, I'm not going to stop, we're not going to stop."
"If you really love somebody you're going to tell them the truth."
"I'm not here to tickle the ears of the Modern Woman, I'm here to just bring the truth."
"The king of swords is going to tell you the truth here."
"This is what it looks like when you're telling the truth."
"Celebrity is a line of credit to be exhausted in the act of telling the truth."
"Trump lost the election. Yes, and they need to tell the people of this country the truth."
"I feel like I'm not allowed to say that, but I've got to tell my truth."
"I'm going to serve up the truth and try and be as authentic as possible."
"We as pastors must speak the truth in love and speaking the truth also demands repentance."
"You'll come along with me, young lady. You're going to tell them exactly what you told me."
"The truth teller is a very subversive and a very dangerous fellow."
"Now is the time for independent news, now is the time for real journalism, now is the time to actually speak truth. The truth shall set you free."
"One of the few voices of of forthright truth-telling out there right now in public life is of all people Jerome Powell."
"What do we do on this show? We tell the truth because the truth is simply indisputable."
"An activist, a movement leader is gonna provide a prophetic voice and speak certain truths that somebody who is going to be elected into office will not be able to say."
"You got to look yourself in the eyes and be able to tell the truth."
"I'm passionate about fighting for my opinion... I'm trying to tell the truth so I can help my patients, period."
"Sometimes it doesn't hurt to tell the truth. It's not a curse, our powers. You're [__] with me, right? I'm serious."
"What do we do on this show? We tell the truth."
"It's time to clear the air and deliver the facts with receipts from the original source."
"Information is key. Keep telling the truth so that people don't forget."
"People that are trying to tell the truth... are having a hard time getting their truths communicated without being vilified."
"That guy just tells the truth wherever it goes. That's why he's a rock star."
"If I don't speak the truth and try and help other people, I would not feel right."
"The more you tell the truth, the more crazy and interesting things will happen to you."
"Journalists who tell the truth serve the people."
"Let me close by saying this: the vote we're going to have here is a clear choice of whether we are going to feed the beast of ignorance or we are going to tell the truth to the American people."
"I'm the guy that tells you the truth about stuff because I don't need to lie."
"The humanitarian thing might just be to tell someone the truth. What if the humanitarian is to say, 'You are operating from a false and long debunked premise and you are damaging'?"
"Once I tapped into that vibration of light, I just want to bring out the best in you."
"You know the definition of mean today is just telling the truth."
"Finally, someone tells the truth and finally we have an advocate outside who will speak with moral clarity."
"The kinds of truths that need to be told are the ones that powerful entities hate."
"Telling the truth is not popular when money is Flowing easily. When a world starts to fall apart, people want the truth."
"People who make change in the world are people who tell the truth even if it's uncomfortable or scary."
"Comedians and clergy are supposed to be gatekeepers of truth."
"The responsibility of the writer or the critic as a order agent is to try to bring the truth and matters of human significance to an audience that can do something about them."
"Our whole system of truth-telling and journalism and putting the truth in front of the public so they can make good decisions, it's been torn down."
"I love it when a bombshell drops truth bombs."
"If you want to tell someone the truth, make them laugh."
"There is nothing worse in this world than telling the truth and not being believed and not only not being believed but being vilified for it as well."
"People don't want the sugarcoat version. They want the ugly truth."
"The amount of [ __ ] that they've taken from their family their friends their old churches the internet all for telling their truth and speaking about these horrific injustices."
"Journalists, broadcasters, and war correspondents spread truth, courage, and empower other women and girls to use their voices for democracy, freedom, and justice."
"We want to use these platforms to tell the truth and attack powerful institutions."
"Judge Joe Brown goes in, he goes in. People are afraid to tell the truth and finally, there's people out here like JoJo Brown that's willing to say what everybody's thinking and not saying that."
"Whenever you speak the truth, it agitates people's demons."
"Truth-telling in modern-day America can be offensive."
"Controversy will arise, but that won't stop me from speaking the truth."
"We can't love people over righteousness... we need to tell them the truth."
"Never disrespect those that tell you the truth."
"Speaking truth and being able to go to other constituents and say Here's what is really happening out there here's here's the real facts."
"We are going to produce content that speaks truth to power."
"They were elected not to sell out the way so many politicians had done. They were elected to speak truth to power."
"If you lead with grace, you always have an opportunity to tell somebody the truth."
"Tell the truth, blow up your life, and maybe it'll be worth it."
"We need our church leaders to give us the uncomfortable truths."
"The truth is the truth whether it scares you or not. Tell the people the truth whether it scares them or not."
"We live in a world now where that's all it takes... merely just saying facts."
"Words do matter. Everybody's scared of a lighter but everybody in line, they make paint you like a light if you know you speaking your truth."
"Telling the actual painful truth is hard but necessary."
"Sometimes all it takes is one person to step forward and say loudly and clearly something is very wrong here, the emperor is not wearing clothes."
"When you speak the truth and you speak what you believe even if nobody's listening, you become very strong."
"In light of the rise and fall of mars hill phenomenon... sometimes we need to be willing to speak truth to power regardless on how people may be perceiving it."
"We have to start telling the truth, these are not hate, this is actually telling the truth of what we see."
"We're not going to be intimidated by anyone from telling the truth."
"Too many people are not speaking the truth, too many people are not telling these young folks out here to be careful. It's not about victim blaming, okay? It's about being careful and not letting your guard down."
"We have to call a spade a thing; we have to be very honest about what happened on January 6."
"The very survival of humanity and Homo sapien sapien may depend upon finally all of humanity being told all of the truth."
"The truth needs to be told even if it hurts feelings."
"Most women do tell the truth about abuse, even though doing so is incredibly hard."
"Your verbal skills are at their peak... speak your truth."
"Following the facts and simply telling the truth makes you a standout among our intellectual elites today."
"We have to pop sort of the top off of these things and we have to tell the truth about them and understand why the scope of certain groups of people, people of color, why their story, the scope of their pain has been minimized or retold."
"CM Punk for a few minutes just drop bombs facts the truth whatever you wanna call it."
"I offer facts. These are the facts. I counter non-factual narratives with truth."
"The real reason I continue to tell the truth, although I'm attacked, is because not only have I given these individuals a form to tell their stories, but I've seen their tears."
"I can't just leave. I have to finally start telling the truth and showing people what's going on instead of keeping it in."
"If we're talking about unprofessional behavior and/or telling the truth, imagine that on television."
"Realizing the parts of you two that don't really fit, calling each other out, speaking truths."
"It really is that simple. My mother was also a feminist. In 1968, the poet Muriel Rukeyser wrote, 'What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.'"
"Jesus Christ went against the grain a lot. He had to tell people the truth even if it offended them."
"I say this is how I flirt. If you're gonna get mad every time I tell the truth, I'm not sure we can work together."
"My concern is the ability to tell the truth... the cover-up is always worse than the crime... Joe Biden says he's not involved yet his son says he's sitting right there..."
"Telling our truth is not about getting people to validate it, the truth is so we can build our life."
"There are people who delight in telling the truth and watching other people's heads explode, and that is who we have with us this evening."
"The truth is not always what people want, but that's what my mother gave them."
"I like saying the thing that people don't want to hear even, that is true, and that needs to be said."
"Wealth gives you the opportunity to tell the truth. If you're not worth what are these guys worth a couple hundred million dollars they can say whatever they want plus they're old."
"It's not simply to tell people what they want to hear and say, 'Here's my evidence for it.'"
"The true prophets were those who told them what they needed to hear."
"If you have nothing to hide then tell the truth the first time."
"She will be attacked and canceled because she's telling you the truth."
"There's great power in telling the truth and allowing it to lead you to Higher Ground. It's only when we refuse to see the reality of a situation that we lose our power to co-create for the highest good."
"Our main motivation is to just always do what we think is right and to speak what we think is the truth."
"I don't care if you like me love me hate me it people gotta know the truth on this."
"The only way to defeat outrageous lies is you better start telling them some outrageous truth."
"My motivation in coming forward was to provide the facts about how Mr. Kavanaugh's actions have damaged my life."
"It is not my responsibility to determine whether Mr. Kavanaugh deserves to sit on the Supreme Court. My responsibility is to tell the truth."
"President Donald Trump is unafraid to tell you hard truths and not carefully crafted lies unlike Joe Biden."
"Telling the truth, raising people's awareness becomes the act of defiance."
"There's nothing more dangerous than telling the truth."
"Right now I believe that's what this media is about the truth can be said."
"I have to always remind people, they don't censor you for lying. They censor you for telling the truth. Just like Julian Assange is being, they're trying to kill him, torture him because he told the truth, not because he lied."
"Can we rescue this Georgia student who posted this photo and got suspended and vilified for telling the truth?"
"It was the right time it's always the right time for truth."
"I like being controversial. I do. Yeah, I do too. If I tell the truth and it's so funny I'll get people to say you know what I've always hated you I but I couldn't stop clicking on your videos so you know what I just subscribed."
"I've just been making content completely exposing all of his lies, all of his fraudulence."
"A Christian to speak the truth give people the truth but do it in a loving way."
"We have to tell the truth in every way we can and be honest about it."
"People need to hear the truth, and that's kind of a sad situation that we're in."
"My conscience tells me or instructs me or maybe even commands me to speak the truth no matter where it leads."
"Comedians, stand-up comedians, they're the best truth tellers we have."
"May we be equipped to speak your truth to people and to speak that truth in love."
"Once a week, speak the truth to save the society."
"She was willing to put all of that on the line to just tell the truth. That's it."
"I don't think people are used to hearing the truth from athletes so when they hear the truth it's so surprising at times."
"Comedians are supposed to fight the power, comedians are supposed to tell you something true."
"This isn't about race, it's about telling the truth."
"He shook it up because he told the truth and he told what everybody was thinking and what everybody noticed see here's the thing people ain't stupid we read the headlines just like everybody else right"
"When you tell the truth they will call you crazy."
"You deserve justice, you deserve to speak your truth."
"She had the guts to step forward and say that wasn't true."
"You don't have to hold back the truth just because it may hurt somebody's feelings."
"The truth isn't always pretty but it needs to be told and heard because people are losing worlds."
"Your job is to speak the truth in love about what abortion is."
"It is our calling and our privilege to proclaim the full truth, the undiluted truth, of the Good News."
"I think Meg been telling the truth about what happened as far as that shooting is concerned."
"What is Chappelle's role in this situation? He's a truth teller."
"No one has the courage to stand up in Washington or London and tell the truth. This must end."
"Instead of condemning all journalists, thank you Vanessa Billy. She and Eva Bartlett, but especially Vanessa really on the issue of Syria, took the lead in telling the truth about what's going there."
"It's about going out there and actually just telling the truth."
"Voluntarily bear the weight of tragic being and tell the truth. That's your best bet."
"Comedy should be about saying the truth however unpleasant it may be."
"There's something exciting about telling the truth."
"He has sacrificed his life for telling the truth."
"That's the true level of masculinity: protecting the people that surround you."
"Listen to the children, they're not telling stories, they're telling truth."
"A lot of you are going to be speaking your truth."
"This is a guy who writes for places like New York Magazine, and yet was willing to tell the truth."
"I'm not putting out rumors; I'm putting out the facts on the paperwork."
"Truth-telling... if you don't tell the whole truth then you are withholding information that is deception."
"Being unblinking about some of the horrors of war was the correct thing to do."
"I'm in this world to tell the truth."
"Your role as a tarot reader is to interpret what you see and tell the truth about it."
"You're a beacon right now for truth-telling."
"Truth-telling with community. Just tell the truth: 'I'm terrified right now.'"
"Hip hop has always told us the side of the story the media hides or misinforms us about."
"The truth comes out from the mouth of a Sagittaron."
"People look to us to tell the truth when no one else will."
"We're at a point where the left owns every major institution in America, except for the church. Pastors, you are our only hope. It's time to speak truth from the pulpit."
"Truth-telling requires the self-restraint to speak what we know."
"The world needs more coaches, the world needs us to tell the truth and be vulnerable and make a difference in people's lives."
"The only way that you can possibly do that is to put it out in a documentary format."
"Speaking the truth leads to a conversation with oneself or a higher power."