
Emotional Influence Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"The body and mind are linked in this way that emotions can really shape our physical responses and that physical responses also can shape our mental responses."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Calmness feeds trust, confidence feeds respect, love feeds love, excitement feeds excitement."
"I'm going to be giving you a list of things that James Charles did to emotionally manipulate his audience and the world in his latest video."
"The person with feminine energy is happy, everybody's happy in the room."
"Colors can have a profound effect on us psychologically."
"The relationship you have with a significant other might be one of the most significant impacts you ever have on a human being in this lifetime."
"If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you."
"People don't remember how you look or what you say, they remember how you make them feel."
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"People will forget what you did to them, people will forget what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
"Emotions override everything else when it comes to women."
"People care about emotional pulls far more than they care about facts."
"It proves that something like art or sports can impact how we feel about things in society."
"The science is what convinced me, not any emotional response to the image."
"Human beings make decisions emotionally, and then they justify them rashly."
"If a character sees an upcoming event as a nuisance, that emotion will also catch, and we'll also see it as a nuisance."
"Music has a transformative effect on our emotions."
"A man transmits his state of mind to his horse."
"What people remember about you is how you made them feel."
"How do you make that person feel when they're around you?"
"Most people don't care about what you said at the end of the day. They only care about how you made them feel."
"Curiosity is always the main emotional driver."
"Words are like a weapon and the target for this weapon is your heart."
"What we're dealing with here are people, people who make decisions based on how they feel."
"Moods are contagious, and you can inject them with that energy."
"What looks like a miracle isn't... my emotions scream at me this is a miracle but it's not."
"Sensuality plays more to a guy's emotions for a long-term commitment."
"Words are insanely powerful, and laughter especially."
"Smiles are contagious, spread the contagion."
"Her painful past will always be an integral part of her personality."
"People won't remember what you said... they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"Every decision he makes in this movie is an emotional one."
"I don't want to live in a world where fear and hatred are primary motivators."
"Fear appeals affect how we perceive and respond to messages."
"You got to move them with their hearts before you move them with your vision."
"Labels are a way of emotionally priming people to like or dislike certain arguments or perspectives... without actually having to understand them."
"People do not change based on what they know. They change based on what they feel. And you can't fix a feeling until you hear it."
"Stealing one's heart is like overriding their cognition, reducing their desires."
"When there's toxicity around you, it affects you, but also that you can look at another person's joy and be so affected by it, which is beautiful."
"Sometimes we seem to pick up on other people's energies and it can bring us down, but we don't really know why."
"Markets drop three times faster than they rise because fear is a stronger emotion than greed" - Insight into the psychology driving market movements.
"Fear is number one, and there's nothing close."
"Democrats should vote with their heart and their heart should say anger, not solidity, not stability, rage."
"There is a rarity about your energy, there is a special quality to your energy that does create this addictive effect."
"Marketing is all about emotions, all about stirring up ammo in someone and capitalizing off that emotional reaction."
"We have emotional impact on individuals how we treat them."
"Food and emotions affect your immune system."
"Insanely impactful music that you might only hear every once in a while."
"People aren't deciding who's the messiah based on evidence-based rational reasoning; it's based on feelings."
"When you accept fear, pain, or shame, you're making other people ashamed or afraid."
"Fear is that energy which is most used and fed upon by those entities you describe as negative."
"Nothing can stay the same forever and so you want to make decisions based on sound fundamentals not based on emotion."
"There's a lot of money out there seeking scarcity at the moment that doesn't want to involve itself in scarcity determined by social emotional consensus."
"If your content is bumming people out, you're messing up."
"Our feelings are contagious, right? A feeling state of joy, trust, hope..."
"These are just the things that have had more of an emotional impact on me throughout the whole year."
"Negative people are going to want you to feel negative."
"There's nothing like a girl... she has you wrapped around her finger."
"Neutrality, screwing things up, and letting affairs of the heart win."
"Sometimes you got to think with your head sometimes you think with your heart sometimes you think with your gut"
"Sympathy overrides logic in American political discourse."
"I love what football does to people, players, staff, supporters."
"Facts are a lot more compelling than emotionalism."
"The heart is important, but it's not the place for moral decision-making."
"Your heart pretty much sets the tone of who you are and what you're able to accomplish."
"Fear becomes the Personal Adviser for relationships and it's the motivator."
"His buildings definitely have a psychological presence."
"People forget what you say, they'll forget what you did, they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"People don't buy logically they buy what emotionally and they justify logically."
"Fear is by far the more powerful emotion between fear and greed."
"Wear a smile on your face because it's hard for people to give you negative energy."
"Emotions are the most powerful way to get someone to buy something from you."
"The world doesn't determine how you feel; how you feel determines the world you perceive."
"I think it is all about good vibes versus bad vibes."
"People's emotions and perceptions and powerful facts make for a case."
"Emotions prioritize what we pay attention to and motivate our behaviors."
"Emotion plays a significant role in investment success."
"Somebody cannot get you off their mind, Cancer. You have a spell on this person, you have the sun in their sky."
"As emotion increases, consistency decreases."
"Emotion, pulling on the heartstrings, it's one of the most powerful tools known to all of us on this planet."
"Politicians sometimes allow emotions to get the better of their intellect."
"Stories have a power - A power to uplift or a power to bring down the vibration."
"She reminds us tomorrow is a new dawn and being in our heart center ripples out with positive effect."
"Evidence, experience, and facts are a lot more important than feelings."
"What could be more powerful than controlling the emotions of those around you and having no enemies as a result?" - Anime Dude
"All of us are in a peaceful loving State inside it will no doubt impact the external world around us and influence how others feel as well."
"Since emotions are contagious, a huge chunk of how the person opposite you is making their decision has to do with what you believe about yourself."
"People don't remember what you said but they remember how you made them feel."
"Are we condemned to forever hold beliefs that... are ultimately just the expressions of our feelings?"
"Any big decision in life, especially if it's financially related, it's almost always a terrible idea to make with emotion."
"Your courage comes from your conversation, so does your fear, so does your discouragement."
"Our emotional state influences changes in the electromagnetic signature of our heart."
"Our bodies are made of nearly 90 percent water... our thoughts and feelings can be recorded by water... hydrogen has the memory."
"How you made them feel is really, really important."
"Someone's love will make you glow up just by the way they love you."
"Most people make decisions based on emotions not logic decisions are largely emotional and not logical."
"Movies are magic because a movie can change your day, it can change your outlook, it can sometimes even change your life."
"The greatest art is made through collision, through pain, through hurt, through turbulent times."
"Fear, it's a spirit that comes right out of the pits of hell."
"People don't remember what you say, they remember how you made them feel."
"Love is one of these strongest influences that a human can have project or feel and I just told you that it changes chemistry."
"Fear is influential. If there are those who are fearing around you, that can cause you to fear."
"You've got to stay away from people that make you feel that way."
"Was it a crime of passion or anger, or was it simply a crime of greed?"
"Emotions are the key to reprogramming your subconscious."
"It's not what a democratic party tries to place on you which is a matriarchy where everything is ruled by emotion."
"Emotions affect the way people think and make choices."
"Trading is nothing but a set of rules and rules are nothing but promises that you keep to yourself."
"They use emotional-based shortcuts to form an opinion."
"Quirk affecting you on a primal level and compelling someone to do something in a way that they can't help it."
"Do we project our own emotions onto our perception of time?"
"There's so much emotional content and first-impression content, and little things like that can make or break a product in a way that is in an objective sense completely unfair."
"Emotions influence consumer behavior too often still ignored or poorly understood."
"Music opens the soul for all sorts of things to be implanted in good and bad."
"Your emotions and your belief really drive all your decisions and how you behave."
"Appealing to emotions in politics rather than facts."
"The town changing based on emotional baggage."
"You're mine. And whether I let you feel good or agony, that's all depending on my mood."
"No good financial decision ever comes from panic, fear, or greed."
"Fragrance is the one way that you can instantly lift your mood and change everything. They are that important."
"People are gonna always remember you more for how you make them feel than what you did on the court."
"Your unconditional love energy activates people around you."
"Passion blinds people, makes them think the other way."
"It irritates the demons when your Vib is Right spiritually."
"sometimes think that tenacity is almost important or maybe more important than Talent"
"Positivity is amazing. You can kill with kindness."
"What you are feeding on will become what you are feeling."
"Proximity breeds care and distance breeds fear."
"Emotions play a massive role in our decision making."
"You're more apt, not that you will but you're more likely to kind of compromise a little bit, you know what I mean because it's like you're wooed, your brain is mushy."
"Poor people cannot teach you how to be rich, the same way unhappy people cannot teach you how to be happy."
"She uses alchemy words to lift your spirit or to sell her trauma to you so that you pay her in sympathy."
"Wearing happy colors can make you feel better."
"Your emotions are going to create your reality."
"People to be it's a much higher emotional driver than reward, exactly it just is."
"The strength of the magical girl's magic comes from her emotional state."
"The emotion of love brings out and develops the artistic and aesthetic nature of man."
"Whatever's going on in your heart will now determine how you will respond or how you will perform."
"Music's greatest Powers lie in its ability to sway souls in different directions by manipulating their emotions."
"Emotions are far more powerful than any factual argument."
"Every mood we have is a room. Every conviction that we nourish puts walls around us, or opens them. Every wall is either a divider or a protector."
"Propaganda is when you seek to manipulate and control the minds of people without providing anything other than some sort of emotional basis for what you're saying."
"FOMO, in my opinion, the most powerful force in the universe for human beings."
"The narcissist wants you to see yourself through his gaze. You fall in love with yourself."
"People won't remember what you did, they don't know what you say, but they'll remember how you made them feel."
"You made them believe in love, you inspire them."
"When we imagine a solution to a problem, if we have a suppressed fear or emotion in our mind, it will continuously manifest in different ways."
"Your children will feel it, they'll get destabilized by it."
"To get people to move in any direction you want them to move, all you have to do is appeal to them emotionally."
"Your vibrational change will have a ripple effect on your life."
"Individual users who are more likely to be affected by emotional contagion on the website are actually less influenced by negative emotions than they are positive ones."
"You touched this person on an emotional level."
"The dark energy is going to gravitate and pull individuals based upon your pain."
"When you're disturbed and filled with hate, hatred spreads. When you're filled with peace, peace spreads."
"The emotional aspect of this case is going to be predominant."
"Panic breeds panic and confidence breeds confidence."
"Emotions drive price action, no matter the market—stocks, bonds, crypto. It's all about community sentiment."
"Your outer experience is always only a reflection of your inner beliefs and emotional wounds, likes and dislikes."
"You've made them feel very vulnerable, and that's quite scary to them."
"Emotions are extremely contagious."
"I've learned that a lot of times what you are feeling and what you are sensing is not yours, but you walked into or were around someone who was depressed who felt inferior and that just transfers over onto you and you feel that way."
"Every day I let algorithms decide how I'm feeling about the world that day, which is troubling for me."
"Instead of spreading angry and rude feelings, we could spread happiness."
"You make me feel like I'm on drugs."
"It's hard not to let the emotions come into play, huh, absolutely."
"Nobody will remember how much he's won, how much I won, how he shot, how we shot. But they remember how you make them feel."
"...we naturally catch other people's emotions."
"...emotional contagion is a two-way street."
"What goes in our mind can go into our heart and then into our behavior."
"Our body posture can very much influence our emotions."
"You have to simplify, simplify, simplify and because of the internet, because of meme culture, people get so caught up in the emotion."
"We may think we are in control of every aspect of our life, but emotional responses and desires can significantly influence our behavior."
"Our emotional state is going to be profoundly influenced by the people we interact with."
"The moon rules the night so the moon rules kind of our heart, our feelings."
"It matters to people at the end of the day when we leave this earth, only thing people talk about is how that person made them feel."
"Emotions are important in decision making."
"She has the ability to influence the emotions of others."
"Music can change absolutely everything."
"You have this power over them, and they feel like you could break their heart."
"We can cultivate hate and it'll spread, and we can cultivate love and it'll spread."
"Ninety-five percent of what influences you with color is emotional, only 5% is rational."
"Music is a very powerful tool, especially for actors; it just gets you in a certain mindset."
"The emotional side will trump the logic side every time."
"We create our reality, but we also interpret the reality that we're in, and the interpretation of our reality influences our perspective and our feelings."
"Positivity brings positivity; negativity can only bring one thing."
"Life concepts... they're super influential on our emotions." - Unknown
"It's crazy how much your mood can affect your child's mood."
"Every word we say has the capacity to hurt or heal, to lift someone out of darkness or to plunge them into despair."
"If you care to change people's hearts, you really have to touch them."