
Skepticism Quotes

There are 24499 quotes

"One would think that if such a powerful method existed, everyone would know about it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Even for something we've been doing for thousands of years, like building muscle, there is still debate and uncertainty, showing that even well-explored areas have room for new understanding."
"I would much rather you went for a walk in the cold every morning and reap the benefits contained therein, like getting out into nature, exercise, and the good stress of embracing a cold morning, rather than hand over your hard-earned money to a quack for some magic beans."
"Always question conventional wisdom, including our own."
"Give me a break. The American public is tired of being played for suckers."
"Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's helpful."
"If it seems too good to be true, folks, probably is."
"Credentials do not always justify all claims."
"The first thing I do when I look at a study is, 'Who paid for the study?'"
"You can't believe everything you think. You can't believe everything you feel. The mind is a very dangerous organ."
"I'm suspicious of anyone who says when it's right it's easy."
"Just because we ate something in the past doesn't mean that it's the healthiest possible diet."
"Whether it's Tim Ferriss telling you that nine-tenths of your work week is unnecessary, or any slew of productivity bloggers promising to somehow quintuple your productivity overnight with nootropics."
"In today's world, believe nothing and verify everything."
"If you truly believe that billions of people around the world are self-deceived... you should be very concerned that your own mind is doing the same thing to you."
"People need to stop getting googly-eyed about becoming millionaires and start ensuring Bitcoin remains a tool of financial freedom."
"The moment that somebody starts telling you that God is acting through them, you better look out."
"Life is a journey; we are all still learning. Anyone that tells you they've got it figured out is a liar."
"Acknowledging this is extremely helpful because it gets us out of this notion that if you can't demonstrate something scientifically, it's not real."
"These game companies, they're not your friends."
"You would think over there they wouldn't treat this industry like an organized criminal cartel was running it."
"I'm not Russian... but it was obvious to me that we were being lied to in ways that were just it was crazy the scale of lies."
"The great danger I think of post-modernism though is its skeptical stance toward the idea of there being truth at all."
"The AI revolution is absolutely here. I'm just anti the euphoria that's going into some of these plays."
"I'm interested in believing as many true things as possible, and as few false things as possible."
"I went through that obvious angry atheist phase where I'm like, I feel lied to, I feel tricked, I feel like I've wasted the first twenty-six years of my life."
"We are not convinced that prayer works, and as soon as you present sufficient evidence that prayer works, we'll accept that. Until such time, there's no reason to think that it does work."
"Well, I don't believe in rain. Well, if you go outside without an umbrella, you're still going to get wet even if you don't believe in rain."
"We don't want to believe stuff, we want to know stuff."
"I don't believe in worshiping experts, since every class, if you give them power without check, will turn cancerous."
"The real hard problem is trying to convince ourselves that there is no hard problem."
"Skepticism, unlike cynicism, isn't about intrinsic distrust but about starting with a clean slate, in order to think clearly and rationally."
"Have no faith in man, have no faith in government. Have faith in God alone."
"If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Life lesson."
"Nothing that I say here should be taken on faith or blindly believed by you."
"It sounds nutty, wacky... but what I'm telling you it's real. The question is, what is it, what are its intentions, what are its capabilities?"
"As Americans, we need to not fall for the trap of free college, free this, free that."
"To suggest that things could just pop into being uncaused out of nothing is to quit doing serious metaphysics and to resort to magic."
"Social media and the internet are replete with those. That's not going to be a very potent protocol or tool."
"There's more red flags than a bullfight going off in my head when I hear that story for the first time."
"If people could not be manipulated, Coca-Cola wouldn't be buying billboards."
"If a hoax, it is an expertly crafted one that has withstood decades of scrutiny."
"The idea that a pill will fix a psychological issue without understanding its root causes is almost to the point of unbelievable."
"There are oh so many ideas out there about what one could take or do in order to avoid getting the cold or flu or more quickly get relief from a cold or flu; however, many of those are pure myth."
"If you hear somebody saying like you can get rich overnight, it's probably a scam."
"In science, you got to try to prove yourself wrong."
"You can be 100% skeptical and the technique works just as well, the benefits are just as profound."
"Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets. Like true love and the Munich Olympics doesn’t exist in the real world. The only thing to do now is just to keep living forward."
"Some people might accuse you of being so committed to atheism that you'd never be willing to countenance any evidence that might lend support to a creator behind the universe."
"We still haven't proven that sacrificing a person to the sun every day to make sure the sun rises the next morning doesn't work."
"Does that sound like the standard YouTuber apology?"
"My favorite thing is for people to greet whatever content I'm creating with immediate pessimism and then get won over."
"If you're a brain evolved by unintelligent, unguided processes and all your thoughts are completely dictated by the laws of physics, then why should we trust any of your thoughts?"
"There is no such thing as vata, pitta, and kapha; it just correlates with your genes."
"Be highly skeptical of those who would presume to give you advice."
"If there's a God out there and the evidence is such that I haven't discovered it, maybe that God's trying a little too hard to hide."
"We need to talk about the risks of the space and encourage more skepticism across audiences."
"If there is a God that wants to make itself known, it can show up right here on the show and broadcast alongside of us."
"It comes back to belief, and belief, as you've already admitted, is not a good way to determine what is or isn't true."
"The key to financial freedom is not hard work or innovation; it's something else."
"Einstein himself didn't think [gravitational waves] could be measured."
"They didn't even want us to read, learn how to read not that long ago. You really think that they want to teach you wealth creation strategies is going to take your family to the next generation?"
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary data."
"Bjorn says no to sexual harassment. I don't know, man, big companies like this tend to show you who they really are with their actions and not their meaningless words."
"Pursuit of truth... transforms you in a subtle way that's impossible to then get with any kind of magic pill."
"Where does this cross back into pseudoscience, and how do you know that your experts are really experts?"
"Also it's possible that we're not using magic power so much as looking at data."
"Maybe we should start thinking about entrepreneurship as something we engage in through critical experiments where we try to disprove our idea."
"I am suspicious of anyone who tries to say there is one [lesson]. That does not sound like an accurate reflection of reality."
"What can be asserted without evidence will be dismissed without evidence."
"My policy, and I think it's generally good advice, is to always fact check things you see that you disagree with. And the things you agree with, you fact check those twice."
"Wisdom comes with age, but with openness and skepticism, we don't need decades of trial and error to sort out which of our convictions may be improbable."
"There are many seemingly universal truths that societies clung to over time about the inherent differences between men and women, some of which, of course, we now know are a load of crap."
"Rather than accepting the answers and the results of the election, they are fanning the flames of unfounded suspicion."
"When people are like 'well, everything's working just fine,' I'm like, 'is it though? Look around, the world is a freaking mess.'"
"This is not just some new-agey BS; this is the real deal. This is where the rubber meets the road."
"What's the big secret? Everybody knows it's happening."
"I don't have a magical drug test that I can give you right now."
"Be careful what you believe and what you see, make sure you verify. Trust but verify all sources."
"You need to have so much faith to ignore the absurdities in the three sciences that you have to concede if this universe is random or accidental or not a deliberate thing."
"Don't take the data at face value; always ask yourself, is this the expected result?"
"A speculative religious theory is a dime a dozen, and the vast majority of them have to be false."
"Labeling something as a conspiracy theory is an easy way for you not to deal with the issue at hand."
"If you start with an objective standpoint and only follow the evidence where it leads, you don't get to a God."
"Extraordinary claims require truly extraordinary evidence."
"Just because you found a scholar or a teacher that you like, it doesn't mean you found truth."
"If you don't learn history, you're doomed to repeat it. I hope it is because Mike Johnson, Moses Mike, is full of [__]. You had to go down there and kiss Daddy's ring."
"Disney is not your friend. They are a mega-corporation that commodifies and exploits any culture it touches."
"Have a healthy skepticism when it comes to looking at green products or sustainable products."
"There definitely has to be some sort of spell or something that she's using on David because there's no way he's been this way for so long."
"I'd much rather say 'I don't know' or 'I'm not convinced we've reached the final explanation' than to say 'I know that I know that I know.'"
"You can't say God is the best answer without demonstrating that a God is even possible or real."
"Skepticism is essentially a desire to hold as many true beliefs as few false ones as possible and use the methods that make that most probable."
"The majority of sane, normal people in Britain believe they've had telepathic experiences. In that sense, it's not extraordinary, it's ordinary. Most people had it. You're making the claim that most people are deluded about their own experience. Where's your extraordinary evidence for that?"
"Skepticism is about wanting to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"Skepticism isn't about saying there are no ghosts. Skepticism is about saying there's insufficient evidence to conclude that there's ghosts."
"Skepticism is not about ooh what do you mean there's too much stuff. If there's sufficient evidence to warrant belief, then skepticism holds that you should accept it."
"Skepticism is not cynicism. It is simply being intellectually honest and saying I am not convinced until the data compels me to be convinced."
"A little skepticism, a little criticism, is really good always for the community but not too much, like a little spice in the soup of progress."
"I think it's a big argument from ignorance and just creationism in a lab coat."
"I've never really put much stock in the concept of ghosts or the supernatural in general."
"Of course, it's a doom bubble. AI... it is overblown, but there'll be some excitement for a while."
"Do you lean toward a more conventional explanation or find yourself intrigued by the possibility of otherworldly phenomena?"
"My relentless skepticism and my persistent desire for ultimate meaning."
"I've been doing magic since I was about three, so I put together a magic and skepticism lecture where I do some magic and I teach about skepticism."
"Skepticism is about not going to accept something as true without good reason, and it's about being willing to be open to revision should there be evidence."
"When people ask me what would change my mind, my answer has been the same for years: I don't know what would change my mind, but if there's a god, that god absolutely knows what would change my mind."
"Science is just specifics at times, so who's to say that the science now won't be outdated 100 years from now?"
"If you were to reject the Bible, you'd be walking around going, 'What if I was wrong?'"
"An important part of being a scientist is being skeptical, which means questioning everything, especially everything you believe."
"Take everything with a pinch of salt; everybody does things differently, and that's one of the best things."
"Skeptics of the gender pay gap exist even though there's extensive research proving it's real."
"It takes way more cognitive energy to question the information that you are presented with online rather than to just accept it as truth."
"The first thought I have is how many of those medicines are actually counterproductive? And a lot of the time it's not like, oh, every now and then one is counterproductive. No, that's the case a lot of the time."
"The battle is won when the average American regards a corporate journalist exactly as they regard a tobacco executive."
"This is not a margin of error. This is a pattern of behavior that shows these doctors don't always know what they're talking about yet they're going to talk about it anyway."
"There is no such thing as trickle-down economics. It simply doesn't exist."
"The scientific community doesn't recognize intelligent design or veiled creationism as a scientific practice."
"I have a bit of a reputation at this point for debunking creationists."
"How do you know whether they're interested in you as a human being or your money? That's the trouble with being born rich; it's both a curse and a convenience."
"I don't see them making any meaningful changes."
"I remember you know Bill O'Reilly's 'Sun goes up, sun comes down. You can't explain that.'"
"Don't believe everything you see on social media because even salt can be made to look like sugar."
"Question everything. There is no idea too sacred not to question."
"We should question all of these things constantly."
"Why can't you just accept that we have no fucking idea what happens after we die?"
"The skepticism and the humanism don't; that's very inspiring actually."
"Conspiracy theories are really just spoiler alerts; they're just news headlines six months ahead of the time."
"You could write this as a movie, and it might be far-fetched. People would say, 'Oh come on, now nobody would ever actually try to get away with something like this.'"
"Don't base your life decisions off these tarot reads."
"The American public does not seem to be falling for it this time."
"Society can turn at any moment, and the neat narratives of progress are just stories they tell us in school to make history easier to digest."
"Don't ever go to a car dealer without having done your homework and don't ever believe that the finance man is your friend."
"I'm concerned about whether or not people have a good reason to believe things."
"The sentiment is definitely leaning towards it not being a stunt to garner her attention, but rather her being taken advantage of."
"If you believe that garbage of go to school, get a job and retire forever on a 401k or a government pension, you might be sadly disappointed."
"There's a growing body of evidence that suggests that calcium supplements may actually do more harm than good."
"It's very reasonable to believe and we put it negatively, I would actually say that it takes as much faith or more to disbelieve in God than to believe."
"The excitement of science is showing that the accepted wisdom is wrong somehow."
"You cannot believe everything you hear, and you cannot believe what people say. Facts are facts."
"Don't fall victim to some of these false claims as far as what creams can do and what supplements can do."
"The man behind the curtain is a priest; the curtain obscures the fact that what you're looking at is a religion, and everyone comes away thinking that it's a science. No, it's not."
"Don't believe everything that you see on the internet."
"A healthy individual is skeptical but not overly distrustful. They try to get by, they try to do some research, but ultimately will try to trust the experts."
"Forgiving is about you. It's like, is it? People say it, so maybe you really feel that way. But, I don't think so."
"Don't trust anybody; don't trust me. Trust yourself."
"Do you actually think snacks are going to help us?"
"We all want to believe in magic; we all want to believe there's something bigger than us out there. Like, I get it, and it's harmless, I think, until it's not."
"People are rejecting centralized authority. People no longer trust the media, and with good reason."
"The word 'closure' means nothing to me. It's just a word, um, because nothing—nothing is closed."
"There is a lot of evidence that people question, and many believe that the police department failed to properly investigate the crime."
"Science is the lowest level of skepticism that I will accept. If somebody brings me evidence and wants to claim it to be true, for me, science is not the highest; it's the lowest."
"Even if you're rabidly anti-religious, I encourage you to watch this video and have a little think about it."
"Question everything. You don't believe it just because I tell you it's true, you figure it out for yourself."
"I distrust governments and corporations worldwide and believe that freedom and autonomy within the bounds of reasonable laws within a society are of paramount importance."
"The likelihood that there exists another being with more capabilities than you is one; the likelihood that we exist as the epitome of conscious thought is an absurdity."
"Social distancing... was arbitrarily arrived at."
"I'm not saying that Ivermectin is no good for COVID, but I think that the available evidence has serious limitations and it's probably a good field for research."
"I don't need you to believe my words; I just need you to go in and investigate it with your own practice, and that alone will be the testimony you need because you will see that it's the truth."
"I didn't think Biden could do it because of his senility."
"Should we just presume that everything that they have in their possession is just okay, it just works, it's all good? We don't even have to ask any questions about it? Well, that doesn't make any sense."
"I think if you serve in the military and you get a good sense of what a blunt instrument it is and how inefficient it can be, you become very skeptical about using military force unless you absolutely have to."
"We're trying to open your eyes; we try and make it so that you can see. You don't have to believe us."
"Anyone who says there are easy answers to any of the above... they've been drinking something, and I'd like some of it."
"Your body is just too damn smart to be hacked by a simple app."
"It's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled."
"There is a tremendous disconnect between what NFT advocates say they do and what they actually do."
"You can’t trust what they have to say because they’re currently holding a hot potato, and as much as they insist that they just really, really enjoy the feeling of a burning hot potato in their hands, do they?"
"Chiropractic adjustments are a scam, they are quackery of the purest kind."
"They're going to make up something and come out with a digital currency because that would go from dirty cash to digital trash."
"The absence of evidence does not equal the evidence of absence."
"I firmly believe that if ghosts were scientifically real, we could prove it."
"Studies... must always be taken with a grain of salt."
"I was a skeptic, but then I had some experiences that changed everything."
"The notion that love is nothing but a chemical is robbing people of the most beautiful thing: the ability to emote for somebody else and to invest yourself in something else."
"Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life sounds like something that an unemployed philosopher would say."
"It's time to question everything that you believe. Here is the starting point to the journey of finding your answers."
"Trust has completely evaporated from our public life; nobody believes the word of politicians, corporate leaders, bankers, religious figures. They've basically all been exposed as total frauds."
"Stop asking Reddit. Reddit is not the place to ask for advice."
"We have to understand that just because people claim to be saved, it doesn't mean they are."
"I personally don't really believe in it, but I think it's a fun form of therapy."
"Wake up! We don't know why we're here! We don't know what we're doing! And it's all fucking bullshit!"
"I don't have a guide to the universe, and I don't think anybody who's claiming that they do is selling you something."
"Possible evidence doesn't prove anything, and you being convinced there's possible evidence doesn't even prove that there is possible evidence, let alone evidence."
"In 20 years, people will mostly understand that you shouldn't believe something is real just because you saw a video of it."
"I'm not saying you can't believe what people say, I'm saying you can't believe what people say about themselves."
"82.6% of facts you hear on the internet are completely made up."
"If there's a social science study and it seems to be a complete rejection of all conventional wisdom developed over millennia, you should think very seriously about whether it's valid."
"Atlantis was not real, guys. It just was not real."
"College textbooks are written so that you don't learn anything, really."
"The economy isn't going to be recovering like many people think."
"The truth has nothing to fear from skepticism. If there's sufficient evidence for something, every skeptic on the planet will accept it."
"What would change my mind about whether God exists? I don't know, but God does. If he exists, he hasn't done it, which means either he doesn't exist or he doesn't want me to know he exists."
"Never trust a faith healer who's wearing eyeglasses."
"America today would be far healthier if the government had never told us what to eat."
"We shouldn't believe anything until evidence is sufficient to convince us."
"Astrology is a collection of things that we thought of before we knew anything, in a time when we thought the earth was the center of the universe."
"We have been replacing mysticism and pseudoscience with real science since the time of Galileo."
"When something makes falsifiable claims, which are then repeatedly falsified, that model must be rejected."
"Teach them not what to think but how to think, and teach them skepticism, teach them the rigorous method of thinking through doubting, testing."