
Emotional Release Quotes

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"Write about your deepest emotions and thoughts as they relate to the most upsetting experience in your life. Really let go and explore your feelings and thoughts about it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The goal for me is the fact that something that used to hurt me... now if I think about it, it's two seconds. I felt it, I accept that, and I release it, and I move into the next moment."
"Doesn't it feel just great to let it out and not keep any secrets?"
"Despite his accomplishment, Kirito's usually calm demeanor breaks down into gut-wrenching tears as he realizes he's now trapped in Underworld for centuries."
"It was like a big weight off my shoulders, and then I felt like I was free again."
"The fourth step is ultimately this kind of feeling of letting it all go. This feeling of surrendering to the experience itself."
"After just getting that sort of rant out of my system, I'm ready."
"I felt like suddenly a huge weight and a huge pressure had been lifted."
"By stepping into the fear, I literally felt the ball of pain in my chest unlock and disintegrate throughout my whole body."
"By choosing to release this person from their life, they are, or from their emotional field, whatever the case is, really, they are choosing themselves. They are choosing to love themselves."
"Your healing doesn't always depend on talking, confronting, analyzing. Sometimes it's about naming, releasing, and then moving on."
"You don't heal by suppressing; you heal by releasing."
"When you get to that place where you're experiencing that incredible bliss, you can't hold on to negative judgments or emotions."
"Let go of any fears, let go of regrets; it's a time of purging anything that holds us back."
"2022 could see significant healing and releases of emotional pain stored in the body."
"Guilt is closely related to that... It helped me to develop a different relationship with the concept of guilt and how much I need to release it."
"If you release some of the pain, some of the joy can come back in."
"Crying is God's gift to you to ventilate the soul."
"Love is coming towards you. Remember, release what you cannot control and take responsibility for what you can."
"The triggering is in order to release wounds, allowing the swords to fall out of the heart so it can heal."
"Forgiveness is not you saying they were not wrong; forgiveness is you saying they were entirely wrong but I release them."
"That was cathartic. It felt good to release all those repressed emotions."
"We are here amidst incredible Inka ruins with a yin yoga class that will open up your hips and release any physical and emotional energy out of your body."
"Allow yourself to let go of all that no longer serves you physically and emotionally. Be one with your breath."
"The reason why I can physically do the things that I do is very much attached to how much I'm able to let go of emotionally."
"Know that you are in a safe space, no judgement is around you, no one is watching you. This is your moment to be with yourself and to truly let go physically, emotionally, and spiritually of all that no longer serves you."
"Sometimes the pain will actually lessen a lot more when we actually release our emotions."
"The greatest act of self-love is to release it, to acknowledge the idea that you deserve to feel loved."
"This full moon can heal relationships, allowing you to release pain and embrace opportunities for healing and growth."
"As heartbreaking as this is, I also feel liberated."
"Letting go is knowing that there's a future."
"There's a lot of healing that needs to be done, a lot of tears that need to be shed and overcome."
"You forgot who you were. You forgot your value. It's time to release it because if you don't, you're missing out."
"So farewell hope and with hope farewell fear, farewell remorse."
"Telling the truth is painful, but it ends up being so liberating."
"The aim isn't to cut off but to let go, to surrender."
"Forgiveness, we don't forgive for the other people's sake, we forgive for our own sake because first we don't wanna hold on to the pain, it keeps hurting us."
"It's been an absolute pleasure getting angry, thank you so much."
"It's time to let go, time for a purge and to release."
"I finally had that opportunity to express, and it was the most cathartic experience I've ever had in my entire life."
"It's important to remember that in the astrology wheel... there's a complete burning off of all of that toxic and sad scorpionic energy."
"It's time to focus on yourself; there's a point at which something in your life must be released."
"Now I can finally let go of everything. This time around, I think you just need that gentle push to say, 'Come on, it's okay. You can fly.'"
"Living peaceably means letting go of anger, it means letting go of malice, it means letting go of regret."
"Forgiveness is an act of self-empowerment; it releases a woman from the burden of carrying bitterness."
"Leia was finally able to forgive her father and let go of the hate she contained for him."
"The feeling of emptiness, the feeling of depression, all that... I felt free."
"A lot of releasing and letting go because this is the end of a 1 through 12 cycle for you guys."
"No longer hold on to grief, it's time to forgive yourself."
"August is going to be a great month for letting go, releasing, clearing out."
"Dance can be really helpful to shake the emotions out of your body."
"Therapy doesn't create painful emotion, it allows all your painful emotions to be released."
"It's time to purify yourself, let go of the things that weigh you down."
"Someone's going to make a freaking decision, whether it's a decision to be together, a decision to release something, to have something with you guys or release a grudge, release some sort of resentment."
"It’s a perfect ironic event given the character at hand and the fact that it’s carried out by Tyrion, explodes the scene with so much emotion and release of tension."
"It's almost the point where it's good... It's a cleansing moment, it's good."
"We do not forgive in order to let someone off the hook, we forgive in order to lighten our own energetic baggage."
"Let it go, let it go - who needs limiting beliefs anyway? Who needs blocking thoughts? Let it go, let it go."
"Releasing trapped emotions and other energies is easy."
"All of that gift of joy given to you by the dog being released all at once."
"Forgiveness is for yourself... it's forgiving people, situations."
"There is love, all is not lost, but you may overthink having to let go of the past first."
"It's a healing card, it's about release, it's about taking a breath and having your feelings and knowing that it's time to move forward."
"They wish they could release this and have fulfillment with you."
"Let the old out of your life with love and gratitude."
"Sometimes just vocalizing it and talking it out, you'll just feel so much better."
"It's a great look and I love it, and uh, I haven't laughed that hard in um, years, so you let out a lot of [__] that night."
"The only thing that matters is love. This [__] don't even matter. Just let go and love. Conduct vibration."
"That feeling of just adrenaline leaving your body."
"Sometimes we just need a damn good cry, you know."
"Sometimes speaking about the problems you're going through is one of the quickest ways to release them."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, release the things that weigh you down."
"Something about sprinting loosens up the rest of my body... I feel so free, I feel amazing."
"Release the burden. It's not your responsibility."
"We command OCD to go right now in Jesus name, every bit of trauma loose and leave Kimberly right now in Jesus name."
"Let go of it... forgive and let go. It's the only way off the wheel."
"Sometimes it looks like a good long cry... or talking to a therapist."
"These characters provide us a sense of catharsis."
"Gone, gone was my despair, gone was my guilt, gone was my fear."
"Somatic therapy really helped me to push that out of my body."
"Sometimes we just need to channel it out like Apollo and have something to make us feel better."
"While it can sometimes be painful to go through, once that energy is out of you, healing and love quickly comes to those old wounds."
"Crying is good. It's a valve that releases all the built up pressure."
"It feels like the only reason that you wanna tell that person is so that you can go and be like, 'Ah, I'm sorry I did this. Do you forgive me?'"
"You're being told here to let go, you're being told here to release the toxicity."
"Your blessings are on the way... release what you've been carrying and lighten up."
"The heartfelt theme of letting go and moving on."
"Long run they are releasing codependency and judgment—it's the weight off their shoulders."
"It's so important that you allow yourself to release emotions. Another really healthy way for you to step into more of your feminine energy is to learn how to self-accept."
"Forgiveness is the key to unlocking blockages."
"I really feel like today has let me let go of those emotions and let me just push through to what I think I can achieve."
"Let it go if you don't want to hold on to it."
"They're releasing heavy attachments, heavy healing is underway."
"I forgive her now because I'm not gonna hold that and let it hold me back."
"Forgiving her will release you because every time you think about it every time you let it get another moment of your energy it adds to the three years that that lie took from y'all."
"Release the stuff that made it be like that."
"Make peace with yourself and let go of what no longer serves you." - Find inner peace through releasing what holds you back.
"I need a good cry, I want tears to come out of my eyes, this stone heart of mine needs to feel something."
"I acknowledge it and when I do it with the tapping, I can let it go."
"You're ready to kind of put that down, you're ready to no longer harbor these feelings."
"This has so much emotion and such an incredible sense of release... it's cathartic."
"Whatever this burden is, you're dropping it and moving towards happiness."
"It was sad but at the same time also nice to see Alice releasing Bercouli as her father figure."
"They're releasing you but still not being able to completely release you."
"Taking walks in nature reconnects you to the earth and brings peace."
"Exercise is a therapeutic way to release pent-up energy and emotions."
"That emotion was so raw. You could see it in your eyes you were tearing up. It was such a release."
"Full moon energy has different characteristics. It's about completion, about ending things, knowing how to release things."
"The first tip is surrender, surrender, surrender to release."
"What the drug does, at least with MDMA, is it kind of puts those protectors to sleep, it lets them sit, move to the sides, and the feelings that you have can emerge."
"Breaking free, closure, releasing energy, feeling excited for the future."
"I just had to get that out, man, I'm talking about you can't even see his lips."
"There's so much emotional energy and build up, it just wants to be let go."
"Letting go isn't just sacrificing, it's making room for your desires and passions."
"Every time I leave here, I feel like 10 pounds lighter."
"Speak it out loud to someone that you trust... Release the self-blame, guilt, and shame... Plan for the next time."
"You're moving away from an energy that didn't serve you or a person that didn't serve you."
"It's a clear incoming, a cutting and a clearing that's going to allow your inner child out to play."
"Tears are gone, crying is over, there's only art."
"I release unforgiveness, I release offense, I release hurt feelings."
"Let everything go, purge yourself of what's bringing you down, get rid of it, because you will find that when you are free, your true creativity and your true self comes out."
"She was finally heard so much so that we could merge, that she could be released."
"You're releasing a situation that's been dragging you down and not fulfilling you basically."
"Forgiveness doesn't make them right, it just makes me free."
"Shake it off energetically, leave it behind in the last year and let it go."
"I'm finally ready to just fully live in my truth."
"You will be releasing some emotional behaviors or patterns that no longer serve you."
"You're setting yourself free through this, Scorpio."
"It was the most cathartic thing I've ever done."
"Remember, forgiveness isn't about them, it's about releasing yourself from the energy."
"It's about having faith, loving yourself first enough to release that baggage to move forward."
"Release with love, it's defeating the purpose to release in anger."
"I feel a lot of relief. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest and I feel like justice is finally going to be served."
"Forgiveness releases anger. I have not been angry since then."
"Forgiveness is admitting that you're wrong for resentment."
"I feel like we're gonna break a lot more of those in the future, let's go!"
"A moment of such excitement, relief, and pure desperation when Robin finally told the crew: I want to Live."
"Let it all come crashing like the ocean tide."
"Art can often release a great many different emotions..."
"There's an opportunity to dive into the darkness and let go of the pain of the past."
"Sometimes emotions can rip us open, but it also is when we let off the steam because imagine like so this heart imagine that it's holding so much emotion within it."
"You don't have to hold onto anything. There's so much life to live."
"Sweet surrender is about completely and utterly letting go of all control."
"It's almost as if we've got so many issues in this world... it's almost as if this is a release valve for people's anger."
"Release all of the trauma and the judgment within you that is accumulated from lies and betrayals."
"You're choosing to be happy, choosing to let go."
"The act of screaming, of making these guttural sounds, was like releasing a pressure valve... it felt like a deflated balloon."
"It's fun, it's dress-up, it's fun, some people feel it's a release."
"Let go of the burdens that have been troubling you for a while."
"Your person is ready to release something, bringing them tears of joy. Chasing after something emotional release."
"Feel those emotions, go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do this weekend, and then wake up on Monday morning, we gotta keep fighting."
"It would feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of your chest."
"Watching sad movies like Rudy, guys have super cathartic experiences."
"What do you need to release? The heartache, the pain, the memories of love that just didn't work out."
"Lighten up that energy. There's some things that you can let go. You don't need to carry everything with you."
"It's a cathartic release because after all of these years, him thinking what can I do to show people, what can I do to show my innocence."
"You gotta let this go. You gotta move forward with your life."
"Valentine's Day holds promise for you, feeling admired and releasing grudges through healthy activities."
"It just feels like the floodgates are opening, all that passion, all that excitement is finally coming out because everybody has waited so long for this."
"Continue to have the courage to release whatever is weighing you down or no longer serving you."
"Let go of past experiences that created baggage. Releasing old patterns leads to new levels of consciousness."
"Surrender to this moment exactly as it is, and your heart will open, releasing what needs to be left behind."
"Listening to this front to back is a chaotic, cathartic joyride, a deft balance of melody and noise."
"Release whatever is uh whatever that pressure is on you right now."
"Share your story because you can gain freedom through sharing your story 100%."
"Let it go... unless it's self-reflection that you can't let go."
"They want you to drop your emotional baggage."
"I'm so relieved, I don't feel held hostage anymore."
"Let go of guilt... Forgive yourself for what you think you have done or not done."
"Sometimes you just need to cry it out and then you can move on with your day."
"People are stressed out and they need to vent."
"Dance because it will shift you into a beautiful state. Fear lives in the head, but dancing is the gateway to freedom."
"When traumatic things happen, the best thing to do is not hold it within you. You want to be able to find some type of way of releasing."
"It is time to move forward, and letting go will make way for the new."
"Let it go because holding on to it, it's not going to help in the long run, it's only going to cause more problems."
"I feel good. It's overwhelming, but I'm happy. It's so... Like a weight, so lifted."
"Release and surrender are key in relationships."
"Butt rock choruses are sheer, cathartic releases."
"The more you release, the more you surrender, the more positive an outcome."
"Just breathe: It's time to release yourself and let it all out."
"You have to have the ability to let them go, to release them."
"I feel like a whole weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm so happy."
"Focus your thoughts on desired outcomes. Release worries and regrets."
"You're like I'm going to keep doing this cuz this is awesome yeah it is it's giving you a sense of self peace release I love this."
"Sometimes we just need to get our thoughts out and it's so hard if you guys only knew how hard it is."
"Set yourself free from a stuck situation in your life."
"Letting go is probably the most liberating experience you can have."
"It's like therapy for me, when I got some [__] I gotta get off my chest, I just write it and then put it out."
"It's pure euphoria... because they've been shut inside for the past year and a half."
"It's okay to laugh and be free. I am just... yeah, I've been cooped up."
"You are ready for love. Release any doubts, shame, or guilt."
"Blessings feeling as though things are turning around, things are moving in your favor, really releasing some old heavy energy, huge focus on connections and happiness and celebration."
"Letting go of the past, letting go of the things that were holding you back."
"That whole idea of just kind of release and letting go and surrendering to just letting it happen."
"Free speech is fundamental and essential, but it's under wide-scale broad scale attack in the United States today."
"I pretty much didn't leave the house except to go hiking or just did yoga and got in the hot tub and cried a lot."
"It's you know, just 30 years of pent-up frustration just released."
"Release and surrender... Open your arms and release the challenges that you've held tightly gripped within your hands."
"Forgive, let go, release with love, and focus on your blessings."
"I almost feel like, well, I'm salted out. I feel cleansed."