
Self-expression Quotes

There are 23398 quotes

"Write about your deepest emotions and thoughts as they relate to the most upsetting experience in your life. Really let go and explore your feelings and thoughts about it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's really easy to just cut through all that noise just by being authentic and genuine and true to yourself."
"It's so hard trying to act like someone else and so much easier being yourself."
"To create somehow a kind of art through our life, to be reverential towards beauty, our own beauty, and the beauty of others."
"I'm pretty sure I saw videos around that time of people splitting their own selves into different parts... and to me, I think when I was young, that was the epitome of irrespective of any kind of reach, like the value was found in how much does this wake up my soul."
"Your words are worth all of the stars in the night sky, so don't forget to sing whenever you have the chance."
"We really want to be the same person on the outside that we are on the inside and we want people to see us and accept us and love us for our truest selves."
"You get to not play the part; you get to change the role; you get to put on a new mask or take the mask off altogether."
"How do we help human beings flourish? The more that you understand what is that impulse that makes you come alive and you can show up and do it, the better off you are as an individual."
"Authenticity is being as you are and expressing as you are, at least to some degree."
"Why are we starting to hate on other women and what they choose to do with their clothes and their makeup? I think it's really weird."
"Authenticity...transcends normality and weirdness."
"Express for yourself, understand how you feel, embrace your emotions."
"Alignment is when the person who you are inside and the person who you are actually being out there in the world are one and the same."
"Being able to share myself genuinely... that's the most valuable thing in the world."
"Authentic people say no, that's not who I am, that's not what I'm about."
"Your purpose is to create the fucking you that you're so fucking proud of in every way and give that person to everybody you come across."
"I've always been a rebel to a degree where it's like, I want to say what I want to say, I want to dress the way I want to dress."
"When you let go of the fear of what other people think, the freedom is indescribable."
"Maximum freedom of speech, lifestyle, and everything is the true definition of being liberal."
"Each of us is born as an infinitely creative being."
"I think it'd be cool for you to be out there with no makeup, with curls on, in your sweaty pants and a stain on the shirt. I think that would be super cool."
"You define the dress, the dress doesn't define you."
"People need freedom politically, economically, socially, freedom from their unconscious emotions so they can be themselves."
"Honor my flow above everything else, because it is when I'm in flow that I'm the most light-hearted, the most fun."
"The first thing to understand if you want to have fun with people: you have to have fun yourself."
"This is about understanding and knowing how one feels about one's identity and how one wants to express it."
"It's time to use that throat chakra, tell people what's on your heart."
"It's not about what's been done, but what you could do uniquely for yourself."
"It didn't start working for me until I stopped giving a [expletive] about what other people thought about my music."
"Makeup should be a highlighter to your face, not covering your face and hiding who you really are."
"Some people may not get it, but Megan doesn't care."
"I think being unapologetically yourself then you know people like you for you no matter what."
"It is imperative that we control our own narrative. We have to speak on our own narrative. We have to control our own narrative."
"You don't have to use my method. You asked me what I do, and I said no. But I like it because people can agree or disagree, but this is who I am, and I'm not going to change."
"It is time for you guys to really start to harness your own individuality and step into your purest most individuality freedom independence."
"Creativity, your power in yourself, is going to shine through so much more than you've ever experienced before."
"Be relentlessly you. This may require breaking from tradition or parting ways with your comfort zone."
"Creativity and artistic talent is so many different things; it doesn't have to just be drawing, painting, singing, or anything like that. Artistic talent is pretty much just being able to create something beautiful or doing some sort of self-expression that really makes the world a more beautiful place."
"You've been born an original, don't die a copy."
"You're finally expressing yourself the way that you truly are instead of pretending to be somebody that you're not."
"I am going to speak my truth, live my truth, and create the life that I want to live."
"I celebrate and honor my physical body through dance and movement."
"We need to be more, be more of yourself. Each one of us has an authentic self that is wanting and craving to be expressed."
"Being able to authentically express yourself in any conditions."
"You are ready to communicate your authentic self and your deepest truth to the world."
"I think if you've got it, flaunt it. It looks really good. Who doesn't want to be Queen Bey?"
"Give yourself the gift of communicational freedom."
"I'm about body positivity; be confident, do what makes you feel good."
"It's okay to want to look hot. I want to look hot in the mainstream too, like it's not like there's anything wrong with that. But if that's the only way that you will allow yourself to express sexually, that's a huge two-dimensional repression of how you express sexually all the way down to your physiological core."
"Authenticity is about being true to yourself, being clear about your own values, and fighting for them."
"True leaders are more concerned with expressing themselves than with proving themselves."
"Love is who we are. Generating love does not waste energy."
"Allow yourself to shine, you're a beautiful being."
"I honor the woman I am, letting her be free to express herself."
"At the end of an ideal commander game, someone will have won, but all participants will have had the opportunity to express themselves through their deck-building and gameplay."
"Authenticity has nothing to do with logic; it's just about being perfectly truthful about what is, warts and all."
"It's time to start being yourself and honoring yourself, honoring your authenticity."
"Allow your light to start shining, and it's gonna start shining no matter what because you can't hold it back forever."
"Be your authentic self and not let family opinions stop you."
"A free soul can do so much more than a bound one can."
"The essence of who I am flows effortlessly into everything I create."
"Authenticity is more than just leaving your imperfections in the final cut. It is actually expressing true genuine thoughts and your life story."
"This space where I can be both a sir and a ma'am feels the most right and the most authentic."
"I want to show her that a dad can have hips, a dad doesn't have to have a perfectly flat chest or even be able to grow facial hair."
"Keep smiling, keep being yourself, don't let anybody throw shade at you."
"I am my authentic self in all circumstances."
"I feel like you're ready to step into more of a spotlight position where you're gonna I feel like just stop caring so much about what other people think about you, what other people say about you."
"Speak your truth, be authentic with others, and don't just people please."
"I express myself in positive ways. Everything I do is by choice. I can choose what to say, do, and think."
"It understands that neither realism nor even competition is at the heart of the automotive fantasy; it's self-expression."
"Speed is an act of self-discovery as well as self-expression."
"I'm not going to dumb it down anymore; I'm not getting in line anymore."
"Your purpose is to figure out how to come out of that shell and live heart forward."
"There's only one you, and when you lock yourself in a shell, we don't get to experience you."
"Stop putting your own desires and dreams into a closet and ignoring them in order to be societally correct or to please the people that are around you."
"In speaking your truth, it's actually going to be so much easier than you thought."
"It's all about the individuality that you're finally letting shine."
"Dress in a manner to create an aura of queendom, royalty, grace."
"The biggest thing for a person to learn from his content is how to embrace your individuality. It's centered on embracing your individuality, being who you really are so that you can live the life you want to live."
"Stay true to yourself. This is your time to shine."
"Your plants, all of who you are, is going to begin blossoming and becoming abundant."
"We should have, if out of all people, the most space to be ourselves because we've never really had a choice but to be ourselves."
"My whole mindset is I want to come in, do my job, be myself, and just dominate. I want to dominate and win games, and I have to be myself in order to do that."
"It's important to find the people that you feel like you can share yourself with or take care of you."
"Just move your hand and write the way into your heart."
"There's no need for facades, no need to worry about muting, changing, or dimming your message, light, or purpose."
"The biggest part of your mission is to be you."
"This is the time where you need to express yourself in the most creative way and let people know, 'This is me.'"
"You're going to be expressing yourself in such a big egoistic way that people will recognize you."
"The advantages of exhibiting and living with courage are far greater than the advantages of suppressing yourself."
"Transforming yourself by finding your own unique self-expression."
"The best thing to do is not do anything but being yourself because when the other people around see how you act...they are starting to look for it."
"Keep an open mind and this way it will allow you to express yourself even more and be more creative than ever before."
"Labels should work for you, you should not work for labels."
"I want you to think of your career path as actually a work of art something that you are creating, that you are forging."
"Realizing who we really are allows us to express ourselves and find that uniqueness within."
"Leverage your uniqueness because you are the one and only differentiator in this world."
"This is about taking it slow and just knowing that you want to be able to open up, you want to be able to be more authentic, be more you."
"It's about really starting to express yourself, being really authentic, letting people see the real you."
"Embrace uniqueness, that specificity of thought, that uniqueness of expression."
"All great artists listen to themselves and it's often not until they're celebrated that they start to become more confident in expressing that uniqueness."
"I mean let's be honest though, this looks pretty tight."
"Stay true to the craft, stay true to yourself."
"It's okay to be your true, genuine, authentic, goofy, weird, silly self."
"As I scream in agony, repeatedly punching myself in the genitals, it occurs to me that this is the perfect analogy for American politics."
"We live in the age of transparency and plus it's easier to wake up every day and just be yourself."
"Authenticity is needed in every expression in society because there's an authentic expression of who God made you to be that the world is aching for."
"Self-assertiveness means honoring your wants, needs, values, and seeking appropriate forms of their expression in reality."
"The purpose of wealth is to allow you the freedom to be who you want to be and not what they expect you to be."
"Living your truth, King. We can't be ourselves, what else is really important?"
"Just because you're you doesn't mean you can't be somebody else."
"Authenticity is only achievable when it's actually authentic."
"What style really is, is you start with who you are on the inside and then you express that externally through your clothing."
"Everyone who remains silent when they have something to say pays for it."
"I've gotten to the point in my life where I'm just like f it, I'm just gonna talk about what I want to talk about, and if you don't like it, that is your problem, not mine."
"It's a wonderful thing to learn to be able to stand up and yell because so much is being slung and nobody is talking about the primacy of experience and the dignity of the individual."
"Life is too short to be anybody else. I choose to be myself."
"Creativity means you can do anything. Once I cracked that egg inside of me, the image and who I was became one person."
"It's time to sing your heart out; it's time for the performance rather than the practice."
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I have a well-written text. This is what the bureaucracy does: tells you what to say and what not to say, but I've decided not to follow the text and say what I believe."
"More of us are rejecting those constructs, however, there are a lot of people who are too afraid to show up as their full selves."
"I'm just gonna be me, and I don't care if people don't like it. I'm just gonna do what I want."
"We should be way more inclusive of not just pretty makeup looks but for simple things too like covering up blemishes, fixing up their hairlines, and just experimenting and feeling confident in themselves."
"It will lead you to a new mode of self-expression, a new way of enjoying life, a new way of having fun, a new wave of confidence."
"I really want to show people who I really am. What I can really do."
"I truly believe that people are beautiful and amazing as they are, however you want to present yourself."
"I feel like a lot of people appreciate and respect me for being unapologetically me."
"Speak your needs and be true to yourself; focus on your own happiness instead of always trying to make everyone else happy."
"I wanted to do this because I need to emphasize the importance of individuality."
"Courage is to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart."
"Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language, it's from the Latin word 'cor,' meaning 'heart' -- and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart."
"I try to just get it out, okay? I don't dwell on it."
"Everything you make contains a part of your beautiful soul."
"As you're stepping into your authenticity, you also step into your power and you step into your light."
"Being positive is not enough. More important than being positive is being yourself."
"Acknowledge that you deserve to be seen and heard and to express yourself fully, and that what you say matters."
"Finally being your true authentic self unapologetically."
"What is stopping you from being your true authentic self? Why are you dimming your light to fit in with other people?"
"Be who you want to be and if somebody tells you otherwise, just say thanks for your advice."
"Your home reflects who you are, what you're collecting, and it's just like how you dress. It's such an important part of who we are."
"We've all got an inner beast. We've all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away, and a lot of us never let it out. But I did."
"It's time to spread your wings; it's time to speak your truth; it's time to honor your truth and spread your wings."
"Well, this is my money. I earned it. I'll use it any way I like."
"Absurd self-confident humor is a really good thing to lean into. It's funny, it's refreshing."
"If you have an opinion and you're scared to share it because you're scared of the repercussions, you are doing a disservice."
"It's important to be true to who you are as a person."
"I particularly enjoyed the online journaling feature because sometimes all I needed to do was stream of Consciousness write it all out."
"I'm a mix of them, but there's a little bit of myself in all of them."
"You have a voice, be a voice. It's okay to talk about your feelings."
"The binary is bullshit. Sex typically refers to your biological traits... Gender is about your identity, your expression, and it's often based on ideas about sex."
"Embrace what makes you different. That is you, that is your brand."
"The ability to...embody different versions of themselves safely."
"It's not about the cuteness, it's about just being you and being unapologetically you."
"Don't dim your light anymore; let your rainbow colors and your bright light just shine and illuminate this whole planet."
"Be who you are; that is your brightness. Shine it. If people find it's too much, they can go to a different room."
"Wear your scars as jewelry, not as shackles."
"We want to lean in on the things that we really like and the elements of our personal style that we define as important."
"I wear fitted, structured clothes with interesting colors, textures, and patterns."
"No other game I've ever played has given me this much freedom to define who I am and be that person."
"Stop trapping your soul's desires, stop caging your heart."
"Being your unique self is the coolest thing ever."
"I'm someone who isn't afraid to say I want to be the best."
"Authenticity is key. Strive every day to be more authentic in your life."
"Be yourself and give your opinion without being scared to give it."
"Last year was one of the first times where I've worn something that clearly displayed Kelsey."
"It's about being who you are. It's about being yourself."
"It's important to be authentically yourself because your life is meant to be lived for you."
"Hot girl summer is literally just doing what you want, being happy about it, and not caring about how people judge you."
"Your style is going to change and how you present yourself and the mask you wear to the world is going to massively change for the better."
"Every day is a war between being my true and authentic self, unabashedly unashamedly for the world to see...versus the mortifying ordeal of being known."
"Like fingerprints, snowflakes, and DNA, they are all different; no two daily self-portraits are the same."
"It's not so much about what you do, but more about who you are."
"It's time for you to put it out in the world... You are being given the courage to express yourself authentically and boldly."
"Our feelings, pleasant or unpleasant, are information for us... They can be used to make decisions, to express ourselves, or to take action."
"I'm just gonna talk to myself for an hour to an hour and a half, and that could be disastrous, and it could be entertaining; it could be both."
"I just want to make stuff that's totally from the heart, that I feel is like a good artistic representation of myself."
"This is my turn, and I'm gonna take my turn the way I see fit. Take yours, baby."
"What are you most proud of? I was able to be myself through the whole process."
"Home is where you got to be yourself. You can't just be something you're not."
"Have people like you for you, instead of who they want you to be."
"The peacock is always just reminding you to be yourself, shine, show your...something you really are talented at, gifted at."
"It is not okay to have to hide in your own life."
"Rainbow Goth is a marriage of both sides of her personality: dark and twisty meets vibrant and bright."
"Sometimes we can be our truest selves through the internet."
"I am not afraid to be a hundred percent myself, love it or hate it."
"Express your true self. Be who you want to be. Discover a new you."
"Living life authentically means following your bliss, following your heart, consequences be damned."
"We share things because we want to express ourselves. Sharing experiences allows us to share emotions."
"Focus on what lights you up and fills you with joy and to not be afraid of unleashing your creativity."
"You're not here to please other people; you're here just to be yourself."
"If a human being does not articulate the words that emerge in him or herself and that seem to be honest and sincere, then he will slowly start to lose his soul."
"To disabuse people of the idea that pursuing what brings them joy is an indulgence or that it is selfish."
"It's about expressing yourself, your ideas, and your feelings."
"Harajuku style is about having fun and expressing yourselves through fashion. Anything goes."
"I love to do what I want with my makeup, and you can too. If you needed permission from someone, well, there you go."
"I choose me. Choose yourself. Speak yourself all the time."
"Once you step out of that pen and you start to express your uniqueness, you realize what a prison you lived in before."
"I love this outfit. I think it's so cool. It is so fun. I feel so fresh and hip and alive."
"I'm just living my life, which is super cool."