
Discovery Quotes

There are 45310 quotes

"One would think that if such a powerful method existed, everyone would know about it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Human beings have a long history of underappreciating the power of the discoveries that are then in their own hands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nature is perfect, and it's the task of the scientist to discover in just what sense this is true."
"You cannot advance and make discoveries without risk."
"You will discover your superpower, you will be motivated, you will find the energy."
"I discovered I could perform a glorious dodge roll."
"This is a time where we can really begin to unlock a new world that can be very beneficial for us."
"The more we explore, the more likely we are to find something that is very important, maybe for ourselves, maybe for our species."
"You don't find your dharma; your dharma finds you."
"This entire journey of self-actualization...will introduce you to new facets of reality that you had no idea existed before."
"Get discovered. The sixth reason to start a YouTube channel is it's a great way to get discovered because YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world."
"Reality is truly unnameable, but we don't make that statement until we have really discovered that. We reserve making that statement until we have really reduced experience back and back and back into its origin."
"To know thyself... can also be achieved by stepping outside yourself, by discovering other people's lives."
"It's only now that I understand the depth of the depravity of this creature."
"As AI becomes really, really smart, it might discover that there's a grand purpose to the universe that we were not aware of."
"The new explorers were not people who are necessarily going to find uncharted lands because all the lands had been charted. They're going to discover new things, they're going to create new products and services."
"Once you've put it down there, then all of a sudden, you become a student; that thing that you've written down is going to teach you."
"Science has the power to unravel the mysteries of the universe and lead to new discoveries."
"Exploration comes before discovery because... you don't know exactly what you're going to find."
"This is unlike anything I've ever seen in my life."
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much we still have to discover."
"The history we know is but a fraction of the vast unknown."
"Recovery and discovery. Recovery of our past, recovery of what we're dealing with right now, and then discovery, which is the magical moments."
"You were seeing something that no other human has ever seen before."
"It's like night and day, the phoenix rising from the ashes where it's like there's nothing and darkness and then boom, you step through this portal, and whoa, it's a whole nother world."
"What they can find on Mars can change how we look at the whole universe."
"Once we prove that, new questions arise. Not are we alone, but now what or who is out there?"
"The deepest image of the universe ever taken."
"Green rock, the enigma of a peculiar Martian rock."
"If we find ancient life on Mars, it really changes everything."
"Thanks to Perseverance, we could be on the verge of the monumental first discovery of actual life outside our planet."
"Meditation can be a journey of discovery that leads to profound, life-changing insights."
"Every time we do one of these missions, we make fabulous discoveries, and each one is more exciting than the last."
"Every time we execute a mission with new instruments, we discover new things and things we never thought we would discover."
"The release of the first ever image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way taken by the Event Horizon Telescope was the big news this month."
"If human history has shown us anything about how we treat other cultures upon discovery, it's not looking great for any sapient animal we might come across."
"Both of our minds are going to get blown together, and we are going to have so much fun doing it."
"If you follow what this passion is, what this electrifying feeling is, it is going to lead you to more magic, more discovery, more hidden potential than you even see on the surface right now."
"It's a question that, if it were proved positive, would forever alter our entire view of the whole universe."
"Our fundamental job is to explore new places, places we haven't been, answer questions we don't know the answer to."
"Whatever we discover, it's all kind of magical."
"The most important thing that happens in these missions are the things we did not plan."
"Some exciting news: This is like falling so deeply; this is reaching depths you've never reached before."
"If humans were allowed free energy, free movement, and able to explore, we would find out what this place is."
"You're going to finally find something where you feel so good."
"Antarctica recently, huge underground lakes were found a kilometer deep under the ice."
"When a system can significantly increase the rate of scientific discovery in the world, that's like a huge deal."
"Don't sit down and write a three-page backstory yet, allow yourself to discover what your player's backstory is."
"Yuki can't believe how crazy interdimensional travel is."
"A shocking revelation happens... a flurry of color as thousands of space worms... are transforming into butterflies."
"The things that are good or bad for us as human beings are there in the nature of things; they're there for us to discover, not to invent."
"We've discovered more about the human brain in the past 20 years than the previous 2,000 years combined."
"Science is not just a proclamation about something; science is the method by which we discover things about the world."
"A walk with God is endless. You would never have Him figured out."
"This base is pretty hidden and to be honest, I haven't even shown you the best part of this base."
"The most paradoxical perhaps thing that you'll discover in life is this thing here."
"Scientists have declared that these discoveries are technically not supposed to exist, defying established laws of science."
"These discoveries are as amazing as they come, to have scientists already challenged to rewrite their theories about the early Universe."
"Astronomers all over the world have been sent scratching their heads as the James Webb Space Telescope detects six new galaxies that should not exist."
"The Moon is a treasure trove of science. It holds opportunities for us to make discoveries about our own planet, about our sun, and about our solar system."
"Literally, there are thousands upon thousands of amazing locations out there."
"If you want to discover unknown planets, undiscovered planets, then what you need to do is go somewhere no one has been before."
"If you go up or if you go down, you'll find that you're much more likely to find undiscovered systems."
"If you want to find, you must search, and if you search, you will find."
"Most are none other than marvels of science that have never been seen on our small planet."
"It offers a tantalizing glimpse into the possibility that unclassified large species still lurk in the ocean's depths."
"'Starfield' presents the potential to be a groundbreaking space exploration game, offering freedom to go wherever you want and discover new worlds."
"The complexity of reality of how the brain works is, well, first of all, we're still trying to figure it out, and second of all, it is complex and it's still an incomplete story."
"Through chemistry, you'll soon discover what's in store for the kingdom and its citizenry."
"If YouTube ever figures out that discoverability, then it's going to be really interesting."
"You're not going to think your way to passion; you can't think your way to finding something that you feel in your heart."
"When you come out of the cave, you're going to realize the whole wonders that there are to be seen in the rest of the world."
"God has already created your entire life while you are yet to discover it."
"Let's go in there because, you know what's gonna be hiding in there? God's gonna be hiding in there."
"The James Webb Space Telescope recently discovered and verified the discovery of the oldest known galaxy."
"Elden Ring's exploration is so worthwhile, not just because it's like an RPG and you're making your character stronger, but just because of how much stuff you will be surprised to find and how well crafted and interesting it all really is."
"You're going to find love in the most unexpected places."
"It's so fun. I literally can't believe how fun it is."
"What you most need will be found where you least want to look, but you have to look purposefully."
"The life you were meant to have is one of passion and discovery, an exciting journey of adventure and revelation."
"You are so close to finding the answers you are seeking."
"Theories like the Big Bang and other bedrocks of physics have shaped our understanding of the universe, but recent discoveries are challenging these theories."
"The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot."
"You thought you were playing a game, breaking records, uncovering secrets no one was meant to find."
"I'm so glad I kept going; like, you know, I find that cute stuff."
"You can never know everything; every time we learn one more thing, we may learn that there's a lot more we don't know."
"The fossil that Forest found was identified as a new species of walrus, and in recognition of Forest's contribution to paleontology, the scientist named this ancient walrus species after him."
"Joe Davis, a conservation team leader, made a groundbreaking discovery...the largest and most complete ichthyosaur skeleton ever found in Britain."
"Imagine a caveman seeing fire for the first time and not knowing that it burns; he has to touch it at least once to figure that out."
"It is genuine exploration and discovery as you not only map the Zone but catalog its contents and learn for yourself what each of these things do."
"Nature is complex and the more we study foods that were grown in soils or foods that were eaten by animals that were grown in soils, the more we find out that there are things we didn't ever even know about that are part of this orchestration."
"Wander on the path less traveled; what you find might surprise you."
"The exploration and journey of discovery... leave us with other questions that we like to answer."
"Since its discovery by the Foundation in 1956, SCP-4043 manifestations have been slowly but steadily weakening."
"It fortifies our imagination, awakening a primal lust for exploration and discovery."
"In late 2020, a helicopter crew flying over Utah...spotted something unexpected: a lone metallic monolith."
"I had always dreamed of what this place would be like, and I suddenly felt a bit emotional, like Charlie walking into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for the first time but with less death traps."
"What we are announcing today is the detection of organic molecules. They're the building blocks of life."
"Antarctica's icy expanse harbors a treasure trove of pristine meteorite specimens, with thousands scattered across the remote, windswept landscape."
"A network of truly enormous tunnels has been discovered deep beneath Antarctica's ice sheet, comparable in height to Paris's Eiffel Tower."
"At that point, Jerry says, 'I think I've cracked the Michigan State Lottery.'"
"You know, it's just kind of mind-blowing, in a way."
"It's like discovering a hidden superpower just when you need it the most."
"In the face of adversity, we find not just the struggle but also the strength we never knew we had."
"It was still an epic find. What a treasure hunt."
"This is one of those under-the-radar, unexpected, surprise kinds of games for a lot of people."
"Within the first three months of being at this location, we were able to say, one, Gale Crater was wet. Number two, it can sustain life."
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders where anything can happen."
"Begin to think of the untold and undiscovered riches all around you, waiting for the intelligence of man to bring them forth."
"It looks awesome, whatever it is. It's like weird looking, like a path to awesomeness."
"This is pretty cool. This is some kind of a huge structure."
"Oh my God, it really doesn't tell you where the things are either. Jesus Christ, this is freaking cool."
"Reflecting on his life and work, Isaac Newton said, 'I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore...whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.'"
"Where you stumble, that's where you should dig for treasure."
"Chao do in fact have hidden and recessive genes not expressed in their phenotype."
"I realized for the first time that I was in this amazingly fascinating space."
"We're at the cusp of the beginnings of really understanding what is the most complex system that we've encountered, which is that of a biological system."
"Something you've been looking for, you're going to find."
"Most of the great discoveries in science and maths were made intuitively, through pattern recognition and seeing gestalt."
"Truth, goodness, and beauty are things that we discover, not that we invent."
"Why should I suppose that I am able to plumb the mysteries of the universe? It's amazing how far we've got. It's absolutely incredible how clever we are at working out the mysteries of the universe with the aid of lots of very sophisticated machines and by people building on the shoulders of others over centuries."
"After all that searching, we've finally found a chip that actually looks like it might do the job."
"I do so love a mystery and who knows what other marvels lie even deeper below us."
"It was hugely refreshing to be able to get to know someone who isn't necessarily within your circle, doesn't know much about me, I don't know much about her, so to be able to start almost afresh right from the beginning and getting to know each other step by step."
"Travelling is nothing more exciting than discovering new places and finding new friends."
"The discoveries within the Grand Canyon have forever changed our perception of the past, present, and future, urging us to embark on a transformative journey of exploration, growth, and collective progress."
"That's the biggest gold nugget that we've seen as a family."
"If you're pursuing something creative, you actually don't know why, not really, because the creative pursuit is the discovery of why."
"This monumental landmark, carved over millennia, has become a theater of an electrifying discovery, one that is sending shockwaves around the globe."
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
"This is indeed a remarkable piece of footage."
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust"
"Providence was real, but I never actually expected to find proof."
"This footage you're about to witness is absolutely insane and unlike anything I've ever seen before."
"A path with money is waiting for you to find it."
"The metrics help us measure how much of the iceberg we've revealed, but the infinite game is understanding that the majority of our work still lies undiscovered."
"Start with Why was born out of my loss of passion, leading to a discovery that reignited it more than ever before."
"If I never met you, I never would have known what love feels like."
"I could not have imagined that something like this would exist in real life."
"This trail just got worth it because the tiger's out. I'm so excited."
"Life's most profound secrets are hidden in the most unexpected places."
"One of the most exciting discoveries...has been the discovery of what are loosely termed mirror neurons."
"I discovered a kind of intimacy with people that I didn't know existed but I've always wanted."
"Beneath its icy surface, Antarctica hides gambuts of mountains, a mountain range as grand as the Alps, entirely buried under miles of ice."
"These astronomers take things from the 'we have no idea' column, and after a lot of hard work and brilliance, they move them into the 'oh yeah, we know what that is' column."
"We finally now know what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, and the answer is a kilonova."
"Science brings people together internationally, speak different languages, different cultures, but all those telescopes had to work and time things to the same microsecond to be able to amass that data and combine it."
"Every object that you see on the screen right now represents some sort of bizarre or unexplained or particularly puzzling type of star, something that has surprised or confused at times astronomers."
"As part of this project, we had, by surprise, discovered the very largest stars that anyone had ever seen."
"Pulsar were actually discovered in a pretty interesting manner. They were detected by a woman named Jocelyn Bell Burnell in the 1960s in the radio."
"X-ray astronomy is a gift that keeps on giving."
"And so there's a lot of value and a lot of power and beauty to the discovery in the big picture of our universe and in the details."
"After weeks of looking, we finally stumbled upon... Clown Town."
"And then you have the unknown unknowns, the things that we don't know that we don't know."
"It's through the adoption of responsibility that you're most likely to encounter those meanings."
"We have discovered countless mysteries and surprises in our relatively brief survey of the heavens and should expect many more."
"The kind of discovery-oriented reading...slowly reveals itself over the course of reading."
"There's a power inside of you that you can only discover when you are truly alone."
"Half the treasure is the journey on the path to finding it."
"Newton made this remarkable discovery... that plain white light can be split up into a rainbow."
"The universe is just raining down information. It's like this invisible orchestra of information raining down on us all the time."
"We invented this new kind of camera... and we discovered a totally new type of galaxy that we'd never seen before."
"What you most want will be found where you least want to look."
"What you see there is something like an emergent morality of play in rats... an unbelievably compelling and stunning discovery."
"The path forward involves creating connection, but even more so, it's about discovering the connection that's already there."
"It's an open world game and the game says, 'Go figure this out.' That's the beauty of it."
"These stories just kind of float out there and they find you when maybe you're ready to find them."
"Get rid of clutter and you may just find it was blocking the door you were looking for."
"The discovery of dark energy was the equivalent of the discovery of x-rays and radioactivity at the end of the 19th century."
"I'm sure we're missing something that is right in front of our noses."
"The excitement of science is showing that the accepted wisdom is wrong somehow."
"We want people to hear that and reinvigorate their light for like discovery and exploration."
"It's so nice to see the community figuring stuff out in a game that is systemic because they're going to find stuff we have no idea exists."
"It has peeled back the surface of Mars, and listened to the planet’s slow heartbeat to gain knowledge unseen by any mission that has gone on before it."
"I didn't know sexuality could be this; I didn't know gender identity could be this."
"There are hidden gems everywhere on Steam, from barely reviewed masterpieces to games with cursed potential to hilariously awkward passion projects so bad they're kind of good."
"I feel like one of those scientists that just discovered how to solve world hunger."
"Nobody could have predicted that this was the birth of something astonishing…"
"The most surprising idea to me is that we can actually do physics."
"Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics." – Siméon Poisson
"It feels like walking into a treasure trove; you just don't know what you're going to find, and it's so exciting."
"That's really what's great about basic science, in this case mathematics...one guy's discovery leads to someone else's invention and leads to another guy's machine."
"Do you think mathematics is discovered or invented? I personally feel like it's discovered."
"Mathematics is a bit like geology or archaeology where you're really exploring out there in the world and you're finding beautiful things."
"All I plead with you is this: make love of yourself perfect. Deny yourself nothing. Give yourself infinity and eternity and discover you do not need them; you are beyond."
"Nature has shown such taste in mathematics, it's like raiding a jewelry store with millions of pieces and in under half a minute, finding all the best stuff."
"It's better to err on the side of discovery rather than security."
"Thanks for the awesome videos and introducing me to so many cool games."
"The wreckage of the doomed ship was not discovered until 1985 off the coast of Newfoundland."
"With this YouTooz, you're also getting my very own conspiracy board, chalk full of little Easter eggs for you to discover."
"Express your true self. Be who you want to be. Discover a new you."
"Imagination, when paired with scrutiny, is central to the discovery process."
"It's exciting to be wrong because it means there's more to learn."
"I think that shark is actually a female, and she's pregnant. Oh my goodness, it's the shark princess."
"Essentially, it's another piece of the puzzle falling into place."
"I never thought I'd say this, but I've actually really been loving Realm of Magic recently."
"This for $3, you're getting a ton of flavor for the buck. It's like you went to an art sale and paid 50 cents for a masterpiece painting."
"I found this really neat looking old bakelite radio."
"We get to explore the universe and see things that no one has ever seen before."
"Sometimes under the most ordinary stone is an undisturbed garden."