
Research Quotes

There are 16488 quotes

"This particularly transformative form of journaling... was researched by Dr. James Pennebaker."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you keep thinking, acting, and feeling differently, our research shows without a doubt, you're going to have dramatic changes in your biology."
"Aging actually has been worked on for about 5,000 years or more, and just in the last 20 years, we've come up with a set of hallmarks of aging."
"People step into bathtubs filled with ice. Hof's ability to withstand long exposures to cold has been researched."
"I'm a pharmacist, but I'm much more than a pharmacist. I'm a nutritionist and a cosmetic chemist, and I'm also a voracious researcher."
"Creatine monohydrate...it's actually one of the most researched supplement ever and the benefits are very clear and very very consistent."
"Sleep extension research shows marked improvements in performance with additional sleep."
"Every day, I get up and I try to answer one simple question: 'Why are some people happier than others?'"
"Don't discount those periods where you're laying the foundation, where you're doing the research, where you're introspecting, where you're dreaming, where you're coming up with visions."
"Our bet is...the benchmarks are what's going to be disrupted by this massive convergence of innovation platforms."
"We are doing research that no one else is doing in a way that no one else is doing."
"These materials are used in cutting-edge carbon fiber research. The Houston Methodist Research Institute is very excited about having the opportunity to partner with other industries to perform research that otherwise could not be performed anywhere else."
"I actually really love researching things, specifically things that I'm interested in."
"Dragon and SpaceX's efforts lock in new research opportunities that ultimately impact life on Earth."
"It changed me as well... you get into someone else's culture, you start to see the world through their eyes, and it changes you as a researcher."
"If something is interesting to you, the research says that's enough to begin the skill acquisition phase."
"My lab is pretty big... it makes me feel that I have ground truth."
"It is so cool that we get to do this for a living. Studying whatever I find interesting to me is something that I can have a secure job for... it's amazing."
"These discoveries have opened up new avenues of research and highlighted the need for more powerful and sophisticated telescopes to probe the depths of the cosmos."
"When over 10,000 science all study the same subject and come up to the same conclusion... that's what you call a consensus."
"It's a demonstration platform for new technologies and a research laboratory for breakthroughs not possible on Earth."
"Most scientific research these days is done for the military or for corporations with a kind of a profit-driven incentive."
"The ability to constantly gather new information to understand the way disease acts in real-world conditions is crucial."
"You can get 50% of the way to an expert on something with a minimal amount of research. And then that next 50% takes nine more years."
"Most of the research, including that done by Mike Israel, says that doing one to three reps from failure, that's all you need to stimulate muscle growth."
"This video has taken me 43 hours of research."
"There's a lot of research on overconfidence versus confidence, and confidence allows room to be wrong."
"The aging process is malleable. It's plastic. It's surprisingly controllable in the lab."
"We've been working on many therapies for Alzheimer's disease, and I wish I could tell you we have a cure, but we don't."
"We've been working for many years on slowing aging, but we've wanted, how do you get that to be reversed? Is there a reset switch in an old cell? And we think we found it."
"I respect knowledge, and any information that I put out there, it's well-researched."
"I'd really like to see more research done on the use of Fibonacci sequences and golden spirals as the early research is looking really promising."
"Researchers do not yet know how white noise improves sleep for some people, but one theory is that it masks background noises that can disrupt sleep."
"It's a research memoir, so it's partly my stories and experiences. And it's partly I talked to a lot of experts and looked at studies as well. And I would say it's part manifesto because I'm trying to make an argument that we should give our kids more independence."
"If you can solve or treat each one of these eight [hallmarks], then we'll live longer."
"If we can treat what's actually causing aging, maybe now we can prevent multiple different types of age-related diseases."
"Good to see consistency in data between different countries because it means it's actually reflecting the real science."
"We're going to discuss the science of happiness, because indeed, there are excellent laboratories that have worked for many decades to try and understand what is this thing that we call happiness and what brings us happiness in the short and long term."
"Continual research and study are essential to fully understand and develop effective prevention and treatment strategies for the Delta variant."
"Scientific collaboration, mixed methodology, and interdisciplinary study are essential."
"These little mushroom shaped protrusions...are the sites of new excitatory connections."
"Creatine stands in a class of its own as far as efficacy of supplements... it's been researched for a long time, it is safe."
"Doing your own research is crucial, content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only."
"The negative impacts of climate being the subject of an extensive literature summarized in Working Group Two of the IPCC."
"Skeptics of the gender pay gap exist even though there's extensive research proving it's real."
"Because Dr. Ekman is a true mind-body researcher, he actually mapped all 43 muscle groups that are used in facial expressions."
"After much deliberation and research into this, I have come to the conclusion that I don't fucking know."
"Social isolation is a difficult thing to study in a lot of conditions and we stumbled onto it by complete accident."
"The most important thing made in these labs is making itself."
"This was my very first research project as an astronomy student... I had my very first observing run... I'm unbelievably excited because they're letting me open the dome of the 2.1-meter telescope and I'm gazing up going 'Ha ha!'"
"You're somebody who has and will be very proud and find success in the amount that you research and learn this lifetime."
"We're always looking for participants for our studies."
"Anybody can buy books, but that's not the point. Each one of these books I've spent at least a few hours, some of them days and months researching."
"StarCraft continues to be a relevant and exciting problem domain for AI research."
"Research is an important, very important way of ameliorating the life of humans."
"Read a bunch of different things from a bunch of different sources and where they cross is probably the set of fact."
"A hypothesis is a testable statement...it's testable, for the hypothesis, and we can then go on and test this."
"Sooner or later we'll get that data and once that correlation is established, it will then be necessary for the people in laboratories to come up with pathological explanations."
"I am unusually confident that I'm on the right track with this one."
"Research shows that this ability to seize the moment makes you 3 times more likely to achieve your goals."
"Many people think that will power and self-discipline are things that you either have or you don't have. But the research shows that these are characteristics developed through practice and application."
"I personally would not have been able to get to the end without the machine starting things off."
"Now this is going to sound crazy, but there is actual evidence to suggest that the US military was experimenting with anti-gravity technology starting in the early 2000s and continuing until at least the mid-2010s."
"Dr. Ning Lee was no quack; she was not a pseudo-scientist. She wasn't chasing fame or even a paycheck. This woman immigrated to the United States at 40 years old and dedicated the following decades to research and development of new technologies to benefit the United States government and military."
"In every area in life that you want to get good at, you have to research, you gotta practice, you got to enlist the help of gurus."
"Research days are just like amazing events in Pokémon Go."
"Nature vs nurture has long been the topic of debate for researchers as well as the average Joe."
"Unlocking the secrets of a renewed gut we could find a sort of master key to better health."
"We've identified two additional regions of super longevity."
"I wanted to take some time out to do a little background check on why that video happened and why those words came out."
"We've also done it with research, with extension, compassion, concern for others. That's not a bad thing to have."
"This is not something that you just make on a weekend on a whim; it requires a lot of research."
"Do your research if you're going to get them done."
"You can source any material. Go out and find the best information, find the best intel."
"Research tables require paper, and you'll get into a whole bunch of research that helps you unlock the mysteries of Thaumcraft."
"Do your own research before purchasing or looking into any of these cryptocurrencies as they have the potential to absolutely collapse but they also have the potential to skyrocket."
"We're out to study the big picture questions of the universe."
"Based on the analysis of the publicly available information, it appears reasonable to conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic was more likely than not the result of a research-related incident."
"Studies... must always be taken with a grain of salt."
"Math is not all about numbers. I do not do any numbers in my research as a category theorist."
"We are at the precipice of a revolution where access to information and research on psychedelics is opening up, promising a rapid increase in scientific understanding."
"Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the past?"
"Francis Galton... started studying excellence... his conception wasn't so much cognitive capacity as more differentiated sorts of things like conscientiousness, creativity, intelligence."
"We've got to have some way to overcome the metabolic damage that poor food is doing, and what the research is showing is fasting."
"The past 16 years of Alzheimer's research, in many ways, was built on fraud."
"We identified and published, a number of years ago, 36 different factors that all contribute to Alzheimer's but they actually break down into just a couple of categories."
"Self-control is essentially like a personality characteristic... but this group of researchers basically discovered that it's not a fixed aspect of who you are as a person, but a diminishing resource."
"Don't copy their portfolio; don't buy anything they tell you to unless it's based on your own research."
"The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate whether the brain requires more energy as the game gets harder and faster."
"There is compelling evidence that precognition, in which the target is selected after the subject has given the description, is also successful."
"Category 5 hurricane is about as scary as it can get, but a new study suggests global warming could be supercharging storms just enough to warrant a new category 6."
"We didn't really see significant things associated with cognition and moods and all of the things that we were testing for which, yeah, there could be a variety of explanations for that."
"Hearing and seeing is completely different than listening and observing, and doing your own research and coming up with your own ideology and your own philosophy."
"Androgen and glucocorticoid receptor concentrations were reduced."
"This is the Internet Anomalies file. It's basically a chart that outlines many different abnormal and weird things from around the internet."
"Exercise is really important in terms of reduction; there was a study that just came out showing that people who exercise have a reduced incidence of severe conditions."
"There is no question that is too taboo to ask, if research is done honestly, assiduously, with full adherence to the scientific method."
"Over the past few decades, there's been emerging research...that suggest that sauna bathing improves overall health."
"Be reassuring to the kids and let them know that the doctors and the researchers are doing as much as they can to help us."
"I'm amazed at the number of people that are willing to blankly dismiss something without ever doing serious research about it."
"In the 2021 paper 'U.S. Inflation and Global Asset Returns,' the authors study the relationship between U.S. inflation and the performance of global assets."
"It's not about genius; it's just about good timing and good research."
"Harlow wasn't just creating loads of depressed monkeys for no reason; the apparent plan was to try and rehabilitate his subjects."
"To come out of the matrix, I have a framework I call it the modern-day [__] meter. Oh yeah. And the best way to do this is there's three questions that you ask when somebody tells you something. You say, 'Why?' They then say, usually some appeal to expertise or a kind of status. They'll say, 'Because so and so said it.' And then you say, 'Uh uh, prove it.' So it's 'Why, says who, prove it.' And you can apply this across almost every aspect of your life."
"What you find is, by asking those three simple questions, a very large portion of the things that you're told, you immediately are like, 'I think I need to do more research on this because that sounds like [__].' And what's scary about it is actually very foundational things to our life that we previously thought were true, now all of a sudden, it's not so much."
"Take your time, do your research, and absorb it before you put your money in. Go slow before you go fast."
"You always have to have like an autistic research guy like Nardo the human servet on your team that will just pull out some of the most insane stuff that you didn't even know other people knew about yourself."
"Birth control pills make women more attracted to feminine men rather than masculine men."
"We are just now, en masse, in the scientific community, starting to research these psychological side effects of hormonal birth control."
"It's also very important to do your research beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for what this investing journey is all about."
"In 1993, Greer founded the Disclosure Project, a nonprofit research project whose goal is to disclose to the public the government's alleged knowledge of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and advanced energy and propulsion systems."
"The best available research suggests that 75 or more of those who commit acts of sexual or physical abuse against others were themselves abused as children."
"Studying beetles in a rainforest could actually tell you something that changes the way you look at the world."
"Anecdotes, my own included, are no substitute for scientific research."
"Psychedelics will be for the study of the mind what the telescope was for astronomy or the microscope for biology."
"Psychedelic research requires small investments that have the potential for immense payoff for society."
"Psychedelic research is a completely open field right now."
"Google Research recently released a stunning paper in which they show off a very, very state-of-the-art text to video generator."
"History at the professional level is not taught, it is studied. We take documents, artifacts, we talk with anthropologists and archaeologists, linguists, geneticists, all sorts of different groups, and the goal is to, using the evidence available, construct a coherent narrative for what happened in history."
"The phenomena or category of alternative history that delves into the research of lost history and civilizations, hijacks and stolen buildings, magic, alchemy, and cloning, antiquitech, cataclysms, mud floods, buried buildings, star forts, and fortified cities, royal bloodlines and secret brotherhoods, asylums, orphans and Odd Fellows, underground tunnels and waste management, and suppressed Moorish history."
"We were trying to do computer architecture research... You have to connect software and hardware, and the interface there is the instruction set."
"The biggest message here is to do your research, and if you have an inkling of concern and if you see some red flags, then do explore that more."
"It might teach us new things about gravity because we might simulate this and ask new questions about gravity, experimentally see some gravitational phenomena, and then discover how to theoretically describe them."
"We still know so little about intelligence, human or animal, that it is impossible to call this transition zone an improbable one."
"So I'm a very much 1,000-to-1 kind of person. I like to dig deeply and broadly and to enter that realm of the unpublished."
"Religion has to mean something, and these altered states of awareness that we seem to be able to produce quite easily inside the lab at Hopkins, NYU, and elsewhere with psilocybin."
"Quantum biology...if some of these processes turn out to be true, the payoff would be huge."
"If you spent a year figuring out how to make MDMA and how to dispose of the waste effectively, there's no way that you would abuse it by the time you were done."
"When you don't know something, don't make up an unproven explanation so that you don't have to admit that you don't know. Just admit ignorance and then research it from there; that's the basis of intellectual honesty."
"You're at the boundary of knowledge, which makes it fun."
"Every year we put out a Big Ideas presentation. It's kind of a compendium of some of the research insights we've both had over the course of the year and what we think is going to be important this year."
"It's not about transitioning from consumer to creator; it's about transitioning from consumer to researcher first."
"The only way you could have a logical reason to side with Dr. Kate and Dr. Lawrence over almost every other scientist is if you are a biochemist who is at the forefront of the research into this topic."
"I want to make sure that I'm bringing you value and an objective and well-researched point of view."
"It's very well-studied and most famous as an anti-inflammatory, but it does a ton of other things."
"We're going to build the largest cryopreservation reanimation research facility that anyone's ever imagined."
"In your preparation, research the company and find out what their mission, vision, or aim is."
"Sometimes you can just kind of get stuck in research mode and never actually take action."
"Bottom line, if reliability is your prime concern when buying a new car, then you should be buying a car that has been out on the market for a while that we already have data on."
"Archaeology can help us answer that question."
"It's quite possible I'm dreaming all this because we seem to be discovering exactly what we're looking for."
"Avoidant personality disorder is actually the only personality disorder associated with a lower divorce rate when compared to people without a personality disorder."
"I think there's lots more questions to be answered; there's decades of work just in this field."
"Men can be perpetrators and victims of intimate partner violence. That's well established in the research."
"We need to know all of who we are, and research has shown that when young people know about their heritage, their self-esteem is enhanced."
"Our research shows that fear and those stress hormones actually suppress the immune response."
"It's up to the brand to make the right decision, do your research on who is doing well, who's name is being talked about a lot, and who has good engagement and who can really convert to sales."
"What a cool job: to be a researcher who studies what dogs’ tails are telling us."
"If it's a traditional dish from a culture not my own, I will research the [__] out of it."
"Throughout his life, he had this intense compulsion to understand, with total and complete objectivity, the nature and state of optimal well-being, or rather what he would go on to term 'psychological worthiness'."
"All of research is to debunk dogma. What we believed ten years ago is already wrong and what we believe today will be wrong ten years from now."
"Make sure you do research. Sometimes things take a lot more care than you realize."
"Find something you think you can be really passionate about, do all your research, do all the legwork to see if there's an opportunity out there."
"Look at the data without any bias. That's all I ask."
"Spiritually committed people are twice as likely to report being very happy."
"Supercomputing is the driving force of discovery in every field, from scientific to industrial, allowing researchers to understand the behavior of the smallest particles to the furthest expanses of the universe."
"There is now so much new information to delve into, and as soon as it seems like we have all of the crazy details, more revelations emerge."
"The remnants of such a world may hold the key to understanding planetary evolution and habitability."
"I'm all about presenting the data and speaking to facts and the science, and standing up for sex research whether it infuriates people on the left or the right."
"It's clear that this research isn't the beginning of the end for the time crystal research, but is the end of the beginning."
"The truth is that there are all these research studies that show academic benefits for typical kids who are learning in inclusive settings."
"We need to do this. The automated research program is solid. It can conduct iterative research on Scorch beasts and find their weaknesses."
"It's definitely worth spending some time learning about the company."
"Bell Labs was about pure research, it was a university in some sense, the purest sense of a university but without students."
"Thanks to the investigative and research efforts of Professor Oak, 150 species of Pokémon have been discovered."
"This verse is probably gonna make me hit a Google search on him."
"If we could take care of all 12 factors, then we would actually reduce the incidence of dementia by about 40 percent."
"We're constantly replenishing all of the cells of our body anyway. Given AI, given quantum technology, we're going to start to understand why we age, how to slow it, stop it, maybe reverse it."
"Dr. Linus Pauling, a brilliant figure well-known in the vitamin C world, found clinical evidence suggesting that high-dose intravenous administration of vitamin C is useful as a supportive treatment for cancer."
"Don't go and buy Air Canada without doing all of your own research and don't trust a word I say without verifying it for yourself."
"If you wanna donate to a worthy cause, your best bet is to actually look up the organization and donate to them directly."
"Researchers from New York University Abu Dhabi have found that cyclonic storms appear to leave scars on the Arctic Ocean in the form of temporary holes called polynyas."
"The results of the drilling are simply spectacular. They give us a picture of a dynamic ice sheet coming and going regularly more than 60 times."
"The libraries are vast archive complexes and research facilities housing the collated genetic information of numerous sentient species."
"Only when we research, investigate, and verify can we avoid being swayed by someone else's self-serving narration and figure out the true story for ourselves."
"This topic wasn't really a serious avenue of study until the algorithms started to work well most of the time."
"Do your research. A lot of research. The more research you do, the better your videos, the better your channel, the more successful you will be."
"Plenty of research shows that life events, medical conditions, and family circumstances impact men and women differently."
"This is a complex interaction between a disease, society, and scientific research."
"Funding has gone into the kind of research to really understand the risk factors, the mechanisms, the outcomes of long COVID in a way that we've never done before... a really strong positive that's come out of that."
"Getting long COVID and doing a lot about it opened my eyes to the suffering of people with other chronic illnesses... very much under-researched, poorly understood for decades."
"The fundamental thing I think you're trying to do in a research paper is to take one idea and to transfer it from your head into someone else's."
"Acknowledging weaknesses in your own work is good science and good tactics."
"Success is so infecting your readers that they join you in the research program."
"It's important that you be educated and that you make a decision based on research and knowledge that you have found for yourself."
"Academic freedom refers to researchers and academics being free to investigate those topics that interest them and being able to publish their findings publicly without the government removing points of view it doesn't like."
"The good news is that there is now an active research subfield working on AI safety."
"Hopefully, future generations of researchers and archaeologists can continue to work on this site with open minds."
"Research has shown that deceptive people often sell their story a little bit more than truth tellers because they know it's not true, so they have to make extra efforts to make it credible."
"Take nobody's word for it; you have to do the research yourself."
"I read all your research on nanotechnology. Really brilliant."
"I'm not really here. It's research. I'm Louis Theroux."
"Research everything and don't take anything at face value."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are accessible to everyone now."
"In many ways, the real work on the Dead Sea Scrolls is just beginning."
"This natural occurrence has captivated the curiosity of researchers and photographers alike."
"A lot of stereotypical computer science jobs are in research where you might be working in artificial intelligence and deep learning to design neural networks such that a computer can learn to recognize objects or beat a human in a challenging game."
"The best way to enable people to live forever is through more economic growth, so you can have more research scientists and more capital devoted to figuring out a way for people to be able to live forever."
"The majority of researchers agree that the total protein intake per day is the most important thing."
"I just try to stay in my own lane and trust my due diligence and the research that I've personally done."