
Journaling Quotes

There are 1815 quotes

"This particularly transformative form of journaling... was researched by Dr. James Pennebaker."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People's progression through talk therapy, drug therapies, etc., for depression and PTSD is accelerated significantly when they do this type of journaling."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Journaling in full honesty with oneself is very powerful."
"Journal after journal... they're sad to go through. I literally... cry every single time I read the journals."
"That one time you journal may save you from killing yourself 10 years from now."
"Journaling, taking five minutes on your way to work maybe you're in public transportation...it's such underrated self-care."
"Journaling...can get a lot of the feelings out and on paper, it's a way to relieve stress."
"Keep a gratitude book. Keep a journal of all the things you're grateful for. Write in it every day as a discipline."
"Journaling is one of the top things that I would suggest...it's really going to give you a chance to really be self-reflective."
"Journaling... it's really a way for you to self-reflect."
"Keep a journal. It helps you stay accountable and in a good place with your lifestyle change."
"The Five-Minute Journal is really the simplest, most effective way for you to be happier."
"The journal is the toothbrush for your mind."
"Morning pages is this thing where you just sort of write out a morning journal...these days I like to write three things that I'm grateful for."
"I have a journal called 'Nice Comments'...if I'm feeling sad I can look through my journal entries for nice comments and kind of feel a little bit of an emotional and spiritual boost."
"Journaling is my way of talking to myself and digging deep to see what I'm really feeling, what I'm really thinking."
"Journaling... that's where I could be the most honest with myself because no one's judging me."
"Change our mindset... by keeping a journal. This is the best way to develop that sort of objective viewpoint on yourself."
"No boring repetitive spreads, no calendars or dates, no stupid cliche advice, no guilt."
"Journaling can change your life. You write about the things you struggle with or want to improve, and it forces you to order your thoughts, track things on a regular basis, which will help hold yourself accountable."
"Journaling helped me to get through it and work through my problems."
"Journaling also a great way to condition yourself to new habits."
"Journaling... not only does it help me decompress, but it also helps me process and reflect on what's going on."
"By journaling about the things that you're grateful for... you just end up becoming happier."
"The goal of journaling is not cognitive; it's not to logically decide at the end. The goal is to give our minds some more of that time and space to actually do that deep emotional work, which it'll do on its own."
"Journaling is not just a place where you wallow in distress; it's also a place for solutions."
"Building a trusting relationship with myself through the process of just writing was how I got to know myself."
"The key recommendations for anyone starting journaling: Let your pages be your own and observe your patterns without judgment."
"The benefits I've seen from journaling have been in the difference in my relationships."
"Journaling has given me a space to feel confident in my own opinion, in my own views, in my own standards, and my own values."
"It's a place that you can notice your patterns, which shows you your strengths and your weaknesses."
"Journaling allowed me to appreciate my strengths and the little bits I do have to offer to other people."
"Journaling organizes your thinking and breeds incredible levels of clarity. With better clarity, you can make better decisions."
"Journaling has had all of these benefits for me beyond the stuff that I knew of like allegedly stress reduction and depression anxiety."
"Journaling is surprisingly good for you. There's a bunch of evidence that shows it's got physical health and mental health benefits."
"When we're journaling every day, it helps calm our kind of monkey mind... and it really helps you focus on the things that actually matter in your life."
"I always wanted to be somebody who journaled because I thought it would be so cool to have a record of my life to look back on."
"Journaling is one of my favorite activities. It's been helping me a lot mentally and it's something that I think has definitely made me a better person."
"Journaling is not about the goal of filling up a book; it's about the actual process of journaling."
"Great minds think alike, but some of the greatest minds had one thing in common: they kept journals."
"The slow process of journaling... is actually a good thing because it allows you to slow down, process better, and think clearer."
"Set the scene and make journaling a whole little experience for yourself, make it feel like a treat for yourself."
"If you are a nostalgic person... go back and look at it because it'll help you realize what ten years down the line journaling now will do for you."
"Real quickly here, but it can be real hard to work one job while simultaneously building another, and one of the best ways to help you achieve your goals is through journaling."
"Journaling is infinitely healthier than going on an app where everybody's yelling at each other."
"Microjournaling... massively lowers the barrier to entry for journaling."
"Happy journaling or just happy watching and percolating and getting inspired if that's where you're at. Don't put any pressure on yourself to create."
"Making journaling really honest. You're not doing it from a point of judgment, but a point of curiosity."
"Journaling is such a wonderful hobby; it's meant to keep you organized and inspired but it's also just very fun and relaxing."
"Growth journaling has completely changed my life."
"Growth journaling is the most effective tool I've ever found in order to solve the problems you're having in your life."
"You stop overthinking because instead of thinking the same thoughts again and again, you document your thoughts on paper."
"By journaling and writing down these thought loops...you're able to gain more self-awareness."
"When you start to journal, the blinders get lifted off, and you start to notice patterns, things connected between different areas."
"Growth journaling is an incredible thing that everyone should do."
"Journaling allows us to process our thoughts in a judgment-free environment."
"Just having that time where you're allowed to think about yourself can be rather psychologically powerful."
"Journaling is actually a very kind of intellectual and intimate experience."
"Journaling is the most amazing, powerful healing tool you know if you're thinking about a journey of self-development and self-improvement and transformation."
"Journaling can help you build the life that you want."
"Journaling actually increases our ability to tolerate negative emotion."
"Journaling helps us kind of change perspectives and build a more cohesive narrative."
"Journaling is a powerful tool on our path towards freedom."
"One of the things that I have done since my oldest was five...I started to record a journal for them."
"Journaling can be a really effective exercise for motivating you."
"It's so important to journal because you sometimes forget... those mental things."
"I found a system where I would immediately journal my thoughts and feelings away whenever things arise. I also resist the urge to isolate from other people."
"It wasn't until I had the courage to kind of realize I was keeping a journal of things that I wouldn't show anybody and things I wasn't really proud to feel, but I had to get it out somehow."
"Thank you, I learned so much from you. I learned to unapologetically be myself, I learned about spirituality, I journaled because of you."
"Journaling and reading back over your entries... seeing the patterns."
"Yeah, we even had journals as trainees that we would write in and submit every day and they would read over it."
"Journaling can lead to better sleep, self-confidence, and a stronger immune system."
"The only right way to journal is out of inspiration and not out of obligation." -
"This is the real meat and potatoes. I call this the six in one journaling method." -
"I was terrified. But I use that contrast to help me motivate and craft future-making journal prompts."
"I actually got more out of just writing out how I felt that day, than I did out of writing anything about my workout."
"Writing down what makes you happy in life is gonna make you happier."
"If you're learning about something you're passionate about, write the things you find interesting in your journal."
"Journaling seriously is the best thing ever."
"Use a journal to record your thoughts and revelations."
"I love kind of having an intention for my journals every single time that I create them."
"I've never quite found a system organizing my entire life that's worked, and that's where my love for bullet journaling has really come in."
"Your dreams are going to have a lot of information for you; consider starting a dream journal."
"Journal how you feel on a daily basis, acknowledge your feelings, bring them back into your space."
"I've been loving classes available for self-improvement for example I've had taken this class called journaling for beginners start a writing habit for Daily Reflection."
"Start a dream journal, keep a dream journal, keep an intuitive journal."
"I do just feel really good if I know and I can, you know, check off a box that day for like journaling time done."
"Journaling and daily reflecting are important for me."
"Your purpose will be revealed through journaling and capturing divine messages."
"Journaling has definitely helped in my self-confidence."
"Decluttering your mind through journaling brings clarity."
"Make sure you're writing your dreams down because that's another way you can make them tangible."
"If you do track your emotional log today's perfect day to write all of that down."
"Journaling! I always say that... The most sacred text that is that you're ever gonna find in this life is gonna be your Journal."
"Therapy is good. I like to write in a journal. It's very helpful to just get it all out."
"I journal with intent and that intent might be to feel, to problem solve, to heal, to understand, to clarify."
"Journaling is not only a way that you can manifest your dreams and reflect on the year but I think it's a really good way to look back on where you were a year ago three years ago and just see how far you've grown."
"Write down every single day the things that you've accomplished."
"As you receive quests, your journal updates with relevant information."
"This is a pretty fancy journal, alright let's continue."
"Every time I have a self-limiting belief now what I'll do is I'll write it down in my journal, I'll cross it out, and then I'll write something more positive."
"Journaling is the best book you've ever read because you're writing it."
"You start right here today, you can pull out a journal and a pen and write a letter to introduce yourself to the universe."
"It's a great thing to put on that first page."
"I think once you get over the hump it's like oh I can cut my own journal up it's cool."
"Friendly reminder you don't have to get this all done at once you can miss a week you can miss a spread it's your journal don't let it be a cause of stress to you it should be your creative me time that refreshes you not stresses you."
"Remember, your journal should be what you want it to be."
"Nobody really cares about anybody's opinion and the opinions don't matter at all."
"It's what I really appreciate is not just oh what do I want to remember in the future it's just the reason I love the five-year Journal is I'm experiencing the change."
"Writing and drawing is literally 95% of what bullet journaling is all about."
"Journaling is a great way to really get in touch with the essence of who you are."
"Every day I journal... It's so crazy to think about what kind of person I was right before COVID started and where I am now."
"Journaling more is valuable enough for you to look back at."
"Pay close attention to what's coming up, keep a journal."
"Journaling is a great way for me to feel really like Center but it's also a great way for me to romanticize my life."
"The goal of trading is to use your practice, use your journaling to take more winning trades."
"Journaling prompts are a really great way to start, particularly if you pick prompts that are really focused on that self growth aspect."
"The act of actually typing it out as opposed to simply thinking it is even more effective."
"Combining gratitude journaling and regular journaling can be very beneficial."
"When you do have that victory, when you do start to take off, you'll have a lot less time than you have now."
"Now I take it way more serious so I journal every single trade I make."
"It isn't even malicious, once she began this habit, perhaps prompted by her mother, of keeping a journal, it became a habit for the rest of her life."
"Bullet journaling... completely changed the game for my time management."
"Writing them down like i said has really helped."
"I can't wait to use my little stickers when I journal at the end of this month."
"Let such ones keep a diary, yes, and write down God's blessings in your life."
"Journaling is a keystone habit with a ripple effect on positive changes."
"Journal writing is very helpful... any kind of thought-provoking stuff and reflective stuff will be helpful."
"Honestly, this might be one of my all time favorite weekly spreads that I've ever done."
"How do you incorporate a single page into a book if you're making a journal just using single pages?"
"Journaling is a really amazing way to start your day."
"Journaling can do a lot of beneficial things for you like help you find Clarity, reduce stress, help you remember the moments in your life that really matter."
"Holding space for your emotions and really journaling, engaging in articulating how we feel and exploring that rabbit hole can be very helpful for deeper self-understanding."
"I have developed a journaling method backed by science."
"It can be a super fun way to just kind of dump all your thought that can be private just for you or you can share it with people."
"The most embarrassing part of this whole place to me is my journals."
"This will be one of those spreads that is so satisfying to look back on."
"Invest in yourself. Journaling is one of the best ways to invest in yourself."
"I love journaling. It's such an important practice of intimacy with your own self rather than torturing others and stealing their joy and still be lost."
"I urge everybody to keep a journal, to be able to write down the things that they're getting when they're making predictions."
"I record all my daily happenings. There's no way I'd remember it all otherwise."
"Get your journal out, start writing down different ideas."
"Simple changes... can still spark excitement and a sense of newness in your journal."
"I just like to journal every morning to keep track of what I want to do for the day set my daily intentions as well as write down things that I am grateful for."
"Start journaling or even start a video diary—it could be a cool way to reflect."
"Start a journal. Your life's about to get a lot more interesting."
"Thanks to you, I've started my own hair journal."
"A hundred days have passed since I arrived here, and when I leave, it will be with SCP-1379 and this journal."
"Journaling my thoughts helps me self-reflect."
"Journaling is the most beneficial learning tool with the greatest return possible."
"One thing I've gotten good at is no matter how busy I am, I always journal every night."
"Every single room here keeps a private journal where guests can share their experiences... and there's quite a few compelling ones."
"The benefits would far outweigh the annoyances of usual journaling."
"They say that to keep a journal is to keep one's sanity."
"Journaling... is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life."
"Journaling... will be so beneficial in the future."
"Journal more, the change my life. Get a journal, start writing in it more."
"The real difference, the real linchpin, was that I started journaling constantly, and that's what's kept me sober."
"Everybody successful journaled. I never read one successful biography of someone that didn't journal."
"Journal those intentions, write them up in the present tense."
"I take my dreams real seriously and I keep a dream journal."
"Write down your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences. Journal, y'all. I'm telling you, journal. You'll be so happy you wrote down not just how you're feeling but literally what you did that day."
"Exercising and journaling really helpful for me."
"I feel more motivated when I have a new journal and it's really satisfying after filling out a whole journal."
"Good morning, I just made my coffee and I'm sitting here drinking coffee and writing in this journal."
"How do I start goal planning and journaling and stick to it?"
"...if you ever turn up murdered, at least I'll have this in that [ __ ] journal to prove exactly who did it."
"Whenever you feel these anxiety symptoms, especially when they're particularly overwhelming, I want you to write in your journal about them."
"Writing in your journal is one of the best ways I know of to develop more effective communication skills."
"Journaling can help you with your mental health."
"Journaling also helps to get to where you need to go, especially in your creative."
"Journaling will definitely help you get there, magically, magically."
"When I look back at all my old journals, I can check everything off mostly, and it was all because I wrote it down."
"I love journaling. I've journaled for like God probably like 12 years at this point."
"Journal your manifestations. It will help bring them in faster."
"Journaling helps you see deeper into yourself."
"Journaling is definitely a skill you have to like have patience in and learn over time and now that I'm like much more confident with it it has been incredibly gamechanging"
"It's almost like journaling, you know, for the Nizi gang."
"I've been journaling a lot... it's cool because you can notice trends or patterns."
"Search for new inspirations in the diary."
"Journaling is so important, you need to read all of the terrible stuff that happened in this relationship."
"Journaling just gives you a level of mental clarity."
"Greg's mother thought it would be a good idea to give Greg a journal, a diary that he can write in, you know, express his thoughts and feelings as a young growing boy."
"Your journal is precious but should not be feared. It should be your safe space where you can do anything you want artistically inside."
"If this was your first time around here and you'd like to stay tuned for more art and journaling, please consider subscribing."
"Dutch doors revolutionizing my journal since 2024."
"Having this watercolor journal has been the push that I've needed to really spend time trying to work on my painting."
"I think there's something about the Traveler's notebook that I find to be a little bit precious in a way, and in here I'm not afraid to say, 'Oh, I needed a list for that. Let me just turn the page and do a spread like this.'"
"Mixed media doesn't have restrictions. Everybody can have whatever journal they want, any size."
"I created an actual window in my bullet Journal which you can see from both sides of the page so it turned out really well I'm really proud of myself for thinking of this method and I don't know it's so cool."
"Something that I've started really recently this last year in my comeback has been journaling."
"I love just you know adding in all of my thoughts about each week and each day and you know I can skip them if I want to I don't always write every single day but it's a great way to you know incorporate journaling into your bullet journaling habits and things like that."
"The Hero's Journal basically turns your goals into quests."
"The books contain personal notes, sketches, diagrams, ideas for inventions, and far more."
"There's something going on which has prompted me to begin this journal."
"You can take a lot of the things we talked about here today, you can take some of the journal prompts and things like that that I offer to begin to shift your relationship with money."
"Reading and journaling should be for fun, and it should make you happy while you're doing it, so don't do anything that's going to put pressure on you just because that's what a lot of other people have been doing. Just do what works for you."
"A travel Journal is a great way to relive your adventures years down the road."
"If you want to keep a deep thinking philosophy Journal, you've got to do at least three things: be clear, give arguments, anticipate objections and counter arguments, and address those."
"Before we get into the specifics about how to journal like a philosopher, I want to make some distinctions."