
Eating Habits Quotes

There are 638 quotes

"We should probably all chew our food better and eat more slowly, be more mindful of what we're eating, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Get a brain that's not chattering at them all the time, a brain that's peaceful around food where you're eating what you want to be eating, your weight is in check, and you're free to live your life."
"This hack is called eating your food in the right order, and eating your food in the right order is the closest thing to a magic pill that I've ever found."
"Improved health: your health is improving, your eating habits are improving."
"How you eat is as important as what you eat. Eating mindfully is key."
"If there's one thing that I could say to everybody, it would be to eat less often."
"Like why do we need to make eating so complicated?"
"There's always a little bit of a taper on either side of that eating window."
"Somewhere around 10:00 AM or around noon, and then allowing a feeding window that goes until six or maybe 8:00 PM."
"If you eat at the same time every day, you influence your circadian rhythm, which can significantly impact your health."
"The problem with a lot of these videos on YouTube to do with diet culture is that it can result in a lot of dangerous eating habits."
"Do not eat unless you are hungry. So many people are eating and they're not hungry."
"Don't count calories, just sit down and have a nice meal. Look at the food, look at the color, look at the consistency."
"To have breakfast or to eat breakfast is actually to put the food in your body."
"The most important thing that has to happen for you to feel satisfied when you're eating is that you're full and you feel satiated."
"The correct order is vegetables first, proteins and fats second, and starches and sugars last."
"It's about reshaping your permanent eating habits, rule numero uno: get to know your own metabolism."
"People are just likely to eat less while deliberate caloric restriction isn't built into the diet."
"Eat everything within 8 to maximum 12 hours, no food and no bright light for two to three hours before bedtime."
"We must control hunger and be satiated in a way of eating if we are going to lose weight sustainably."
"Don't eat distracted... that alone will reduce your calories by about 10 to 15 percent."
"The Japanese have this saying, 'Hara hachi bu,' which means to eat until you're 80% full."
"Eat whatever doesn't make you hungry after you finish eating."
"Think of a diet as a permanent shift in eating a pattern, not as something I'm going to do temporarily for a few weeks and then get back to what I was doing beforehand."
"Restrict your eating hours down to about six to eight hours a day, and it's the number one thing you can do to protect your brain."
"Eating more slowly is scientifically proven to help eat less."
"An average person eats around 33 tons of food over a lifetime."
"If you're not hungry, why are you eating? If you're not hungry, don't eat."
"We're in a culture in which we're just eating all day long and we're sitting in chairs."
"Eat three meals a day, no snacking...eat all your meals within a certain window so that you allow yourself that long period of fasting in order to prevent the insulin resistance."
"Remember, the point is not to eat as much food as possible; the point is to eat as much food as satisfies, gives you a really good time."
"One bad day of eating is not going to kill you, but what you have to be aware of is the reason why you want to have that bad day of eating."
"This kind of language is at the root of orthorexic eating patterns."
"Frequent fasting... Stop eating all the time and on the go."
"Genuinely sick to your stomach: Someone eating food that has all over their face."
"Watching someone eat is a moment you don't normally see of someone unless you're close to them. It's intimate in a way."
"There is no such thing as eating like a man or eating like a lady."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're bored."
"Very advanced modern humans also eat with their hands."
"Being a fussy eater isn't necessarily disordered, but having rigid rules around how food is prepared is."
"People eat without thinking, we know those people in the cinema sometimes."
"We need to understand a bit more about our internal drivers about why we eat or why we don't eat."
"I could eat anything as long as I wasn't overeating."
"If your weight goes up, that can make you eat more calories and make your exercise go down."
"Just go 14 or 15 hours without eating and eat during those other periods of time."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're told."
"If you can actually understand that eating more is the answer and really internalize it, it's kind of going to hype you up."
"You could essentially eat however you're eating now... it's a timing system."
"Some of us like to have a spoon to help us get every last morsel or drop out of our food."
"If you're hungry, eat! Keep serving yourself the same way and eat your veggies first."
"I really do unprecedented, it's more just like the taking two bites at a time without chewing in between."
"If you're eating too much of it, it's not the food's mistake, it's your mistake."
"These eating habits are integral to surviving the jungle when you find yourself without traditional sustenance."
"So the one key I'll say here is you want to eat for the average person in a way that fosters abundance and not scarcity. Don't go on a diet, don't have cheat meals, just eat. Just to eat and make food good."
"Family meals can improve diet quality, reduce the risk of disordered eating, and improve self-esteem."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper."
"I do think that she represents a much-needed glimpse at what normal eating can be and is."
"Most of us bust into the chips on the car ride home from the grocery store when really hungry."
"Eat till you're full, not till you're stuffed."
"When you're ending fasting, you should taper off—especially toward the end of your eating period."
"Eat your food in the right order... reduce the glucose spike of the meal by 75%. Vegetables first, protein and fats second, starches and sugars last."
"Eat where your body craves and eat for you not for anyone else."
"You won't die from a little discomfort. Don't rush your meals."
"At the moment, all he's eaten are all three."
"We don't become fat because we overeat... we overeat because we become fat."
"Just structured regimented food intake, regardless of tracking, will actually lower calorie intake."
"You need to distinguish between hunger and cravings."
"Eat to uncomfortability... the weight on your scale will change."
"I don't eat perfectly... I'm never going to eat perfectly. Let's be realistic."
"It's not just the amount that you eat or what it is that you eat, it's how often you eat it."
"Eat as much as you need to feel full and nourished and happy and satiated."
"Try not to eat your meals in front of a computer screen, television, or around another form of distraction."
"The reason why you're feeling the need to eat even more is because you're not paying enough attention to the food."
"What would it be like if you apply this same intention the same power and energy to breaking your fears of food?"
"Eating when you're not hungry isn't that much fun. I'm a food addict but I'm in recovery. I'm working hard every day to develop a healthier relationship with food."
"Just eat until you're comfortably stuffed and then go outside and play."
"The problem is not that people didn't realize that they had to eat fewer calories or increase their calorie expenditure. The problem was why were they eating more calories than they could expend."
"We start to lose touch with relying on these cues to tell us not just when to eat, but more importantly when to stop eating."
"The more slowly you're eating, essentially you're just giving yourself more chances to receive those satiety cues or signals."
"Getting in touch with and figuring out what are my cues, what does my body do when it's starting to get full."
"Intuitive eating is characterized by having a strong connection with and eating in accordance to physiological hunger and satiety cues."
"Fiber and protein have an effect on satiety."
"Narrow your eating window down to about eight hours a day...you're probably going to derive most of the benefits from that."
"Food was meant to be something that helps you forget your issues, forget your problems."
"Weight stigma reduces exercise frequency and increases binge eating."
"Eat what you want. Eat when you want. Eat where you want. Eat as much as you want."
"Children should not be eating till they can feed themselves until they've got teeth to chew it with."
"For somebody who's watching who struggles with their own relationship with food, they may see Livia glorify the act of eating nine donuts or five slices of french toast in one sitting and think that this is totally normal eating behavior."
"There's nothing beautiful about killing myself with food."
"Eat more greens. Have a goal of at least one heaping plate full of greens."
"The idea is to create a healthy relationship with foods and to control and stop yourself from eating out of control."
"Remember to eat. Remember to eat. It's really easy to forget to eat."
"You don't have to think about food all the time."
"Minimum eight hours gap is what is recommended."
"Don't reward yourself with food but don't punish yourself with it either."
"Many of us are so unaware of the food we eat and how it affects our bodies."
"I was determined, I became determined to try to work hard to eliminate terrible eating patterns."
"Use common sense to portion control. Trust yourself to eat in a natural way."
"To just tell them oh just eat intuitively and you'll be fine I think that again that's a gross oversimplification of what it really takes to be able to eat intuitively."
"On a proper human diet... you'll never stop eating."
"You can eat until you're comfortably full and still reverse your type 2 diabetes, your pre-diabetes, or your hyperinsulinemia."
"I am absolutely not against intentional weight loss; I just want to flag that intuitive eating shouldn't be labeled as."
"Honor your hunger. Yes, this means that when you're hungry, don't feel guilty, don't feel bad..."
"Continue eating normally aka intuitively... you eat when you're hungry you stop when you're full."
"Eating more slowly is a great way to pick up on the sensual pleasures inherent in food."
"The idea of intuitive eating is to make peace with food."
"Intuitive eating is about self-care and intention, not about eating whatever you want."
"Eat slower. Try to enjoy it more instead of eating it in five seconds and then craving for more."
"When you chew your foods really, really well, you eat less because you become fuller faster."
"You can eat abundantly and still get great results."
"Food should not be a burden, eating should not be a punishment."
"Eating is my biggest barrier... I could eat 4000 calories and still be hungry."
"The ginger is there to clear the palette in between these different tastes."
"If you're thinking about cheap foods all the time, it means that you're under eating way too much."
"Teach me how to eat bro, that's like the main thing that we should be doing."
"You eat a Dosa with your hands it's gonna get messy so keep some napkins on hand."
"Skinny people are easier to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake."
"You need to be eating your macros and micronutrients, good wholesome healthy foods, and enough calories."
"I think I'm finding the balance of eating enough but also eating clean."
"When cortisol is elevated in the morning, you don't want to eat."
"I never sweat eating. You're right, yeah, this is very strange."
"So let's hope that it doesn't let's hope that no nuclear war happens."
"The best way to eat a cinnamon roll is to pick it up and get your hands messy."
"That's nothing like what we were told and it makes sense like you said because you see people that don't eat much but they graze all day and they get fat."
"People need to realize that one day of big eating is not necessarily as catastrophic and crazy as we make it out to be in our minds."
"Early time-restricted feeding may optimize physiological function."
"In the history of the animal kingdom, eating is survival."
"Be mindful of what we put in our mouths... sometimes there is a small subset of people that have body dysmorphia."
"It is a bitter pill about the small compromises that we all have to make in life and how even doing the right thing can have negative consequences..."
"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince or a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper."
"If you're hungry, chew food. If not, don't chew."
"Absolutely nothing is fattening if you don't overconsume it."
"Pandas spend most of their life eating bamboo, they eat consistently for 12 to 14 hours a day."
"It really does make a massive difference, especially to my digestion."
"If I'm eating a large meal during the middle of the day... that big dump of food often causes my thoughts to be muddy, and I don't like that."
"Children up to 20 months old completed their meals when they watched SEO Jun's videos."
"I want you to learn the discipline of how to enjoy one bite at a time."
"Hunger is good, you should be eating when you're hungry, you shouldn't even be eating if you're not hungry."
"But just knowing they're done makes us eat them instead of scrounging for something else."
"Never feel bad about having a meal that is just one thing."
"If you're not hungry don't eat until you get truly physiologically hungry and then eat until you're truly full."
"Just because somebody's eating a lot doesn't mean anything."
"There wasn't one formula; most restricted some foods, some counted calories, others ate all foods but just limited their quantities."
"We all have our battles and mine is snacking."
"Savoring food slowly, bite by bite – a lesson in mindful living."
"If it's not in your house, you won't eat it."
"Eat nutrient-dense foods as often as possible."
"I didn't have near the tendency to binge and purge."
"Stop snacking, stop drinking your calories. Drink a lot of water if you are feeling hungry. Drink water, it can satiate you."
"Normally I eat my breakfast like right when I wake up this morning I wasn't hungry and something that I've learned in life and in quarantine is you eat when you're hungry and you don't eat when you're not hungry."
"If you want to eat less food, drink water. Water is so good for you."
"The main thing is to have some nutritional value."
"A healthy child will eat the right amount of food for their body. You need to just trust that. Often a very small child will make a parent nervous so parents start interfering with eating which really only perpetuates their disinterest in food."
"I just start my fast at 9:00 and then only eat for like seven to eight hours after 9:00. My body is like they're used to these cycles because I've been doing it for so long."
"It'd be better to eat half as much food every day than to only eat for one week then go one week without eating."
"Eating is so universal, it shapes our habits and follows us through our whole life."
"Gregor drinks the broth first before swallowing the chunks whole, like a duck does when eating bread."
"Limit yourself to a window of perhaps eight hours of eating."
"Intuitive eating is not a set of hard and fast rules."
"Eat until you're comfortable and eat slowly, for God's sake. If you eat crazy quick, your brain doesn't have time to tell you whether or not you're full."
"When you just eat for nutrition or for calorie restriction you set yourself up for a binge you need to enjoy the foods you're eating or you're just gonna go on a satisfaction hunt trying to find what you actually want."
"If the fridge is still open, then there's no calories. There's a great scene in The Sopranos where Tony just goes back to eating the cold cuts sadly at the fridge."
"I'm still not the greatest when it comes to eating but I am not as bad as I used to be."
"If you're eating for any reason besides actually being hungry chances are you don't need to be eating."
"Listen to your body. Close eating window around 5:30-6 PM."
"Don't eat when you're stressed guys. This is like my Pro tip. If you're stressed or you're angry or frustrated just take a moment a few deep breaths in the belly."
"I feel like I'm 'full as f.' Do you know what I mean? 'Cause you'll be hungry again in like 30 minutes."
"We're diurnal creatures so we're meant to eat during the day I'm not saying that we need to eat as soon as we wake up right um but we're meant to eat sometimes shortly after we after we arise."
"Next time say high no matter what I’m stuffing into my face."
"If I can eat it this one time and then go right back to eating the right way and cooking every day like I was before, then I feel like I can teach myself like discipline with eating things in moderation."
"Restrictive eating eventually leads to binging."
"Narrowing your feeding window reduces opportunities for overeating and increases TIY."
"It's called a relapse. It's always a relapse whether you eat one M&M or a whole tub of ice cream."
"I can eat a salad and make myself full but I just overload it with Ranch."
"When you see blue, you lose your appetite quicker. You're more likely to put your fork down sooner."
"If Nakado Avocado was not a successful YouTuber, he would not be doing these kind of mukbangs or eating this way."
"Oh man, yes! I mean, you're just gonna keep shoveling in your mouth and not saying nothing. Wow, comfort food breakfast."
"We have so much hyper palatable food around from the channel to snack on to sort of like scratch that itch and we're super busy."
"It helped me get out of the zone of indulging eating."
"It's not eating properly, and I think redefining your relationship with food and understanding what's going on up here is how you fix those issues and those bad habits."
"You're only feeling okay when you're eating, just like the only person who is only feeling okay when they have a cigarette going."
"It's not always about the calories in calories out, it's about when you can actually consolidate food and stabilize insulin levels."
"I don't like to eat necessarily according to a time schedule. I feel like that throws off your body signals."
"Intermittent fasting is good... As long as you eat wisely."
"Eat something every two to three hours... Don't get me wrong and start eating pizza at 2:00."
"How you eat is more important than what you eat."
"No, that's not eating properly, you're not eating it properly."
"It's not what you eat that matters the most to a healthy metabolism but how you eat and for how long you eat."
"I kind of go to the other extreme where I'm eating way too much."
"Find the root of your overeating. Addressing the underlying issues is key."
"Just eat your food. It's not a personality trait."
"She wants us not freshly that does not make sense she's still calling binging overeating I don't know if that helps her ego or it's just part of the delusion."
"I love breakfast foods. I have to eat breakfast every time I break my fast."
"Just go by your taste. Eat until it stops tasting good, then you've had enough."
"Eat more voluminous meals earlier in the day."
"Food is for fun. No, she shovels it down and loves eating."
"I eat a lot, a lot, and I'm at my happiest because I'm eating whenever I want."
"I discovered that I was onto something that wasn't just gonna change my perspective on fat loss and I learned that getting my body to burn fat was as simple as changing when I ate not so much what I ate."
"You're full and you actually understand what being full means, 'cause many people don't know what that means."
"When we just simply give ourselves permission to eat, we really solve a lot of issues."