
Eating Disorders Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Interaction nervosa is the most deadly psychiatric disorder by a huge margin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The biggest predictor of eating disorders is dieting."
"Restrictive eating, which could lead to eating disorders, should be condemned."
"I struggled with an eating disorder because society makes it really freaking hard to like the way you look."
"There's actually a lot of misinformation about eating disorders, one of the biggest being that it's just a chick thing."
"Shame and guilt are so tied up in eating disorders not just in terms of causing them or worsening them, but in even being able to talk openly about having an eating disorder."
"You might think that an innocuous, 'Did you lose weight? You look great,' is a nice thoughtful thing to say, but you don't know."
"Eating disorders and body image issues tend to be quite gender specific, reflecting cultural and societal influences."
"We may have emerging manifestations of body dysmorphia or eating disorders that are a little bit different in men."
"Eating disorders are not caused by low calorie diets, it's a personality trait."
"I am a walking trigger for people with eating disorders."
"So many male celebrities have opened up about their struggles with eating disorders, body image issues."
"Orthorexia is a very real thing. Telling people to eat clean, ban certain foods, villainize foods creates the risk of orthorexia."
"Maintain a healthy mind while I created a healthy body...I have had two really significant eating disorders in my past...it's really not a time of my life that I like to look back and remember."
"Diana's battle with bulimia was revealed, shedding light on the emotional toll she faced."
"Your eating disorder, if you have one, is valid. It does not matter what you look like, it does not matter how erratic your behaviors are."
"If you're out there and you're thinking that you have an eating disorder of any kind, you should get help because the sooner we get help the better."
"Blame them on your eating problem... maybe it's not them, it's you."
"We need people to fight and to represent EDs and to show us that recovery is possible."
"You tried to eat an amateur, yes, yes. You tried to not eat, you couldn't not eat so then you ate and then you threw up what you ate, you failed."
"Being a fat person with an eating disorder sucks, being anyone with any disorder sucks, being fat with any disorder like double sucks because you don't look like you have an eating disorder."
"Becky was diagnosed with anorexia... almost hospitalized because she was that underweight."
"If you're struggling with binge eating, it's not forever."
"A common characteristic of people with eating disorders is that they're so hard on themselves."
"Weight loss diets fail everybody, and they're unfair to people who suffer from binge eating disorder."
"Eating disorders are very serious issues and treatment should definitely be sought after."
"If there is a disease aspect to it, it's not the food; it's the impulse to control."
"For somebody who's watching who struggles with their own relationship with food, they may see Livia glorify the act of eating nine donuts or five slices of french toast in one sitting and think that this is totally normal eating behavior."
"If anybody is watching this right now, struggling with binge eating, please get some help."
"My worth is not my body, true. Like when you're on a fitness journey, it's so easy to fall into an eating disorder."
"Give encouragement, like positivity over negativity with eating disorders always."
"If you have a friend who has an eating issue, it's important you educate yourself."
"An eating disorder doesn't just happen overnight."
"The people that recover from an eating disorder are the ones who don't give up."
"My vision is that people worldwide have access to eating disorder treatment."
"It's not just society's beauty standards that make eating disorders so pervasive, but the fundamentally superficial way it teaches us to objectively measure worth and value."
"An eating disorder is never just an eating disorder. It's a consequence of a mental health problem."
"I didn't have near the tendency to binge and purge."
"I turned to my eating as a way of control... I had really bad anorexia."
"Individuals recovering from eating disorders like anorexia who experience hyper metabolism require substantially more calories to restore their bodies back to baseline."
"Though I do appreciate Stephanie’s enthusiasm and openness with food, I do worry about how this may be interpreted by her viewers who may have struggled or are currently struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder."
"I'm so happy that I can finally say that I have this and I'm really excited to spread awareness about this really rare eating disorder."
"I just want to gain my weight back; I just want to be happy and enjoy eating without any worries."
"Don't pretend being sick is cool when the reality of eating disorders includes hair loss, infertility, heart issues, osteoporosis, and more."
"To start to put virtue on restriction of food is such a slippery slope into eating disordered behavior."
"Garcelle's comment about Crystal's appearance confirmed in Crystal's mind that her restrictive habits are working."
"Eating disorders are no game. I'm so disgusted at the ignorance on this show."
"Eating disorders go deeper than the action of eating itself."
"Anorexic isn't a body type, it's a behavior."
"Kids who eat most often with their parents are 40 percent more likely to get A's and B's, adolescent girls who have frequent family meals and positive atmosphere during those meals are less likely to have eating disorders."
"If you have ever had a problem with any sort of eating disorder, intermittent fasting and caloric restriction are probably not going to work for you."
"Binging as a result of restriction is actually a really natural response from your body."
"Try not to hold an expectation of what an anorexic person looks like when they're eating because every person that suffers with anorexia is different and they will eat differently."
"Powerful for overcoming the mindset associated with eating disorders."
"So my sister suffered with disordered eating for a long time and like finally is really open about it and her career is now around it."
"Eating disorders are the most deadly mental illness... it could really feel like a lot for the person."
"Restrictive behaviors or habits can potentially contribute to disordered eating or eating disorders."
"The important thing to remember with each of these is that just because they aren't talked about as much or don't meet the criteria for what we consider a quote unquote worse eating disorder that doesn't make them any less serious or painful."
"Eating disorders are really difficult to recover from because of the impact of malnutrition and starvation on the brain."
"Exactly, that's the point. Women torturing their own bodies to conform to a male fantasy. Young girls throwing up their dinner."
"Eating disorders exist as a way to cope and because this could be incredibly stressful with your complicated health concerns and health conditions and the things you have to do preventatively to keep yourself alive and healthy."
"Eating disorders thrive in the secret, in the stress and the overwhelm, in the suppression of emotions and experiences, they thrive in the lack of connection, they thrive in isolation."
"I think they've shown us that eating disorders are more common than we think, but they can be beaten."
"There's no one reason why people develop eating disorders. Peer pressure and media pressures can play a part, but there are also very individual reasons."
"If anybody listening right now has an eating disorder, please tell someone."
"Anorexia is not an eating disorder. It's not a calorie issue. It's an anxiety issue, a petrified fear issue."
"With eating disorders, you want to make sure that you act quickly because we know like how important it is for the body and how significant treatment can be in helping clients that are experiencing an eating disorder."
"I think the biggest thing with eating disorders amongst people is not understanding what it does, especially when eating has affected you up here."
"I'm a huge proponent of like if you think it's a binge it's a binge. I'm not here to ask you if it was within an hour or half hour or how much you know, I don't want you counting things because in my experience counting leads to more eating disorder behavior."
"Why do we prefer one over the other when it comes to eating disorders? I will never know. Why are eating disorders so goddamn competitive in the wrong direction, right? Competition usually makes us want to do better, eating disorders make us want to like hurt ourselves more."
"Eating disorders thrive in the dark, they thrive in the secret."
"So GI Docs are really, oftentimes, these people will come in to you for an evaluation and really what's lurking is an eating disorder sort of behind it."
"I've really been up all night crying because I'm so terrified about all the food that I'm going to be eating."
"Can doctors please stop telling patients with eating disorders to lose weight?"
"I have a history of disordered eating and weight loss behaviors are very unsafe for me."
"Your eating disorder is just as valid, just as real, and just as severe as anyone else's. All eating disorders are serious."
"Anything that glorifies eating disorders, we remove that from our platform. It is violative. We're working with experts now."
"I've had disordered eating in the past."
"Forcing kids to clean their plate often leads to eating disorders and trouble with having a healthy relationship with food."
"If you need help please seek help please don't see this as I don't know I feel like a lot of people see it as not that big of a deal just eating a whole lot of food."
"Feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, or guilty about your eating often comes along with binge eating disorder."
"Anorexia nervosa: a multifactorial disease defined by an abnormal eating habit with severe weight loss and BMI less than eighteen point five."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy and nutrient rehabilitation are first-line treatments for eating disorders."
"Typically with people who have anorexia you see a tendency toward perfection."
"You don't realize how much an eating disorder has over you until you begin to take that disorder away."
"Eating disorders take away your ability to be human, to have a voice, and to experience pleasure."
"Eating disorders often stem from complex relationships with food and parental dynamics."
"Father hunger and societal pressures contribute to eating disorder prevalence."
"Eating disorders: there is nothing glamorous about them."
"If you see a BMI of less than 18.5 in a setting of an eating disorder, you know it's anorexia."
"For anybody struggling with an eating disorder, specifically from my experience, it is so vital for you to reach out and get help from some professionals."
"Our modern bulimic is eating for herself to be sure but she is vomiting for others, for all these women who are watching each other's waistlines."
"Your brain on anorexia: the reality is for many of our clients they actually are not able to eat."
"About half of our patients with eating disorders have issues with bone mass."
"If you don't have many fair foods it doesn't matter if you don't have any fear foods but you still struggle you're still just as valid as the person with thousands of fear foods."
"I do think there are ways to prevent eating disorders if we have awareness and we're educated on it."
"Those with a history of anxiety associated with food or eating disorders... should be seeking specialist dietetic advice before following any dietary interventions."
"Eating disorders do not only occur in girls."
"Eating disorders are defined by abnormal eating habits and usually affect the person's physical and mental health."
"We've really gone from having an understanding of eating disorders as an individual disorder, as a psychiatric illness that people don't necessarily get better from, and we've really turned the corner with that toward completely different approaches that we might use."
"You can't tell by looking at someone if they have an eating disorder."
"Eating disorders are health crises that disrupt personal and familial functioning."
"Your body requires food and nutrition. And whether you're getting too much of it or too little of it, or you're getting rid of it before your body can use it, it affects absolutely every single cell in your body."
"Eating disorders—well, maybe—are not choices, but are actually biological illnesses with genetic as well as individual factors."
"Eating disorders affect people of all ages, gender, sexual orientations, weights, socioeconomic status."
"We can reach full cure. And that's especially true the younger you are when you get treatment."
"Anyone can have an eating disorder."
"We do have a strong family based approach—really helping families disrupt the maintaining symptoms of an eating disorder."
"Every person with an eating disorder is worthy of recovering, end of story."
"The way Eating Disorders work is a sense of control that then permeates every other aspect of your life."
"I know this can be done in a way that's respectful that doesn't set someone up for disordered eating."
"Let's stop eating disorders before they start."
"Content that praises, glorifies, or encourages viewers to imitate anorexia or other eating disorders... should be removed."
"Further studies have documented ketogenic diets improving mental health conditions linked to eating disorders such as reduced anxiety and depression."
"Overvaluation of weight and shape is really this core factor that drives eating disorders."
"Eating disorders are particularly well suited for a network analysis."
"I struggled with eating disorders a lot when I was younger. I'm a lot better now."
"I'm not saying all diets are bad, but they are counterproductive to healing from binge eating disorder."
"Eating disorders are a very real thing, and I see what they go through and how they struggle with body image and that relationship with food, and it makes me really sad."
"Eating disorders are serious medical illnesses; they aren't a choice."
"No teenager is choosing to have an eating disorder."
"The sooner a person gets treatment for an eating disorder, the better the outcome or the prognosis."
"Eating disorders are the second most fatal mental illness, second only to opioid use disorder."
"Every 52 minutes a person dies as the result of an eating disorder."
"Would you speak about somebody suffering from anorexia or bulimia in the same way that you speak about someone suffering from food addiction?"
"Anorexia isn't just about losing a little bit of weight, it's everything that comes from that and your body being so malnourished."
"Having anorexia is such a savage disease."
"The solution to binge eating is never going to be black or white or stagnant; it's going to be likely a journey and one that is highly individualized."
"If you have an eating disorder or a poor relationship with food, intuitive eating doesn't work."
"Describe the key clinical features of anorexia and bulimia in a male."
"Avoiding calories, losing weight, fitting into tiny clothes, that's anorexia and that's a shitty life."
"Don't develop an eating disorder, stop trying to be perfect, no one can be perfect."
"People with anorexia are obsessed with food, they love food, and it's their dream to be able to eat any and not feel any way about it."
"Don't give up hope, it is possible to beat an eating disorder."
"I didn't suffer from any eating disorders back then, but it was definitely the start of something."